Source: Dinar Chronicles | By Kat WOWEE, I just read what Poof said. I’ve GOT to start with it: _____________________ POOF SAID Gr...

Source: Dinar Chronicles | By Kat
WOWEE, I just read what Poof said. I’ve GOT to start with it:
Greetings and Salutations,
We are working the time lines and all of the details on the deliveries. And we're over-seeing the final details of the planned releases and assuring the folk who listen that we too want nothing but the easiest of flows. We want a right outworking of all of the deliveries such that : No one has any doubt but that they have in fact received.
What you have hoped to see is about to be embarked upon. We are happy that we can make these notices and these changes that affect today.
We are also watching with interest as the deniers are forging ahead with their planned dispositions and their on-going exhibitions.
Divinity supports this to manifest and to be done as quickly as it possibly can be.
Love and Kisses,
"It's Going on" - ZAP Weekly - The Office of POOFness - 9.13.20
Thank you, Poof, wherever in the Multiverse you are. Goddess willing we are there!
Enclose below a fascinating conversation between Charlie Ward and BrownCryptoKid about Super computers, the Quantum Financial System, Blockchain, Ripple, XRP, Bitcoin, etc.
I’m always happy to learn more about the exciting changes that are being implemented for the good of all. I’m not a tech person but I did my best.
The conversation began with praise for President Trump and his historic Peace agreements in the Middle East. Go POTUS! As Santa Surfing loves to say, Trumpsara!
Our very own Ron Giles figured prominently in this conversation so hat’s off to you Ron, for your always excellent information that BrownCryptoKid verified 100%. Bravo.
Here is the original video-link with Ron Giles and Charlie Ward that is referenced in my transcription below. It was a whopping great video for many reasons, starting with James Rink’s excellent Timeline and then a great discussion of the QFS where Ron figured prominently:
Timeline By James Rink & Quantum by Ron Giles discussed with Tara Dean & Charlie Ward 9-9-20
As another FYI, I passionately recommend James Rink’s nearly 3 hour video:
Change is on the Horizon - Dawn of the Golden Age (Full Version) 6-20-12
It is an absolutely spectacular history that is very important for all, especially those who don’t know anything about what’s going on. He made it in 2012 but if you watch the video with Ron Giles and Charlie Ward, James Rink brings his Timeline History up to the present.
Here are some approximate minute markers in the video:
38:00 The end of the St. Germain section and the size of the Collateral Accounts…. If you listen to the history of the USA the Rothschilds have owned it/us for a couple of hundred years.
1:49:35 Birth Certificates and how we are not Human Beings but commodities traded on the Stock Market.
1:58:44 The Farmer’s history and the beginning of the NESARA law
2:07 The Alliance, Q-Team
2:20 NESARA explained
James Rink outlines the breadth of the deep state / cabal / illuminati / demons’ deception and lies that we have been subjected to since birth and our country for hundreds of years. It is incomprehensible and reprehensible.
Once President Trump and the Alliance have arrested every corrupt politician and judge I don’t think there will be even a handful left in Congress or the Courts or the endless Government agencies. We have been stolen from in every conceivable way.
The money they’ve stolen; the wars they waged; the endless needless killing in all the wars; the diseases they created; the killing “medicine” they administered; the drug cartels; the poisons they’ve poisoned Earth, her Kingdoms and Humanity with.
The filthy technology that was totally unnecessary and all the buried technology that could have healed and enlightened Earth and Humanity.
Most heinous of all, the Human Trafficking and the children. You now know all about that thanks to Colleen and Charlie Freak’s brilliant research, and Charlie Ward’s Roundtables.
It’s staggering how psychotic, greedy and repulsive the deep state are. That’s why I call them demons. They are devoid of one glint of God’s Light.
The good news is we are living in a miraculous time when all grievances are being redressed. All wrongs righted. All lack and debt flooded with tsunamis of abundance that we worked for and were taxed for including what Masters of old set aside for Humanity when the time was right.
The superabundance coming to every human being is not a “gift” to us — it is repaying what we paid and paid and paid for with our blood, sweat and tears. It is God’s delight that his/her children have EVERYTHING. “Lack” is a cabal creation. Abundance is our Divine State of Being.
There isn’t a number high enough to measure the wealth on Earth for all: The highest number I could find was Googolplex.
“Googolplex: There isn’t enough room or time to write out this number.”

THAT is how much wealth there is on Earth. Thank you St. Germain, Dragon Family—all the awakened masters and angels who have been watching over Earth and Humanity for centuries, praying and working towards this moment.
We have the privilege to be living on Gaia as everything transitions from darkness to light. From 3D to 5D+. From power-over-others to Love. From harm to reverence for all life.
The reason all that beauty can manifest is not just because there’s astronomical wealth to pay for it, but because enough people have raised their consciousness to empower it.
So to all lightworkers, truth-tellers, digital-warriors, as well as the mighty Alliance headed by POTUS and Q—congratulations for being the light, holding the light and blazing the light.
Happiest point in this transcription:
41:04 Charlie Ward:
Blockchain + Revaluation together
brings everybody into a nice place…
It’s already started in Iraq…
Every time I write that Charlie Ward has say, 159k subscribers, by the time Patrick publishes my blog, Charlie Ward has 1,000 MORE subscribers. I said it here first: He’ll have a million by the time WWIII is done and deservedly so.

Charlie – you need to remember this too —
Jesus loves you
Even if everybody else thinks you’re a twat.
Peace, Health, Happiness and Abundance for all — we are Goddess, Sovereign, Free,
xo, Kat
BrownCryptoKid Answers Question about Blockchain and QFS 9-13-20
Partially Transcribed by Kat
BrownCryptoKid: We’re raising money for Operation Underground Railroad to help Trafficked Children… it’s very important that you make sure you donate to the right charity…
6:45 Charlie Ward: … Save the Children was a Foundation that got corrupted… don’t go anywhere near them… Just to see the transition in the world it’s incredible…
7:15 We’ve had a busy busy week in the last week… it’s quite funny, people say, well what’s happening?... in the week that’s gone by some HUGE things have happened but because the Mainstream Media don’t cover it, nobody knows what’s happened…
I love the fact that Israel have a Peace Agreement with UAE… Abu Dhabi specifically… [8-13-20 Israel-United Arab Emirates normalization agreement / the Abraham Accord]…
7:41 And then suddenly you get Kosovo and Serbia… [9-4-20 Kosovo and Serbia sign an economic normalization agreement… Serbia moving embassy to Jerusalem]…
[President Trump received a second nomination for the 2021 Nobel Peace Prize, from Magnus Jacobsson, member of the Swedish Parliament…]
7:47 And then on Friday a Peace Agreement between Israel and Bahrain… [President Trump announced the agreement on the 19th anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, following a phone call he had with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Bahrain’s King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa]…
7:55 Charlie Ward cont.: You know, you’ve got 2 massive Muslim countries, the UAE and Bahrain signing Peace deals with Israel… then suddenly the penny drops and you go, I see what you’re doing… getting all the little Muslim countries to sign a Peace deal with Israel and the last one will be Palestine and Palestine won’t have anymore excuses…
8:55 BrownCryptoKid: It’s phenomenal. Which previous President has done this?
9:00 Charlie Ward: Not one. Not one has even come close to it. Every other previous President has decided to bomb countries and kill people… then they try and force change and they force change for the worse…
9:13 BrownCryptoKid: That’s what people don’t understand… they think Trump is doing this for show or for the election but he’s not… he’s been trying to do this for such a long time and it’s all coming to fruition now… and it’s amazing what he’s been able to achieve in such a short time…
9:28 I did not believe in Trump a few years ago… but now I’m starting to see what he’s actually capable of… and what he can do and what he has done… and it’s amazing…
11:04 So… here again… to clear up some confusion… a lot of people have messaged me… I hope I don’t get too technical… I will try and simplify everything as soon as possible…
11:27 Charlie Ward: You can be sure if I get it then everyone else can, I promise you (smiles)…
11:35 BrownCryptoKid: Before we get into anything, we are not financial advisors, none of this is financial advice… make sure you do your own research…
12:00 I feel that people have taken the truth and misunderstood it… and I am here to just lay down the facts… I will connect it to what people are talking about so everything makes sense…
—Quantum Computers are computers with very powerful hardware and A. I…. it is basically way faster and smarter than normal computers…
12:23 The exact definition of Quantum Computing is: The use of quantum phenomena such as superposition and entanglement to perform computation… computers that perform quantum computation are known as Quantum Computers… basically, super computers…
12:44 Very powerful A.I. and hardware which can do many many things that normal computers we have today cannot do…
12:56 Blockchain technology is basically way ahead of its time… it came out too early… blockchain technology is going to become the new internet… but right now, as of today, it uses normal computers as its nodes…
13:24 Once Quantum Computers replace normal computers… that’s when we actually unlock the true potential of what blockchain can do… so that’s what it’s all about… Blockchain is way ahead of its time, it’s too early… we were not ready for this tech…
13:46 When we double up with Quantum Computers and create a network of these Quantum Computers that’s when Blockchain’s true potential will be unleashed… and that’s when a crop of Quantum Financial System can be created on top of it… does that make sense, Charlie?
14:12 Charlie Ward: It certainly does… and that fits in very much with what I’m hearing from my people… the Quantum Financial System within the banking system is being tested properly… since August the 2nd… but it was attacked… it was more attacked at the old SWIFT system to try and contaminate… because I’ve been told under good authority that it’s virtually impossible to hack [the QFS]… they can just try and cause trouble…
14:48 BrownCryptoKid: They can probably stop it from transitioning… I think that’s what’s happening…
14:53 Charlie Ward: Correct… and there’s also a lot of Financial instruments on the old SWIFT system that will take quite a bit of time to transfer…
15:00 BrownCryptoKid: Absolutely true… the transition… some people say it can happen overnight, some people say a week… but I feel it’s going to be a little slower than that… it’s definitely happening that’s for sure… people are already talking about it…
15:18 SWIFT is an old 40-year-old system and it has to be replaced… I’m not sure if it’s going to be called the QFS but if it is that is what will replace it for sure… this blockchain tech is coming and whether you like it or not it’s going to change the world forever… especially the Financial world…
15:46 Now I wanted to break down everything Ron Giles had to say and make sure I answer his questions and doubts and clearly link it with what’s actually going on in the world…
16:00 “Ripple” is the centralized entity and the XRPLedger is the decentralized ecosystem… XRP is a digital asset in this ecosystem… so XRPL is a network and XRP is an asset in this network and is decentralized…
16:31 Ripple is just the centralized software company that just watches over this… they are 2 completely different things…
16:42 XRPLedger… that is the XRP ecosystem… you can build coins on it… you can issue new currencies on the XRPL… so if central banks want to issue gold-backed central banking digital currencies they can issue that on the XRPL…
17:05 The XRP… the digital asset… is the main coin because it’s the fastest and most liquid asset on the XRPL… but if you want, they can issue coins on it…

Ripple Cryptocurrency, "In Blockchain We Trust"
17:20 If you think the new CBDC [Central Bank Digital Coin?]… is going to be a new coin on the XRPL and you jump and buy those CBDCs… it doesn’t matter if you hold XRP or if you buy the new gold-backed currency because XRP will be the bridge… XRP will grow and have a gold-backed value on its own… it doesn’t matter if you buy the currency which is going to be gold backed or if you buy XRP because XRP will be the winner here… it’s a win-win…
There is a way to issue currencies on the XRP system… it’s called IOU’s…
18:27 Now Ron mentioned… it was very interesting, very amazing… whenever he talked about the QFS fits in perfectly with the XRP system… he said they’re going to use blockchain but it’s going to be a more refined blockchain…
19:00 I immediately connected with that… Bitcoin uses the blockchain system… which is TOW—Truth Of Works… which is very unsustainable… inefficient… that’s why some people say Bitcoin is kind of useless…
19:15 But XRP is the advanced blockchain tech… I didn’t make this up… the Ripple Website literally says advanced blockchain tech and does not use the same system as Bitcoin does… it uses a ledger system backed by Proof of Consensus… far, far superior than Bitcoins blockchain tech…
Ripple Website:
19:40 XRP runs on a system, and no joke Charlie, it’s 57,000 times more sustainable than Bitcoin… very highly scalable because of its liquid nature… and it’s the fastest, most efficient Crypto out there…
19:55 So Ron is right… if the QFS actually uses a refined blockchain system, XRP fits right in…
20:22 Ron also mentioned about tracking coins to stop money laundering and make it highly secure… all of this is possible on the XRP system…
20:38 You can issue coins, you can issue privacy coins… the XRP system is very transparent… you can see ALL the transactions… so what he said is right, you can stop money laundering and it’s highly secure… everything he said was perfectly aligning with XRP’s tech…
21: 08 He said Quantum Computers will be able to monitor everything and keep systems in check… perfectly aligns with Ripple’s registered nodes backed by institutions all around the world… right now they are running on normal computers some of them may be on a super computer… but everything will soon be Quantum Computers so that it can unleash the actual potential of blockchain technology…
Everything Ron says is connecting exactly with XRP and Ripple… it’s amazing… and fitting in with what the future holds… it’s all coming…
22:22 Charlie Ward: And when you share information… you, myself, Ron, many other people… we get information and when you share it together you can create a far clearer picture…
23:04 BrownCryptoKid: Now I’m literally quoting Ron Giles… he mentioned how the SWFIT system presses key strokes and the QFS can monitor this…
23:23 SWIFT is a messaging network that current financial institutions use to securely transmit information and instructions through a standardized system of codes… SWIFT does not settle money… they’re a messaging platform… they just message the transaction between banks and institutions…
23:47 Now Ripple has positioned itself as a competitor to the SWIFT standard… and the global banking network… it was perfect timing… puts more focus on how banks are migrating to this standard… all banks will be registered soon enough… Ripple is trying to overthrow SWIFT right now… the new QFS will be able to monitor what SWIFT does and what Ripple… will know what is happening in the SWIFT system once it’s transitioned…
24:49 Instead of messaging… Ripple creates a settlement based system… if I make a transaction you’ll get it… there’s no messages there’s no 4 to 5 days… they talked about this… if I want to send money somewhere it’s faster if I take a plane, go there and give the money myself… it’s funny, but that is the truth… that’s the world we live in.. it takes 5 days to settle transactions…
25:25 Ron said the QFS will be able to do that in seconds…
26:20 Charlie Ward: First of all, I know things behind the scenes so I look at it from the other side… well why can’t people see it?... I’ve been told it’s going to happen and it’s happening… simple things like the central banks being closed “due to Covid-19”… and yet all the normal banks, HSBC, Barclays, CitiBank all these are open and yet the central banks are closed… and you go, why is that? Nobody’s asking these questions… the Mainstream Media haven’t raised the subject at all…
27:00 BrownCryptoKid: So many things going on — all of this is a smokescreen so things can be done on the backend…
27:10 Charlie Ward: I have a friend who works in one of the secret agencies in the UK… and he was poking me and taking the mick and what have you… that I was on this journey and I didn’t know what I was talking about… in the last 4-weeks he’s gone very very quiet… because I said to him, maybe I know more than you do about it… (laughing)…
27:42 BrownCryptoKid: A lot of things are happening… September is a big month just like you said, Charlie… (Charlie nodding)… we just saw the regulation news coming in… Trump just said “I’ve already signed it, nobody knows about it”… (Charlie nodding)…
28:10 Charlie Ward: We’re living in an amazing time… he’s done so much work and people are still saying, well, what’s he doing?... it just shows you how fast asleep a lot of people are… you and I are seeing so many exciting things happening… we’re open to seeing all these things whether it be Peace agreements… whether it be transitions from one banking system to another… I was told that the SWIFT system, in my language, we’ve put the SWIFT system on Life Support… it’s running at about 10% power…
28:48 BrownCryptoKid: It’s about time… [SWIFT] is a 40-year old system… why do we need it? Their only keeping it so they have power, that’s the only reason I see it…
29:28 Charlie Ward: Next year you won’t need currency exchange bureaus like we do this year… it will go straight through the Quantum System…
30:20 BrownCryptoKid: XRP you can change one currency to the other… if XRP is going to be part of the QFS…. all of this is very possible and people need to see that… there are a lot of things happening, Charlie, I can’t really say, but like I said, instead of 5 days — 3 seconds…
30:40 Crypto in general, Bitcoin came out as a hedge against the banking system… create your own bank, you won’t need a 3rd party bank to make a transaction, that was crypto’s main idea was…
Ripple instead of saying… ok, listen, we don’t have to push the banks away, because the banks won’t care what we’re doing… if there’s no regulations the big boys won’t come in… we need to go to the government and tell them listen we need to create a new system and the banks need to change to a new system….
A lot of crypto-communities didn’t like what Ripple was doing which was going to the banks… but I think this is a good idea.. when you go to the banks and force them to change, it’s better than just leaving them…

32:41 The XRPL system doesn’t care if the bank doesn’t make any money…they want money to go where it’s supposed to go which is exactly perfectly aligning with Ron’s theory said…
32:58 Ron also mentions how the current banking system cannot carry out gold back CBDC transactions… if we are going to have gold-backed currency it won’t fit in with the SWIFT system… he’s exactly right…
33:12 The system needs to transition into an advanced blockchain tech to be able to work with CBDCs… the QFS or whatever it’s called… it will change the way banks work… goes with XRPL…
33:36 Ripple has been pushing the XRP system for over 6-years now but for some reason the U.S. Regulators were not ready… they’ve been trying to stop it… now finally, if you don’t let it happen they’re just going to force it…
34:45 Ron also says money will go first into the QFS before it’s sent to the receiver?…. Exactly how XRP works… in 3 seconds…
There are so many cryptos out there… but when regulations come in 99% of all those cryptos will be gone… some of them are scams… these coins are made out of thin air… no crypto is pushing for regulations except Ripple and XRP…
We won’t be going to a cashless society…. I feel that’s true… What do you think, Charlie?
37:13 Charlie Ward: When I asked that question it was made very clear to me that the poorest people in the world… whether it’s in India, Pakistan, China, Russia, Africa… depend on cash… this is their life… it’s very easily when you live in the bubble of the UK / USA…. Oh 99% of the people use credit cards (in your bubble)… but when you get outside that bubble you find that 99% of the people in India, Pakistan and Africa have never even heard of a credit card…
37:51 I watched the transition of China where they tried to introduce digital currency… and they started doing the “WeChat” and the WeChat pay so they used what we call “what’s up”… they made WeChat so you could put money onto it and use it… they use it in McDonald’s WeChat Pay it’s funny to watch… they’ve been very very clever, as the Chinese are…

39:46 You just want to be thankful that Trump is actually in power… because he’s a businessman whereas everybody that went before him was a politician… and hadn’t got a clue about business…
40:00 And of course you have to understand that most of the Chinese at the top are businessmen as well… so they found it very easy to pull the pants down of the Americans and everybody else in the world… it was only when Trump got into power they thought, “Hang on, hang on”… and he worked out everything they were doing and playing at so he reset them… he said, “Right. Now you’re dealing with me…”
40:56 BrownCryptoKid: We need a level playing field and that’s what blockchain tech can do… it can create this field for everyone to have a fair game…
41:04 Charlie Ward:
Blockchain + Revaluation together
brings everybody into a nice place…
It’s already started in Iraq…
42:00 BrownCryptoKid: This is a touchy subject on Twitter… Ripple support of BLM… they are marketing XRP to the world… they are trying to fit every money in the world into the XRP ecosystem… Ripple has to be ready to fit in with everybody… but now it’s been exploited in the USA and it’s not what BLM stands for and it’s insane… I’m a man of color and I was so happy but it makes me so sad… they’ve exploited it… I blame the evil force in the US to exploit such a good thing and make it so political…
40:06 Charlie Ward: Also, we’ve become so sensitive… (Long chat about “difference”…)
48:20 The one point I want to make because this is quite important…I knew from a very early point that Black Lives Matter was set up by white people, using black people, to fund white people, and that made me angry…. the message was right, but the way it was done was wrong… you can’t have a group like BLM and say it’s all wrong… it’s not… the message was right but the machine they were using was wrong…
If you watch the Mainstream Media they’re using BLM for all the wrong reasons to raise money for the Democrats… they want Trump out…
51:25 BrownCryptoKid: What people need to understand is the XRPL system, or Quantum Computers, or XRP digital assets does not care what your gender is, what your skin color is, it does not care where you’re born… the blockchain system doesn’t care who you are… it’s going to work… it’s an A.I… Ripple the company needs to work with everyone… it’s all happening… It’s just going on in the backend…
I wanted to ask you Charlie about the whole Wirex incident…
53:06 Charlie Ward: Yeah, somebody sent it to me and it came out of the Canadian branch of Wirex… Wirex for some reason asked people to move their money off XRP onto PTC in Canada and only Canada…
[PESETACOIN Pesetacoin - PTC (English)]
It wasn’t worldwide… I don’t know the reason behind it, I tried to find out the reason… Canada had removed the XRP and the WKT which is Wirex owned… they removed them both from the Wirex platform… very typically it was sent out on the worldwide web…
54:20 BrownCryptoKid: I looked into the Wirex website… maybe somebody was messing around… I’m not fully invested in XRP… make sure you’re diversified… Gold, Silver… get some Bitcoin, get come Ethereum, some XRP… make sure that you have support… make sure to diversify never go all in on one coin… do your own research… don’t just listen to Charlie and me… the key principle in investment is diversification… Do your own research…
56:36 Charlie Ward: Diversification is so important when you’re looking into Crypto, when you’re looking into investment… the only time you need to have all your eggs in one basket is when you’re married to a Turkish woman… (laughter)…
57:18 BrownCryptoKid: How is the old tech we have now going to fit into the QFS… blockchain tech is way ahead of its time… only reaches its true potential when we have Quantum computers… that will come into existence when you have supercomputers as nodes…
Three Gorges Dam situation… I’m hoping nothing happens… 65% of Bitcoin mining is in China if the Dam collapses that will create a huge problem in the Bitcoin ecosystem… I’m not sure what’s going to happen… I just hope it doesn’t happen… I hope they keep that dam intact….
Charlie Ward: Thank you so much for so much information on a Sunday Morning…
End partial transcription by Kat
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