Operation Disclosure | By Rinus Verhagen, Contributing Writer September 25, 2020 Dear Mr W, Haga, Ambassador US Pete Hoekstra and US Gov Co...
Operation Disclosure | By Rinus Verhagen, Contributing Writer
September 25, 2020
Dear Mr W, Haga, Ambassador US Pete Hoekstra and US Gov Congress.
Stop the Genocidal Hitler Cabinet
Please sent Donald J Trump an copy from this info, for to drain the swamp and arrest of the Dutch Deep State Paedophiles ring.
US Partners in Genocide, international Crime and treason, Hillary Clinton, Joe and Hunter Biden, Gloria Nuland, Alexander Soros, Obama, John Brennen, Adam Schiff, Bill Gates, Angela Merkel, Mark Rutte, Hugo de Jonge, Ever Green Deal Cabal Moron Frans Timmermans for his part of the MH17 Crime, Guy Verhofstadt, Hans van Baalen and total EU scum. http://www.takecare4.eu/breaking-dutch-cabal-exposed/ with the PDF of Biden crime.
Covid19 is deception. See the date of sale of Test kits in 2017.
At that time no one knew that Covid19 would come from the population in 2020.
https://lettertomaxima.blogspot.com/ English and MH370 Lie from the Deep State puppets.
So it's a longer term planning, just like the rest of Rutte and his crime cartel friends.
Would there be a Judge in the Netherlands who would convict Rutte and his fellow Satanists together Fake King Willy for their crime against humanity?
Nazi Double standard and human trafficking of the dormant population.
The end of the strategy as a Genocide project is planned for 2025.
So it is an agenda that is forced upon us from the UN, WHO and World Bank in a sneaky Rutte - Globalist way:
We can say that by severely mentally disturbed Psychopaths without valid legislation from 13 May 1940 and the Hitler administration from 18 May 1940 until today, we are governed by the cartel of which all politicians are part and which has systematically robbed, deceived and committed genocide on us.
Who has the balls and pulls the plug on this crime Hitler Cabinet?
Stop the deliberate spraying of the population, these chemicals are a daily vaccine to make us sick.
A Corona Virus can easily be among them, the sophisticated Holocaust of Nazi Rutte, to start a second wave and Lock Down.
Rutte and his globalists Satanists are Pure QUALITY.
Let the Genocide Hitler Cabinet stop.
If Putin had sold the uranium to Iran, with which an A Bomb could be made, to destroy Israel, the US would have been blamed, because the uranium was a fingerprint from the US.
The Deep State from all over the world is a threat to all mankind.
There only has to be one leader who says that Dutch post-war Hitler Cabinet politics and legislation are not legally valid as of 13 May 1940, which means that the EU is also not legally valid and all treaties of UN, WHO, EU, ECB and the Lisbon Treaty are invalid.
Welcome to the world of GESARA.
All is a big scam.
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