Source: What Does It Mean | By Sorcha Faal September 16, 2020 America Says It Doesn't Want War In Space After Trump Call To Alien...
Source: What Does It Mean | By Sorcha Faal
September 16, 2020
America Says It Doesn't Want War In Space After Trump Call To Aliens Sabotaged
A mind-bending new Ministry of Defense (MoD) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing the sudden deployment of more than 50 aircraft from the US Air Force, the US Marine Corps, the Royal Air Force and the Royal Netherlands Air Force over the North Sea on 10 September, notes that the General Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces (GRU) was tasked with explaining why the Pentagon said this event “is a recurring, low-cost exercise initiative designed to increase tactical proficiency and demonstrate the collective commitment to regional security” when it was provably not true—and in answering, sees attached to this MoD report a highly-classified “Of Special Importance” file complied by GRU military intelligence analysts designating this event as an “Eisenhower Protocol” incident related to the sabotage of a planned communication between President Donald Trump and “known extraterrestrials”—an “incident” referencing the events occurring on the night and early hours of 20-21 February 1954—where while on a “vacation” to Palm Springs-California, then President Dwight Eisenhower went missing and was taken to Edwards Air force base for a secret meeting with an extraterrestrial race and signed a treaty with them—and in referencing the “sabotage of a planned communication” between President Trump and these extraterrestrials, sees GRU military intelligence analysts describing the catastrophic “unexplained” damage inflicted on the massive alien hunting Arecibo Observatory telescope located in Puerto Rico on the evening of 10 August—a massive telescope NASA put on the road to helping search for aliens in 2018—in 2008, saw a German tourist filming two massive UFO’s flying over this massive telescope in Puerto Rico—and in 2013, saw a US Customs and Border Protection aircraft capturing infrared video of another UFO flying over Puerto Rico that’s now designated as the 23rd most credible sighting in modern history—and when queried by the MoD about these facts during the past few hours, saw the US Department of Defense only responding with an official notice headlined: “Space Force Chief: U.S. Doesn't Want War in Space, Must be Prepared for It”—wherein United States Space Force Chief of Space Operations General John W. Raymond is quoted, in part, as stating: “If deterrence fails, a war that begins or extends into space will be fought over great distances at tremendous speeds”. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]
Catastrophic damage occurs to massive alien hunting Arecibo Observatory telescope in Puerto Rico on 10 August 2020 (top photo), where two massive UFO’s were filmed in 2008 (middle photo/first video), and another one was filmed in 2013 (bottom photo/second video).
According to the very limited portions of this highly-classified report permitted to be openly commented on by various ministries, GRU military intelligence analysts say it’s critical to note that near exactly one month after the massive alien hunting Arecibo Observatory telescope was catastrophically sabotaged on 10 August, a group of 20 airmen at Al Udeid Air Base in Qatar became the first deployed members of the United States Space Force on 9 September—that to ordinary American peoples might seem bizarre as to why their Space Force is being first deployed in the Persian Gulf—but when knowing about the Al Udeid Air Base in the State of Qatar, sees it housing scientists belonging to Texas A&M Qatar—all of whom are physics and astronomy scientists—and are assigned to the Qatar Exoplanet Survey (QES) that controls remotely located telescopes in New Mexico (USA), Tenerife (Spain) and Urumqi (China)—which makes it able to replace whatever was being done at the now catastrophically damaged Arecibo Observatory.
As to what is really occurring, this report notes, GRU military intelligence observational analysis has been placed on the American global aerospace and defense technology giant Northrop Grumman—specifically because it’s now providing all of the top-secret security forces needed to protect the Al Udeid Air Base in Qatar—a highly unusual action being taken by the Pentagon to protect one of its secret military bases, though in the past this was done because private corporations like Northrop Grumman are immune from normal US government oversight—and whose clues as to why this is being done can be seen evidenced in the Northrop Grumman bulletin released on 3 May 2018 titled “Astronomers Closer to Solving the Mystery of Fast Radio Bursts”, wherein it noted the first discovery of fast radio bursts coming from space occurring in 2007, and revealed that the Arecibo Observatory’s radio telescope was the first to take note of the most significant of them named FRB 121102 in 2012—that was preceded by the Northrop Grumman bulletin released on 8 April 2018 titled “Multiverse Theory Goes Far Beyond “Stranger Things”—and most importantly was followed by the Northrop Grumman bulletin released on 11 April 2019 titled “Do Doors to Interdimensional Travel Exist?” that states: “No one ever said that interdimensional travel would be easy…What is remarkable, though — in fact, what is astonishing — is that scientists, not just science fiction writers, are starting to think and talk about it, which is enough to start us thinking about travel plans”—and with it known that before “interdimensional travel” can occur there first must be “interdimensional communication”, it explains why GRU military intelligence analysts have a working hypothesis that the Americans have discovered through their fast radio burst examinations a new method of how to use massive telescopes to achieve interdimensional communications—but leaves unanswered the question as to whom President Trump is attempting to communicate with, and if it will break the “Eisenhower Protocol” and cause a war.
After extraterrestrials simulated repeated attacks on Washington D.C., President Dwight Eisenhower ultimately chose to sign a treaty with them.
With it long being known that President Eisenhower was forced to sign the treaty with this alien race, this report concludes, the first scouting of Puerto Rico’s massive Arecibo Observatory telescope in 2008 by an as yet unidentified alien race challenged the existing paradigm—a paradigm that’s existed since World War II when mysterious UFO’s flooded the skies all across the world, and afterwards saw both President Eisenhower and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill being telepathically contacted by an extraterrestrial race—an extraterrestrial race Russian intelligence agencies linked to both the United States and former Nazi Germany in 2014—and whom last year the MoD discovered were in preparations to leave our planet---an abandonment of our planet by these interdimensional aliens GRU military intelligence analysts credit President Trump for achieving—who since he was a child, was secretly educated by his uncle Dr. John G. Trump—a Dr. Trump that was given during World War II all of the secret scientific documents belonging to one of humanity’s greatest minds Nicola Tesla—and whose most feared Tesla weapon President Trump knows about is called “The Bolts Of Thor”, that’s not only able to destroy complete armies and navies, it can penetrate into other dimensions—but to wield, would see President Trump needing beside him the most powerful military establishment in the world having a Space Force, as well as his being allied with a friendly alien race able to peruse these malign extraterrestrials back to the dimension they came from—all of which more than explains the impossible feats President Trump has been able to accomplish—as well as its making clear why his enemies that aligned themselves with these demonic interdimensional extraterrestrials have become so deranged.
September 16, 2020 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.
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