Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Wed. 23 Sept. 2020 Compiled Wed. 23 Sept. 2020 12:01 am EDT by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Ther...

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Wed. 23 Sept. 2020
Compiled Wed. 23 Sept. 2020 12:01 am EDT by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author, “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities.”
Source: Dinar Chronicles
***Q’s Must Watch Videos***
“Trust the Plan”:
“The Quantum Financial System:”
Judy Note: Tier 4B (us, the Internet Group) Shotgun Release and email notification could come at any time in a 72 hour period following the start on Wed. 23 Sept.
Tier 2 has finished transfer of funds. All Tier 4A accounts have been called in and were moving. The last group – the “flippers of bonds” – has received the go ahead to begin payments.
Charlie Ward: “They have made a decision to have the currencies of all 209 nations revalue in a Shotgun Start where all would go at the same time rather than do it in baskets. The Quantum Financial System that is already in place with the USN, the U.S. Note… every single U.S. dollar that’s in the system will be changed 1 for 1 to a U.S. Note…And this is why we’re going into lockdown right now while that transition takes place… they’ll literally freeze time… will it take 1 day, 2 days, 3 days… nobody knows how long it will take… whether you call it a blackout… whatever you call it… they’ll stop everything while it transitions from the U.S. Dollar [which is the cabal-petro-dollar]… to the U.S. Note, which is Gold-backed.”
“Over last weekend there were military missions that ended in the arrest of Deep State criminal leaders in the US, Europe, Middle East, Israel, Australia and others.”
“There was a report Deutsche Bank got caught in 10 or 15 trillion dollars in fraud a couple of hours ago (Mon. 21 Sept.)… the North Koreans, same thing…On Fri. 18 Sept. countries throughout Europe went into lockdown, closing their Central Banks and the non-retail side of major banks. The Central Banks of England, Spain, Holland and Germany would remain closed for two weeks. It was felt that this was due to the transition of the Cabal’s old SWIFT system to the new Quantum Financial System (QFS).”
Charlie Ward On the Fall of the Vatican: “The reason I knew the Vatican was being emptied was because our own Security guys were looking after the Pope… and also there were guys that I use for moving currency around the world… all… all of them employed… it took 650 planes to move the contents of the Vatican to Fort Knox…I’ve been included as part of the team that moves that around the world… to back the currencies in different countries… there is an obscene amount of cash and gold that was taken out of there…There’s also ridiculous amounts of gold in the Philippines… Cambodia… Vietnam…I’ve been over to Vietnam and I’ve inspected 178 underground warehouses full… personally… I’ve actually been there and visually seen it.
“In April 2020 the Alliance took down the Illuminati including the Italian Venetian families, arrested the Pope and 38 Cardinals at the Vatican, took the US gold back from the Vatican and put it at the new US Treasury in Reno and Texas, transferred the Federal Reserve to the US Treasury and kicked the Queen out of Buckingham Palace.
“Who are the three BIG PLAYERS? Saudi Arabia… Israel… and then The Vatican…Days later Trump shows up at the Vatican and he presents to Pope Francis a massive folder… apparently the folder was absolutely huge… Trump said, yeah, take your time, have a looksee… you might want to put your red shoes on, Trump says to the Pope. Trump is saying I’m not leaving here until you sign some documents for me… and we’ll get to why that was in a sec… It took the Vatican [only] that night… and the next day they capitulated to Donald Trump.
“Now what did the Vatican have to do to sign off ?... you see, the Fed is controlled by a certain group within the Catholic Church… Who went forth and spread the teachings of Christianity? The Jesuits, because they’re holy men (!!!)… No no no no… The Jesuits are the real MAFIA, my friends.”
A. Mon. 1 Oct. Events:
Thurs. 1 Oct. was the first day of the Restored Republic fiscal year, while the federal budget would be funded in the new gold/asset-backed US Note.
Until Thurs. 1 Oct. or Mon. 5 Oct. (dependent upon when Tier 4b appointments began) we could exchange currencies at the Contract Rates and redeem Zim Bonds.
After Thurs. 1 Oct. or by Mon. 5 Oct, (again dependent upon when Tier 4B began), Zim Bonds could no longer be redeemed and the general public would begin exchanging at International Rates.
Until Thurs. 1 Oct. we would witness soft-leak events related to Obamagate, release of emails from Clinton’s server and names on the Flight Log to Epstein’s Pedophile Island that would be coordinated with the RV exchanges / redemptions.
Thurs. 1 Oct. “Ten Days of Disclosure” would begin with formal announcements of both the Restored Republic and Global Currency Reset.
B. Tues. 22 Sept. 2020 The Big Call, Bruce: 712-770-4016 pin123456#
1. Five of Bruce’s sources expected it to go for Tier 4b today Tues. 22 Sept, which didn’t, though it may happen tomorrow Wed. 23 Sept.
2. They have printed $100, $50 and $20 dollar bills in gold/asset-backed US Notes and delivered them to the banks and Redemption Centers for use of Tier 4b at the exchange.
3. On Oct. 1 the new currency will be in the teller drawers at the bank for use of the general public. (Judy Note: the new currency is already being dispersed by banks).
4. They still wanted the Zim redeemed within 4-5 days of the release.
C. Tues. 22 Sept. 6:58 am EDT Fleming’s Military Intel Contact:
1. This week’s start of the Shotgun Release and email notifications has been moved from Tues. 22 Sept. to Wed. 23 Sept. Tier 4B (us, the Internet Group) notifications could come at any time in the 72 hour period following the start.
2. A five-state Exchange Center Supervisor was told that the start was moved ahead 24 hours because of Ruth Bader Ginsburg's death and due to coordination of the release with security issues partly having to do with preparation for RBG’s private and public funeral at the Supreme Court on Wed. 23 Sept.
3. A contact reported, “I've just had a call to say Tier 4A accounts were moving very well--all being called in.”
4. "Tier 2 has been completely finished with transfer of funds [final money-of-account put into accounts to be fully accessed when Tier 4B starts].
5. The last group, the “flippers of bonds” have received the go ahead [to] begin the payments of their files.
6. The main Paymasters were funding below [lower-level] Paymasters so that the green light was lit (a preliminary to the Shotgun Start from Wed. 23 Sept. through the rest of the week, during which the Tier 4B notifications could start any time).
7. Small security issues came up and they were dealing with them on Mon. 21 Sept.
8. This past weekend was very productive in “clean up” (getting accounts in order and ready for the Shotgun Start).
9. Over last weekend this included the parallel military missions arresting Deep State criminal leaders in the USA, Europe, Middle East including Israel, Australia, etc, etc. Thus, we could expect 800#s mid to later week. Get ready and stay safe.
10. A retired General said it would happen this week.
11. A completed audit of Zimbabwe assets exceeded several Quadrillion dollars so there was no problem on the RV [our guy clarified no problem on enough money for ZIM redemptions and funds for all RV global payouts].
12. This week expect to see release of Hillary's emails that were located on Weiner's laptop....along with the flight logs from Epstein [i.e., more criminal politician disclosures].
13. He said to expect something to happen after 1:00 pm Reno time on Mon. [after 12 midnight EDT Mon. 21 Sept.).
14. On Tues. 22 Sept. the RV teams and all involved in the release would be moving preparatory funds and people into place.
15. Our guy said to practice your project presentation for the higher Contract Rates, keep all in prayer, and keep watch this week for the start.
D. Tues. Sept. 22 Summaries of Charlie Ward’s Recent Videos:
On World Banks, SWIFT going down and CIPS Installed:
Mon. 21 Sept. Charlie Ward: “The SWIFT system was controlled by the Federal Reserve which was as corrupt as it comes… they were printing money and then giving it to us and then wanting it back with tax and interest… [usury]… that’s about as corrupt as it gets.
“There was a report Deutsche Bank got caught in 10 or 15 trillion dollars in fraud a couple of hours ago… the North Koreans, same thing.
“The Quantum System is completely different… it’s a very clean and clear system that’s been set up specifically to be backed by gold, precious metals, to be backed by something. We’ve got the USN, the US Note which will be backed by gold. We’ve got the US Coin which will be backed by Gold or Silver.… so this new system is going to scare the banks to death because the QFS is open, they can see it.”
“With implementation of the Global Financial Quantum Computer, Cabal Central banks around the world got caught stealing from the kitty. The bank sting caused stock markets to crash, gold/silver prices to dip and 100 Deutsche Banks to close.
“On Fri. 18 Sept. countries throughout Europe went into lockdown, closing their Central Banks and the non-retail side of major banks. The Central Banks of England, Spain, Holland and Germany would remain closed for two weeks. It was felt that this was due to the transition of the Cabal’s old SWIFT system to the new Quantum Financial System (QFS).
“The security-based QFS Phototonic Technology was said to work doing 3.5 trillion frames – not bytes - PER SECOND.”
On the Quantum Financial System:
“I have some news about the QFS… this is all based on the Cross Border Interbank Payment System… CIPS… inside CIPS is the Quantum Financial System [QFS]…CIPS is an Artificial Intelligence Private Network… it’s a QFS 3D Smart Phone and Digital Currency… that you’ll be able to operate on ANY Media Format [making banks superfluous].
“It provides Pristine Clean Integrity in the movement of money and funds from Central Banking to Destination Accounts… we’re going from Banking to Destination Accounts… which is very very big… it will cover a new Global Network of Asset Backed Funds and will replace the U.S. Centrally controlled SWIFT system.
“This has not fully happened yet… but it will protect all parties from corruption, usury, and manipulation within the banking system that currently is happening… it will assure the banks are monitored and protected within the agreed upon contractual obligations with regard of the transfer of funds.”
On Arrests:
“Very simply… if you’re involved with pedophilia it comes with an automatic death sentence… unless you cooperate with Trump… if you cooperate with Trump, you’ll get a minimum of a Life Sentence… you step out of line it goes back to the Death Penalty…And he’s aware of Every. Single. One. Of. Them. And every single one of them will be arrested… and they will be given the choice.”
On the Fall of the Vatican:
Charlie Ward: “The reason I knew the Vatican was being emptied was because our own Security guys were looking after the Pope… and also there were guys that I use for moving currency around the world… all… all of them employed… it took 650 planes to move the contents of the Vatican to Fort Knox…I’ve been included as part of the team that moves that around the world… to back the currencies in different countries… there is an obscene amount of cash and gold that was taken out of there…There’s also ridiculous amounts of gold in the Philippines… Cambodia… Vietnam…I’ve been over to Vietnam and I’ve inspected 178 underground warehouses full… personally… I’ve actually been there and visually seen it.
“In April 2020 the Alliance took down the Illuminati including the Italian Venetian families, arrested the Pope and 38 Cardinals at the Vatican, took the US gold back from the Vatican and put it at the new US Treasury in Reno and Texas, transferred the Federal Reserve to the US Treasury and kicked the Queen out of Buckingham Palace.
“Who are the three BIG PLAYERS? Saudi Arabia… Israel… and then The Vatican…Days later Trump shows up at the Vatican and he presents to Pope Francis a massive folder… apparently the folder was absolutely huge… Trump said, yeah, take your time, have a looksee… you might want to put your red shoes on, Trump says to the Pope. Trump is saying I’m not leaving here until you sign some documents for me… and we’ll get to why that was in a sec… It took the Vatican [only] that night… and the next day they capitulated to Donald Trump.
“Now what did the Vatican have to do to sign off ?... you see, the Fed is controlled by a certain group within the Catholic Church… Who went forth and spread the teachings of Christianity? The Jesuits, because they’re holy men (!!!)… No no no no… The Jesuits are the real MAFIA, my friends.”
On Trump Controls the World:
Charlie Ward: “Look… the endgame has already secured… this is all just Political talk at the moment… to create confusion and fear… Trump is speaking on a daily basis with Putin, Xi and Modi… they’re in control… they communicate with Iran as well, I don’t know how often…
“I’ve noticed… it’s not just a question of people telling me… I’ve noticed how every country in the world has surrendered to Trump… in so many aspects… the Governments themselves…Do I think for one moment that England is run by Boris Johnson or Spain is run by Santos then I’m sadly mistaken… it looks like he’s got them by the short and curlies… like he’s held them to ransom… that’s what it looks like.
“So when Trump arrived in [Saudi Arabia] the Summer of 2017… he laid out all the documents… that’s what they did to everyone… they had [huge] folders and the folders had all the documents. There were photographs, they came with disks, CDs and DVDs and the CDs and DVDs had fantastic production value and it had all of their footage doing the most horrific things.
“Donald J. Trump is not marked just the executor, the exchequer of the U.S. Treasury
and therefore the Fed within the United States…HE IS THE EXCHEQUER FOR EARTH…
He is the exchequer for the Treasuries for every single country on Earth. No human being in history has ever been more powerful owned more things or is richer than Donald J. Trump.
“I really believe, based on the information that I’ve got… that’s the world we’re moving into [a world of Peace]… because of what I do behind the scenes I know that Trump is working very closely with Russia/Putin, China/Xi, India/Modi, very very closely… he’s working with the Leaders of those countries… a lot of people around the Leaders are Deep State… Chairman Xi is standing alone… the Chinese Communist Party is being removed… same thing with Modi… getting the wrong people out, the right people in.”
Sir Gordon: “NESARA – GESARA… Trump was at a rally and he said, “I’ve already signed everything and it goes January 1st 2021… He’s like you’d better pray that I’m President… what do you think he’s talking about?”
Charlie Ward: “What’s so interesting is the first country to sign up to GESARA was North Korea… I think the last country was Lebanon… they’ve all come into line right now and the beautiful thing, that you’ve rightly said, is unless they stay in line, they’ll be kicked out, also as part of the agreement, you can’t go to war against anybody and be a part of GESARA.”
On Voting in the Presidential Election on Nov. 3:
Tues. 18 Aug. Charlie Ward: “I’ve got some SERIOUS INTEL for you. I received this news today (Tues. 18 Aug.). Mail-in ballots aren’t going to happen!!! The Voting System is being completely changed as we speak…The New Quantum Financial System operates on the Blockchain system…FOR VOTING!!!!! It’s a brand new voting system…You will have to identify yourself on your cell phone or your computer.
“So they’ve shot themselves in the foot because Trump has already covered this…So it’ll be digital voting… that we totally 100% control… they’ve been trying to hack the Blockchain system for 9-years unsuccessfully…So they’re extremely confident in the new voting system. Once we get onto this Blockchain voting system which will be incredibly accurate… the prediction is Trump will win every single state… and his majority will be over 90%.
“He will win California without a shadow of a doubt… He’ll win the lot…Because the vote won’t be for him… it will be between good and evil… it’s got nothing to do with Democrats and Republicans… there are bad Republicans and good Democrats.
“It’ll be about the Third World War between Good and Evil… and that’s how it will be put across… the only people who will vote the other side are people who are in a coma.
“Trump’l keep that back until the last possible chance so they spend as much money as they can on Mail-In votes just for the fun… and then he’ll say we’re not going to use that system but he’ll let them believe that they will right up until the end… that’s already been decided…They’ll use that Digital Voting System so that literally when you finished counting the votes… the election has been shut…within 5 seconds they’ll have the results.”
Kat Note: In a 9-16-20 Video, Charlie Ward and Gene Decode said, “It’s not just putting us back on the Currency that’s based on the Quantum Financial System and gold, silver, and platinum… it’s also putting us on the Quantum Voting System, the QVS, where they can’t hack our votes. It doesn’t matter how that vote is done even if it’s a mail in ballot because the Quantum event is unique.”
Charlie Ward: “Yeah… it’s amazing the Quantum Voting System that’s going to be used for the next election in America… I understand is also going to be used in South Africa… which is amazing for a country like South Africa for people to realize that their vote really does count.”
On 9/11:
Ron Steel: “Cheney actually got the Law changed 2-weeks prior to 9-11 that took away the power from our American Generals to control combat against any source coming into our country whether it be Air, Land, Sea or whatever… and he got himself to be in charge of it… Cheney did…19:29 And so because of that one thing… when the flights were coming in for the Towers… it was on radar… they knew it… they were scrambling trying to get somebody up there to deal with it… and Cheney blocked it every single time… they called him 3 times and he blocked it. They told him if you don’t do it now it will be hopeless and he said, go ahead… and they scrambled them but by the time they got up there it was too late.”
On John F. Kennedy Jr.:
“The last message posted by President Trump’s brother Robert Trump before he passed away this last weekend was: JFK Jr. is QAnon. This was likely referring to John F Kennedy Jr. the so-called “deceased” son of publically executed President John F. Kennedy whose disguised picture, along with that of his wife and sister-in-law, have been all over the Internet as they supported Trump and attended rallies. Another post Robert Trump posted Aug. 8 stated, “less than three months before JFK Jr. is revealed.”
On Mass Media Corruption and the Emergency Broadcast System:
Ron Steel: “Well we knew… within the last couple of months… that they were testing the Emergency Broadcast System… [Charlie nodding his head vigorously]… and it’s just hard for me to fathom that our Media is so corrupt… that they wouldn’t allow this news to come out on it… but of course it’s owned by the people responsible for the Cabal… so I get it… my understanding is that that [EBS] was deliberately tested so Trump could make announcements.”
On Underground Tunnels (DUMBS) and Rescuing Children: This video was about the past mission in Melbourne, the current mission in Israel and two upcoming missions in Portugal and Switzerland.
Charlie Ward: “Many have been asking why the lockdowns are still going on in Melbourne?... the mission in regards to the children in Melbourne ended on September 3rd… but Melbourne is currently under lockdown for other purposes which have nothing to do with TLS.
“Regarding Israel… the mission started roughly 10-days ago [Sept. 6th]… the mission in Israel is not ONLY regarding children… there are other purposes for other operations in the country as well… the children are just a small part of it… Based on the information I’ve received… the 3000 Marines that were sent there about 1.5 months ago at this point are going to be sent home on September 22nd…The operation in Israel should come to an end sometime around October 1st… however there is a possibility that the curfews will remain.”
Kat Note: According to Charlie Ward the mission is getting rid of the Mossad/deep state that had been running Israel on the agenda of perpetual war.
“One of the next missions taking place is in Portugal… I don’t know if there will be anything happening above ground like lockdowns and curfews… but there will definitely be operations happening in the tunnels… and as far as I know there has already been some preliminary work to prepare the groundwork for missions that are going on.
“Switzerland is on the list as well… however I'm not able to speak too in depth about it… there is going to be action in the underground tunnels in Switzerland as well.”
Kat Note: On 9-18-20 Gene Decode said “They had to use flame-throwers when they go into the DUMBs for the "Kuru" which is a disease with human effects similar to Mad Cow Disease… Kuru is transmitted by eating brain or nerve tissue of an infected animal, or person, so it shows up in groups that dabble in cannibalism…They had to work around lasers that were guarding the tunnels that could evaporate you on the spot.”
"3 Video Updates from Charlie Ward and Jason Shurka: Joy up Ahead!" by Kat - 9.22.20
Sir Gordon Talks to Charlie Ward about XRP - are we going to the moon and beyond? 9-21-20
"Video: How Trump, the NSA, Q-JFK Jr., Against all Odds, Took Down the Cabal, Part 1" by Kat - 7.30.20
"Charlie Ward and Gene Decode: Alliance Victorious, Wondrous World Incoming" by Kat - 9.18.20
Sept. 21 QFS Update Steel, Ward:
Short video on the QFS:
Sept. 16 TLS Update, Shurka:
E. International Child Sex Trafficking:
Satanic Belgium Pedofile Network, Detroux Knows All:
AdrenoChrome Children Judy Note: Adrenochrome is the blood of traumatized children that was harvested in the Cabal’s DUMB underground tunnels where children were raped, tortured and murdered.
F. Covid-19 Hoax:
The State of Hawaii gets $301K per test, which shows you why Governor Ige used the H3 Freeway Tunnel to take on 30,000 tests:
G. For information on the Exchange Process for Foreign Currencies and Redemption of Zim Bonds, see #G in: Special Restored Republic via a GCR Report as of Sept. 18, 2020
H. Occult Calendar of Demonic Holidays: Be aware of Satanic activities in your neighborhood and help Save Mind Controlled children and teens being forced to participate in rape, torture and murder of other children.
All Hallows Eve (Halloween) – the major Satanic holiday of the year – was fast approaching for Tues. 29 Oct. through Thurs. 1 Nov. There would be human sacrifices performed in thousands of local Satanic Covens using victims of any age, male or female, as per an Occult Calendar compiled by licensed therapists using childhood accounts of their Satanic Ritually Abused (SRA) clients.
Months in advance Satan worshippers planned for the event by kidnapping children (especially on Halloween night) whom they starved and tortured for use in sex orgy rites over a three day celebration period. Please report suspected Satanic activities to your local law enforcement. Since Satanists were known to infiltrate police departments, also contact U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE):
If you wished to join the effort in saving children from international sex trafficking, contact Tim Ballard at Operation Underground Railroad and/ or Saving Innocence:
I. “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities,” Judy Byington
WARNING: Jenny gave a graphic description about how she at the tender age of five, was raped, tortured, forced to view a Child Sacrifice and save for Divine intervention, was almost killed herself – not unlike the sordid experiences of thousands of other child victims of Satanic Worshippers. Satan-follower perpetrators appeared to be organized from the US Inc’s CIA, Queen Elizabeth’s, Vatican’s Ninth Circle Child Sacrifice Cult on down to the Clintons, Hollywood, Pizzagate and local teenage covens. They were funded by this same Cabal that ran our global monetary system – the very organization that was in the process of being brought down by activation of the Global Currency Reset. It’s no wonder that President Trump has stated, “These people are sick.”
J. It’s All About the Children
It’s not about the money. It’s about the children – the thousands of malnourished and traumatized children. The first official act President Trump made the morning before he was sworn into office, was to pay a visit to CIA Headquarters and declare a war on an international Child Sex Trafficking Ring run by global elites. Let us fast and pray for these little ones who were now being rescued from Cabal underground tunnels across the globe, and tortured and killed by Satanic Covens right next door. Let us also pray for those Military Troops worldwide who were risking their own lives to save them. The ancient doctrine of Fasting and Prayer was explained here at the 10:30:32 mark:
How can you help survivors of human trafficking? Here is a list of over 2,000 organizations in the United States and internationally that serve survivors of human trafficking. Click map. Zoom in. Research organization. Volunteer.
If you wished to join the effort in saving children from international sex trafficking, contact Tim Ballard at Operation Underground Railroad:
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) investigated violations of criminal law ranging from child exploitation to transnational gangs inside and outside the US, including rape, torture and murder of children by Satan followers. You could use this form to report suspected criminal activity:
Judy Note: I do not now, nor have I ever, received monies for writing my Updates and articles. The compensation has been in having outlets to help Save the Children by exposing truths about the very secretive Satanic Ritual Abuse, Pedophilia and Child Sacrifice that was rampant in our international society.
The above was a summary of information from the Internet. It would be up to the reader to do their own research and decide whether or not it was valid. A huge Thank You to those dedicated and brave Intel providers who wished to remain unknown; to humble Wildfire Lady who was adept at exposing the truth; to Martha who worked around the clock to discern what was real in the fake news; to Brad who did great research; to Ken who uncovered almost unlimited Intel on pedophilia to help us Save the Children and to Bonni B who exposes the underlying causes of what is really happening.
Divide They Try, Fail They Will; WWG1WGA to Support POTUS, Follow Q &Trust Plan
Let us Thank Q that the reset has finally come to be. I wish you well in your humanitarian efforts and look forward to seeing you on the other side where together, we will make life better for all.
Patience is a Virtue. Having Virtue is a sign of a good moral being. Good moral beings have the power to overcome evil and change the world. Judy
Updates for the Week Prior:
Special Restored Republic via a GCR Report as of Sept. 22, 2020
Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Sept. 22, 2020
Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Sept. 21, 2020
Special Restored Republic via a GCR Report as of Sept. 20, 2020
Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Sept. 20, 2020
Special Restored Republic via a GCR Report as of Sept. 19, 2020
Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Sept. 19, 2020
Special Restored Republic via a GCR Report as of Sept. 18, 2020
Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Sept. 18, 2020
Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Sept. 17, 2020
Special Restored Republic via a GCR Report as of Sept. 16, 2020
Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Sept. 16, 2020
Special Restored Republic via a GCR Report as of Sept. 15, 2020
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