Operation Disclosure | By Rinus Verhagen, Contributing Writer August 20, 2020 On: President Aleksandr Lukashenko Dear President Luk...
Operation Disclosure | By Rinus Verhagen, Contributing Writer
August 20, 2020
On: President Aleksandr Lukashenko
Dear President Lukashenko, I want to thank you for exposing the corruption of the EU, IMF, ECB and World Bank, trying to buy you in favor of the Deep State Nazis.
That you brought the bribing of them into the public domain is fantastic, because then it is plausible that all countries with a second Lock Down have been bribed, with the aim of obliging the population to vaccinate (commit Genocide on their own population).
Of course the EU reacted and spread slander to hide their own crimes against the European population, including deliberately the civil war in Ukraine out of lust for power and looting of the already poor population.
In the Netherlands, Mark Rutte is involved in the MH370 story which is talked to us as the MH17, in fact the victims were Asian and corresponded to the passenger list of the MH370.
Then having Dutch passports found indicates the involvement of Rutte and his Nazi Bilderberg government.
I have sent the story below to the new King of England, as the EU as a whole is not legally valid to talk or legislate for all member states.
This is communism under the Nazi flag of the EU, perpetrated by unelected gangsters who have only been able to exist through the deceit of all member countries who have betrayed their own people.
The EU is not legally valid, the Brexit document then we deliberately made mistakes, but this doesn't matter.
Since the Netherlands is one of the founders of the EU, who co-founded the EU after 1945, these politicians were not authorized to do so.
In 2012 Maxima told the Fake Queen that she did not find the Dutchman. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zt0pHmZuDz0
People have researched what is going on and found the answers which can be read at: https://lettertomaxima.blogspot.com/.
We have completed the document with the correct now important information.
So whether the Berxit document is correct or not, it doesn't matter anymore, the EU was created by deception of a non-legal Dutch government.
As there has never been a peace treaty signed with Germany, WW II has never officially stopped.
The political paedophile parties committed a silent coup on May 5, 1945, as a result of which Bernhard von Lippe de Nazi, the stadholder of the Netherlands, became under German rule.
You can now claim freedom by declaring the EU not legal because of the deceit of the Dutch Nazis.
I hope someone can pass this information on to Joseph Gregory Hallett.
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