(Reader | GK) To Further Confuse you...

Reader Post | By GK I was a big fan of Sherman Skolnick. Tom Heneghan, Lenny Bloom and Skolnick had a radio program in 2004 and 4 and 5...

Reader Post | By GK

I was a big fan of Sherman Skolnick.

Tom Heneghan, Lenny Bloom and Skolnick had a radio program in 2004 and 4 and 5...

I listened regularly.

Well, of the 3 I would state that Skolnick followed facts and not political agendas.

Heneghan has been ranting about Al Gore being the real president since the year 2000. And that Leo Wanta was a hero and the trillions he won by shorting the Russian Ruble belonged with Wanta.

Seems pretty unfair to purposely bankrupt Russia with counterfeit Rubles and get to keep the money but hey... I'm a nobody who isn't supposed to remember what was said previously, publicly.

For all I know the following stuff is 100% truth.

I do know it contradicts many narratives we are following.


Exclusive, explosive breaking reports from the
Patriot Joint U.S.-French Intelligence Task Force,
operating on American soil for over 200 years

Sunday September 6, 2020
President Gore Continues to Drain the Swamp
by Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence Expert

BushScherff-Clinton-Obama-CIA RICO crime cartel aka 'Deep State'

UNITED States of America - It can be reported that duly elected now inaugurated United States President Albert Gore Jr. of Carthage, Tennessee along with U.S. Naval Intelligence has placed U.S. Attorney Special Counsel John Durham under arrest.

Durham has suddenly turned into a traitor and in the last 48 hours has been trying to sabotage U.S. Military Grand Juries that have issued massive indictments against the BushScherff-Clinton-CIA crime cartel aka ‘Deep State’.

Durham, who is being assisted by former South Carolina Republican Congressman Trey Gowdy has been involved in trying to restrict and destroy evidence tied to retired U.S. Military General Michael Flynn aka 9/11 and Uranium One, the year 2000 presidential electoral coup d’état (the British Galileo satellite interface hack with the Russian satellite Sputnik STOLE the year 2000 presidential election).

Durham has also been caught covering up the nullification of twenty-seven (27) Grand Juries investigating 9/11 and massive illegal spying against the American People aka ‘Stellar Wind’ for the last twenty (20) years.

The illegal spying began when the Bush-Cheney illegal junta was installed on January 21, 2001 and the nullification of the Grand Juries, including the firing of numerous U.S. Attorneys, took place under both the BushFRAUDScherff and Obama-SoetoroFRAUD Administrations.

Former U.S. Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein is now cooperating with President Gore and U.S. Naval Intelligence.

It is important to remember that the alleged spying on the Trump campaign began in 2015 on direct orders from then U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder who discovered that Trump had met with 9/11 families at the Trump Tower and had been handed over evidence linking 9/11 to various alleged Al Qaeda cells in Sarasota, Florida.

The Sarasota 9/11 evidence was gathered by 9/11 whistleblower Beverly Eckert who had been a personal friend of Trump for years and had actually met with President Barack Obama on February 10, 2009 and handed over the 9/11 treason evidence to Obama.

Eckert died in a plane crash two days later on Colgan Air flight 3407 in Clarence Center, New York.

The evidence dealing with the 9/11 Sarasota cells has been blatantly covered up by former BushFRAUDScherff FBI Director Nazi German Robert Mueller and the then FBI Director James Comey.

The evidence dovetails directly to the Lockheed Martin cover up dealing with criminal activity by Nazi German Mueller, FBI Director Comey and the noted Clinton Foundation.

What you had with the Lockheed Martin scandal is 9/11 BushFRAUDScherff blood money.

It is important to click on 911truth.org to get the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

Steve Morton: Robert Mueller Role in FBI Cover-Up of Patent Theft by Lockheed (James Comey) Partner Fincantieri Sanctioned by Department of State (Hillary Clinton) Is Obama-Era Rachael Weaver in House Oversight Working with Rogue FBI to Stop This Investigation?


In closing, United States President Gore has ordered the immediate arrest of ‘Deep State’ child rapist Nazi German junior George W. BushFRAUDScherff enabling whore House Speaker U.S. Senator Nancy Pelosi, Democrat of California.

Pelosi has now been fingered by U.S. Naval Intelligence for criminal collusion with BushFRAUDScherff in trying to hide the existence of the 2003 document, which was Ambassador Leo Wanta’s power of attorney, which verified Wanta as the sole principal and trustee of both the New Republic Corporation in Vienna, Austria and the AmeriTrust Corporation in the Commonwealth of Virginia being the sole administrator of these STOLEN Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols due the U.S. and French Treasuries for over the last thirty (30) years.

Pelosi and New York Democratic U.S. Senator Charles Schumer were on the take along with the Clintons for the entire period of BushFRAUDScherff’s illegal occupation of the White House with a promise from BushFRAUDScherff that CIA agent Hillary would be the next president.

The fiasco ended in September of 2008 (even after BushFRAUDScherff was delegitimatized in June of 2008 with Pelosi, Al Gore and BushFRAUDScherff all on the phone) when HIGH TREASON TRAITOR Pelosi helped BushFRAUDScherff bail out all of the crooked banks with $4.5 TRILLION of STOLEN Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocol funds.

Pelosi bribed and blackmailed her own Democratic Party to do the crooked bank bail out with the threat of Martial Law aka, once again, Bush-Clinton-CIA RICO.

Pelosi, who has threatened to sue the owner of the hair salon, will now be locked up in a hair salon with Nazi German BushFRAUDScherff in Dealey Plaza in the city of Dallas, Texas.

President Gore has also directly ordered that Thomas Jefferson be put back in the school system of the state of Texas history books immediately.


Dr. Anthony Fauci

President Gore has, once again, ordered the immediate arrest of BushScherff-Clinton-CIA crime cartel stooge Dr. Anthony Fauci who has been working with BRITISH intelligence to create a vaccine that will actually contaminate the American People with AIDS and syphilis along with cancer inducing viruses.

We can also report that President Gore has closed down Yellowstone National Park after discovering underground scalar tunnels that were about to coordinate an EMP scalar attack against the American People with the common and control center being BRITISH-controlled Canada.

This is the same BRITISH terrorist group that, along with Dick Cheney, hacked the NORAD defense system the day of 9/11, which, of course, was BRITISH Serco!

We can also report that Naval Intelligence just gained possession of an audio taped conversation recorded ten (10) hours before 9/11 in which HIGH TREASON TRAITOR Dick Cheney alerts CIA agent Bill Clinton that a major national security event is about to occur, which will end any talk of BushFRAUDScherff’s legitimacy and pave the way for fellow CIA agent Hillary Clinton to be a future Democratic nominee aka the continuation of BushScherff-Clinton-CIA RICO.

At this hour 28th Amendment Application continues and be prepared if you do not have a gun, buy one!

The only solution for HIGH TREASON TRAITORS in the words of American Revolutionary patriot Thomas Paine “…is the long end of a rope…”.

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