Source: Dinar Chronicles | By Kat This was a wonderful video chat with Charlie Ward and Tara/Xena. A few things you don’t already kno...

Source: Dinar Chronicles | By Kat
This was a wonderful video chat with Charlie Ward and Tara/Xena.
A few things you don’t already know, but it is always encouraging to hear that more and more people are waking up and it’s good to be reminded of the staggering gargantuan wealth that is available for all of us.
One of my most favorite quotes is from Carl Jung:
“Our world is so exceedingly rich in delusions
that a truth is priceless...”
Carl Jung, Modern Man In Search Of A Soul, pg. 46
That is so true and we are now learning all the reasons why that is true. In a cabal / deep state / illuminati world, truth is anathema.
So in a world rich in delusions, Charlie Ward videos have been literally, for me, a beacon of light, hope and truth. You can't ask for more from anyone in the middle of WWIII.
As of this writing, Charlie has 131k you-tube subscribers. Huge congrats Charlie! Well deserved!
Key Points:
-NESARA was written in 1962
-Governments have stolen Pension Funds
-Can vote from your phone on the blockchain system which eliminates all voting corruption, which Charlie knows from first-hand experience as he moved money around the world for elites to insure certain people were elected.
-NESARA / GESARA gets us out of Maritime Law
-The poorest countries — South Africa, Zimbabwe, South America — are actually the richest in gold, copper, coal, uranium, oil, gold, diamonds…
-Trusts are worth one quarter of a ZILLION dollars +
-Charlie has been working with a team doing an evaluation of what it takes to run the world financially. Only need 13% - 17% tax on non-essential items…
-Enough money in the world to pay everyone a Universal Basic Income…
Such a beautiful, rich and abundant world is coming for all. A pristine Divinely restored planet, Divinely restored Kingdoms, Divinely restored Humanity—all golden for a wondrous, peaceful, miraculous Golden Age.
With blessings of Peace, Health, Wealth and Happiness for all – we are Goddess, Sovereign, Free,
xo, Kat
Tara (Xena) Talks to Charlie Ward DO NOT MISS THIS.....! 8-27-20
Partially transcribed by Kat
5:12 Charlie Ward: NESARA was actually written in 1962… changed before 9-11 when it was due to be launched then… and it’s been changed again… we probably won’t hear politicians name it as NESARA / GESARA… but we’ve started to see things happen… we’re seeing the forgiveness of debt… it probably won’t be, as Tara and I want it, a big fanfare… It’s Here! You know?... it’s being phased in very gently…
5:44 I was talking to Tara earlier about what’s happened here in Spain, and what’s happened in France. And what’s happened here in Spain is the National Police have suddenly found out that the Pension Fund they’ve been paying into for years and years and years…IS EMPTY.
6:05 Now the British people are also going to find the same… the French are finding the same… the Germans are finding the same… they’re finding their Pension Funds are EMPTY.
6:16 Charlie cont.: Now what’s happened in Spain is they’re blaming it on King Juan Carlos… oh he’s stolen the money… he’s gone… we all know he’s in Guantanamo Bay but they don’t know that… they think he’s on Holiday… he’s not… he’s in Gitmo, mark my words… and he hasn’t stolen the money…
6:35 I’ll tell you who’s stolen the money. It’s THE GOVERNMENT WHO’S STOLEN THE MONEY… The Spanish Government have stolen your Pension Fund, so have the Germans, the English, the French, the Portuguese, so have the Italians… the Governments have stolen your Pension Funds…
6:51 This is why they’re trying to extend the time you work… because they’re trying to cover their tracks, they don’t know what to do, the Pension Fund’s empty…
7:00 The National Police are working but they’re not going out of the Police Station, they’re staying low profile… they’ve realized, their money’s gone. This affect people’s performance…
7:10 I was trying to work out what is going on… and suddenly the penny dropped…. this is how, as part of GESARA, they’ll bring in Martial Law, they’ll bring in the Military… now the public would panic under normal circumstances if you brought in the Military… now when the Police step down it’s left a void… so the public will go, we need the Military to look after us so that runs very smoothly… and people accept the Military on the streets because the Police aren’t there… we’ve been there before…
7:50 So it’s not a shock… so suddenly when the military are on the ground and we’re under Martial Law, what happens is THE GOVERNMENTS WILL THEN BE EXPOSED AS THIEVES AND LIARS and they’ll be taken down… by the people, by Donald Trump himself, they’ll be removed…
8:19 And then there’ll be a period of reflection… and we’ll move into GESARA government… the GESARA government is NOT Labour, Conservative, Democrat, Republican… it’s nothing to do with Party denomination… it’s Good and Evil…
8:38 We’ll have a choice as to who we want to represent that Party… the principles will be NESARA in the USA… GESARA in the world… what we will know is the type of people we do not want running our world… and these are the thieving, dirty, lying, b*stards that we’ve had for the last 50-years [or more]… this painful experience is to expose what we don't’ want…
9:20 And then we’ll have people stand up and say, “I want to represent the people…”
9:27 Tara: [Wonderful discussion about transparency in Politics… blockchain voting… accountability]
12:07 Charlie: They’ve had the Blueprints for the Blockchain Voting System attached to the Quantum Financial System… with this system you’ll vote from your mobile phone… you’ll have all your identity detailed in there… you’ll know exactly who is voting and where they’re voting from… so it puts an end to all the Poster voting, vote-rigging, etc. which has gone on since Time Began… and it’s been absolutely rife for the last 30 to 50 years…
12:07 And I know that because I was involved in moving funds around the world to assure that certain people got in… so your vote really didn’t count… we know how much it costs to get certain people into power in certain countries to guarantee that position… so that’s where I came in… learning about that side of it… so I can tell you first-hand that it happened… because I was involved in it…
13:00 Tara: It’s the same with the Legal System as well… I’ve had some run-ins in my early days…
14:32 Charlie: As part of GESARA we’ll move away from Maritime Law, which is an incredibly corrupt system, it’s so corrupt it’s unbelievable, hopefully back to Common Law… as I understand it… that’s what Trump is pushing for…
Kat Note: Charlie Freak outlined a facet of Maritime Law incredibly clearly and brilliantly so I re-post what he said here for those who may have missed it:
1:00:15 Charlie: [Colleen and I] were going through a process of looking to become truly free… to get rid of our fake Maritime Admiralty Law and Registration and to be actually registered with the system as free individuals…
1:01:31 So we were going through this process and the key person in this company that does this process and has done this process to GAIN YOUR FREEDOM…
1:01:40 And then once you do you can demand access to all the various financial funds in your name that are created from your birthing certificate, your fake 3-name ALL CAPITALIZED Maritime Admiralty Law slave-name that are being traded on the New York Stock Exchange…
And you can demand that you are now, officially, a living individual… cuz that’s how it works…
1:02:13 When you’re born… you actually are not born… you’re birthed via the canals from the high seas that they control and own… onto the land that they own and control…
So the baby’s feet never touch the ground… they make sure of that… and then they give you this birthing certificate with numbers on it and they own you…
Those are the same numbers that are your stock and trade go back and forth on the New York Stock Exchange…
"Video: Who is Q? The Genius Q-Plan Explained (Part 1)" by Kat - 8.22.20
Kat note: This is one of the points of NESARA / GESARA:
Forbids the sale of American birth certificate records as chattel property bonds by the U.S. Department of Transportation.
Charlie cont.: But at the moment [Trump’s] hands are tied to a level because of the fact that the Democrats are still in control of the House… that will come to a bitter end in November…
15:00 They already know they’ve lost… and they’re fighting like dogs…
15:08 Tara: They’re not going to go down without a fight, are they? … the switch just can’t happen overnight… all the lawyers are going to need to be retrained to Common Law… again, that needs to be a transition… Financial System, Medical System and the Legal System all changing… it’s got to happen gradually but the good news is we are changing for the better…
15:42 We’ll slowly see our lifestyle changing… debt going… that for most people hanging over their shoulders is HUGE… just that going alone is going to be enough to improve people’s quality of life… you’re not getting your wages taxes by 20%... then you’ve got Universal Basic Income on top of that… people are still going to work, it’s only about 1200 pounds a month [$1582.]… it relieves that pressure… that burden where you’re working to survive every single day…
16:16 And allows people to actually take a breath and live… start becoming aware of things going on in the world instead of being on that treadmill every day, working to survive, working to survive… it will gradually lift people’s awareness, out of survival mode, and lack, and bringing them into a state where they’re actually living and starting to take notice of the sky is blue instead of covered in Chem Trails… people are completely oblivious to the whole thing…
16:45 Charlie: I totally agree with you, we’re coming into a wonderful period… you tend to find, the poorest people are the most generous… they’re generous in Spirit… and I think when we go through this period you’ll see these people blessed for what they have been through and what they have done…
They have been robbed blind by the Tax System, by the [cabal] System in general… and you’ll find that these people are naturally Humanitarian minded… and you’ll find that they’ll be rewarded to a level that they least expected… they’ll help so many more people because it’s in their DNA…
17:42 Tara: It’s Human Nature to want to help people because it makes you feel good…
People don’t realize is that there’s 2 sets of accounting books and there’s one set of books they show the people where there’s not enough money and the other set of books where they’re creaming all the money… and they’ve got a huge investment portfolio… amazon, Google, oil money.. where is all that money going? They’re taking from the people… making it look like the pot is empty… and they’re putting it into another pot… so that’s why there’ll be a redistribution of the wealth…
19:30 So you’ve got the stolen wealth from around the world… [fascinating discussion of wealth and repressed wealth…] look at Zimbabwe, they’ve got millions and millions of tons of gold… so the poorest countries are actually the wealthiest…
20:25 I went on a website yesterday to look at all these countries that have all the wealth… copper, coal, uranium, gold, diamonds… all the really poor countries, South Africa, South America, they have got so much… it’s just crazy that these poor countries have millions and millions of tons of precious metals that they’re not able to access because of manipulation and control through the global politics… so there’s so much wealth out there…
21:06: And then you’ve got the Trusts… so you’ve got, what is it, one quarter of a ZILLION dollars in the Trusts as well…
Tara: So people have no idea
how much wealth
has been hidden from us
to realize
there’s an abundance out there
for ALL of us…
21:20 Charlie: It’s very interesting that point… I’ve been working with a team that have been doing an evaluation of what it actually takes to run the world financially… it’s already been planned they haven’t told me the final figure but it’s between 13% and 17%... there will be one tax on Purchase Tax of non-essential items…
But there is enough money on non-essential items between 13 and 17% the only tax needed to fund the entire finance of the world AND give everybody a nominal wage to cover your basic costs of living… so you can come out of the poverty/debt trap that everybody’s in… everybody would have enough to survive with the 13 – 17% tax…
22:18 Then on top of that, you can go and work… you can increase your wealth by whatever you want to… but you’ve got a foundation so you can survive and pay your bills without having to worry… if you’re a mother with children and you want to stay at home you can… or a father… but it will give you a safety net that’s been calculated out… even repairing the roads…
22:50 If we get rid of all the waste we have right now… the Houses of Parliament and the House of Lords you have no idea how much waste is there… I mean a financial drain…
23:25 It’s UNBELIEVABLE how much money disappears in Governments around the world… UNBELIEVABLE…
[A fascinating discussion about wealth, waste and abundance…]
31:37 Tara: I found Q before I found Trump… I resonated with Q a lot because he was exposing all the corruption and the Trafficking and everything else… I resonated with him on the truth level… and Q started talking about Trump and I thought, “Hang on a minute” I’d never even looked into Trump… I questioned everything with Trump… once you research the truth is there for you to see…
33:00 Charlie: It’s amazing how much truth is out there when you start looking for it… you can only start looking for it when you turn your television off… it’s just nonstop Waterloo BS coming from the Media on every single level…
37:45 Charlie: So you’re telling me as well then… based on that information… that we’ve got some sheep that are AWAKE!
38:00 Tara: Yup. They’re awake and they’re waking… this is a huge catalyst really… the coronavirus hit everyone’s pocket… this is what it took…
38:31 Charlie: Well we’re on a fabulous journey, aren’t we Tara?... for me personally it’s absolutely beautiful to watch… yes, it’s very painful for a lot of people, I understand that… but you need to suffer that pain to understand what’s going on… because without the suffering you will never understand it…
38:50 Tara: Yeah. You’ve got to move from a state of comfort to being uncomfortable before you can want change…
39:00 Charlie: Exactly. Otherwise you just sit there and go with the flow…Thank you for joining me this morning… there’s so much more to tell people on this journey… we’re on a fast-moving world right now things are changing rapidly… having people like Tara speaking out is very beneficial…
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