Source: Dinar Chronicles | By Kat August 18, 2020 EVERYTHING CHANGED TODAY!! What a scoop!! Thrilling! Thrilling! Thrilling! Th...

Source: Dinar Chronicles | By Kat
August 18, 2020
What a scoop!!
Thrilling! Thrilling! Thrilling!
Thank you Charlie Ward for announcing it to the world.
I’ve been hoping for this for years…. and I guess the Alliance has too. WHA HOO!!!
No more 12-hours-waiting-in-line to vote.
No more fake voting numbers.
No more hanging chads.
No more shredded ballots.
No more ballots sent to puppy dogs and kitty cats.
No more coup d'états.
No more SCOTUS forcing Bush and Cheney down our throats...
For the first time since Abraham Lincoln — Americans will vote and their vote WILL be counted!!!
See below.
Peace, Health, Happiness and Abundance for all — We are Goddess, Sovereign, Free,
xo, Kat
CirstenW Talks to Charlie Ward (Massive Breaking news towards the end) Regarding the Vote 2020
Partially transcribed by Kat
34:00 Charlie Ward: I’ve got some SERIOUS INTEL for you…
The Voting System is being completely changed as we speak…
The New Quantum Financial System operates on the Blockchain system…
34:18 They’re gonna use the blockchain system… FOR VOTING!!!!!
It’s a brand new voting system…
You will have to identify yourself on your cell phone or your computer… and you’ll be able to vote that way on blockchain…
34:39 So they’ve shot themselves in the foot because Trump has already covered this…
The new voting system will be done on blockchain technology…
So it’ll be digital voting… that we totally 100% control… they’ve been trying to hack the blockchain system for 9-years unsuccessfully…
So they’re extremely confident in the new voting system…
35:10 And I’m the first one to tell you… I received this news today… this is red hot news!!!
Mail-in ballots aren’t going to happen!!!
35:56 Once we get onto this blockchain voting system which will be incredibly accurate… the prediction is Trump will win every single state… and his majority will be over 90%...
36:10 He will win California without a shadow of a doubt… He’ll win the lot…
36:23 Because the vote won’t be for him… it will be between good and evil… it’s got nothing to do with Democrats and Republicans… there are bad Republicans and good Democrats…
36:40 It’ll be about the Third World War between Good and Evil… and that’s how it will be put across… the only people who will vote the other side are people who are in a coma…
37:40 Very simply… if you’re involved with pedophilia it comes with an automatic death sentence… unless you cooperate with Trump… if you cooperate with Trump, you’ll get a minimum of a Life Sentence… you step out of line it goes back to the Death Penalty…
38:01 And he’s aware of Every. Single. One. Of. Them. And every single one of them will be arrested… and they will be given the choice…
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