Source: Rumor Mill News | By Mr.Ed Date: Friday, 21-Aug-2020 18:10:51 Forget about 'Mail In Voting' - NEW BLOCKCHAIN VOTING -...
Source: Rumor Mill News | By Mr.Ed
Date: Friday, 21-Aug-2020 18:10:51
Forget about 'Mail In Voting' - NEW BLOCKCHAIN VOTING - No Cheating Possible!!! 'REAL NEWS'
I got news for you all.
Trump will win in all 50 states (yes including California) by 90%!!! (Joe who???)
They can't win unless they can cheat.
Now that is impossible.
I can yell you this...
The left will not lay there and take it.
They plan to go all out when they lose and throw everything they have at us.
So I expect to see the military get involved.
My sources tell me most of the cabal have already been taken just don't see it yet.
Some have been replaced by look-a-likes.
Some have been cloned.
Every US president has been cloned all the way back to Jimmy Carter.
The rest what you see on TV is CGI. (is it real...or is it Memorex?)
Durham is about to drop the bomb on GAY Obama and CRIMINAL Biden around Labor Day.
Which will be the beginning of disclosure as the truth comes out. (like 'TRANNY BIG MIKE')
Then you will see the sealed indictments come into view. (200,000)
I really don't see how we can have an election when the opponent is in GITMO? :)
So either way it goes...4 more years of Trump and the cabal left hate it. CHECKMATE
Here is a little something to make my point from a patriot (via email today) by Jennifer Davidson.
Mr.Ed :) >>>
From - Jennifer Davidson
Subject: Boom! Checkmate!
Trump quietly applied in February of 2019 for a patent on a BRAND NEW, Secure, 'BLOCK CHAIN Voting method' where every voter receives a unique code in the mail* and has to verify their identity and ballot information.
* (Note by Mr.Ed - I hear it will be on your cell phone or pc)
All the voter info is stored securely in a block chain.
This will COMPLETELY secure the integrity of our elections.
The left is FREAKING OUT.
All we’ve heard for 5 MONTHS from the left and media is ‘WE NEED MAIL IN VOTING DUE TO THE CHINA VIRUS’!!!
Trump let them scream it all summer while, at times he would casually say "No...we need to vote in person, safely".
THAT was met with pure horror from the left and the media every time he said it.
Then, Trump’s new Postmaster General, Louis DeJoy goes in and fires 23 top Swamp Rat Executives at the Post Office.
The Left and the Media LOST IT!
Six days later it’s revealed DeJoy ordered the removal of ‘certain’ sorting machines.
Trump got the left to defend the USPS like never before!
Then, the other day a NUKE was dropped and that NUKE’S name is BLOCKCHAIN!!
What is Blockchain?
A seemingly ironclad voting system the left CAN NOT USE TO CHEAT.
Blockchain is a system of recording information in a way that makes it difficult or impossible to change, hack, or cheat the system.
A blockchain is essentially a digital ledger of transactions that is duplicated and distributed across the entire network of computer systems on the blockchain.
Trump started working on it 17 months ago and NOT ONE WORD LEAKED OUT ABOUT IT.
Now, we watched 'TRANNY Big Mike' on TV the other night say that "WE SHOULD BE VOTING IN PERSON".
So much for "WE CAN ONLY VOTE BY MAIL"!!! 🤣🤣
They can’t cheat with IN PERSON voting, the NSA TOLD US THAT, and now they can’t cheat using the Post Office!
See WHY DeJoy announced he would suspend any further changes to the Post Office until AFTER THE ELECTION?
The safeguards are in place and DeJoy provided the cover for it to happen.
Check and mate, f**k you, you dirty rotten traitors! HAHAHAHAHA!
Here is a little bonus - proof of cabal arrests: >>>
CA Arrest proofs
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