Operation Disclosure | By Joosse Wolter, Guest Writer September 14, 2020 THE 9/11 EVENT With respect to Shaun and his guest pilots,...

Operation Disclosure | By Joosse Wolter, Guest Writer
September 14, 2020
With respect to Shaun and his guest pilots, the question to ask in order to get towards the truth is not what plane or who flew them. The physical evidence is rather painfully clear that no plane, made of aluminium, could ever have penetrated the Twin Towers. They were build of steel and concrete. No plane could have flown into them and re-emerged on the other side. (lol) Sadly it is not funny at all.
Any such claim defies all known logic. Aluminium is a very very very soft metal. The questions that should have been asked were:
1) who were to benefit?
2) what was in Building 7?
3) what happened to rubble or indeed the Twin Buildings?
4) what happened at the Pentagon?
The answers to the above are surely no real secret anymore today, and are:
1) The Zionist Deep State US Administration (aka Busch, Cheney, Rumsfeld) needed an excuse to go to war and do a regime change [in 5 Arab nations] to further their personal interests. The Twin Towers were in poor condition and were in need of major [very expensive] repairs. Alternatively they had to be demolished. Not an easy or in-expensive job. At the time of building the Twin Towers [or any other high rise building] the NY City authorities required anyone wishing to build a skyscraper to provide a meaningful plan of bringing the building down if and when so required. To comply with such regulations mini-nukes were placed underneath the World Trade buildings. Surprisingly [or maybe not] Larry Silverstein and partner Australian Frank Lowe had not only just recently purchased the buildings, but had also insisted to have a clause put into the insurance policy to cover against any airline disaster (??) As it turned out Mr Silverstein got insurance payout not just on claim, but on a claim for each separate building. Bank transactions would identify any other party, if any, who might have been rewarded afterwards.
2) In Building 7 there was a huge amount of gold stored that mysteriously disappeared. It also contained all records and evidence in regards to the Enron prosecutions. Convenient not? Then all share trading records were stored in Building 7 so supposedly no evidence would be available to identify those who had prior knowledge. To say the least it was most convenient to have Building 7 come down in its own footprint and without any cause for doing so. Let us also not forget that Mayor Guilliano's office was in Building 7 supposedly undergoing renovations (?) some claim these were fortifications, but for what? It is also noteworthy that the Mayor of New York set up office during these 'renovations' on the opposite side of the river overlooking the Twin Towers. Coincidence (?) or controlling the events?
3) What indeed happened to the Twin Towers? How could they possibly have come down in their own footprint from what could be [and was reported so] by the first Fire Chief who got to the floor on fire, to be no more than a small office fire? Dr Judy Wood was the first to come to the correct conclusion. For making this public she lost her job and became crucified. I highly recommend people to order her book 'Where Did The Buildings Go?' The reason that the buildings had to come down was because there was nothing left inside the buildings, nothing at all. All that had been was blasted into fine dust had gone into the air!!! Having nothing left inside would have been difficult to explain of course. Where did the inside of the buildings go??? The insides were totally pulverised after the mini nukes had been detonated. Blown into the fine dust that we saw leave the buildings into the air.
An Israeli team of demolition experts had wired the buildings to come down into its own footprint following the detonation of the mini nukes to hide the evidence. These foreign experts, posing as art students, had been granted free of charge an entire floor in the Twin Towers. Evidence provide by tenants of the Twin Towers showed that entire floors had been sealed off because of 'RENOVATIOS' and lifts supposedly not operating during the wiring up with explosives for the controlled demolition. An Dutch internationally recognized expert on controlled demolition of high-rise buildings refused to believe that the Twin Towers could have been so demolished, but after viewing the video he had absolutely no doubts whatsoever that they were brought down by controlled demolition. His earlier view had been based on the belief, that it takes a lot of time to wire up a building for demolition, and surely someone would have been aware? Of course he did not know, that entire floors had been unavailable to tenants and others. Lifts would also not stop on those floors. This team of Israeli experts, that wired the Twin Towers and Building 7, were seen dancing on top of a removal van on the opposite bank of the river overlooking the Towers. The reason they were jumping for joy was because they witnessed their own successful handy-work. Notwithstanding, they were arrested after an old lady rang the police, but believe it or not, they were allowed to depart from the USA. Of course the last thing you want is to leave witnesses in the country.
4) The official version of the Pentagon is possibly the most ridiculous. Especially after suggesting that we should except the official version of the Twin Towers where a plane had gone right through the building exposing its nose through the other side (???). Yet at the Pentagon there was only minor damage and nothing that could suggest [to anyone with sense] that this damage could have been caused by a Boeing jet. Of course no evidence of the jet had been available afterwards, not even the engines. It was also odd that a team had been obviously on 'stand bye' to collect all debris (evidence) left on the lawn where this supposed 'disaster' happened, only never to be available for independent investigation. Prior to 9/11 Donald Rumsfeld had publicly announced that billions of dollars had gone 'missing' and were unaccounted in the books at the Pentagon. In order to get to the bottom of this, a special team of investigative auditors had been summoned to the Pentagon in an attempt to discover what happened to the funds. Shortly prior to the Pentagon was hit, the Chairman of this special team had summoned all auditors to exactly that room in the Pentagon that was hit for a meeting. The entire area had been vacant supposedly due to renovations. What is of interest is that foreman of auditors had not gone to the specified room in the building. This is rather odd since he was the Chairman of that team of auditors and one would have expected that he would have been the first to be there, but was not. Today it is common knowledge that this special area of the Pentagon was hit with a ballistic missile. Made the more obvious by confiscating all video footage of nearby gas stations and other. So now they had a plausible excuse that all evidence that might have disclosed the fraud of billions of tax-payers dollars had been destroyed!!! How convenient can you get, but what about the innocent auditors that were killed? The chairman of that investigative audit must have been in the know for making sure he was absent from the place he summoned the others.
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