Source: Dinar Chronicles | By Kat This is a very brief transcription on what Charlie Ward said yesterday about the Quantum Financial Sy...

Source: Dinar Chronicles | By Kat
This is a very brief transcription on what Charlie Ward said yesterday about the Quantum Financial System, cash and gold.
As you all know, I love Charlie Ward. I loved him the moment I heard him speak two months ago which is why I started transcribing his marvelous informative videos in June.
I guess President Trump and the United States Government loves Charlie too because they’ve asked him to move money around the world for them.
As he often says about himself, “I’m not the messiah. I’m just Charlie. A 60-year old man with 4-children, 4-grandchildren and 4-wives.”
At the start of his you tube channel 4-months ago, when he began with 37 subscribers and he now has 89k subscribers — in his first videos he always ended with: “Just remember, Jesus loves you, even if everybody else thinks you’re a twat.”
Love him to bits.
Peace, Health, Happiness and Abundance for all – we are Goddess, Sovereign, Free,
xo, Kat
Denise Boland and Charlie Ward 8-3-20
Partially transcribed by Kat
16:31 Charlie Ward: If I go back to what I was told right at the start… I was told not to panic, not to worry, they’re totally in control of it…
And Donald Trump is the front man, yes, without a shadow of a doubt, but there’s a HUGE TEAM behind him making sure that everything works out the correct way…
[Kat Note: Behind POTUS is Q, the Q-Team, the NSA, hundreds of Generals, USA and Global Militaries, and ‘The Alliance,’ which is led by Trump/USA, Putin/Russia, Xi/China, bin Salman/Saudi Arabia, Modi/India and Johnson/U.K… Victory to the Light!]
And they’ll have to go through some very muddy waters to do it… and they’ll have to wake-up the American people…
16:55 I understand as well, from the statistics that I’ve seen, that when Hillary Clinton tried to fix the last election in 2016… she was convinced she’d fixed it enough to win it but she still lost it… if she had not attempted to fix it he would have won by 70% to 30%... you won’t hear that in the Mainstream Media…
17:30 When people come to vote… you have to use common sense here rather than political BS… people vote on if they’ve got money in their pockets… is their business running, are they able to make money…
17:49 And there’ll be another section of the votes where he’s STOPPING pedophilia, and child-trafficking and human-trafficking… that will carry a huge load of votes… I don’t care whether you like him or hate him… if he saves one woman and one child there’s going to be people who go, “Do you know what? You’re doing a good job. Nobody else has done that before.”
18:06 There’s a huge plan in place that they’re working on and it’s working very very well and it’s taking time… it’s taking longer than I thought it would… but then you look at the huge picture and you go… the Second World War took 5.5 years… we’re in the Third World War and we’re 4-months into it and he’s nearly done it…
18:30 And it’s a far bigger job than the Second World War… getting rid of the deep state… getting rid of the cabal… that’s a massive job…
19:19 Charlie: …I was invited on 4-different occasions to join the Masons… it just never appealed to me… not the way I see myself… I was also invited, on 2-occasions, to go and work for the government on the dark side… and I said no, that’s not me either…
I’m very very glad now and it’s those experiences that put me in the position I’m in right now, where I can say…
19:45 I know an awful lot more than I can talk about as to why I’m doing what I’m doing…
But my job right now is to try and provide comfort and take away fear and get people to realize that we’re coming to a far far better place… but to get there we’re having to go through an awful lot of sh*t… but just to guide people through this sh*t… just provide comfort…
20:10 But we’re going to come out to a far better world…
and when I say a far better world, I mean a far far better world…
20:19 Denise Boland: The Golden Age, is that what Trump called it?
20:22 Charlie: The Golden Age… Trump’s very very clever… he uses words on purpose… and when he’s talking about the Golden Age he’s talking about gold-backed currency
And the new Quantum Financial System… it’s now been fully financed and uploaded and ready… they’ve done a couple of little trials with it… we now know it’s working… it’s not total public knowledge yet…
20:48 Same with the USN… that’s now in operation… the only thing the Americans will know is suddenly a new $100 bill will appear…
21:05 Denise: A lot of people are saying “We don’t want a cashless society…” but this isn’t cashless even though you said it’s digital… we are going to have a note… we’re going to have paper…
21:22 Charlie: 100%... look, the NWO/New World Order… they wanted a completely cashless society and they wanted everybody vaccinated and everybody chipped… that’s what they wanted…
21:36 Trump was against that idea…
The idea of the Quantum Financial System from a banking perspective… it’s a far better cleaner system for transferring money…
If I wanted to send you money Denise on the QFS, you can have it instantaneously… it’s done on the Blockchain system… same as crypto-currency… it’s a very good system for transferring money… once it’s in the system there’s not the compliance issues, the flawed issues and everything else the current system has…
22:02 However, there will still be cash, for how long I don’t know, I would imagine for at least the next 10-years, and people will gradually move across, if they’re happy to do so, there are still plenty of people that will only want to use cash, and that’s quite important…
As far as I understand it right now, they wouldn’t be creating a USN, a new note, if there wasn’t going to be cash… so that’s quite a telltale sign…
22:32 And also…
yeah, I can tell you this,
I’ve been asked by the U.S. Government
to help them move the cash around
and the gold and the valuables
around the world to back the currencies…
22:45 And this was all taken from the Vatican
in the last month…
650 planeloads of cash, gold and Documentation
that’s now in Fort Knox…
that will all have to be distributed
to back the currencies…
22:58 There is also a HUGE amount of gold that’s unrecorded in the Philippines
and a HUGE amount of cash in Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam…
23:10 So all of that will have to be moved to back the currencies around the world…
23:17 Denise Boland: After our interview I’m interviewing my gold guy from Swiss America, I’ve been purchasing gold from him for a while… my financial advisor was against it he says, “You don’t get more gold. Whatever gold is out there, that’s it…” But according to what you’re saying there’s a lot of gold out there.
23:35 Charlie Ward: (Smiling) TONS…
Financial Advisors do not want you to invest in gold… it’s the SAFEST THING YOU CAN DO… and it takes away their business… that’s the whole idea of gold…
You won’t get more gold but you’ll get more money for your gold cuz it’s going up in value… at the start of this [lockdown] a kilo of gold was $50,000 and now it’s $80,000 and we’re only 4-months down the road… so no financial advisor can give you a better return than that…
24:19 Buy yourself a kilo of gold, it’s the same size as an iPhone-11… keep it private, keep it away from the banks in your own safekeeping… and you sit there on $80k dollars-worth and you can take it to any country in the world and trade it…
There’s not one country in the world that won’t trade gold… there’s many countries that won’t take dollars, pounds, euros… but they’ll all take gold…
24:54 Denise Boland: … in the past the government confiscated all the pure gold…
25:00 Charlie Ward: That’s very true, that’s happened in the past… but just think about what you just said… that was in the past… this is what the deep state and the cabal are all about…
This is what Trump is getting rid of…
he’s giving back our God-given rights of Freedom…
he’s given back our power that’s been taken away from us…
that’s what this whole journey’s about…
I wouldn’t buy contaminated gold in a million years… I’d buy PURE gold and I’d keep it myself… if I need to hide it and tell them I haven’t got any gold, then so be it…
End partial transcription by Kat
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