Source: Dinar Chronicles | By Kat “If my dear friend Donald Trump ever decided to sacrifice his fabulous billionaire lifestyle to be...

Source: Dinar Chronicles | By Kat
“If my dear friend Donald Trump
ever decided to sacrifice
his fabulous billionaire lifestyle
to become President —
he would be an unstoppable force
for ultimate justice
that Democrats and Republicans alike
would celebrate.”
~ John F. Kennedy Jr., GEORGE magazine, June 1999
Enclose Part 2 of Mark Devlin, Charlie and Colleen Freak’s “The Q Plan Explained.”
Peace, Health, Happiness and Abundance for all — We are Goddess, Sovereign, Free,
xo, Kat
Mark Devlin, Charlie and Colleen Freak: The Q-Plan Explained, 5-17-20
GVP #158
Partially transcribed by Kat, 8-9-20
1:08:14 Charlie cont.: And I know you well enough, Mark, to know that you’re all in on that as well… that we don’t want our Freedom and we don’t want our Happiness if it means that we just get it and everybody else in the world is left to themselves and that this torture and this nightmare continues…
1:08:57 So what everyone needs to inner-stand is that this is an earth-wide movement… they’re ALL coming down… so just think folks, for 200+ countries… you have to have enough people that you can trust to go in and create these states of emergencies…. settle things down… then begin the long process to give the power back to the people…
This is what Q continually talks about —
giving power back into the hands of the PEOPLE
NOT government…
1:09:09 Colleen: And the thing is, the people weren’t ready… they needed to get people to a place where they could handle this… they’ve been dripping out truth to us since 2014… flat-Earth… and all these truths have been dropping sequentially for years…
1:09:39 Mark Devlin: People have dismissed all of these as CIA psyops…
1:09:09 Colleen cont.: That’s right… “they’re all psyops”… and Veganism… 20-years of preparing us… and us, at the forefront of the truth-community, even these things are hard for us to wrap our head around…
So imagine someone so deep in the slumber that thinks the Pope is really a good guy… that the government is there for you… that vaccines are good for you… that the Queen is good… those people that have that in their mind… those people are going to be hard to wake up…
This is the great awakening but it’s going to take time… we have to be patient… we’re the ones on the forefront saying… yeah, let’s get it going… but there are so many behind us… and it is an effort of we leave no one behind…
1:10:35 Colleen cont.: Psychologically all the things that are coming down the pike are going to be so hard for people to wrap their minds around that it’s going to take a lot of time and this is a journey we have to do for ourselves…
You were so brilliant when you said we have to be our own hero… that’s exactly what we have to be… and this journey is for us so it’s the Great Awakening for each of us independently… and we need to do that… so it’s going to take each of us different time… and it takes time…
1:11:06 Mark Devlin: I just want to go back and speak some more about Trump…
He is a confusing and enigmatic character… Prior to his political career, nobody would ever have considered him as any kind of savior of Humanity…
1:11:17 He was this billionaire business man, he was a reality tv star, his image was that of an oaf or a buffoon, there’s been all kinds of accusations that he’s misogynistic… pictures of him socializing with the Clintons back in the day, hanging out with Hillary… pictures of him doing illuminati hand-signals… so he’s doing the free masonic pyramid and all this… he’s not an obvious candidate for taking down the deep state from the inside… when you look on…
1:11:50 We also have all kinds of contradictions with him… somebody posted a video of him this week claiming that he’s descended from one of the Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt… so in other words he’s an important bloodline player… it’s all about the family bloodlines as ever… and very few of these have been on the side of the people before…
1:12:10 Then we also have a whole load of flip-flops and about turns from him… he mentioned he wanted to start opening America back up on the 1st of May, you know Beltane, then he went back on that and extended the lockdown… he positions himself as being anti-vaccine… he doesn’t take vaccines himself… yet this week he announced he’s mobilizing the Military to administer vaccine “to most people” that’s the term that he used… in America…
1:12:45 Mark Devlin cont.: So then you somehow have to reconcile moves like that with his merging of the Federal Reserve with the U.S. Treasury… which has happened… so he’s taken the Fed out of the hands of private bankers brought it under the remit of the American Government with himself at the helm… He’s also dumped the Bill Gates World Health Organization model of predicting the future path of the so-called pandemic, although I believe he’s kept Anthony Fauci on…
1:13:10 So it’s all apparently contradictory… it’s all very confusing… one minute he appears like he’s genuinely on the side of the people, a breath of fresh air, not an obvious puppet like other establishment presidents, but the very next minute he makes a move that makes him appear to be absolutely toeing the official line…
How do we compute this?
Kat note: On 8-18-20 Charlie Ward said, “Trump is sending out Red Flags all over the place… but he’s TOTALLY IN CONTROL.”
1:13:32 Charlie: Yeah… excellent points and this is why you have to stand back in awe of Donald Trump and just marvel at how hard he works because he’s only getting a couple or a few hours of sleep a night… And how he’s doing it and maintaining the pressure that’s on him… and never making mistakes… always putting these big truths out in plain sight… is just incredible… it really really is…
1:14:14 The answer is very very easy… the problem is us… The problem is what Colleen was just sharing with you…
We’re all at different learning curves and the VAST MAJORITY, not just in the Western World but really across the planet, THE VAST MAJORITY OF PEOPLE ARE JUST LOST… they’re lost… they know that things aren’t great but it’s just par for the course for planet Earth…
1:14:48 Colleen: What comes into play right now is The Stockholm Syndrome… people have an attachment to their hostage-taker, to their jailer… we’re all MK-Ultra’d… every single one of us has been MK-Ultra’d…
1:15:03 Mark Devlin: And fight for the continuation of their own slavery… cuz they’ve never known anything other than being a slave…
1:15:06 Colleen: Exactly... So Trump has a very thin line to play with… they know this… they know the psychology of Humans… we’ve all been terrorized our entire life and we… some of us will not recover… but the majority will… I'm sure we will… but that’s what I’m suggesting — The Stockholm Syndrome and they’re [Q-team] having to play around that…
1:15:33 Mark Devlin: So you’re saying, when Trump makes announcements like he’s going to mobilize the Military to administer vaccines, he’s just giving the people what they expect to hear? He doesn’t really mean it, he’s just playing a role?
1:15:48 Charlie: Again, if you look at that particular tweet and the articles written in relation to it… what he really said is… “If he HAD to, we’re prepared to do that and we’re going to start with the elderly… but, we’re on top of all of this… we’ve got the answer with Hydroxychloroquine…”
1:16:20 The truth of what Hydroxychloroquine is right in the name, all you have to do is just know your etymology… to know it’s essentially just a placebo… people need to believe in something… yup take this, it’s gonna work… yeah, it worked!...
1:16:39 Colleen: But if they did make a vaccine it would come from them [Alliance] not from the Bill Gates Foundation and it would NOT be full of Mercury or anything like that…
1:16:44 Mark Devlin: So he’s severed ties with Gates now, at least…
1:16:45 Charlie: And Dr. Fauci as well… Fauci is on the hot seat… how people don’t see this I don't know…he is because this is called giving them rope…
1:17:01 Colleen: Sometimes you can’t tell the people the truth you have to show them… that’s what Q keeps saying… you can’t tell the people the truth cuz they’re not going to believe you… you have to show them… they have to see it with their own eyes… that’s a form of proof…
1:17:13 Charlie: Yes… let Fauci continue to hang himself…
Why are they allowing all these celebrities to continue to run their shows… Steven Colbert and Ellen degenerate and Oprah and run these shows from their houses… give ‘em rope… why would you let a piece of dung like Madonna have access to the internet and torture our minds any further?... Give her rope… let her hang herself…
Because people are so asleep… and so connected to their celebrities that they have to see in plain sight celebrities take themselves down… and then people will go, OMG, if I didn’t see it with my own eyes….
1:18:02 The thing you have to remember with Trump is there’s one election to go… the election in early November of this year is THE election of THE elections…
Kat note: On 8-18-20, Charlie Ward announced to the world that, “The voting system is being completely changed as we speak. The new Quantum Financial System operates on the blockchain system… they’re gonna use the blockchain system for voting.
It’s a brand new voting system. You will have to identify yourself on your cell phone, or your computer, and you’ll be able to vote that way on blockchain… so it’ll be digital voting… they’ve been trying to hack the blockchain system for 9-years unsuccessfully… so they’re extremely confident in the new voting system.”
"This Just in: Charlie Ward Scoop, Blockchain Voting! 8-18-20" by Kat - 8.18.20
Charlie Freak cont.: Rolling out Joe Biden… how could anybody think Biden is a candidate to run?... joking how he blackmailed the PM of the Ukraine…
Joe Biden!?! Who hasn’t he ra*ped?...
From my transcription of "Charlie and Colleen Freak Part 3: The Takedown of the Cabal's Evil Plan, 7-9-20" by Kat 8-2-20

1:14:40 Charlie: The next image you’re looking at is the 2 islands… Epstein Island and Water Island which is actually owned by Joe Biden and the Biden family… the Biden crime family…
1:15:10 Charlie: Joe Biden is NOT a politician… he has no interest in serving you or his constituents or anything…
1:15:15 Colleen: Ever wonder why he’s always smelling children?
1:15:10 Charlie: I’m going to tell you why… the Biden Crime Family is known for many things… they’re very despicable, very uncouth crime family… but they’re known for one thing more than anything else… and that is the procurement of children…
That’s why Joe Biden has his son involved with this gas/propane company in the Ukraine like he’s some big businessman… but those are all fronts for what they’re really doing…
He’s over there procuring children in war-torn areas…
1:16:02 Charlie: They’re helping George Soros — which is to create constant havoc so you constantly have children being separated from parents… then Hunter Biden’s job… [Colleen: What a name, right? Hunter/predator]… that’s what he is… he’s a hunter-of-children… to be [tortured] and then extracted for adrenochrome…
1:16:26 Charlie: [The Biden crime family] were taking hundreds of thousands of children every single year out of Eastern Europe…
1:19:19 Charlie: That’s why Biden knows he’s not going to be POTUS… he’s zoned out… he may not even be Biden anymore… zero chance he’ll win this election…
"Charlie and Colleen Freak, Part 3: The Takedown of the Cabal’s Evil Plan (Part 1)" by Kat - 8.6.20
1:19:24 Charlie cont.: You need to remember, 51% or 52% of Americans feel Trump is the greatest President since John F. Kennedy and is the greatest man in the world… 47% or 48% of America think he’s the devil… this is the polarization that the cabal has worked so hard to create in our reality…
Now you hear all these narratives that Trump is strong and starting to take action against the coronavirus… that’s when the Nazi stuff started rolling out… welcome to the Nazi 4th Reich…
You see? This is all the voice that 60% of the population tune into get your news from!!!
1:20:35 Mark Devlin: It does speak volumes that Trump has been so mercilessly derided and savaged in the press… because when you compare him to somebody like George Bush Jr. who was just a village idiot that was barely capable of tying his own shoelaces, and he had some disastrous policies, and he was a little psychopath… and yet he got generally good press…
1:20:53 He certainly wasn’t ravaged the way Trump has been… when you look at the coverage that Trump has had all around the world, the press are just laying into him the whole time, taking any opportunity to criticize anything about him or his policies…
1:21:10 Mark Devlin cont.: So he must have known in taking on this role he was going to have to put up with being mercilessly derided and despised by large sections of the media and the public… and he was going to have to play the role of the orange haired clown…
So he must have gone into that willingly then, from what you say…
1:21:26 Colleen: Lifetime actor…
Mark Devlin: Exactly… lifetime actor that’s what he’s been…
1:21:30 Colleen: And he didn’t need to…
he doesn't need the money
[he donates his POTUS salary]…
he doesn’t need the publicity,
he did it for Humanity…
1:21:36 Charlie: Who needs this grief?

1:21:40 Colleen: I just need to tell you one more thing, you’re asking, why didn’t they roll it out sooner? The cabal still has the ability to hurt us general masses… they have the ability, the 5G can come on… they were rolling that out as fast as they could… they had weather machines and all sorts of things, and earthquake machines…
Now the other side, the White Hats, they have to be careful because they have to make sure that we’re not going to be hurt… that we’re going to be protected… the dark side still has powers… the White Hats are walking a very thin line…
It’s strategy… this is war… we are in WWIII… and we don’t even know it…
1:22:25 Charlie: We are in WWIII folks, you just need to know this… it is the weirdest war ever but we are… and EVERYTHING hangs in the balance…
1:22:38 Mark Devlin: What is the deal with the worldwide lockdown, then? Was this rushed into place because the evil-doers got wind of the Q-plan so they threw everything they had at us in a last-ditch attempt to enslave us while they still had the chance? Including switching on the 5G, and the vaccine with the ID tracking and all this?
And if that’s the case, how do we explain the event 2001 exercise given that indicated that the whole thing was long planned for? Has always been intended in 2020… it’s not something they just cooked up very quickly on the spot and rushed out…
1:23:15 Charlie: No, this was all in the plans… this was going to happen Day 1-ish with Hillary had she won and they were fully expecting to win because that election was rigged… remember that post I did the other day showing everyone how all of these great outbreaks of viruses and illnesses have all tied in with the forms of invisible waves… it’s all tied in…
Like Tesla very famously said… if you understand what we really are, which is energy, frequency and vibration, then you’ll be able to understand the true nature of the Universe…
1:24:30 Cuz what we are is magnetic electrical beings so absolutely frequencies and vibrations powerfully affect us… they determine how this very tenuous matter that we appear to be solid beings, it plays around with it… and effects it very deeply…
1:25:00 But we have power over this… Nobody wants to talk about this… nobody wants to tell you that if you just controlled your breathing… if you just meditated… the 5G would have no effect on you at all…
God didn’t create pathetic weaklings and victims we’re all powerful beings we hold the true power we really do…
But they keep us in distraction… in the old MK-Ultra fear…
Don’t let the mind be still and silent… why is the Earth still and silent? So we can be what we truly are, still and silent…
1:25:50 Colleen: Don’t be a farmer working in the Earth becoming connected and grounded… live in a city and watch TV and drink Coca Cola, and eat bad foods…
1:26 Mark Devlin: That’s what this “Smart City” plan is all about… tied to Agenda 2030… corralling everyone into these Human Settlement Zones… controlled by 5G, with the AI Facial Recognition… that’s what they’re trying to herd everyone into very quickly now…
1:26:20 Charlie: Exactly so… you just need to be able to wrap your heads around all of this, folks, they hold such incredible nefarious powers that they can use against us…
So what you also have to inner-stand is had they acted sooner and were not prepared legally… again… half of America loves Trump, half thinks he’s the devil incarnate… so you have to tread very carefully… everything has to be the i’s dotted the t’s crossed… or it’s going to fall apart because THEY control the Mainstream Media…
1:27:57 That’s how this next election is going to play out… good ol’ Joe Biden… there were 7 dead infant bodies found in his backyard but Joe Biden promises economic reform…
This is how the Mainstream narrative operates… this is an election that has to be played out fairly and of course they’re not going to play it out fairly, they have no intention… they’re going to try to steal it… [again]…
1:27:40 Charlie cont.: Getting back to your question that you asked and this is going to help people understand… Why the coronavirus? Why did the coronavirus come out then?
It’s the start of the end… I mean this, folks… had this Q-plan not existed we were done… I mean so cooked… our goose was cooked… we were done… the coronavirus why is it tied to 5G?
1:28:05 Coronavirus isn’t real… a virus is a secretion inside of you… it’s not alive, it’s not cellular life that can become an airborne contagion…
1:28:26 Mark Devlin: Social Distancing is COMPLETE nonsense…
1:28:40 Charlie: It is ridiculous… the virus thing they can’t defend if somebody knows the truth… but nobody seems to know the truth of what a virus is, including doctors… a virus is not living… it’s a secretion… if you don’t know that, you don’t know yourself… start knowing yourself as the miracle you are… the coronavirus was designed to roll out with 5G…
1:29:26 Mark Devlin: It’s a smokescreen for the damage they knew would be done by the 5G radiation so when the body count stacks up they can blame it on the virus… the Bats in China…
1:30 Colleen: We’re living the V for Vendetta movie and nobody sees it… we were at the 11th hour…
1:30:25 Mark Devlin: So you’re saying we came within a whisker of that happening…
1:30:40 Charlie: We did… we were at the 11th hour Mark… it all would have been blamed on this corona that’s how they crown themselves… coronavirus… the carnivores… it’s an anagram… they’re the carnivores…
if you’re in the left-brain you can justify even eating animals… oh, yikes, yikes folks… if you’re still doing that (eating animals)… yikes…
1:30:57 Mark Devlin: So you’re saying that Q-group took the opportunity to under the cover of the coronavirus to do their job below-the-radar…
1:31:07 Charlie: The brilliance Mark, is that they hijacked it… because that’s what the cabal does… what did Kennedy say in his great Secret Society Speech? “It’s infiltration by night, not armies by day…”
Kat note: On reading this speech, in light of what we now know, there is no question President Kennedy was talking about the cabal. But I doubt anyone in 1961, save his most trusted Q-team and the illuminati themselves, knew what he truly meant or who he was talking about.
… I want to talk about our common responsibilities in the face of a common danger…
Today no war has been declared—and however fierce the struggle may be, it may never be declared in the traditional fashion. Our way of life is under attack. Those who make themselves our enemy are advancing around the globe…
For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence—on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day.
It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations….
President John F. Kennedy
Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, New York City
April 27, 1961
1:31:20 Charlie cont.: These are RATS… people were asking at the beginning… do you think that the illuminati have cities in the clouds?... it’s possible, magnetic levitation is absolutely possible… but I said unequivocally no, why?... because they’re rats… because these people [demons] are vile disgusting rats… that’s why it’s all infections… that’s why there are tunnels everywhere because they’re rats… they scurry underground…
1:31:45 That’s why it’s taking so long with the children-rescue mission that they’ve been on… because they have to DO something with these tunnels, they can’t just leave these tunnels there or they’ll go back to them cuz they’re rats…
1:32 Colleen: We’re talking Military tunnels, they’re called the DUMBs, right? Underground “Military” so they’ve got thick thick doors… they spent TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS on these tunnels… that’s where the trillions of dollars that have been missing from the American 9-11 building that they took down “they’re going to investigate…” that’s where all the trillions of dollars have gone…
Kat note: When Global Militaries and the Army Corps of Engineers go into these deep deep DUMBs (Deep Underground Military Bases) they first rescue the children and women that have been trafficked for all sorts of disgusting reasons; then grab all the proofs/documentation, as well as the gold, cash and valuables stashed there to be re-distributed to the people; and then blow the tunnels up so they can never be used again for any purpose.
It’s taking longer than The Alliance thought because the massive labyrinthine illuminati tunnel systems are more vast than anyone had any idea of.
In Melbourne, Australia in August 2020, they discovered a huge tunnel system underneath a huge tunnel system that went all the way around Australia.
Charlie Freak, 8-15-20: What happened is, they went into Melbourne… they found another layer beneath this enormous tunnel system in Australia… they started in Sydney… they described it to us… think arachnid… it’s a web… and it was below… so this second tunnel system goes all the way around in a ring around Australia with a big central line running towards Ayers Rock… From one night - 9 p.m. to 6 or 7 a.m. - there were explosions every 2 or 3 seconds that entire time… that’s why there were police out there…
"Charlie Ward Roundtable: Trust the Plan 8-15-20" by Kat - 8.16.20
1:32:20 Mark Devlin: Have you ever heard me talk about the video for Duran Duran’s Union of the Snake…
Duran Duran – Union Of The Snake (Official Music Video)
1:32:26 Mark cont: Alright… this is from 1983, a typical pop video… very lavish and pretentious… but what happens is the group are out in the desert somewhere… Nevada maybe?... And this bell hop suddenly appears and beckons Simon Le Bon over to this elevator and he gets in it and it descends several stories below ground… and when he emerges he’s apparently in one of these Deep Underground Military Bases… it’s very strange there’s all sorts of occult stuff going on there…
1:32:59 But there are children being kept captive in this place… they’re all wearing white gowns… very young kids… and there’s one point in the video where they’re all being led, trance-like through this underground base… and you’ve got a juggler with a black and white checkered shirt on looking in a very mind controlled state as well…
1:33:18 So if this isn’t a nod to what really goes on in these secret deep underground military bases involving children, then it’s very coincidental in terms of what this video was communicating…
1:33:33 So we appear to get an indication, almost 40-years ago, of what goes on in these places… through a pop video of all things…
1:33:41 Charlie: No, there are no coincidences and you know that, so that’s a great pick-up and thank you, we’re going to take a look at that later today, that’s brilliant, Mark… great job…
1:33:53 Mark: It’s called Union of the Snake, as if it’s referring to this brotherhood, this cabal…
1:33:58 Charlie: That’s right, that’s right… Union of the Snake, and the reptilian and the snake cult… this all comes back to Babylon… and the Babylonian fertility cult… this all goes back to Ishtar, Nimrod and Tammuz… that’s the big Easter myth… and remember, Easter was brought into Western tradition by one group and one group only… and that was the Catholic Church…
1:34:25 And the Catholic Church paints Easter Eggs… it only paints Easter Eggs one way, one color, blood red Easter eggs with a golden “T” on it… the “T” is for Tammuz… that’s taking Heaven by force… you need to understand the Catholic Church is NOT religion… the Catholic Church is cover for the Jesuits and the Jesuits are the Mafia…

1:34:55 You need to inner-stand this… all Mafia runs through the Jesuits… no Mafia no matter how big or how small in any town in any part of the world has an ability to set up shop and do things without the authority from the Jesuits… that’s what your Catholic Church is…
1:35:15 Ever wonder why all of these Popes are the ugliest horrific looking things in the world and that they all seem to covet wealth so much? That’s why. They’re not religious or holy men… they’re filled with holes… they’re b*stards… they’re absolute b*stards… the demons… and the Jesuits… vicious…
1:35:30 And they run Hollywood, BTW folks… they’re in control of the Music Industry, the Radio Industry and the Television and the Movie industries… they control Hollywood… the Jesuits…
1:35:40 Colleen: And the Media… and you were going to talk about the different things that Trump has done in the last little while…
1:35:53 Charlie: Right… what I wanted to get to again, and just complete this for Mark and his listeners about the coronavirus… the truth is always in plain sight…
So the coronavirus is an anagram for carnivores… they are carnivores… that’s what they do, they feed off of sentient life… stop being a carnivore, people…
1:36:17 They feed off of sentient life that’s who they are… they’re telling you in plain sight… What do they want to achieve? The crown. What is the Latin for crown? Corona…. And how are they going to achieve their crown? How are they finally going to get their exalted crown as the new God and as the true rulers dictatorial power over us? Through a virus.
1:36:39 Do you see this? The carnivores are going to get their crown through a virus… coronavirus/carnivores… that’s all 3 things right in there… they told you in plain sight when they rolled it out that this was their final solution... this was their final plan…
1:37:03 We were NOT going to be let back out of our homes… and then the 5G… as soon as anybody started to rebel and think I’m going to go back to work, I’m going to take my life back… they were going to amp up the 5G and then you were gonna get sick… and then they’re going to punish you and your family and those that don’t behave all go to FEMA camps and then they disappear… well they were sick… and everybody’s dying…
1:37:27 V for Vendetta… Q for Liberation and Freedom… if the Q Plan wasn’t ready to go on the back of this sick sick plan… you have to tip your hat to these f*ckers… a brilliant coronavirus plan…
1:37:52 Mark Devlin: And it went around the whole world at the same time…
1:37:55 Colleen: And it worked, right? You’re just sitting there with your mouth open going, it worked… they must be just gleeful.
1:38:02 Mark Devlin: And people are buying the lie… they’re actually believing what they’re being told about all this… you know, they really do believe there’s this virus floating around… and anyone could give it to you… the person standing next to you in the supermarket could give it to you… we’ve gotta stay in our houses, the government says so, they just want to keep us safe cuz they care about us…
1:38:22 There’s truth-seekers that know the coronavirus is BS… but they have no idea of all this other stuff going on behind the scenes… but there are many people the vast overwhelming majority that actually believe what they’re being told about this virus… and they have NO IDEA how close we came to complete tyranny and totalitarianism… no conception of this… while they just cower in their homes behind closed doors wearing masks…
1:38:55 Charlie: No they don’t… they don’t know how close we came to averting total disaster… but again, I have to say this, and if I don’t say this you’re not hearing the whole truth…
1:39:02 Remember folks… we are at the height of the Age of Aquarius… everything is from the Creator… everything comes from the Father… and the Father created this great 26,000 year cycle… the journey the Sun takes… and we are in the Age of Aquarius…
In October 1967, a musical opened on Broadway called “Hair.” One of its most famous songs is “The Age of Aquarius.”
When the moon is in the Seventh House
And Jupiter aligns with Mars
Then peace will guide the planets
And love will steer the stars
This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius…
By James Rado and Gerome Ragni
[Kat note: Spiritual discussion… magnetism… kundalini…]
1:42:32 Charlie: So… they rolled out the coronavirus and this was going to be it, backed by the Jesuit muscle of the 5G…
1:43:57 And the White Hats jumped on the back of the [coronavirus] plan of these evil cabal… they knew the plans of the cabal in advance… they’ve been wiretapping them… and they’ve been planning this… they shut down the factory in Wuhan… Special Military ops went in and stopped the production of adrenochrome…
1:44:45 You know how they rushed and they rushed to put up these 5G towers and they spent trillions of dollars rushing to put up all of this 5G network… and they all have to have send / receive computer signals within them and stuff… just in the nick of time…
1:45:00 Now as things begin to settle down we have to first get all these investigations going on Obama… and oh my God when all this comes out you’re going to be throwing up… and you’re going to want to rip Obama from limb to limb I guarantee it… when all of that stuff comes out…
1:45:20 This is tip of the iceberg… Obama-gate, Russia-gate, and all this spy-gate… just nothing… soft-core compared to the hardcore stuff that’s coming with Obama… he is a demon and he is gonna die…
1:45:36 What they’re going to do though… these 4 things all made public… all these things have been done and they exist and they’re allowing Trump and the American Government now through the Military to do these things…
1:46:09 They rushed to get 5G towers done… just in time not to send a 5G signal… Free Energy… the White Hats have taken over the 5G and this is what they’re going to do…
The American Government in the U.S. of America… you have 3 separate of State of Emergencies that have been created by Trump and one by Obama back in July 11, 2012…
So 3 State of Emergencies have now been put in place on top of… The Patriot Act… which is still in operation… the U.S. Constitution is not in operation…
[The Patriot Act was put in operation on October 26, 2001… the cabal had it all ready and implemented it 6-weeks after they blew up the World Trade Towers]….
1:46:50 Charlie cont.: Ever since 9-11 in 2001… when they supervened the Constitution with these Emergency Powers of the Patriot Act, it gave the President super super individual authority to do all sorts of stuff… it’s a State of War…
1:47:04 Now… what the good guys needed was to control the Presidency…
1:47:30 Trump is a brilliant individual, a crisis actor, he has done the job of jobs, and he’s a good, Godly man… and so is his family, they’re beautiful beautiful people…
1:47:45 Mark Devlin: And you yourselves didn’t used to think this? You said when you saw him in the 2016 election you had no faith in him whatsoever…
1:47:52 Colleen: We thought he was one of them…
1:47:55 Mark Devlin: So you’re putting your faith in this group that’s contacted you and given you all this information… you’re saying that what they told you has checked out… and you’re putting your faith in what they’re saying… that’s what’s turned you in this…
1:48:04 Charlie: Well, because it’s all come true… what they’re saying is that Trump and his bloodline connects to a very Christly bloodline… I don’t want to get into the details of it… a whole legacy of goodly, Godly people that have never gone away…
That have just been pushed into the shadows… but they exist everywhere… they exist in the Military… they’re here, they’re there, they’re everywhere…
1:48:33 And they’ve been coalescing around the Kennedy family because these evil ones were going to wipe out the entire Kennedy family… and they had to do something… you know that’s common sense folks, you KNOW it… because you know that’s what they were doing…
1:48:48 Here we have on December 21, 2017 Executive Order 13818… Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption…
Executive Order 13818
1:49:02 Charlie: And property means EVERYTHING… not just the land they claim to own… it means every single asset that they claim to own as well… gold, silver, fake monopoly money, dollars, everything… they’re going to take it all from these people…
And all they have to do to be able to just universally take this property, this wealth, this vast wealth away from these people is prove that they have been involved in serious human rights abuse and corruption…
1:49:39 Colleen: For instance, they could go into Soros’ bank account and wipe it out and take all his property… everything…
1:49:46 Charlie: EVERYTHING… So why do you start with the children? It HAS to be the #1 thing that we do… but in doing so you’re showing them at their worst and their most vulnerable…
1:49:59 Because they have made mistake after mistake after mistake… with all of these pedophiles and all of these minions tied to the children.. it’s going to be the easiest thing in the world to show these people tied to all these pedophile cults… death cults… Human Trafficking… all of this…
1:50:17 Mark Devlin: What other names can we name here… you’ve mentioned Obama as being up to his neck in this whole thing, but what other names that people will know can we mention as being part of this whole thing that are gonna be exposed here?
1:50:30 Colleen: It’s going to be devastating to those people because so many are widely known and celebrated people that are linked to this.
1:50:37 Charlie: You know what was told to us, and I thought this was brilliant… if you want to know at any moment who’s not in on it all you have to do in Washington D.C. look at who’s not wearing masks and who’s wearing masks… everyone who’s wearing masks is gonna come down…
All are going to have hell leashed upon them…
1:51:08 So it’s the vast majority… Comey from the FBI, Mueller…
1:51:19 Mark Devlin: Please tell me there are plans to deal with Bill Gates. I need to hear that.
1:51:21 Charlie: OMG… all the celebrities…
1:51:31 Colleen: Go back to JFK Jr.’s magazine GEORGE…
1:51:38 Charlie: GEORGE magazine, which I had a subscription to… which is BTW telling you who is responsible for the operation killing his father… which was George H. W. Bush… and that’s why he called him out… he picked on the Bushes, he picked on the Clintons… brought out into the open for the public to see…
1:52:16 Just that interview with John F. Kennedy Jr. and Jay Leno alone people… just watch that… they talked about Bill and Hillary Clinton… the Clinton body count… all the people who are dead because of the Clintons… all the elections Clinton lost in his life… who are registered pedophiles in the History of American politics… UNBELIEVABLE…
1:52:57 In this one magazine… which was the February issue of 1997.. it was the futuristic issue… it has a woman on the front and she looks very futuristc… and on the background it’s a lunar landscape… and there’s a hole in the firmament… clues clues everywhere… Mount Rushmore coming out of the sand… sinking into the sand…

1:53:50 Colleen: On the front cover it says “Indictment Day: Will Hillary Get Busted?”
1:54:06 Charlie: Then it was “Bill Gates Talks to John Kennedy About Murdoch, Money, And World Domination…” There was an article about Bill in there… 1997…
1:54:45 Colleen: There’s a photo of JFK with the magazine and in the background up on the wall and on it, it says Platform 2020…

1:55:04 Charlie: If you look at it, behind JFK’s head, it says… “Wait for the year 2020 when George comes back and brings Justice….” I’m just looking for my notes… I’ll just find it here… I posted this all on my site…
1:55:10 Mark Devlin: That’s what it says? Let me just jump in here while you look for that… Something I’ve just realized… you were talking about the Moon and lunar landscapers… I just quickly looked up Apollo 11…
1:55:35 The first “supposed” Moon Landing which was complete BS, it was a hoax… this was launched on the 16 of July 1969… and that made me think that the date JFK Jr.’s plane crashed, or was said to have occurred… was exactly 30 years later… 16 July 1999… it being the same date 30-years apart and the Moon landing being an obvious hoax… I wonder if this was a way of communicating that JFK’s supposed plane crash was also a hoax… also false?
1:56:21 Charlie: Absolutely and what you see with JFK Jr. and what you see with Trump is symbolism everywhere… for us to discover…
1:56:55 The article inside says “Platform 2020 when George comes miraculously back to administer justice…” So that’s on the very pages of his magazine…
On the GEORGE Cover… “Bill Gates Talks to John Kennedy About Murdoch, Money, And World Domination…” and “Can politically incorrect Bill Maher make it in the big time?”…
1:57:41 Colleen: Bill Maher is one of the people that is going to be going down… he’s one of the most very evil people… he wears red shoes… if you know anything about the “red shoe club” but the Pope also wears red shoes… and the horrible story about that is that it’s made from Human skin…
1:57:59 Charlie: Yes. Bill Maher is part of the Red Shoe Club…
And then [GEORGE magazine] “Indictment Day: Will Hillary Get Busted?”… “The End of Social Security: What’s Broken and How To Fix it”…
1:58:15 And then the photograph of the girl, she’s pointing to her right eye and her right temple… JFK was shot in his right temple… the right temple of the mind, the higher mind… she pointing to the right eye which becomes the Third eye and then up and to the right… “Good News Live Forever…”
1:59:28 JFK turns 60 this year… 60 is very symbolic, it’s the journey of man… 6 is Jesus Christ everything about JFK Jr. are the numbers 3, 5 and 8 – Father, Mother and Resurrected Son…
1:59:59 Colleen: Another weird thing about Donald J. Trump is he’s the 45th President of the U.S. … which 4 = 5 = 9 and 9 is God Consciousness… it’s just AMAZING…
And John Kennedy was the 35th President… and if you add that to Trump’s 45 you get: 35 + 45 = 17… and 17 is Q…
2:00:35 Did you know on his first day in office, Donald Trump was 70 years, 7 months, and 7 days old… the Biblical number 7-7-7 which, BTW folks, is God intervention… this is the Age of Aquarius… this is the Highest Power of God consciousness that exists right now… in the sky above us and in our body…
The power of god is the strongest it will ever be… inside of this 26,000 year cycle of the Sun… so it’s right now the goodly, Godly, powers are at their highest… #7 is God interventions… Triple 7 is the action of God intervention… Joshua and the City of Jericho…
2:02:00 Colleen: And both Trump and Joshua were both involved with a wall… Trump is building the wall to protect the children… he’s building this wall so they can’t bring children back and forth… they have to STOP this whole Trafficking thing…
Kat note: In an 8-4-20 video with Colleen, Charlie Freak said the following:
43:35 Charlie: The wall that’s being built is a Tesla Wall… but first of all the wall right now is designed is toprevent forevermore this trafficking… by the MS-13 monsters… these are the real killers, the real assassins… the most violent gang in the world… 2 weeks ago Trump announced that they cleaned up and took them out…
A photo was released and it shows a Military Air Force hanger and it is filled with naked men on their knees and their wrists are handcuffed… all tattooed to high heaven… the MS-13 people were used for high level assassinations… they were the leaders of all these ANTIFA riots… they have been behind all of the Social unrest… BLM… all of this is being professionally done by MS-13…

Charlie cont.: But what’s worse about MS-13 is they have become very wealthy and powerful because for at least the last 10-years they have been working for people like Tom Hanks and that is procuring children… extremely ruthless people… they are responsible for network after network after network… sleeper cell after sleeper cell after sleeper cell… all across the world…
47:00 Trump announced the head of the serpent has been cut off… they had a major major op in play, they infiltrated them as well… they were led into a trap and the vast majority was arrested… they’re basically saying that MS-13 was incapacitated… this is MASSIVE…
"Charlie and Colleen Freak: NESARA, Tesla Towers and B. Gates Updates 8-2-20" by Kat - 8.4.20
On July 15, 2020, President Trump announced, “We’ve just concluded a historic operation, leading to the arrest and indictment of dozens of savage MS-13 members and leaders all across the country,” Trump said, referring to a 2019 operation launched to target high-level MS-13 leaders. The initiative is known as Joint Task Force Vulcan.
2:02:12 Charlie: So let me continue… [Discussion of numerology… interesting…]
2:03:09 Mark Devlin: I want to get this question in here, Charlie, before I forget to ask it… I want to know what’s going on with the Queen of England… so-called… because some very strange stuff has happened recently… there was a press story in the Mainstream this last week forewarning the public to expect the Queen to be out of the public eye for several months…
2:03:29 It said she’s not going to be taking any official engagements… and don’t expect to see anything of her for several months… it’s said she was locked out of Windsor Castle, it’s been all locked up and she couldn’t get access… and somebody remarked to me as well that the Queen’s Royal Seal and her motto appears to be missing now from the U.K. Government’s logo…
2:03:54 So there was a public address given this week and the U.K. Logo was there but the Royal Crest and Seal which used to be there, is now missing…
So this all feels very strange and it suggests that something is up with the Queen… is she a part of this whole plan in terms of removing her as well?
2:04:11 Charlie: Yup. I wasn’t going to talk about it today but I’ll just quickly… ask yourself the same question… why is the Presidential Seal missing? Does anybody know? It’s a Russian hawk I believe, not an eagle, and it’s a set of golf clubs instead of the face…

2:04:35 Charlie cont.: Why doesn’t the Mainstream Media make a bigger deal about this?? Some truthers have picked it up and they want to know what the heck’s going on… isn’t it interesting, the Mainstream Media is NOT talking about this… the reason is because…
2:04:56 The United States DOESN’T EXIST…
In 1871 the United States officially went bankrupt for the first time… they reached out to a deal with the devil… a consortium of foreign bankers that were in London that were headed by the Rothschild family… during that day, all the articles of incorporation and of the Constitution, with regards to the set-up of the United States were duplicated in 1871… they were all done in capital letters… so what existed from 1871 onwards was a different United States…
[In 1871 Ulysses S. Grant was President of the United States… from 1869 to 1877]
2:06:00 THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IS A CORPORATION… all in capital letters… and the deal made the British Monarch at the time the Executor of the Corporation… and of course, the British Monarch is controlled by the cabal… by the Phoenicians…
2:06:23 America was hijacked in 1871… people who are discovering this are pulling their hair out and can’t believe this has been hidden in plain sight…
Creates a new U.S. Treasury rainbow currency backed by gold, silver, platinum and precious metals… ending the bankruptcy of the United States initiated by Franklin Roosevelt in 1933.
2:06:41 So what Trump has initiated, not just in America but all around the world, as much as he can do so, is the takedown of all these phony seals… because it’s symbolic of what’s going to happen… it’s the takedown of all these phony [cabal-controlled] leaders…
Now he’s having fun with the Mainstream Media who always say he doesn't take the job seriously… because he’s out playing golf… [the truth is] all he does is WORK… all Trump does is WORK…
2:07:07 He barely gets any sleep at night… because at nighttime he’s all amongst the Q-Brigade, the Military that’s loyal to him and doing all of these Alpha Special Ops and are doing all of these unbelievably risky missions to be able to turn things around and save the children…
2:07:20 Colleen: And save the world…
2:07:26 Charlie: So Trump is just everywhere at nighttime and then coming home for a few hours to get some sleep… So on the American Seal it’s the Russian Hawk, making fun of their Russian narrative that they tried to pin on him… and then it’s golf clubs, making fun of the fact that he’s always out playing golf…
He’s showing you that the Presidency of the United States as per Barack Obama is just a joke… there’s no dignity anymore, it’s just a joke…
2:07:57 Trump will be the last President after the 2020 election… there very well may be another President after that but it will be under completely brand new Articles of the Constitution… everything is going to have to be re-done again… everything is going to have to start from the grass-roots level up…
2:08:40 2:03:09 Mark Devlin: [Discussion of prophecy books… prophesying Trump would be the last POTUS… prophesying the coronavirus/pandemic…]
2:09:15 Charlie: It is going to be, folks, and you don’t have anything to worry about…
About two months ago, the President of Ireland [Charlie is referring to Ireland’s Prime Minister Leo Varadkar who met with POTUS 3-12-20] had a special meeting with Trump in the Oval office… and when the Press asked the Irish President [Prime Minister] about it, he said, something like, “Never have so few done so much for so many…” And this is the narrative that’s going to get played out when it all comes to pass…
Never have so few done so much, behind the scenes, in WWIII… cuz make no mistake, this was a war that they started with the coronavirus, the carnivores, resurrecting themselves wearing the false crown… we were dead in the water through this 5G network…
2:10:40 This is the catastrophe that J.R.R. Tolkien wrote about in The Lord of The Rings… the great catastrophe where even the smallest amongst us can change the entire world… and it’s Frodo and Sam and Gollum as a team get that ring to be destroyed in Mount Doom… then the whole world changes…
“Even the smallest person
can change the course of the future.”
~ J. R. R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring
Kat note: In Charlie and Colleen’s 7-9-20 video “Right Here, Right Now: The Takedown of the Cabal’s Evil Plan,” they summed up the cabal’s killing cocktail for Humanity:
Stage 1 – chem trails with smart dust and nanoparticles +
Stage 2 – vaccine with microchip, lowering immune system, causing sterility +
Stage 3 – 5G with 440 hertz causing our thoughts to create chaos and pain +
Stage 4 = FEMA camps and body bag disposal
"Charlie and Colleen Freak, Part 3: The Takedown of the Cabal’s Evil Plan (Part 2)" by Kat - 8.6.20
2:11:14 Charlie cont.: This is where we’re at… because they had us dead… they had us dead… [We were saved by] JFK alive… in hiding… and putting this plan together.
2:12:05 Colleen: It’s a mind-blowing story…
2:12:08 Charlie: It is a mind-blowing story… when this is all done… and we’ve won… I’m just going to tell you this, we’ve won… the only way we could lose is if Trump and Q panic and they go too fast…
You need to understand until November everything has to go slow and by-the-book…
2:12:52 They’ve got them.. the stuff that’s coming out is going to be OVERWHELMING… they’re going to steamroll these people… “Bull Durham” / John Durham has been prepped for this his entire life… and he’s the guy… he’s the one that is going to tear over these people…
John Henry Durham (born March 16, 1950) is an American lawyer. He has been the United States Attorney for the District of Connecticut since February 2018. Durham had been an Assistant U.S. Attorney in various positions in the District of Connecticut for 35 years.
He is known for leading an inquiry into allegations that FBI agents and Boston police had ties with the mob, and his role as special prosecutor in the 2005 CIA interrogation tapes destruction.
In May 2019, U.S. Attorney General William Barr tasked Durham with overseeing a review of the origins of the Russia investigation and to determine if intelligence collection involving the Trump campaign was "lawful and appropriate".
2:13:15 Charlie: What I want to leave you with, folks, before Colleen gives you her thoughts… is that it’s up to us what we do now… and if we go back to watching television… if we go right back to living in cities, getting jobs and working for other people… this is all going to happen again… just give it enough time…
2:13:34 The gift coming from Tesla’s Free Energy… which is part of NESARA and GESARA… The National /Global Economic Security and Stabilization and Recovery Act… and then the Global Currency Reset… this is all getting rid of fake currencies… And when you get your Free Energy you can do ANYTHING… all these people that have been treated the worst… the Africans, the Central Americans, the Southeast Asians… these people that have been treated like crap by all of organized Society… they have been forced to defend and fend for themselves the most… we these people get Free Energy… just WATCH what they become… their clever minds are going to take this Free Energy and they are going to soar past us…
Colleen: But we’re going to share it all…
Kat note: Tesla’s Tower, built in Wardenclyffe, Long Island, New York 1901. His dream of Free Energy for All is now finally being realized.
The Alliance are transforming all the cabal-built 5G Towers, whose original intent was death to Humanity, and Tesla-izing them to Free Energy. It’s so exciting.
2:15:29 Charlie: Folks, this Free Energy is going to set you free… you don’t need to go back to work… EVER… it’s going to pump you potable water… you’re going to grow whatever you need from that water, you and your families, working together in small communities… with this Free Energy you can do ANYTHING… it’s going to be miraculous…
2:16:00 This Tesla Free Energy is the key… these 5G Towers that they rushed and rushed to get ready are going to carry this Free Wireless Energy…
Isn’t this the most brilliant brilliant story of all time? The good guys on the back of all of this evil… and they unroll the most beautiful loving story of Freedom… and it’s up to us…
2:16:22 Mark Devlin: So how are the General Public going to get to hear about what’s been going on, or any aspect of it? What’s going to be the apparatus for that? Because all the Mainstream Media outlets are owned assets and they’re mouthpieces for the very criminal establishment we’re talking about here… So is what is going to be the apparatus for the public to get to know any detail of what’s gone on? What the he*l is their reaction going to be when word of some of this stuff gets out?
2:17:20 Charlie: …In the beginning it will be all of this NESARA / GESARA and suddenly you have no debt… suddenly you’re being gifted Free Energy…
What’s going to happen folks, there’s going to be a period where things are going to go dark… I’m sure you’ve heard this… we don't know what the days are… could be a year away, 6 months away, we don’t know…
2:17:49 But during this period of darkness… the only thing that’s going to be broadcast is from Guantanamo Bay… and it’s going to be through Gitmo that the horrible horrible truths about what’s been going on are going to come out…
2:18:00 And slowly things are going to come back on line… and when things come back on line you’re going to find that there’s no Google… cuz there’s nobody at Google… nobody at youtube… all of these demonic entities? Everybody is going to get taken down…
2:18:31 It will all be replaced… can you imagine a world, Mark, where your counters are accurate? Where products are made that aren’t designed to break down? Where everything is designed to make you stronger and better instead of dumber and worse off? That’s what’s coming….
2:18:55 Mark Devlin: Do you think that’s going to be on the BBC News??? (Lots of laughter)
2:19:01 Charlie: It’s all going to happen… Politics is going to change… everyone has to take part in it… everyone has to give service… and you’re not going to be paid for it… done at a grass roots level…
2:19:19 So there’s going to be a period of darkness and TONS of information is going to come out from a singular source… BTW, Trump is using all of this bringing America back online… bringing business back online… this is prepping us for bringing Humanity back online…
2:19:48 Mark Devlin: So are you saying that after November, when Trump is presumably going to get voted back in for a second Term, then there’s going to be some revelations starting to happen from that point on… and the game is going to get seriously stepped up, is that what you’re saying?
2:20:03 Charlie: That’s exactly it… what’s going to happen until then is doing to be very serious stuff, very grave for the Democrat party… good Lord, there’s no such things as Democrats and Republicans… there’s just left-brain or right-brain.. Cain and Abel… [good and evil…] So it’s going to be very serious for these Canaanites, it is… but it’s all going to be relatively tame…
But once that election comes, it’s going to be a whole New World… a goodly, Godly world… and what we make of it is up to us…
2:20:48 Colleen: It absolutely is up to us and this is where we can’t just party we actually have to do the work… when they talk about as above so below, as within so without… everything we see happening outside of us is happening inside of us…
So this is our opportunity to go inside and get to know thyself… and battle the demon within us, which is the ego… because if we don’t, we won’t experience the good things… you have to do the work within yourself to experience all these beautiful things that are going to happen… this is our time to do “the work”…
2:21:45 Mark Devlin: What are your thoughts about the coronavirus narrative is going to be played out… Are they going to milk it for all it’s worth or you see that fizzling out very quickly?
2:21:55 Charlie: Well you know that’s what Trump wants… he totally wants to downplay this… but until the election it looks like “they’re” going to continue the narrative and push this scare … which is such a shame because it’s really impacting people…
[Discussion of illness… meditation… stilling the mind…]
2:26:00 Mark Devlin: Now when it comes to these celebrities that are embroiled in this whole thing… there have been pictures released of them seemingly wearing ankle bracelets, which appears to suggest that they may have been placed under House Arrest… What is going to happen to these people?
2:26:15 Charlie: They’re all going to get sent to Guantanamo Bay as well… the organized society systems of regular justice cannot be trusted… and they’re not going to be used… this is big… that’s why Trump spent all that money to not only keep Gitmo alive, which the Obama administration was talking about closing it… Trump said, no no no, we’re not only NOT going to close it, I need this amount of money to EXPAND it… it’s [now] a state of the art facility… the whole world is going to be watching… the whole world’s watching when that one stream comes up… and we’re going to be watching all of these trials…
2:27:05 Mark Devlin: Obama’s going to get to know Gitmo himself, quite well, isn’t he?
2:27:12 Charlie: He is… He is a devil of the highest sort… when the stuff comes out about him…
2:27:17 Colleen: There is an execution in the Executive Order… Trump has the ability to execute.
2:27:21 Charlie: Yes… I never did finish them:
Executive Order on 12-20-17 blocking of the property
EO on 3-1-18 amendment to the system of court martialing and corporeal punishment and the capitol penalty
EO on 5-1-20 was the state of national emergency, against foreign invaders and domestic traitors, this is the final straw that allows the American Government to seize the 5G network…
2:28:24 All these things were done by Trump…
The 2nd Executive Order was done by Obama and that was 7-11-12, “The Assignment of National Security Preparedness over the Communication Functions…” So that was their evil plan with all these False Flags… you did such a great job, Mark, of showing how all these False Flags WERE False Flags and that you had crisis actors appearing in all these different events… same people appearing in all the same ones… this is a State of National Emergency declared by Obama and now Trump is inheriting that…
2:29:16 That means he [Trump] gets to seize ALL COMMUNICATIONS… internet, Mainstream Media, radio, tv, even Hollywood… he takes back all streams under this Executive Order that was put in place by Obama… thank you…
2:29:34 Charlie cont.: So now, they have the power to seize everybody’s wealth, who has committed these acts against Humanity…
They have the ability to seize all forms of National Communication…
They have the ability to seize all forms of transfer of America’s bulk energy supply…
Put it together and see what it adds up to…
The 4th one they overhauled the manual for Court Martials and Capital Punishment…
2:30:15 This is all going to happen through Military Tribunals… it’s all going to happen in Guantanamo Bay… and it’s all going to be Broadcast publicly… there’ll be nothing competing against it… you won’t be able to watch Leave It To Beaver… and have a choice…
2:30:31 Colleen: People do have a choice if they want to watch this or not…
2:30:35 Mark Devlin: What’s going to be the situation in the rest of the world then? This is all centered in the USA… In Britain, for instance.
2:30:51 Charlie: The playout is going to be all Military initially… the State of Emergency… and then nobody wearing masks… no fear… free access to everything for your family… everything’s going to just slowly come online…
2:31:09 Colleen: And that’s why it’s taking so long… cuz they don’t want any bloodshed… they don’t want this to be a war where people are being hurt…
2:31:23 Charlie: Yeah, cuz these sickos want to kill as many as they can kill… notice how no big disasters have occurred? It’s because of these Q-Brigades and they are working day and night…
No ISIS because Trump took it down… why?... it was a U.S. Government operation… that’s John McCain… BTW folks, John McCain was executed… Bush Sr. was executed… they’re videotaped…
And the clues to McCain were at his funeral… look at the position of the flag on his coffin… look at the condition of the flag… rumpled… and look at Donald Trump when he came in, where he sat, and when he left… all those things are symbology… for McCain is a traitor but he gets his dishonorable discharge… because he ratted out…
2:32:51 The last thing McCain did was rat-out Hillary… they’ve got so much all on video… from all of these little rats that are squeaking squeaking…
2:33:10 They got ‘Timberwolf’ [codename] for George H. W. Bush… that’s why Bob Dylan released his brilliant song, Murder Most Foul…
A day after GHWBush was assassinated the Kennedy family grandchildren all created a song on YouTube singing the song called “Timberwolf.” Every Kennedy grandkid sang this song…
[Because GHWBush assassinated President Kennedy…]
2:33:52 Mark Devlin: So what is your prediction as to what happens next? Is there anything we should expect to see happening soon?
***Kat WARNING***Next part is very hard to read***
2:34:46 Charlie: I was hoping they’d unveil NESARA / GESARA in May but things are just moving along too slowly…
The child rescue operations they’ve moved in earnest in Nevada… what was amazing is that everyone was thinking Las Vegas would be the horror show of horror shows… there was a horror show but it was Reno… underneath Reno they could not believe the tunnels underneath the ground... the DUMBs…
2:33:19 Colleen: The Military are going into these tunnels and rescuing THOUSANDS… and we’re talking THOUSANDS of children…
2:35:24 Charlie: This last one in Reno, and we’re only talking 7-days ago…
The cabal knows this is coming down do the bulk of the children found in the tunnels under Reno were dead… not only dead folks, they were mangled…
2:35:40 They’ve had to go through… they’re trying to do DNA testing to get the pieces back in order… which piece belongs to which other torso… it’s horrific…
2:36:00 ALL OF THIS IS GOING TO COME OUT… ALL OF IT… because it all has to come out… ALL of this will be told eventually…
2:36:08 So what’s going to happen? There was a new Tweet by Q and he’s just saying, “The time to end the horror show is now”… and he equated it to dominoes… you’re just going to start seeing dominoes…
2:36:30 Colleen: Q said it’s time to stand up. It’s enough. We’ve had enough…
2:36:36 Charlie: What you’re going to see is one big person is going to go… and then a whole bunch of people are going to go… cuz they’re all tied to each other… remember, all the stuff on Hillary… Hillary is small potatoes… because they got Anthony Weiner’s laptop…
What did they find on Anthony Weiner’s laptop? He had his get-out-of-jail-free card, his hard drive… all the Emails of Hillary and Huma…
2:37:20 On that laptop they found the video of Huma Abedin and Hillary R. Clinton shredding a baby to death…
2:37:32 The video is so bad that the New York State officers that were the first to look at this were literally in the hallway throwing up they could not believe what they were seeing…
And the fact remains, folks, you’re going to have a choice whether you watch this or not..
I suggest, respectfully, that we all watch it, no matter how horrific it’s going to be… we need to see what we have allowed so we never allow it again…
2:38:12 Mark Devlin: Well that’s probably a good point to leave it at for now…
2:38:30 Charlie: Just try and stay strong… just try your best to stay strong… when you’re struggling with the frustrations of what they’re doing… just BREATHE… BREATHE… long deep slow breaths… most important thing you can do is BREATHE and have access to SUNLIGHT…
End Part 2 Partial Transcription by Kat
"Video: Who is Q? The Genius Q-Plan Explained (Part 1)" by Kat - 8.22.20
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