Source: Dinar Chronicles | By Kat Just a brief transcription of Charlie Ward chatting with Rice Crypto about the Quantum Financial Syst...

Source: Dinar Chronicles | By Kat
Just a brief transcription of Charlie Ward chatting with Rice Crypto about the Quantum Financial System, on 8-16-20.
It’s important because Charlie makes the point that the deep state are unhappy (desperate, pissed, tearing-their-hair-out, apoplectic, horn-mad, frantic, incensed, enraged, ballistic) about the QFS.
Therefore Trump and Q-Team are having to PUT OUT A LOT OF RED FLAGS while they’re transitioning from the old cabal-SWIFT system to the new angelic-QFS.
I can only reiterate what wonderful Cinemo Galactic said yesterday:
“Cast off all doubt…
If you’re tired and weary, just know we’re close…
Many truths will be revealed in this final stretch.
Lift your spirits in knowing that
Bless you, Cinemo. And so it is.
Peace, Health, Happiness and Abundance for all — We are Goddess, Sovereign, Free,
xo, Kat
Charlie Ward talks to Rice Crypto, he gives us his side of the crypto world + Joseph Gregory Hallett 8-16-20
Partially Transcribed by Kat
7:17 Charlie Ward: The Quantum Financial System is a digital banking system that settles anywhere in the world in 60 seconds…
It was tested out on the 2nd of August… they pinged every bank in the world to make sure that it worked… it will replace the current SWIFT system…
How long they’re going to run parallel, I don’t know…
7:40 I do not know if they’re going to use XRP but I do know that it’s using the blockchain system…
The other thing that I do know that the XRP is gold-backed, and it’s been kept very much under wraps… So it’s down to somebody like you who’s a specialist in that field, which I’m not… to try an ascertain whether that XRP is going to be the U.K. version…
8:14 I was told very early on with the Crypto Currencies that there would be 4-brand-new ones… American, Chinese, Russian and Indian… that’s what I was told… whether that was a red-flag, whether it wasn’t… I do not know…
8:38 Just reading between the lines I would think it would be linked to the USN, which is the new US Note… that’s how I see it… this is Charlie speaking, this is based on the information I’ve got… this is just my opinion…
12:11 Rice Crypto: … When we’re talking centralized banking and fiat money we’re talking about the debt-slave-system that we’re all trying to free ourselves from, right?
12:17 Charlie Ward: Well I think without even knowing it we’re free of it already… most people are aware that the Federal Reserve is absorbed into the Treasury… it’s 100% I can assure you… there won’t be anything on paper spelling it out…
12:55 There’s a very simple reason for this…
This is because of the fact that the new Quantum Financial System is replacing the Fiat Federal Reserve System completely…
And you have to understand who’s actually involved with the Federal Reserve/SWIFT system… what we used to call the illuminati… now the deep state…
And they’re not very happy about it… let’s put it that way…
So they’re having to do it very very discreetly…
That means putting out an awful lot of red flags… whilst they’re doing it…
13:30 But I can assure you
I’m getting my information from within the 4-walls…
[of Trump Team]…
14:14 It’s been fascinating just to watch what’s been happening… it’s very much the Third World War between Good and evil… the people that I talk to… they are so relaxed with the way things are going… they are so on top of it… they are so in control right now…
14:45 A few months back, I was, “So is Donald Trump good, is he bad?”… it has become incredibly clear to me that he’s 100% good… and he’s doing a phenomenal job…
14:52 I’ll qualify that… ANY leader of a country that tackles pedophilia and child and sex Trafficking… deserves to be respected… anybody…
15:10 Rice Crypto: That whole situation is quite disturbing… when I started doing a lot of my research and going down rabbit holes… I was very aware of that situation and the pizzagate scenario… it was just something I really wasn’t trying to go down and look at…
15:28 I too have had interesting jobs in the past and have seen dark sides of Humanity and that just wasn’t a road I wanted to re-travel… or visit… but I was forced to and… that’s where my thought processes has changed regards Donald Trump…
15:46 One of the things he got my respect for was just saying the idea of getting rid of taxation of labor… capital gains taxes… and other things that would essentially make the IRS obsolete… and replace that with a flat tax… I really think that’s a great thing…
[Kat Note: Rice Crypto is talking about NESARA / GESARA but I’m not sure if he knows it…]
End partial transcription by Kat
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