Source: Dinar Chronicles | By Kat There is a saying in the theatre: Right on cue. It means that a character in a play enters the stag...

Source: Dinar Chronicles | By Kat
There is a saying in the theatre: Right on cue.
It means that a character in a play enters the stage or exits the stage at the perfect time. Not too early. Not too late. Right on cue.
But there is a celestial nuance to ‘right on cue.’ It has a higher meaning than simply being on time. It means being in Divine time.
I’ve been thinking about that phrase in the weeks I’ve been working on this transcription of Charlie and Colleen Freak’s “The Q Plan Explained.”
According to them, Humanity was toast. The coronavirus was the cabal’s coup de gras. They’d concocted a deadly cocktail of poisons starting with chem trails + the virus + the vaccines + 5G + FEMA camps = body bags.
By now, with a President Hillary Clinton, Humanity and Earth were slated to be goners.
But… right on Q… appeared a Divine Planner with a Heavenly plan.
Kim Clement predicted the coming of Donald J. Trump as the savior of Mankind. But I now see, in re-reading his February 22, 2014 prophecy, that he was speaking of Q as well. Clement said:
“…This new one arrives as my David that I have set aside for this nation. A man of prayer. A man of choice words. Not a man who is verbose who has verbosity. They will even say, this man is not speaking enough… The will shout ‘impeach, impeach,’ but this shall not happen.
God says, these that shall reject him shall be SHOCKED at how he takes the giant down.
…The plan is so brilliant, saith the Lord, it could only have been given by me.”
The Q-plan was actively launched from the day President Trump was elected (in a landslide if the true numbers were actually counted.) POTUS hit the ground running.
On December 14, 2016, before he’d even moved into the White House, President-elect Trump had a meeting with Bill Gates at Trump Tower. At that meeting, according to Charlie Freak, Bill Gates was told he was either going to leave in a body bag for being a mass murderer in Africa and India with his killing vaccines, or he was going to work for President Trump and Q-Team.
Gates capitulated to Trump and revealed the cabal’s plan, which is why The Alliance knew about the coronavirus. Instead of being Humanity’s end, Q hijacked the lockdown in order to execute the cabal’s end.
Right on Q we were blessed with a genius plan that has been 50 years in the making, according to Charlie and Colleen, ever since the assassination of Senator Robert F. Kennedy.
I would suggest that the seed for the Q Plan was planted earlier than that; on the day President John F. Kennedy was assassinated on November 22, 1963.
I’ve known several men who lost their father’s when they were little boys, including my own father, and in my experience that is a loss that rarely heals. It leaves a hole in the heart that can never be filled. I’m suggesting the Q Plan was launched when John lost his Dad in that horrendous execution planned by G. H. W. Bush.
When the boy grew to be a man, he said:
“I will expose my father’s killers
no matter who they are,
even if I have to
bring down the whole government.”
~ John F. Kennedy, Jr.
I don’t suppose JFK realized when he made that statement he’d have to bring down ALL the governments in an evil Global empire that had millions of minions.
Robert Trump, President Trump’s beloved brother, passed on August 15, 2020, but not before he had Tweeted the following:

After transcribing Parts 1, 2 and 3 of Charlie and Colleen’s Q-Plan Explained I’m very sure of the following: Q arrived right on cue with his Master plan to save Humanity and Earth. But Charlie and Colleen arrived right on cue to be the Master Explainers of the Master Q-Plan.
I enclose below my partial transcription of podcast #158 with Mark Devlin, Charlie and Colleen Freak: It is Part 1 of Charlie and Colleen’s “The Q Plan Explained.”
First I must apologize for making a whopper of a misspelling in former transcriptions.
I’ve been spelling the cabal / illuminati / deep state as the “Venetians” as in, all our information is stored in, and the 13 Bloodline illuminati families were headquartered in, Venice.
But thanks to wonderful IDC reader, Maxwell, I was alerted to my misspelling. It’s actually “Phoenicians.” So a huge thank you to Maxwell for pointing that out.
This video was recorded on May 17, 2020, and much has happened since then. The Q-Plan has been full steam ahead and there have been remarkable accomplishments in the last few months so I’ve included those updates within the transcription.
I must warn you: There are sections in this blog that are so horrific I cried and cried.
I kept on transcribing in the name of truth and because I wanted to understand what POTUS and Q have been up against. There aren’t enough blessings in Heaven to shower them with.
Some of my friends absolutely REFUSE to believe what was happening to billions of our children or that the global adrenochrome trade exists. I don’t blame them. That was my first reaction. Disbelief. I shut my eyes and shook my head. Can’t possibly be true. No way. No no no.
But unfortunately, as Sacha Stone said in his brilliant description of adrenochrome “Helas, alack, it’s all too real.”
When I was confiding my horror and tears to a friend about what I was transcribing, she reminded me of a phrase President Putin often says that Charlie Ward absolutely loves: “It isn’t my job to judge you. It is my job to send you to someone who will.”
In an 8-2-20 video with Charlie Ward, Charlie Freak said, “Our job is we have to create a meeting between these people and God… we are just going to facilitate that meeting… the guillotine, a gun to the back of the head, the hangman’s noose… all we’re doing is facilitating a meeting between them and God… and God will take care of the rest.”
I agree with Putin and Charlie Freak. Everyone and everything is in God’s hands and I’m relieved to leave it there.
I will create a separate blog with all 3 Parts of my transcriptions of Mark Devlin, Charlie and Colleen Freak’s Q-Plan Explained. I’ve been told countless times now that many people prefer reading an article in 10-minutes to watching a video for an hour and a half or 2.5 hours.
These video offerings are brilliant, insightful, extremely well researched and they come with the blessings of Q and Q-Team. It doesn’t go higher than that.
I would like to give a very special thank you to Patrick, our amazing Webmaster and Administrator of the Intel Dinar Chronicles website.
He takes these massive transcriptions with graphics and spaces them correctly and adds all the proper links and videos—I KNOW how long it takes to do that.
As well, Patrick created this magnificent forum for those of us holding currency with the collective dream of helping manifest a beautiful New World. A wondrous post-RV, GCR, NESARA / GESARA world where everyone can become their highest and greatest selves.
A world of peace, health, happiness and abundance for all. A world where the gorgeous Goddess Gaia and her miraculous Kingdoms are cared for, cherished, loved and honored. A light-filled 5D+ world where all is sparkling, Divinely restored and miraculous.
Thank you unceasingly, Patrick. You are one of the great Digital Warriors in Service with the Light. A blazing soul in these challenging times as we experience the disintegration of the evil old and welcome the birth of the shining new.
Thank God for you Q, President Trump, loyal Generals, brave Global Militaries, the NSA, Presidents Putin and Xi, Prime Minister Modi, and all members of the miraculous Alliance.
Thank you all and God bless you forever for saving Earth and Humanity.
As always with my posts, take what you can use and leave the rest.
With blessings unceasing — we are Goddess, Sovereign, Free,
xo, Kat
Mark Devlin, Charlie and Colleen Freak: The Q-Plan Explained, 5-17-20
GVP #158
Partially transcribed by Kat, 8-9-20
Mark Devlin: Why am I wrong to be skeptical about Q and why I should be trusting the Q-plan?…
3:10 Charlie Freak: No need to apologize for being skeptical… October 28, 2017 was the first release of this figure known as Q…
Q has access to highly classified documents that haven’t even been released yet… he has virtual access to what is coming across POTUS’s plate… that is proven time and time again…
The time stamp of what is being released by Q and then days later by POTUS/Trump are identical… what you’ll always find is that the key words Q uses, Trump is using right back… purposely drawing a direct connection to them…
Within the first 30 minutes of the first post by Q… Trump released his Tweet that after speaking with General Kelly and various heads of the government… he decided he was going to completely release all the documents relating to the Kennedy assassination… the only thing that would be kept was info regarding people still alive… the last part of the Tweet was for the purpose of ending all conspiracy theories… Trump said he was going to provide THE truth… the truth that lays within those documents…
6:29 Why would that be done within the first 30 minutes of Q’s first post? What does that have to do with Q? Colleen and I are absolutely absolutely certain that Q is John F. Kennedy Jr…
When somebody asked him eventually, on 8-chan I believe, are you JFK, JR.? He tweeted back “no” although his no was not directed to that person… the answer still would be no… because with his father murdered, he is John F. Kennedy (not Jr.)…
He is absolutely absolutely positively Q.
7:21 This is a very very intelligent person who has spent the last 20 years of his life enacting a plan that likely has it’s foundations after the murder of Robert Kennedy in 1968…
(Long discussion about the history of the Kennedy family)
34:03 Charlie: This is what we’re stating… that the Kennedy’s were to be wiped out for what they did… which was attempt to eradicate these left-brain Canaanites… and this is “the cabal”… this is what people call “the illuminati”… they’re the Phoenicians…
Cain was kicked out of the Holy Land and who went over the hill of the Holy Land down to a land called Phoenicia on the shores of the Mediterranean… and that is the Phoenicians…
[The Phoenicians] then went to Venice, and then to Rome, and then to Amsterdam, then to London, and then to Washington D.C…. and that’s their little control-center and they own the whole world… And it’s all changing… [Thanks to Q and the Plan]
34:43 This is our assertion… It really started… the Kennedy family took actions through Ted Kennedy after his small plane went down [in 1964, just 7 months after JFK was assassinated] and they [the Kennedys] said, “My God, they’re going to kill us all if we don’t do something.”
So the plan [to take down the cabal] was started THEN…
Kat note: If what Charlie and Colleen attest is true that JFK [Jr.] is Q, then I can see why he would choose a plane crash to disappear from. There’s poetic Kennedy symmetry to it.
John’s Uncle Joe died in a plane crash in WWII. His Aunt Kick died in a plane crash in 1948. His Aunt Ethel’s parents, the Skakels, died in a plane crash in Oklahoma in 1955, and his Uncle Teddy nearly died in a plane crash in 1964.

Brothers John and Joe Kennedy, WWII
Joseph P. Kennedy Jr. died in 1944. A U.S. Navy Lieutenant, killed in action during WWII while serving as a land-based patrol bomber pilot and posthumously awarded the Navy Cross. He died in a BQ-8 he was piloting that “accidentally” exploded over England.

Kathleen Cavendish, Marchioness of Harington [Kathleen “Kick” Kennedy] died in a plane crash in 1948 in France.

Edward, Robert and President John F. Kennedy
President John Fitzgerald Kennedy, assassinated November 22, 1963
Senator Edward Moore Kennedy escaped death in a June 19, 1964 plane crash
Senator Robert Francis Kennedy, assassinated June 6, 1968
Charlie cont.: John Kennedy [Jr.] disappearing [in a plane crash] on July 16, 1999 is only the next step in that first 30-year period of that plan [since RFK’s ’68 assassination]…
And then in the last 20 years, which will be exactly 20 years on July 16, 2020… this is the plan in full swing… in full action…
35:30 And this has been done, folks, through the Military…

Image: JFK Jr. and his Piper Saratoga, New York Daily News
35:38 And you need to wrap your heads around this and just lock onto the common sense of what I’m going to tell you… some of you are just rolling your eyes… at how Colleen and I could be so naïve as to fall in for this little Q-thing… that Donald Trump’s a good guy… Oh, Charlie…
Please absolutely know that there has to be a group of people that are horrified by what is going on…
36:17 To that end, maybe we need to give you, with your permission Mark, maybe it is necessary to give you a 5-minute-quick update on what the heck is going on… what we’re talking about…
Because what these people are doing…
what these people are doing
is pure evil
to an extent
that you can’t imagine…
36:36 And remember, those of you listening in Great Britain… you are a country that has never ever made an arrest… or leveled any kind of charge ever against any member of Parliament in your country relating to Human trafficking or child abuse… and your country is front and center for pedophilia… it is like the poster child for pedophilia…
37:13 We all have to take responsibility for what the heck is going on... because we’ve allowed it to happened… this ultimate hell… through our distractions… mortgages, car payments, families, problems, sporting events… all of these things… and we inner-stand because we were there as well, absolutely…
37:40 Mark, is it OK if I just take 5-mintues to explain the depth of the depravity of what we’re dealing with and why these Military families got involved with Q?
37:51 Mark Devlin: It’s an important part of the story… it is obviously harrowing, distressing, devastating and it’s going to upset a lot of people… but we have to put everything in its true context and this is an important part of the whole picture, so yeah, go ahead…
38:06 Charlie: Thank you. And it gives me no pleasure to know this so well and to say this to you… Colleen and I have cried our tears over this and pulled our hair out over this… because this is horrific… but you need to inner-stand this truth…
38:22 What I’m about to tell you is the wholeness of this evil…
38:38 Folks, if you are a few families… believe me, this is a tiny group of families… [13 Bloodline families]… they hate you, they hate everybody else, they hate themselves… because they’re the left-brain Canaanites… they’re the left-brain, the ego, the tapeworm that hates everything including themselves…
38:42 They are in charge… and if you are in charge of 200+ countries it means that you are in charge of every aspect of importance in those countries…
38:58 Not just politics, not just owning the political leaders… but that in and of itself is a monumental task… we’re talking about 200+ countries and you have to own everyone in politics and everything related to politics… which means the judges and the top lawyers and the top officials and the whole shadow cabinet…
39:17 Colleen: And how do you make them do what you want them to do?
39:23 Charlie: Ah… that’s right… how do you insure that these people… remember, it’s not just politics… it is your sports celebrities, music stars, television personalities, radio personalities, it is your rock stars and every country has their big rock stars, every country has big celebrities, big tv stars, big movie stars…
39:50 Every one of these aspects of these organized societies must be controlled and they have to do it in every country...
So folks, immediately you have about a million minions… a minion does the behest of somebody else… so these are puppets of the puppet masters…
40:15 How, do you insure that these minions or puppets never ever ever divulge the horrific grotesque monstrosity of this operation… how do you insure?
40:25 Colleen: Because everyone always says, it’s the first thing everybody says is, “How could this be happening all over the world? This conspiracy’s so big there’s no way that everybody would be complicit with this. Or that they could keep this hidden. No way!”… But they have… and how did they do it?
40:45 Charlie: That’s right… how did they do it?
This relates back to WWII… So after WWII, what happens? China goes Communist…
41:00 The person they put in power, Mao Tse-Tung… they originally try and present him as a Spiritual person, deeply thoughtful… nah nah nah, Mao Tse-Tung was an idiot, he was just the strongest of the Mafia illuminati… same with Joseph Stalin, the biggest and strongest of the Mafia leaders within Russia… so they chose Mao Tse-Tung cuz he’s a thug… he was the biggest best thug they had and they put him as the figurehead of Communist China…
41:35 Now… you cannot deny the series of truths I’m about to tell you… and you all remember it cuz you’re all about the same age… go back through your memory of what they told us through school…
41:50 After WWII China becomes Communist, they open up the coastal cities… like Shanghai and then they give access to Hong Kong… and everybody sees this massive number of people… overpopulation is just insane… but everyone’s cut off from the Mainland of China… not allowed in without special permits…
42:16 Suddenly in the late ‘50’s early ‘60’s you begin to get these reports saying that China is suffering from massive overpopulation… huge population problem… and they’re going to have to do something about it… they have 30-kajillion bajillions of people and it’s just going to grow…
42:42 Come the early ‘70’s comes this narrative now… that there’s a new law passed in China and it’s very necessary… They pass a law that says families can only have 1-child… this was a huge blow to farming families to go from 5 or 6 kids to only 1… so the Chinese felt they needed a boy only cuz a boy is stronger and can do more work than a girl…
43:49 Then we start to hear, Chinese families started having all these girls first but couldn’t keep them, so they had to drop them into the Yangtze Yellow River and drown them and let them meander through the planes of China out to the China Sea… that’s the way it goes so they could get their boys…
42:05 Well, you know folks, if the evil cabal has to control a million people through them doing horrific deeds and horrific acts… it seems that it involved children… we know this…
44:23 It seems a huge waste, doesn’t it? [huge SARCASM]... sorry to be so cold… boy it seems such a waste to waste all these Chinese little baby girls to the Yangtze River when maybe they could be put to better use for the cabal and for the elites in Hollywood… maybe we could find some other uses for them…
44:43 These are all cover stories… these are all LIES… eventually we’re told, no no no, this is the truth… a reporter from the New York Times saw all these baby girls floating in the river…
45:16 Here’s the TRUTH…
China after WWII became
an agricultural nation
of planting and harvesting children…
45:24 That’s why everyone was kept out of the Mainland of China… China was not overrun with people, it’s a massive space… and massive empty spaces…
45:35 And the truth told… is that these Government officials were going into these small villages and telling them that we’re not going to punish you for having more than one child… you just can’t have more than one child… so you can keep trying… In fact, we’re going to actually pay you a monetary bonus for all the children that you don’t want… say the girls… and hand them over to us… the State…
So now the Chinese
fell lock, stock and barrel
into this massive agricultural program
of planting and harvesting babies
for the elite…
46:22 So what did they use these babies for and why did they need so many babies?…
46:31 They’re using them for this artificial “Christamol” [?]
[Kat note: I think that’s what he said. Christamol is a drug. But I don’t know for sure about the word or the spelling.]
46:31 Charlie cont.: So if you are of the left-brain… and you are of the devil and not goodliness and Godliness and the Creator… then there’s no way you’re going to raise the christamol… there’s no way that you’re going to have any kind of everlasting life or long life or power… all that you could ask for… by going through the right-hand path… the goodly, Godly path that is straight and narrow…
46:53 You have to go the evil path… the evil path is still looking to achieve the same power that comes from the raising of the christamol…
47:00 Colleen: But they have to steal it…
47:04 Charlie: But they have to steal it… this is taking Heaven by force… it all comes back to the story of Nimrod in the Bible… Babylon and the Tower of Babel… and trying to take Heaven by force… the allegory…
47:20 Colleen: So ultimately they’re looking for the Fountain of Youth…
47:23 Charlie: So ultimately they’re looking for the Fountain of Youth… ultimately they’re going to hook all of their minions…
Now when I say “they”… this is that tiny tiny group of Phoenician families who are the Canaanites that were kicked out of the Holy land… these are the evil people who present themselves as the enlightened ones… the “illuminati”… we call them the cabal… so the cabalists are these Phoenician families and they are a small group…
The 13 evil demon Phoenician Bloodline Families
1 House of Borja
2 House of Breakspeare
3 House of Somaglia
4 House of Orsini
5 House of Conti
6 House of Chigi
7 House of Colonna
8 House of Farnese
9 House of Medici
10 House of Gaetani
11 House of Pamphili
12 House of Este
13 House of Aldobrandini
Kat note: According to Charlie Ward on 8-18-20, the first country Global Alliance Militaries went into after the coronavirus lockdown on March 9, 2020 was Italy. They took out the 13-demon-Bloodline Families so their minions would have nowhere to run, nowhere to hide. President Trump said he removed “The head of the snake first.”
After removing the Bloodline families, they arrested heads of the Mafia, the Pope and 350 others in the Vatican and then cleared out the Vatican to the tune of 650 plane loads of cash, gold and documents and flew it all to Fort Knox.
47:51 Charlie cont.: How do they control the many? By promising them everlasting life… wealth... power… [fame]… and of course they print the money…
47:58 So you can pay Obama $20 billion dollars to sell-out Humanity… and be THE WORST… and if we have time, Mark, and you want, I can get into the details of how horrific Obama is and why, when you hear the truth, you’re going to want to rip him from limb to limb… literally…
48:18 So… they have to be able to control these people and they do so with fake money, monopoly money… that’s why they have to control the printing presses… that’s why they committed so much murder to control the printing presses to control all the money… and they also control them through this Fountain of Youth…
48:35 Now the Fountain of Youth is your pineal gland… and in combination with your pineal gland are your adrenals… Your adrenals, when they are really set to, when they are really really really challenged [tortured]… your adrenals can produce these incredible substances… it’s more than just adrenaline…
48:55 Colleen: So when you’re in a state of fear or terror…
49:00 Charlie: When you’re in a state of terror… when you’re in a state of the next second you could die… what we’re talking about folks is torture beyond what you can imagine…
49:09 Colleen: The TV show MONSTERS INC. shows you in a child’s version of what this is all about…
49:18 Charlie: (groaning) Yeah… just evil beyond description… if you’re up for it you’re going to re-watch MONSTERS INC. and you’ll probably throw up part way through the movie when you see how it ties in when they’re talking… with what they do to the children…
49:30 So it’s the pineal gland, which is the honey of the milk and the honey of this very powerful substance that is life… and it is euphoric life, it gives you a natural high…
49:48 But it’s through these adrenal glands… it’s more than just the adrenaline… there’s other Sacred secretions that come out when we Human Beings are close to death… and so that these are the most powerful substances that are miraculous maker of viruses and maker of secretions which is Santa Claus [claustrum]… which is alchemist in the cloistered closet of the brain…
Kat note: I had to stop transcribing and cry. I just wanted to blow up all the d*mn tunnels myself and blast the demons to fricking smithereens.
*WARNING* The next section will be very hard to read. I can’t promise I got all the words down because I couldn’t bring myself to write every word of Charlie’s descriptions.
50:20 Colleen: It gives you a heightened sense of awareness…
50:24 Charlie: It gives you super-intelligence… like you’re wearing the Helmet of Knowledge… it’s like you know all things in the moment… you just need to understand…
50:30 This substance through the pineal gland and then the sacred secretions through the adrenals are not just making you feel high… they’re so powerful that they are producing massive amounts of collagen in a short amount of time…
50:50 So that all of your wrinkles are filling in… and your skin looks like it’s brand new… your eyes become bright and fully open… and that your head begins to suddenly work and your suddenly connected to all this higher truth and higher knowledge and higher thoughts…
51:08 This is literally… these people coming to super-dom… and there are movies that have been made about it… like LIMITLESS with Bradley Cooper and Robert de Niro… about an experimental substance… a pill that made him super-human, super-intelligent… they’re just playing with you… they’re talking about the adrenochrome…
51:40 ‘adreno’ for adrenal… and ‘chrome’ for chromium [brain function]… chromium tied to the Higher Spiritual mind, the mind of God…
51:55 Mark Devlin: I said to you a while back Charlie, I wonder if Google are playing with our minds by calling their famous browser “Google Chrome”… after adrenochrome… being a company like Google, being such a key player, being a satanic organization, you have to wonder..
52:10 Charlie: And their micro-processor is called “adreno”… and then the platform “chrome” so what came out initially was this new platform “chrome” and then within a year later their micro-processor for the computer, the brain, the thinking part of the computer they called the “adreno”… so there’s your adrenochrome…
52:47 Mark Devlin: One part mockery, one part placing the truth in plain sight… their favorite trick…
52:51 Charlie: That’s right… and the patent number relating back to this was 060606… so 666 and the release of Google chrome… so they’re just goodly, Godly folks…
53:06 So this is what they’re doing, folks…
***Kat WARNING***Brutal to read***
Charlie: Now the next part of this gets really horrific but you need to hear this…
53:14 To be able to get these incredible substances that the alchemist and the claustrum of the brain produces when we’re on the verge of dying… these are things designed to keep us alive…
53:30 So it’s massive amounts of adrenaline… yes but there are massive other secretions tht are being produced that are designed to keep us alive and designed to give us an awareness… so that we have, even in the face of all of this extraordinary pain… that we have the ability to think, function and escape…
Cuz that’s part of the brilliance of the Human body and mind… the two temples… were so brilliantly created by the Creator… giving you these cognitive abilities to reason even though you’re in horrific torture…
54:04 Charlie cont.: So, what did they do… a big clue to this and the images that were released from the Podesta and the Clinton Emails and all the different images… one of the images was a painting done from a real-life image of Gloria Vanderbilt’s home…
54:28 She had a very large indoor pool… and very odd in this picture that Podesta featured in his living room… was that there were ropes hanging over the edges all around the pool… hanging over the edges into the pool… these ropes were connected to nooses…
54:54 Here is the horror of these stories… at these ritualistic parties… to be able to extract the sacred substances from the children to make the adrenochrome… what they do is they hang the children over the edge of the pool with water… they’re not touching the water…
So they’re in distress… these are little kids… during this process they have special people like some of the actors like Tom Hanks… who like to get in on it themselves…
Others rely on specialists who know what to do… what they’re doing is a very ancient art of torture… to evoke as much pain as possible…
Kat note: In Mark Devlin, Charlie and Colleen’s video Part 2, The Q Team’s Takedown of the Cabal from A to Z, which they posted on July 20th, 2020, Charlie reported that Tom Hanks had been executed on March 16, 2020. He wasn’t sure if Rita Wilson had also been executed.
Charlie stated, “The ones that they have killed, they have had to do so. I’m going to make this very clear. When one child’s life is at risk they made the decision to execute… So if you’re wondering why Hanks was taken out? It’s because they could not guarantee the safety of children with that man alive… so how sick and evil is Tom Hanks?”
"Video: How Trump, the NSA, Q-JFK Jr., Against all Odds, Took Down the Cabal, Part 2" by Kat - 7.30.20
55:52 Colleen: They use children because they’re the most pure… they have the most pure body and the most pure secretions come out… and they’re easy to frighten…
56:04 Mark Devlin: It’s about the wickedest thing a Human Being could do, evil doesn’t stoop any lower than that… it really is the worst possible thing imaginable that you could ever do… harming children…
56:15 Charlie: Right, Mark, that’s how you own these people…
You know Hillary Clinton will never talk, will never say anything because this is what these people are being held to… these actions… and you’re right… it’s the worst thing anyone could do and it’s beyond our comprehension…
56:42 So they torture them... and then…
Let’s just move along because this is really affecting me again… long story short…
The child is still alive and what they have to do is skin them from the neck up… I’m so sorry to tell you this folks…
And you see lady gaga dressed in a costume that looked like what a child looks like when the skin is peeled on the back of their head… and she went to a party dressed as that…
57:30 If somebody doesn’t cut her head off I’ll gladly do it… these people aren’t getting prison sentences… they’re going to Guantanamo Bay and they’re not coming back… [execution]
Kat note: On 8-18-20 Charlie Ward stated “Very simply… if you’re involved with pedophilia it comes with an automatic death sentence.”
After they skin the children alive they take out the glands… the adrenals, pituitary gland as well… and anything else they think is of value… then what they do is cut the nooses these children are hanging from and they fall into the pool and the pool is electrified… and these children are then fried… they’re fried fish…
58:15 And when you get Madonna, who’s in her home, going ape-sh*t crazy because her batch of adrenochrome from Wuhan, China was tampered with, and she can’t use it and where is she going to get her adrenochrome from? How is she going to get it when she’s under house-arrest in her home? She gets the camera going and she starts singing “I want some fried fish.”
58:41 My dear friends, that’s what she was singing about…
58:44 How is this possible? How is it possible that another Human Being can think this way, let alone, partake in these things?
58:55 Mark Devlin: It really does beggar belief that one Human is even capable of doing that to another. And you’ve had celebrities during this whole lockdown period sending coded messages and warning each other, cryptically, right? Such as Ellen degenerate sending messages to Tom Hanks and all this…
59:10 Charlie: All of them… it seems that Hanks… it seems that he and Rita Wilson were like a center point.. you know rack and pinion for this movement in Hollywood… and BTW if you saw that, they’re all sending messages to Rita Wilson that if he talks? You’re dead… your kids are dead…
59:42 Colleen: I don’t know that they care about their kids, to be honest.
59:45 Charlie: I don’t know how they could… Ben Stiller had a chain saw and said “I know how to use this” and David Spade has a shotgun… [Kate Spade’s brother. Kate Spade committed suicide.]
They all had these weapons and they’re all saying the same thing… if you go under, we all go under, we’re all in this together…
1:00:01 Mark Devlin: Well Charlie let me ask you… how did you come across this information? How did you discover all this stuff? Has this been brought to you by insiders that have got in touch with you? How did you find out about all these horrific happenings?
Kat note: An excellent and important explanation follows for all Human Beings.
1:00:15 Charlie: The backstory to this is it goes back 9 months now… we were going through a process of looking to become truly free… and so, to get rid of our fake Maritime Admiralty Law and Registration and to be actually registered with the system as free individuals…
1:01 Then we were going to create a breakaway society… and operate on the principal of satyagraha [passive political resistance] and ahimsa [respect for all living things and avoidance of violence toward others]… and basically grow all of -our own food and then teach and share that knowledge with the rest of the world…
1:01:31 So we were going through this process and the key person in this company that does this process and has done this process to GAIN YOUR FREEDOM…
1:01:40 And then once you do you can demand access to all the various financial funds in your name that are created from your birthing certificate, your fake 3-name ALL CAPITALIZED Maritime Admiralty Law slave-name that are being traded on the New York Stock Exchange…
And you can demand that you are now, officially, a living individual… cuz that’s how it works…
1:02:13 When you’re born… you actually are not born… you’re birthed via the canals from the high seas that they control and own… onto the land that they own and control…
So the baby’s feet never touch the ground… they make sure of that… and then they give you this birthing certificate with numbers on it and they own you…
Those are the same numbers that are your stock and trade go back and forth on the New York Stock Exchange…
Kat note: This is one of the points of NESARA / GESARA:
Forbids the sale of American birth certificate records as chattel property bonds by the U.S. Department of Transportation.
1:02:46 Charlie cont.: So we were going to go through this process that has been done… to gain access to those funds as well… so that was the process
1:03:03 And during this process the person read us into things that we, Colleen and I, and you would have said the exact same thing, “This is just not possible. It’s not going to happen.”
1:03:12 Basically, what they said, is that all of these things are going to happen…
This is why… there is a goodly, Godly group tied with people in the Military who have HAD ENOUGH with these sick people, with what these sick people are doing, will not participate with this any longer… and this is the plan that is in motion… and it’s all going to go through this series of events…
1:03:35 They were talking about right down to… they were going to end the Fed… that Donald Trump was going to make himself head of the Treasury… and then he was going to merge the Fed with the Treasury… which has happened… I said, “That’s impossible.”
Kat note: Here are 5 points of NESARA / GESARA:
Eliminates the Federal Reserve System – done
Restores financial privacy — That’s the Quantum Financial System — done
Creates a new U.S. Treasury rainbow currency backed by gold, silver, platinum and precious metals — The new USN — done
Ceases all aggressive, U.S. government military actions worldwide — done
President Trump is the first POTUS in 30-years who has not initiated a war, who is bringing our troops home, and who is organizing and/or signing Peace Treaties around the world.
Establishes peace throughout the world — done
Q posted “Saving Israel for last” on March 10, 2018. On August 13, 2020, President Trump secured a Peace Treaty between Israel and the United Arab Emirates.

Do you think Q, Trump and the Alliance have got this? Heck yes. The Q-plan is being carried out with Military precision and is Divinely extraordinary.
1:05:58 Mark Devlin: How long ago were these people telling you that this would happen?
1:04:02 Charlie: This is about 8 to 9 months ago… and then we watched a whole series of things that they had done… they just went into enormous detail that was absolutely brilliant…
1:04:15 Mark Devlin: So when they first contacted you, you must have been skeptical too, right? [Talking to Colleen]… Thought, this sounds too good to be true, it probably is, take it with a pinch of salt, and we’ll believe it when we see it…
1:04:22 Charlie: Yes, exactly… The thing is, the monetary system it’s impossible because that’s how they own us… they’re never going to give up the Fed because it’s monopoly money… that’s how they rule over us… they can’t do this every single year on their coin… no matter how rich they pretend to be… you can’t do this… you have to have monopoly money to be able to get away with this stuff… so that’s what I said…
I really would love to believe this… we really really would love to because we need this… but I’m sorry, I can’t believe it… you lost me right there because they’re never going to give up the Fed…
1:05:03 Charlie cont.: And then we began to see certain things happen… and then we were like, wow… maybe… and then we did more research and more research… and then we started to look at Q… we just scoured all of the Q posts… and what you need to really inner-stand here is that Q… who we’re saying is John F. Kennedy Jr…. was or has become, a genius…
1:05:31 And this is a person that is a unified yin/yang soul… a person of the Higher Mind… and of the physical body… he knows the physical truths… he knows all of the stuff of how they rule over us with the Maritime Admiralty Laws…
1:05:47 Colleen: He’s been studying his enemy…
1:05:55 Mark Devlin: I just want to hit you with this question here, if I may… If JFK Jr. faked his death in 1999 and he’s been working with this [Q] group ever since to eventually bring down the cabal… a reasonable question would be:
Given, according to the account, that children, all this time have been abducted, tortured, murdered, their adrenochrome harvested… If this plan had been launched much sooner… then it would have saved many thousands [billions] of children’s lives presumably…
1:06:25 Why is it taking so long?... Why is it over 20-years before they’ve taken action? Why have they not acted sooner?
1:06:33 Charlie: That’s a great, great question… What everyone needs to inner-stand is that this is not about the United States… some people get right into this, and God Bless America… we’re all one… we’re all connected… we’re all part of this…
How you also know about the higher mind and the beauty and the truth to Q is that he continues to talk NO ONE IS GETTING LEFT BEHIND… this is not NESARA, not a “National” plan… this is a GESARA… this is a global issue… a global problem… and it has to be…
1:07:21 Because if they take down the cabal in the USA alone, what does the cabal do? They just double-down on London… they double-down on Trudeau in Canada… they double-down in France…
1:07:38 This is where the sacred expression from the bell… tied to the mast pole of the sailing vessel which was on John F. Kennedy’s boat… the “Honey Fitz” which etymology is the pineal gland again… it’s all tied together… it’s Godly, it’s Goodly, it’s Beautiful…
And the bell, which is the pineal gland on the mast pole of the sailing vessel has this saying:
Where We Go One We Go All…

Image: Engraving on the bell on JFK’s Presidential yacht “The Honey Fitz” * WWG1WGA *

End part 1 partial transcription by Kat
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