Source: White Hat Auxiliaries AUGUST 3, 2020 Information Briefing #156 Crooked thief, bribe taker and a disgrace to America. He ...

Source: White Hat Auxiliaries
AUGUST 3, 2020
Information Briefing #156
Crooked thief, bribe taker and a disgrace to America. He must be stopped.
Biden…His Time??
Time to publicly wake up the masses and define the Founders’ hopes for your America, as all hopes will be lost if Biden and the Criminal Usurping Obama backed Deep State take over again. Then Democratic genocide would follow. Do you want a Muslim, BLM, Zionist Criminal controlled America? Everything the Founders sought to escape seeking Liberty.
You each, America and its people, deserve better. Heed the call of Paul Revere. It’s wake up time. The last hopes of the nation will be determined in November. Biden is criminally corrupt and a Deep State lackey. As is Obama. They need to be STOPPED! They all do! There are vast records proving these Frauds and Theft and their combined criminality. This is the lead in to recover multi Trillions of YOUR hard earned Dollars stolen from you, and to unlock the vast Pandora’s Box of US Cabal Criminality. Even Bush 41, the most Criminal of all US Presidents, stated, “If the people knew what we had done, they would string us all from the Lamp Posts and Trees”. We KNOW! Organize and take it back.
See WHR #25
We know and track where Obama is hiding his own defrauded funds. They can run, but they can’t hide. Time to expose them and close them down. Biden does not deserve the right to the Oval Office. But neither did Usurping Obama. A heinous crime for which he needs to pay!
Your vote and YOUR Responsibility is to keep America free on YOUR Watch! Stand up for America and vote NO to Biden! No More Deep State and Democrats Corruption! No to Corrupt Biden! Stop this Train Wreck. Vote No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Vote No, NOW!
We have the incontrovertible proof with Josef Ackerman, then of Deutsche Bank, setting it up for Bush 41; the Banks, their Bank Program Platform Engineers, and Political parties linked and stealing from Falcone and all others they also reneged on from redeeming Trillions owed. Michael Herzog, also wanted now in Israel for Fraud, is up to the neck in this, as are the vile Clintons, and Romney. Worse, FBI Agents acting for Mueller, who in turn was acting for Bush 41, traveled to the FBA Palm Beach unit to stop FBI Agents we have identified on record from pursuing Romney or Bush. Corrupt Agency interference to hide a vast crime.

Democracy, or Deep State and Crime Family Autocracy? How can this Crime Family of Bushes morally back Bribe-Taking Biden? Zero moral conscience, the lot of them. But then, it was Bush 41 and Clinton who first bribed Biden, with the Falcone Fraud. The Bush/Clinton Crime families again. Sleaze and corruption, they are Traitors. Then Vice President Biden, a Public Office Servant, was BRIBED by Clinton and Bush 41, and Mueller acting for Bush 41 and Romney, helped cover it up. Treason! Witnessed by disgusted Patriots. But all on record!
This needs ONLY a Military Court. Military Sentences! The Founders would have settled for nothing less. Who will clean up America? What was that we heard,” I will Drain the Swamp”? When? When election pledges fail, so does the incumbent. Drain the Swamp!
This new report is being re-released as a Tribute towards the austere and valued work Bill Barr and Kayleigh McEnany undertake as true Patriots, defending America and their President. One ever besieged by a crooked, lying Democratic autocracy, and the pitifully corrupt Fake News Media, who are a disgrace as the Voice of America. So, can this help become the voice of truth to free America of the Deep State and Democratic Vice choking America? The time is now for ending these Political Crime families, and the loathsome Zionists stranglehold on America. With both Houses treasonously coerced by bribery into swearing an Oath of Allegiance to a despotic Kazah Shill Cult, posing as Israelis and Zionists. These are NOT Jews! Few have any Israeli Jewish bloodlines whatsoever. These are the spawn only of Khazar Genghis Khan Plains Marauders vermin seed which has thieved, defrauded and raped its way across the Russian Empire, Europe and has taken complete control of America’s Fiscal lifeline. Denying you a right to the Treasury or your own Fed run by Americans, for Americans, not Jewish greed. Break free of this Zionist Vice! America must own its own Central Bank, not these Shylocks and Shysters. Give America its OWN Central Bank run By Americans, for Americans.

There has been a recorded Criminal Conspiracy for which we all need your help and support with you emailing this to get to Trump, Barr and Kayleigh, to stop Biden and help Trump’s team to re- track America. Keep America SAFE! Fight for American Liberty. Deep 6 the Deep State. You can help protect Americans. It’s on YOUR Watch!
American Lives Matter, as do the Free Rights of all to be heard. Not Herded by the un-elected Deep and Shadow State. No President has ever been so shabbily treated, and the Press Office meetings which Kayleigh attempts to hold with decorum and dignity, has her being rudely talked over by crude and arrogant MSM Stalking Horses, determined to establish a Demos Deep State Doctrine on America, clueless as to the consequences of such banal views. The MSM is a disgrace to America. Shameful. They are no voice of the People, nor possess any ethical or moral fortitude. A truly squalid and shameful rabble. Unfit for the WH Press area.
As Mueller was criminally involved, protecting Bush 41, the most Criminal and Treasonous of all American Presidents, and Biden, he is the last to talk of corruption. He’s got a Monkey on his own back. Enough to jail him.
White Hats Report #14 – The Dewhurst Files – Part 1
Nailing Biden!!!!
Kayleigh and Bill, please- go for HIM! Investigate, sequestrate. We are behind you.

Dewhurst and his jones-crusher girl’s mugshot
When the White Hats started reviewing the Falcone Fraud, David Dewhurst was then currently serving in Texas as the Lt. Governor, a position of Public Trust. An honorable position, demanding he conducted himself accordingly. His ambitions extended to challenging for a seat in the Senate. Mr. Dewhurst’s complete personal integrity, and his ability to be an honest, forthright, public official, an elected leader of the people of the State of Texas, following the Bush /Herzog Fraud, now becomes an issue tracking right through to bribing a Vice President in Office. Not dissimilar to what Custer also once found himself up against with the squalid corruption of Washington DC. Sleaze lives as ever.
This is a man whose own brother, in conjunction with others, is now facing unfolding litigation following the debacle over the breach of contract, and numerous other serious felonious criminal activities, relating to the Ed Falcone affair. Public entities are complicit and their associations which are unfolding will have implications for many.
Here are further details received:
Donald Nevin, the half brother to David Dewhurst, signed a contract with his passport copy attached, as part of a settlement deal with Ed Falcone. This was presented to Ed Falcone as an already signed agreement. Falcone hoped to help Hurricane Katrina Victims and to rebuild Florida areas in need. Funds intended to do good were stolen by this Vipers Cabal.
Ed Falcone received emails in reference to this settlement contract that contained a heading, ”The Bush Settlement”. President Trump’s team NEEDs to contact Ed Falcone and his Attorneys to get all of this. This is your Smoking gun. The Silver bullet for Biden.
Donald Nevins opened up a bank account for his group. Part of the settlement funds were instructed to be transferred into this account. He met with Ed Falcone and his Bankers, (fully accountable exposure here!!!!) assuring them the funds would be wired to the agreed bank coordinates with Bush 41 clearly linked.
Donald Nevin indicated he was working on behalf of Bush Senior and the “Agency” (a reference to the Central Intelligence Agency) via his brother, a former CIA Operative and the then Lieutenant Governor of Texas, David Dewhurst. Indicate this in a Criminal Fast Track Inquiry? Let Biden run with that exposed! Let Kayleigh challenge them, investigate this!!!! Do your jobs, and be Patriots. Not Zio Shills!

Donald Nevin was part of a team, including five (5) other CIA individuals, who flew around the world desperately trying to move money and alter bank account records to hide Bush Senior’s stolen monies from Falcone and Joe Biden’s bribery money, from pursuing investigators. We have previously reported about some of these activities. These accounts using Bank trading Programs escalated up to over $900 Billion dollars, all Tax Evaded and hidden offshore by Bush, Herzog, Ackermann, Romney, Biden, Clintons and others. This is just one of so many more cases and Herzog, as the Bagman for the Bush, Clinton Crime Families, was fully exposed by the Interpol raid on his German home and offices, where vast amounts of incriminating evidence and many other such contracts were discovered. Why has America Justice failed to act here? Interterpol gave them the files and proof. Mueller knew!
As a vengeful, vitriolic Zio Rat, Herzog has threatened to expose all the extensive Bush/Clinton/ Biden and CIA trading accounts if he is made to pay back his part of what they stole. This needs Trump to appoint a Trusted Elliot Ness. Extradite Herzog, interrogate Dewhurst, Romney and all of them. The Bribes alone will carry a lot of Jail time. Life! Take it to them. Save this Presidency. Or Crime wins! Do this for America! Who will pick up this Can of Worms, Bill Barr please. Drain the Swamp? Let Biden try to run with this- Fast!
The signed agreement by Donald Nevin instructed Ed Falcone, that upon receiving his settlement payment, he would transfer $550,000,000 Dollars into the group bank account explained above. 50%, or $275,000,000 Dollars would be divided between Donald Nevins and his brother, Lieutenant Governor David Dewhurst, while the other 50% would be divided among the five other CIA individuals, who flew around the world using Government planes, acting for Bush and Biden, helping move their stolen funds. Crime on an Epic scale. How about a Hollywood Blockbuster? Is this what it will take for Justice? For this Crime they all do time!
Arrest the CIA Officers. Treason!
It’s way overdue time for US prosecutions, with damning consequences for many, including Dewhurst, as he will have to answer for his very awkward participation. Their Bank visits with Senior Bank Officers, which are on record and will be declared, will have severe international legal consequences. Proof and the footprints of guilt are all ready to be exhibited in a Court of Law, with developing criminal implications. The Bushs were telling their scared minions not to do anything and be quiet … it will all blow over … “trust us”, they say. Well, trust us … it will not blow over … even with all of the threats, bribes and political destruction, many are fiercely angry and are not only willing but will gladly come forward to tell all they know. Even the Bushs do not have the ability to stop this building political storm once we get Herzog extradited. Bring Herzog back to America. He will throw them all under a bus. Do it now!
The consequences are unfolding. Perhaps Dewhurst’s dream of Senatorial glory would have been better focused on being a Senatorial candidate by upholding the Constitution and all that being a high level, elected public official means and requires. If we could suggest, and we hate to be out of line by suggesting, but maybe, just maybe, then ex Lt. Governor David Dewhurst needs to tell the truth about his involvement with the Bush’s and the $135,000,000.00 Dollars he was to receive for having his Brother deliver a message and documents. Or was ex Lt. Governor Dewhurst’s share of the money, a mere $135,000,000 Dollars, more than meets the eye? Dewhurst was a CIA operative after all … does he know the truth? America, this does not compute, does it to you? Are you voting for a person who was using his office for things that logically are difficult to explain? Is he to be trusted to represent you faithfully, or as we saw, line his pockets at your expense? It’s your vote!!
Either way, we say that if Dewhurst cared about his personal integrity, and that of the offices he wished to hold, he either needs to tell the total truth which exposes the Bushs, Clintons and BIDEN, or cease with his aspirations of being an elected official on any level. Dewhurst, your answer will tell the people of the State of Texas and all of America about your ability to ever hold office and faithfully represent your constituents. THE EYES OF OUR NATION ARE NOW UPON YOU. You’re in our Cross Hairs, Dewhurst. We know your guilt.

Especially since your girlfriend publicly beat you up, you pathetic Wimp and Big Girl’s Blouse.
What is visibly unfolding is a real life play on the American dream. The American ethos is to work, to prosper, to succeed, but not to have it stolen or defrauded from us. It’s about doing the right thing, standing together and helping all. Elected Officials are paid to help us, not use public office to help themselves like Obama and Biden. Biden is a Fraud! Clinton deserves to go to Jail. Obama knew and covered it up. Another Usurper who lined his crooked pockets.
Let us show the American spirit has not died. Your voice counts and together it gets louder. Exposure is their worst nightmare. Justice for one man, is justice for all.
We need President Trump to appoint an Enforcement Officer to investigate all of this and Biden, also to urgently Extradite Herzog, recover these funds as proceeds of crime, prosecute the Fraud and Bribe Takers /Givers!! Prosecute the Tax Evaders, and use all the proceedings to cross investigate all linked Trading Programs and Tax Evasion running into Trillions. Take it ALL back!
Drain this Swamp. Give Bush 41 the exposure legacy he truly deserves and Biden a trial!
Help America by mailing it to The White House, Bill Barr and Kayleigh. Help us all protect America. Expose and close down these Public Rats in Office.
Karma, for EVERY Bad Decision there is a Consequence. Indict Biden, also Benghazi Traitor Clinton who bribed him, acting for Bush 41, and all of them! Each one implicated is known.
Time to open up this entire can of worms. Payback. What a Hollywood Blockbuster this Ball Buster would be. Do the Crime, Do the Time, it’s coming for you Biden. We need you all, to save America. Save its people from the Deep State and Zio crooks. Save The Constitution.
Bring Biden and Hilderbeast to Justice. Obama knew and covered it up. He’s dirty. The whole lot of them belong in a Nuremberg type Dock. You deserve better. Falcone’s Attorneys have all the evidence and proof. Dirty CIA agents known. President Trump, PLEASE, Drain this swamp.
This is your Legacy. This will save your Presidency. We seek only to help you all.
Just as with Epstein and the Clinton Lolita Express, You, the American People, have the right to say No. Biden must not become the American President, and Biden must not be allowed to cover up his Heinous Crimes.
Let us help President Trump and Bill Barr, enforce Justice, this is his Legacy.

Put back and re-track America. Will the MSM publish Truth? Even investigate it?
The Cabal Deep State Truth- Lies!
President Trump, now please give the people this truth, they have a right to know, and to stop this travesty. For Biden the Big House, the Pen Not the White House. Expose them all.
A Legacy to be proud of. Did America ever need its new John Wayne more? Act.
Save America.
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