Reader Post | By June Ann The white coat doctors are trying to promote free speech and Trump is promoting a question. I did question. I...

Reader Post | By June Ann
The white coat doctors are trying to promote free speech and Trump is promoting a question. I did question. I researched and here’s what I found.
Hydroxychloroquine: a synthetic derivative of a compound called quinine. Quinine is a naturally occurring compound in plants. The origins of quinine have been traced to the tree bark of a genus of plants called Cinchona. Cinchona......... repeat CINCHONA, can get it at many places like eBay in all kinds of forms. I have the liquid. Get the real one eh? No need to eat plastic fruit when we have the real thing.
Even Zinc can be an organic food source. Just type in Organic Zinc in any search engine.
And likewise, Vitamin C can be found as food sourced as the fruit Camu Camu in an inexpensive capsule form easily on eBay.
ALKALINE FOODS... Disease requires acid. The reason that hydroxychloroquine works is because it ALKALIZES the cells. Why wait for a drug to get alkaline? Start now by eating more alkaline, go on a raw veggie juice fast, drink more alkaline water or put lemon in your water, stay detoxed with Liquid Zeolite.
In order to initiate replication, the virus requires that the endosome have a low (acidic) pH. Both drugs are weak bases (alkaline pH) and are rapidly taken up into the endosome, where they raise the pH to a point where viral replication can’t take place. The virus is therefore unable to release its genetic material into the cell and replicate.
One perfect Alkaline Supplement is:
Good Health to Us All,
June Ann
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