Source: Dinar Chronicles | By Kat On 8-31-20 Charlie Ward said: “We were told right on Day One, the moment Trump mentions “LAW & OR...

Source: Dinar Chronicles | By Kat
On 8-31-20 Charlie Ward said: “We were told right on Day One, the moment Trump mentions “LAW & ORDER!” he’s arrested another big name.”
We know that the 8-31-20 "LAW & ORDER!" tweet from President Trump was for Joe Biden.
We now know the 9-23-20 "LAW & ORDER!" was for Hunter Biden.

Hunter's ultimate fate is not looking good. Like his Dad, he may not last long in Gitmo.
9-12-20 @POTUS' Reno Rally, President Trump said, "Sleepy Joe Biden surrendered... Joe is shot. Let's face it. He is shot."
9-19-20 @POTUS' Fayetteville, North Carolina rally, President Trump said, "Joe is dead."
One more time, I turn to Colleen and Charlie Freak for Biden facts and practices.
These are difficult truths to read but it is important, to me anyway, to understand exactly what has been going on, and the kind of demons the Alliance are fighting:
59:20 Charlie Freak: Prince Andrew was indeed another [demon] minion and was reporting to Ghislaine Maxwell… and she placed him there [@parties to catch young women.] Just like Epstein was placed on the island. The Island wasn’t constructed by Epstein, but by the Phoenicians through Ghislaine Maxwell…

Colleen Freak: And they have the Military base there for the submarines throughout those islands, so easy for them to have those underground tunnels under the water there so they can do all of their subversive transferring back and forth of people and the children… it’s just disgusting… it’s horrific, it’s disgusting, it’s all of those things…
1:00:28 Charlie: Just before we close off this section about Hollywood sh*tting its pants over the arrest of Ghislaine Maxwell… Colleen, who was deeply emotionally moved by this list… is going to take you through some of the key names that are deep patrons of this island…
1:00:50 The people on this list are all people
who have all participated in
not only the rape and torture of children
but the live skinning of the children
for adrenochrome…
And these were people who were partaking in
the cannibalistic spirit cooking ceremonies
that were held afterwards…
1:01:22 So these people have got NO-WHERE-TO-GO…
these people have a noose waiting for them…
President Trump’s Executive Order on Combating Human Trafficking and Online Child Exploitation in the United States, January 31, 2020
Colleen: Let’s just name a few of the names that I’m aware of: Barack Obama, Ben Affleck, Beyonce, Bill Clinton, Bill Murray, Brian Affleck, Charlie Sheen, Courtney Love, David Koch, Will Farrell, Demi Moore… Right? You think back and you say, “Yeah, these people just don’t age, do they? They must have great plastic surgeons”… or… they’re on the serum… adrenochrome… WOW… so, of course, Ghislaine Maxwell, Gwen Stefani, James Franco, James Gunn…
1:02:16 Charlie: Yeah, James Gunn is allegedly the writer of Guardians of the Galaxy and he was taken off the making of the third one because of all of his casual pedophilia comments on Twitter…
Colleen: Jim Carrey, Jimmy Kimmel, John Cusack, John Legend, Kevin Spacey, Kathy Griffin, Madonna, Meryl Streep… people that you used to admire and you liked their movies and they suckered you in thinking they were good people… Oprah Winfrey, Pharrel Williams, Quentin Tarantino… that one doesn’t surprise me… Robert Downy Jr… that surprises me…
Seth Green, Steven Colbert, Steven Spielberg… can you ever watch any of those movies again knowing what these people have been doing? Tom Hanks… Wanda Sykes… Will Ferrell… Will Smith… I grew up watching Will Smith and Will Ferrell… Woody Allen… all sorts of allegations that he’s a pedophile marrying his daughter for God’s sakes that he should be protecting… just disgusting… and I'm sure that’s not the whole list either…
1:13:28 Charlie: So, the last aspect to show you, over the top, the importance of Ghislaine Maxwell: One of the things Ghislaine is noted for is the creation of her company which is centered on “Water Island” which is right next to Epstein island, just south of the British Virgin Islands in the Caribbean…
So what we’re looking at on the map here, this is an image of Epstein Island… over on the Western side is an approach bay for the submarines to dock… you see the mount on Epstein Island is the temple for the sacrifices to the false God…

Underneath the temple were the pedophile rape dungeons… but the further down you go the worse it gets… the “Black projects” and you can’t imagine what went on there… the things they did…
1:14:40 Charlie: Epstein Island and Water Island which is actually owned by Joe Biden and the Biden family… the Biden crime family…
1:15:10 Charlie: The Biden Crime Family is known for many things… they’re very despicable, very uncouth crime family… but they’re known for one thing more than anything else… and that is the procurement of children…
That’s why Joe Biden has his son involved with this gas/propane company in the Ukraine like he’s some big businessman… but those are all fronts for what they’re really doing…
He’s over there procuring children in war-torn areas…
1:16:02 Charlie: They’re helping George Soros — which is to create constant havoc so you constantly have children being separated from parents… then Hunter Biden’s job… [Colleen: What a name, right? Hunter/predator]… that’s what he is… he’s a hunter-of-children… to be extracted then for adrenochrome…
1:16:26 Charlie: [The Biden crime family] were taking hundreds of thousands of children every single year out of Eastern Europe…
1:16:31 Colleen: This is the man many people in America are thinking of voting for… if you know any of these people please share the information…
1:16:44 Charlie: This is 100% factual… so Water Island and Epstein Island were part of the old American Military bases…

1:17:05 Charlie: These were all in this area these were all about submarines…
Colleen: So how convenient that they have all of these places already set up… underground bunkers, underground tunnels… they spent a lot of money updating them…
1:17:19 Charlie: Absolutely… so out of sight of everyone’s eyes… all below the ground… do you see how these rats of the left-brain… see how the rats are the same whether it’s on land or under the ocean… they like to be underneath… these little rats who scurry underneath the ground all the time… they like the dark because they are really dark souls…
So Ghislaine Maxwell with all of her masculine hormones, has her pilots’ license, she flies helicopters back and forth from all these islands… but she is also one of the primary people who is taking these submarines from island to island… and these submarines are loaded with children…

1:18:05 Colleen: So her company Terramar… which is this company she created that is centered on Biden’s Water Island…
Charlie: is ostensibly designed to encourage awareness for the ocean and in particular she takes an interest in CHILDREN getting aware that we need to protect the ocean… so a lot of what she does is encourage children to come visit the island and take tours and have experiences in a submarine… and see the whales, see dolphins… with her power and clout they even began to get Disney cruises to stop there…
1:19:00 Charlie: Now can you imagine? The Disney Cruises would have a stop-off at Biden’s Water Island, introduced to Ghislaine Maxwell and Terramar…
1:19:14 Colleen: It goes so deep… now you can’t even watch Disney anymore…
1:19:19 Charlie: That’s right so Disney is bringing them children… right to the source… that’s how big of a deal Maxwell is… that’s why Hollywood is sh*tting their pants… that’s why Biden knows he’s not going to be POTUS… he’s zoned out… he may not even be Biden anymore… zero chance he’ll win this election…
The war is over…
everything is over…
this is only playing out to wake
as many people as possible
on their own volition…
I just wanted to show you the ENORMITY of the arrest of Ghislaine Maxwell…
"Charlie and Colleen Freak, Part 3: The Takedown of the Cabal’s Evil Plan (Part 1)" by Kat - 8.6.20
Various sources, including Charlie Ward, have reported that BIG THINGS are going on behind the scenes right now.
A lot of deep state demons being rounded up. A lot of battles being fought underground in the tunnels as well as on the surface and the various strident lockdowns around the globe are a way the Alliance can keep people safe at home and out of harm's way.
Charlie Ward often says, "Learn to hibernate right now."
For the sensitives (like me) you can feel the energies have ramped up, can't you? Worry, fear, frustration, tears, stress... this is what is being experienced below and above ground by those who are being soundly defeated in WWIII.
The cabal matrix is crumbling. Only a few bits and bobs are left. Come October 1st the full power of the Quantum Computer will be unleashed and then it'll truly be — Game Over — as 'cue' likes to say.
So what exactly are the powerful Alliance doing?
They're bringing in the Global Currency Reset / The Revaluation of Global Currencies / the Quantum Financial System / the Quantum Voting System / NESARA and GESARA, as well as removing and arresting the deep state demons / cabal / illuminati and sending them to either Gitmo and Military Tribunals or immediate execution.
The first time NESARA started to be implemented was when President Kennedy tried to shut down the Rothschild-Rockefeller privately owned Federal Reserve and he was assassinated for it.
The second time NESARA was meant to be announced was on 9-11 and in order to stop it, the deep state, lead by GHWBush, Dick Cheney and GWBush, blew up the World Trade Towers.
This time, President Trump is making sure there are no mistakes.
Sending prayers, blessings and thanks unceasing to the mighty Alliance: President Trump, Q, Trump-team, Q-team, Loyal Generals, Magnificent U.S. Military, Brave Global Militaries and Law Enforcement, Putin, Xi, Modi, al-Salman and 8,000+ personnel that make up the core of the brilliant, courageous and genius Alliance.
With blessings of Peace, Health, Happiness, Abundance and TRUTH for all — we are Goddess, Sovereign, Free,
xo, Kat
P.S. If you missed it, this was "cue's" Biden post yesterday:

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