Source: Stillness in the Storm | By Justin Deschamps 08/15/2020 Recent Events Show: The Deep State is Terrified, Which Means We’re Wi...

Source: Stillness in the Storm | By Justin Deschamps
Recent Events Show: The Deep State is Terrified, Which Means We’re Winning
(Justin Deschamps) The battle for freedom is reaching a fevered pitch. Here are a few events of note.
1. Q accounts and groups were banned in the thousands a few weeks ago, both on Twitter and Facebook. (Both our Stillness in the Storm accounts were suspended yesterday along with one of our employees, who doesn’t post much, but listed the stillnessinthestorm website as a connection. Our suspension came just after posting about Kamala Harris’ sister being invited to a Pizza Party with John Podesta, exposed in the recent WikiLeaks drops.)
2. Millennial Millie was arrested yesterday just before her Shadowgate documentary exposing the deeper crimes of Obamagate and Spygate was set be released. (it’s since gone viral)
3. YouTube announced that any material related to “hacking” (e.g. Wikileaks) will be removed from their platform (that means talking about the Clinton emails from 2016 and the Kamala Harris documents that were just released will be scrubbed, and possibly get accounts banned if discussed in the future).
4. Non-peaceful violent BLM protestors and rioters are invading neighborhoods demanding reparations and extorting business owners (NULU).
This is shocking and frightening but ultimately, I would argue, it lends credence to the fact the deep state is working as hard as it can (all assets deployed) to stop Trump from winning in Nov, which it failed to do in 2016.
The fact they are willing to outright digital book-burn any information that materially and substantively undermines the false narrative shows their desperation.
The good news is that it is waking up people in droves who can see that there’s clearly something they are trying to hide.
As General Flynn recently said in an Op-Ed:
We can no longer pretend that these dark forces are going to go away by mere prayer alone. Prayers matter, but action is required.
This action is needed at the local, state and federal levels. Action is also required in the economic, media, clerical and ecclesiastical realms.
The official storm might not be upon us yet, but we’re unquestionably in the middle of a battle for truth, freedom, and justice, not only for ourselves but for future generations.
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