Source: Dinar Chronicles | By Kat August 2, 2020 Enclosed is a transcription of a video-chat between the two Charlies: Freak and Ward...

Source: Dinar Chronicles | By Kat
August 2, 2020
Enclosed is a transcription of a video-chat between the two Charlies: Freak and Ward.
Both Charlies talk about the need for Humanity to “wake-up” and they are doing all they can to help by making their videos.
But I feel that the sooner the Mainstream Media is shut down and/or replaced with actual TRUTH, the sooner Humanity CAN wake up. My 2 cents.
President Trump and the Q-Team are worried Humanity can’t handle the TRUTH. I suggest Humanity is TOLD the TRUTH and then the Q-Team can see how strong people actually are.
Ultimately, the two Charlies report that the news is GOOD, GREAT, WONDROUS. Where we are heading is MIRACULOUS. They briefly talk about the QFS, the new USN, Tesla Towers, etc.
But they also talk about what has been and dealing with those revelations is where copious tears will flow.
Once again, I enclose for those who do not know what adrenochrome is, a description by the eloquent Sacha Stone, who delivers in 5-minutes a brilliant, albeit frightful, definition.
It is necessary to understand what adrenochrome is when you read/listen to this video with the two Charlie’s:
Sacha Stone talks about Adrenochrome on Camelot TV Network, April 24, 2020
Question: What is adrenochrome?
0:25 Sacha Stone: It’s a psycho-active molecule that is activated in Human blood when the Human subject or victim is tortured.
0:36 In the same way that a cat toys with the mouse before eviscerating it and pulling out its kidneys and slowly killing it. It is known to the Feline species that the more you adrenalize the blood of the victim the more prana or life force you can induce through the in-taking of that blood.
1:04 So in simple terms, these sociopathic sub-human entities that proliferate in Hollywood and on the big screen, and pop idols, and Rock Gods, and Sports idols, amongst Political leadership and elements within Royalty as well… as well as boxes of the Corporatocracy, the Oligarchies… and these are the powerful Technocrats… that exist in Government, in the Banking sector, in the commercial arena, in the Military Industrial Complex, in the Mainstream media and press as well.
1:56 These folks are variously conjoined in blood covenant through long standing blood ritualism. It sounds absurd, it sounds like a bad BATMAN script, but hélà s, alack, it’s all too real.
2:31 …The fact of the matter is that this goes on — the adrenochrome molecule is arguably the most prized element on Earth, with a higher value one imagines than even platinum or Helium-3 which you can only scoop off the Moon.
2:44 So the fact is that to get a pranic rush is similar to a hyper-dimensional cocaine rush, so harvesting blood, terrorizing the victim, conducting the most aberrant satanic rituals becomes of paramount importance to this diabolical echelon.
3:18 What they are requiring is to be anchored to the Temporal [Earthly] plane, because they’ve already abnegated their consciousness and their conscience.
Their Spiritual sacrament has been so violated through their own choice in surrendering or abnegating their true conscience that they have already been walked into and are now under the remote influence of the Egregore, or the lower astral intelligence, or the demon, if you wish to look at it that way.
3:55 Bottom line is they’re sub-human. They’re not Homo Sapiens Universalis, or Homo sapiens sapiens, or Homo sapiens freighter like we are. They are absent in their capacity for empathy, for compassion, or to love or be loved; and my heart goes out to them for that fact.
4:17 But that again was a chronology and a pathology of choice that was made and taken by each of them. So they’ve got to the point where the only way they can anchor… or the only way that energy can anchor through them in the Temporal/Earthly realm is to continue imbibing the adrenochrome or the traumatized blood. So in simple terms that’s why.
4:38 Why the toddlers are sodomized and raped is because it’s an inversion of kundalini. It’s a technique to inverse the life force, the prana, the kundalini, the chi of that victim, in order to induce or transduce that very very hyper-dimensionally active life force into the perpetrator.
5:07 It’s very ugly stuff. But when you get into advanced satanism that’s the game you play or you perish, because by the time you learn about blood drinking and the fact that you are required to go into the blood covenant, it’s normally too late for you to extricate yourself.
~ Sacha Stone
A crucial point Sacha makes is that those “former” human beings who participate in this revolting dreadful blood covenant ARE NO LONGER HUMAN.
The people who “willingly” enter into this world might do it for power, for fame, for celebrity, or for money, but whatever their reasons, the appalling price they pay is the loss of their Humanity, conscience, morality, the ability to decipher between right and wrong.
They’ve “chosen” to surrender their souls and have therefore been walked into by lower dimensional-entities. You could almost say these former humans are controlled by the devil, which is the only way they could participate in these horrific rituals and covenants. No God-created human being with a God-created soul could commit such abominable acts.
So ask yourself: Why are the soulless-former-humans that we identify as the cabal/deep state, fighting so hard? Because when Gaia, her Kingdoms and Humanity fully ascend and inhabit the 5th Dimensional Earth and/or even higher Dimensions, these lower beings can no longer exist. They cannot exist in higher light.
As to the immediate fate of those that have fallen so far from the path of Love? In this video Charlie Freak put it this way: “Our job is we have to create a meeting between these people and God… we are just going to facilitate that meeting… the guillotine, a gun to the back of the head, the hangman’s noose… all we’re doing is facilitating a meeting between them and God… and God will take care of the rest…”
Yes, the Charlie’s briefly talk about the coming abundance, NESARA and wondrous technologies, but they also talk about the children.
Charlie Freak often says, the number of victims in this Third World War is incalculable.
I always think of the planet herself, of the beautiful Goddess Gaia, who had to hold in her very body these unspeakable dark acts for thousands of years. For this fact alone, I pray for her Ascension more fervently than I pray for my own.
With blessings — we are Goddess, Sovereign, Free,
xo, Kat
A Pair of Charlie's (Charlie Freak and Charlie Ward) Know the Truth, 7-31-20
With Charlie Freak and Charles Ward
Transcribed by Kat
A Pair of Charlie's (Charlie Freak and Charlie Ward) Know the Truth
0:49 Charlie Freak: [From Mexico City] What is the name that a friend of yours gave both of us today?
0:49 Charles Ward: “A right pair of Charlies” which I absolutely love, and that’s what we are. We’re a couple of lads who are out there just trying to find out what the truth is and what’s going on and annoying a lot of people who don’t want us to find out and giving a lot of comfort to people who DO want to find out…
1:10 Charlie Freak: Wow that is brilliantly said, Charlie, and I agree 100%.
1:18 Charles Ward: Fortunately we’re on the same page and we’re going to be discussing a number of fascinating subjects today… both you and I have a lot of INTEL coming in the last 24, 48 hours… it’s flooding in at the moment…
1:34 Charlie Freak: It is. There’s so much going on right now… because there’s a bit of a clock here… things have to get done for other things to then be possible to get done… it’s kind of insane at the moment…
1:54 Charles Ward: I was told about this whole thing last year… it was made very clear to me that this was very very carefully planned out… I wasn’t given the plan, sadly, I’ve had to watch and gather information on the journey…
2:10 Charlie Freak: The people that are in and around the Q-Team they do NOT give things out so everyone just needs to know that… the only access we have is through the Q-Team and that’s because they were shocked to see the things we were posting and how we knew what we knew.
Really for us it’s just little bits and pieces, little things, you have to do the de-coding on them and to extrapolate. There is NOTHING that is ever ever laid out… and I think they like the fact that Colleen and I both have a couple of Sherlock Holmes brains and are able to de-code things.
3:04 Charles Ward: The fascinating thing from my pov is I haven’t been watching Q for at least 10-weeks. I’ve just been going purely on the INTEL that I get… and then talking to people who are getting information from Q and comparing notes… So we’re both looking at it from different perspectives and coming up with the same story.
3:28 Charlie Freak: Which is a tremendously good sign because there’s only ONE STORY… and that’s what’s so distrubing about the truth community… is outside of you and I and Mark Devlin, everybody else has got it ABSOLUTELY WRONG… it’s disturbing because if you do a modicum of research and really avail yourself of the knowledge that’s being presented, for example, by Q himself, it’s THERE. You just have to do the work. And nobody seems to want to do the work.
4:11 Charles Ward: There are so many things that are brutally obvious that people are missing and I’ll give you an example in Southern Spain [where Charlie Ward lives]:
We’re currently experiencing temperatures in excess of 35 degrees Celsius [95 degrees Fahrenheit]… now anybody who knows anything about Biology… it doesn’t take a brain surgeon to know that a virus cannot exist above 24 degrees Celsius [75 Fahrenheit] outside of the human body… so wearing the mask [Charlie Freak shaking his head and rolling his eyes]… is lowering your immune system so when a real virus comes along in November you’re f*cked!... so many will die… and at end of the year there will be massive Covid deaths and half of it’s self-inflicted…
5:19 Charlie Freak: Exactly. And that was the plan all along… I have some massive stuff about Bill Gates… the real details of what the cabal/illuminati/deep state plan was… you’re right on top of it, Charlie… and then the 5G on top of that… we would’ve gone down for the count… people like yourself and I we would’ve been singled out, taken down individually, then the rest of the sheeple would have been rounded up and we would’ve gone down for the count.
If there wasn’t somebody here with a plan we wouldn’t gone down for the count. This is it.
6:01 Charles Ward: I totally agree with you. As one of my friends said earlier, we’re currently in the Third World War and the Digital Warriors are having to fight like hell…
6:19 Charlie Freak: That’s right… This IS the worst war in History… when everything comes out and you see the amount of victims… nobody knows the START DATE of this war…
This war started sometime a little after WWII… with their nefarious plans… basically when the Korean War started [1950-1953] is when this whole New World Order thing began… it was always going to be leading to the big event which was 9-11 which was going to be leading to the Coronavirus… Corona is crown… with this virus they were going to Crown themselves as our King, as our God…
BTW folks, you wonder why they call this Covid-19… it’s 19 years after September 11, 2001… they had this planned out for a long time… Covid-19 is the 19 years to get us to 2020…
7:20 Charles Ward: I was first told about it 6-years ago… and then 2-years ago and then in December 2019 they told me, “Right, we’re ready to go, we’re going to collapse the World’s Economy”…
7:35 Now this is something interesting about you and me, Charlie… when people talk about you and I the worlds “conspiracy theory” always gets thrown at us… but the fact is, we’re TRUTH-SEEKERS and at the end of the day, when somebody tells you something is going to happen in December last year and it HAPPENS in March of this year, that’s not a conspiracy, that’s a TRUTH. That’s a blatant TRUTH….
I’ve been telling everyone from Day 1, I’ve done 130, 140 videos… EVERYTHING… the virus, the vaccine, 5G, the riots, Alien Invasion, whatever you want to call everything… IS PURELY A SMOKESCREEN TO COVER UP THE GREAT AWAKENING AND THE GLOBAL FINANCIAL RESET.
I’ve said that from Day 1 and everyone thought I was nuts…
9:21 Charlie Freak: That’s right… and that’s why your channel has skyrocketed from 37 subscribers to 85 thousand in 3 months… you and I are onto something here.
[Charlie Freak views of his videos 1 million+]
It’s the greatest growth market in history… it’s call THE TRUTH… it hasn’t existed for thousands of years… it always exists but it’s been HIDDEN from us for thousands of years… and people are a little afraid at first but once they get past that threshold it will be just a flood [of truth] and no one else seems to be wanting to provide it to others… kinda bizarre but it seems like it’s you and I, my friend…
10:04 Charles Ward: It is and the funniest thing is, you’ve probably had it said to you, “Aren’t you worried about your reputation?” [laughter] That’s probably the last thing on my mind right now… A 60-year old man with 4-children, 4-grandchildren and 4-wives… my reputation’s already gone (laughter]…
10:26 Charlie Freak: And for Colleen and I, it has been from the beginning, it’s all about these kids… and once you start to do the research about what’s been going on… and when I say that most people go, “Yes, you’re right… all of these kids that are sex slaves…”
10:50 And now quite a bit more people are aware of the adrenochrome and they go, “wow, horrific, probably just a few of them, but that’s really horrific…”
If everyone knew the AMOUNT OF CHILDREN FOR ADRENOCHROME… they would be throwing up in the streets right now… You have NO IDEA how big this is…
11:04 China… since WWII, China has been turned into, essentially, a breeding-ground for children to be used for adrenochrome…
11:17 So we’re now literally, and I have very very solid confirmation on this…
it’s literally
11:32 Charlie Freak cont.: And then, folks, it’s even worse than that… these are things I haven’t told anyone yet and I really don’t care to share because it’s so horrific… and in time all these things will come out… but there’s a level beyond the adrenochrome children that you just can’t possibly imagine it’s so horrific…
11:55 So, it’s about our children, folks…
12:31 Charles Ward: There’s a couple of points I need to add into this… children are not just killed, they’re tormented, that’s how the adrenaline gets into their blood… the laboratory that’s handling it all just happens to be the same laboratory in Wuhan, that is actually funded by the CIA and Dr. Fauci… it’s important we point that out…
12:54 Charlie Freak: Very important… There was a memo that $3.7 million American taxpayer dollars was taken for secret viral research in Wuhan China at the exact institute we were talking about… that was personally signed-off by Obama and Biden and counter-signed by Dr. Fauci as well… so you have this evil-triangle… that was 3.7 million reasons for them to be very very scared once that document surfaced.
13:56 Charles Ward: Exactly right. They’ve all got blood on their hands. And we’re not talking about adults we’re talking about young children… not just the Chinese, they’re a big part 100%… but other places these children have “disappeared” from… like disasters, like Hurricane Katrina… UNICEF, NATO, Red Cross… were stealing them and handing them over…
14:25 Charlie Freak: [Holding his head in his hand] Folks, it’s this bad… so, since Korea after WWII… the United Nations has created a “peace-keeping force”… they’re not there in these wars to shoot people on either side… they’re there for the ‘victims of war’ and that’s code for stealing children…
So what you need to being to wrap your heads around is this… this is 100% the absolute truth… all of the money, this monopoly money they invent out of thin air and have been spending and spending and spending to control us, cuz they can’t do it on their own dime… the monopoly money has allowed them to do things at a scale that you can’t comprehend…
15:18 So all of this money that has gone to “weather modification,” “climate modification” is purposeful… it’s designed to take existing storm fronts or seeds of what could become hurricanes and turn them into monster occurrences and then they have the ability to literally channel these things like hurricanes push them into specific directions…
15:56 All these hurricanes have been funneled into certain areas… just North of Epstein island and Water Island, owned by the Bidens,, why Johnny Depp has purchased an island in this area, and all of these various famous people have bought islands… they buy them in and around the Caymans, in and around Virgin Islands… these are the sharks just waiting for feeding… they need the waters to be stirred up…the hurricane comes and then the vampires arrive…
The “peace keeping” forces put in by the U.N. are not there to help the victims of war/disasters they were there to steal children… it’s horrific… the younger they are the purer they are and they pay for children who are about 1-year old, pay up to $30k or $40 for a living child… or a baby not full-term and you can talk a mother into having an abortion… or babies that are literally just-born now you’re talking north of $100k per child…
This is the business where MS-13 has been making their bread and butter from… then they’ve got all these little groups across the whole world… and what they’re doing? Stealing children.
18:08 Charlie Freak cont.: This is an organization you can’t imagine… and if you’re child is not being watched… it’s different now, things have changed, we’ve won the war, believe me... but prior to 2017, if your child was outside of your home without supervision they were literally a 50-50 chance of being picked up off the streets…
18:30 And that’s what’s been going on folks… and the numbers are not being reported if you get your news from the Mainstream Media… MAINSTREAM MEDIA HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE TRUTH… these are paid agencies of one giant organization.
18:50 Charles Ward: The most frightening thing is I would suggest that 90% of the world’s population have NO IDEA THIS IS GOING ON… this is the scary part… when I first started to find this out I didn’t believe it… and then I started to do some research… and then because of the platform I have I started to speak to people who had actually been there… and people that had connections in that world and I had to re-evaluate my whole thought process because I thought it was complete fantasy…
19:26 And then you start to find out the truth that they’re telling you about… at one stage I pulled myself out and didn’t want to go down that rabbit hole… I don’t know if you’re aware but I lost my eldest son 11-years ago in a car accident… so when you lose your first-born son, it has a profound affect on you…
19:48 So when you start finding out about this sort of thing… and I have a beautiful little grand-daughter and grandson at the moment, 2 and 1-year old, and 2 other grandsons that are older, but when you look at them and they’re so pure and so beautiful you just can’t understand the mentality of these evil b*stards… who’d want to harm them… there’s something morally and mentally wrong with these people…
20:19 Charlie Freak: Well, you’re very correct… a great example of this is the household of Gloria Vanderbilt and her two children… we’re told the oldest boy threw himself out of a window and he’s dead, he’s not… I’ll do a little reveal in a bit as to who she is now…
20:43 But Anderson Cooper as a young man was literally raised in torture and sodomy and then he’s unleashed onto the world as a famous broadcaster of the truth… and he has no idea what the truth is… he’s a horrible victim of a horrible system where parents willfully do this to their children… and there’s a reason why…
21:12 The reason why the royals are lizard-like, they’re not lizards folks, but they’re lizard-like is because all they do is live in their left-brain, they live in a reality where only the ego exists… it exists to protect itself… and so they do this to their children to make sure that their children are willing participants to carry on the family traditions… so you have to destroy whatever sense of God, whatever sense of morality that is intuitively there, that is bestowed upon us, and then they physically rape it out of these children… that’s what they do…
21:58 Bill Gates is a great example of this as well… evil beyond description…
22:10 Charles Ward: I’ve talked to somebody who’s actually met him, they said they’ve never ever met a person with more evil in their eyes ever...
22:31 Charlie Freak: It’s a consistency that you see with these people, they have dead eyes…
22:51 We do know, and it has been confirmed, that our White Hats within TV, Film, Music, they’re few and far between… and they have to massively in-code truths inside of what they do in order to get things shown…
One of the theories is BBC Sherlock, Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss, the writers/creators of the show… They’re really brilliant, they see the truth of what Conon Doyle wrote… which was allegorical as much as literal stories… Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson are essentially right brain, left brain, trying to find themselves inside the human skull…
24:14 But when you begin to look at those 4-seasons… they have de-coded big time… especially through Moriarty and his plan to take down Sherlock… which is a good representation of 9-11 Sherlock represents truth and Moriarty represents 9-11…
That’s what they were doing on 9-11… “I'm going to burn the heart out of you…I’m going to turn truth upside down…” and that’s what they attempted to do on 9-11 to prepare for 2020… which is completely upside down of what the actual truth is…
22:10 Charles Ward: Very interesting what you mentioned there because I was talking to Ole Dammegard the other day, and he was telling me that during 9-11, when he was watching 9-11 on television, his daughter walked into the lounge and asked, “What’s that you’re watching, Daddy,” and he said “Oh, it’s an airplane crashing into a building,”
And she just looked at him, 4 or 5 years old, and said, “That can’t happen, Daddy, that can’t happen.” That’s the purity of a young child…
25:45 Charlie Freak: That’s right… that’s why the purity of children is snatched from all of us at a very young age… because that’s not the world that they can exist in… they can’t exist in that world because then they’re so obvious… it’s only fallen adults that have become so used to playing this game which has become a broken record… always working against us… and we pay our taxes and they get away with murder because we play that game… children see right through them…
26:27 Charles Ward: That’s the most beautiful thing about children, they say things that just makes me smile because it’s pure unadulterated honesty… They’re a gift from God that we’re custodial over… and realize we’re very very blessed to have these children to be given that custody of them but we need to live up to that…
27:00 Charlie Freak: …You can actually look at this literally that God truly is the Father of all Creation so we play massive roles in their lives, but we are all brothers and sisters because we are all the children of God…
27:25 This is the beautiful thing of Donald Trump that I love… everything he does is massively encoding messages and truth… every speech is an absolute treasure trove of information if you’re prepared to do the work…
His slogan, which got him elected in 2016, which BTW there’s no greater example that God exists and no greater example of God intervention than Trump winning that election… and if you’re wondering why so much evil was placed out there just carelessly… what Tom Hanks was doing… it was so careless from 2012 to 2016 was so in our face reckless careless about what they were doing in plain sight… the answer is this… they never thought she would lose… they never thought for a moment…
28:57 Her winning the 2016 election was their fait accompli and somehow, someway, and I’ve been told the NSA and the Q-brigades somehow helped insure that these voter-machines were kept pristine… there is a Godly aspect to this that simply cannot be explained away… if God didn’t reach out to us with this absolute miracle we’d already be down for the count folks, we would have been…
29:40 I absolutely know (God had his hand on it)…Most people know Colleen and I are meditators… we meditate and meditate and meditate and we’ve received so much confirmation on this fact…
31:36 Charles Ward: … There’s a lot at the moment with the Financial Reset, the Revaluation, the gold-back currency, that’s a fascinating area, isn’t it? We’re starting to see the transition from the USD to the USN so the digital currency of the U.S. Note… the Quantum Financial System… the digital system… cash won’t disappear altogether right now… but we’ll move across to the QFS which is basically a blockchain system same as Bitcoin, what have you… Americans will only notice there’s a new hundred-dollar bill but that one will be backed by gold.
32:38 Charlie Freak: That’s right… there’s a lot of things that have already been done, in fact, virtually EVERYTHING has ALREADY BEEN DONE…
32:50 Every time where Q has gone silent for longer periods of time… major major things that haven’t necessarily revealed themselves yet, have been done…
SO THIS IS A MASSIVE MASSIVE OPERATION THAT THE Q-TEAM HAVE THEIR HANDS ON… the reason being is that these are people that are absolutely trusted…
As we understand it, the deeper you go in, the fewer and fewer families are involved as part of the Q-team… so right at the very very core of it… interesting it works like the cabal, how they centralize their power into a very very small corps of these inner 13-families… and the Q-team works the same way…
33:49 Something everyone should really really know is that the Trump family are all hard at work… and the Kennedy family? You have no idea how deeply involved they are with this… how deeply deeply involved…
34:17 I’ve kept my mouth shut because it’s such a losing battle but so many of you have just ripped and ripped and ripped Robert Kennedy Jr. for the longest time… he’s playing a role… and it’s a very very well calculated role… and it’s not something that he EVER wanted to do… he’s not really comfortable doing it and he takes so much h*te from both sides because he’s playing both sides of the fence… so he’ll say, “I’m pro vaccine but I’m pro vaccine that actually works”…
35:14 But there ARE serums that can help us so the truth community has labeled him as a monster and the Mainstream think he’s off his rocker because of his challenges about vaccines… Robert Kennedy is one of the very few who came out AGAINST 5G… he said “it will be our undoing…” is his exact quote… he’s just been demonized on both sides…
35:57 So, again, the closer you go into the Q-Team, the fewer and fewer families that are involved and this is a massive, very grass-roots, home-based movement at its very core…
36:12 And then, on top of that, it’s Military based… you just have to somehow wrap your heads around this, folks, people in the Military are not evil… a lot of them are order followers and therefore don’t think.. but the soldiers and officers doesn’t make them evil…
36:50 This was the downfall for the cabal… what is the reason people go into the Military? Because they think it’s the biggest way they can make a difference to this world… that they can help children, that they can help mankind, that they can help peace…
99% of people who have gone into the Military that’s why they’ve gone into it... the core of these Military families are people who want to make a difference…
The NSA is the last ones to get the technology that the American cabal unleashed out to observe us, to spy on us and to capture information on us… the NSA was the very last group because… the Military is whom the cabal trusts the least…
37:52 When they gave the NSA this capacity to spy the NSA went, OMG, they use the same smart phones, they use the same cell phones, they’re using the same system… it means their using the same storage devices as well…
38:15 So when Q says WE HAVE IT ALL, NOTHING CAN STOP WHAT’S COMING, WE HAVE IT ALL… they HAVE it ALL… trust me on this point…
Don’t worry about anything… anyone who goes to court, and it’s all going to be happening very soon because they’re running up against time limits… they have to start this sooner than later… everybody, every single person, Obama included, EVERYBODY WHO GETS CALLED UP IN THESE INVESTIGATIONS IS GOING DOWN…
38:48 100% certainty with all of these people they’re going down… when you screw children and then you torture children and then you skin children alive… and you participate in this pay for play system to create calamity across the Earth to steal children for your adrenochrome…
You’re going to die…
There is no prison sentence for these people…
And our job…you just need to wrap your heads around this one, my dear friends… our job isn’t to pass ultimate judgement… our job is we have to create a meeting between these people and God… we are just going to facilitate that meeting… the guillotine, a gun to the back of the head, the hangman’s noose… all we’re doing is facilitating a meeting between them and God… and God will take care of the rest… that’s all we’re doing here…
40:03 Charles Ward: That’s one of Putin’s favorite sayings which I absolutely love, “It’s not my job to judge you, my job is to send you to a man who will.”
It’s very interesting how Trump very early on changed the law… that if you had crimes against Humanity in that area… pedophile area, that would drink adrenochrome area, carried a mandatory death sentence…
40:27 Charlie Freak: It did. It’s all been there. We were the first ones, along with you, the first ones to lay out all of these Executive Orders… people were going like, why are you telling this stuff? Because there’s a plan, it’s an incredible plan, it’s coming and NOTHING CAN STOP IT.
40:44 These Executive Orders, the first 4 that we laid out, there’s 8 now, told you everything you needed to know…
Charlie Freak cont.: And that’s why don’t worry about this 5G… don’t worry… 5G it’s completely owned and completely controlled now and being refitted… part of my stunning information I have on Elon Must today… some incredible news…
41:20 Elon Musk flipping to the right side… and what’s going to be upcoming with that… don’t worry these Executive Orders that Trump has put into place has allowed the American government to seize everything… they’re in control of EVERYTHING… there’s no rogue corporation in the Fortune 500 out there… there’s no rogue bank out there…
When you hear these stories constantly… it’s just people are scaring you… and some of that is coming from existing governments but it’s designed to wake the masses… what’s scary is that 90% of people don’t know all of this… we have to tip this to 50-50 until at least November…
Even with the takedown of the cabal we’re going to be left with sleepwalkers… What have you always been told about sleepwalkers? Don’t wake them up they’re dangerous to themselves to you or to both…
42:55 There’s a ticking timebomb and it’s us… they have performed vivisection on us… vivisection of our minds we’ve all been MK Ultra’d to some degree… by TV and movies and the MSM in our lives…
43:23 Charles Ward: It’s very important to point out, although both you and I know this, that Donald Trump is allowing the deep state to expose their hand on the vaccine and 5G to show how evil they are… BUT HE WILL STOP THEM BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE… 100%
43:36 Charlie Freak: Yes… Yes… and there’s no rogue country that’s going to be the exception… there’s no 5G towers that are armed left…
They’re ALL being reconverted to these Tesla Towers…
And there’s two aspects to the Tesla Towers that are very, very important…
Also, how the Tesla Towers tie into the Gold Standard in a way that most people have never ever considered as a possibility…
44:48 Incredible times are coming… and you hear that in Trump’s speeches all the time… very soon I’ll be sharing things with you that none of you ever thought were possible…
Cuz he’s standing on a goldmine of public releases that are going to change our ride forever…
45:01 Charles Ward: Yeah. I could not agree more… and he is, without a shadow of a doubt, totally in control of it… not just America… he’s in control of everybody right now…
43:18 Charlie Freak: That’s right. And the British people need to wrap their heads around this… they stopped the assassination hit on Teresa May cuz she was the Venetians/Black Nobility (the 13-bloodline families) actually had her earmarked to be assassinated… there was going to be an assassination event while she was at the EU in Brussels… the NSA provided all the INTEL to her… she was scared witless when she saw all of this…
Then the Q-team with Trump made it very clear that the person they wanted to be put forward was Boris Johnson… no matter how “evil” the British people think Johnson is, he isn’t… he’s playing a very contrived role… it’s necessary…
46:35 Charles Ward: I was told he was told to create confusion and fear… [Charlie Freak: Yes] and he’s done exactly that in grand style… he’s in constant contact with Trump… [Charlie Freak: Yes]… when you know that you sit back and laugh, and when you don’t know that you wonder what the he*l’s going on…
47:11 Charlie Freak: So this is why we did our trilogy of series, starting with Mark Devlin and did the 3rd one on our own channel the three parts… because so many were worried… that’s why we laid everything out step by step, point by point…
There’s been an unbelievable response…on our channel it’s more than a quarter of a million views and another channel put it up, with our permission, and it’s over a million views…
48”04 And some of these key figures in the Q-movement have now re-tweeted it as “You need to watch this…” this is laying out what we’ve been sharing with you… one of them said it’s almost as if I/Q did the video!
48:35 That’s how accurate and truthful those videos are, Part 2 “The Takedown of the Cabal from A-Z…” That’s it, there’s not a single point we missed or mistake we made… everything we shared with you is the absolute truth… and it will be proven as everything is fully released to you…
“Video: How Trump, the NSA & Q-JFK Jr., Against All Odds, Took Down the cabal” Part 1 by Kat
“Video: How Trump, the NSA & Q-JFK Jr., Against All Odds, Took Down the cabal” Part 2 by Kat
49:12 Charlie Freak cont.: Part 3 “Right here, Right now”
Right Here, Right Now: The Takedown of the Cabal's Evil Plan, July 9, 2020
With Charlie Freak and Colleen
Charlie Freak: The most important broadcast to date…
49:21 Charlie Freak cont.: Part 3 is about Wuhan, the adrenochrome system, what Walmart really is, what Evergreen shipping really is, what Wayfair online furniture really is… and then what the new silk road really is, and where all roads lead to… all roads don’t lead to Rome, all roads lead to Venice… you need to know that…
All of your personal records are on the island of Venice and there’s a powerful reason why… which is not to offend God’s 3-laws that God created for the land…so they see Venice as a ship at sea that allows them immunity against punishment from God and are they wrong… are they ever wrong…
50:30 Charles Ward: Totally. We’re living in a fascinating time, aren’t we?
Charlie Freak: If it wasn’t for all that we found out about the children, Charlie, Colleen and I in every other aspect, we have been walking on air…
I’ve probably had less than 100 hours sleep in the last 4 months now, I promised Colleen I’ll get back to a regular schedule after the November 3rd election…
But right now, if we don’t give 100% of ourselves then shame on me… because of what’s at stake here and who’s involved… it’s about these children and it’s about you and your future… and your future needs to be FREE… real Liberty is what’s at stake here… and I need to do whatever I can right now to help… that’s why you’re doing what you’re doing and why your channel exploded… because you’re telling the truth…
52:00 Charles Ward: Exactly and what’s unbelievable with the Mainstream media is the amount of children that have already been saved and zero mention in MSM.
52:08 Charlie Freak: [Head in his hands} Oh, these demons, exactly, exactly…
53:13 Colleen and I had a podcast in March and that was just before April, and April was the big movement to get all these children out of the tunnels and it was an Earth-wide movement…
BTW, it’s only just now really wrapping up Earth-wide, they were in New Zealand, they were in Australia, huge activity in and around Melbourne… because they could not believe what they found under Melbourne… WOW an absolute spider’s nest of tunnels… and I’m not even going to go into the rest…
52:49 Charles Ward: The had the same in Germany and Spain…
52:55 Charlie Freak: Yes, that’s right, incredible stuff… I gave some cryptic hints at this in advance of what was going to happen in the Black Forest that the Rothschilds have claimed the Black Forest in Germany… and sure enough, there’s this massive raid… everyone was told to get out and they quarantined off the area and stuff… it wasn’t in the forest it was under the forest…
53:22 So these people that have not been reporting this are just evil evil evil beyond description.
53:35 Charles Ward: The way they do it is scary because they arrested 13 pedophile leaders in Barcelona, that hit the MSM, but in the small free paper it continued to say they’ve rescued over 2,000 women and children… that didn’t make it into the MSM… it makes you question, Charlie, whether the MSM are pedophiles…
54:17 Charlie Freak: Oh for sure they absolutely have to be… Anderson Cooper, we’ve already talked about that… and his older brother, Gloria Vanderbilt wanted him to be a her so badly, that’s Kathy Griffin… that’s not my opinion or supposition, I guarantee you… Kathy Griffin is Gloria Vanderbilt’s eldest son and brother to Anderson Cooper… it’s sick beyond description…
55:06 And the stuff… especially when we were a little younger and we looked up to people in the Mainstream news… and the things that people shared with me about people like Walter Cronkite… who was a big hunter, liked to go hunting… WHAT was he hunting… it’s evil…
55:35 Charles Ward: This is what we talked about earlier with Macaulay Culkin who had been to Epstein Island… saw what was going on there… managed to leave… the reason that he turned to alcohol and drugs is that on that island there was lawyers, there was barristers, there was judges, there was presidents of his time… so he had nobody to turn to… and that’s enough to destroy any young man knowing that you can’t tell ANYBODY cuz they’re ALL involved…
56:08 Charlie Freak: That’s a brilliant point you just made, Charlie… what we always get when stuff about Epstein does leak out it’s always the celebrities… it’s not that big a deal… we’ll just stop watching their movies… no, what the MSM never tells you about Epstein Island and all these people linked to these pedophile rings is that it is heads of the police departments, it is judges, it is lawyers, and the heads of the biggest law firms in the world, it is politicians…
57:02 That’s what this whole thing about Wuhan, China has been… folks do you have any idea how far up the Yangtze River Wuhan really is from the Pacific Ocean… it’s over 100 miles… and if you’ve ever seen the yellow of the Yangtze, or the yellow river, it’s MASSIVE… the amount of silt that’s in the yellow river is enormous… so the task that was undertaken to dredge it to turn Wuhan into a seaport and then making Wuhan the headquarters for Walmart…
And then Walmart acquires Mares shipping, and Mares Shipping is purely in charge just the singular company… when it gets right down to Wuhan, then it’s very few hands…
58:06 That’s why China went Communist after WWII keep people out… nobody’s allowed in there… China overpopulated… etc. Not true… mainland of China is vast empty space…
These are stories to hide the missing children, this one child per family story/mandate is all adrenochrome harvesting in plain sight and we were all blind to it…
58:53 That’s why the Mares shipping line for Walmart goes directly up river all the way to Wuhan and then all of those containers are put directly on those ships… a tiny group is dealing directly with the cargo that Walmart ships across the Earth… so if you didn’t see our podcast Part 3 on that “Right Here, Right Now The Takedown of the Cabal”…
59:40 Walmart was created to disseminate children right into downtown USA, right into downtown Europe… the most watched and observed places in the world and nobody bats an eye cuz it’s just a Walmart truck… that’s what they did that’s why they spent this enormous amounts of money to make Wuhan a port city… it’s evil, folks, it’s so well-planned out… or it was…
1:00:21 Charles Ward: It was until Trump came along… he’s exposing them for what they are… the question is how much will we ever find out? I’ve heard from my sources we’ll never find out more than 20%...
1:00:35 Charlie Freak: It’s just like… I have to confirm that as well… I’m all for the truth eventually… the whole truth has to come out… and there’s still a hope that it will… but we’re talking a loooooooong time down the road… the lies that have been institutionalized just to the average person… just beyond what they’ve done to the children through adrenochrome… beyond that, just the institutionalized lies that every single family takes for granted in the world today… would that in itself would just make people sick for a month…
1:01:35 Charles Ward: I’ve watched videos that have made me violently ill… the one that Hilary Clinton was involved in… I turned it off after a couple of seconds it’s disgusting… people want to know about it, that’s fine but I would highly recommend you don’t even look at it it’s highly disturbing… if you love children that’s the last thing you want to see… but maybe you need that to wake up…
1:02:03 Charlie Freak: And that’s what was shared through us from the very beginning… you cannot tell them, you must show them… and so for all of you that are watching this and wondering… so you say that Trump’s in charge of CNN, how can that be true when all the horrible things that CNN says about him daily… you have to see this for yourself…
Why did Trump not go to Seattle right away? Why did he allow it to be turned into a bunker? For literally 6-weeks before something happened? You have to see this stuff to believe it…
That’s what they’re saying to you… if you don’t wake up, if you don’t take action, this is going to be your town next…
(discussion of CGI, fake MSM films, etc.)
1:05:25 Charlie Freak: What an amazing point you bring up Charlie, because, this is going to come out, for about a 2-year period virtually everything we saw from North Korea, was a movie, all faked… and that essentially you’re seeing these live parades, nuclear warheads, streets filled with hundreds of thousands of people and stuff… here are the things you look at to tell if they’re fake… the angle of the sun, shadows… what has been revealed essentially for about a 2.5 year period was complete CGI fakery… they were doing it to hone their skills for what was upcoming… after the Covid-19 takeover, starting in 2021 we were going to get nothing real…
We know in the news they’re lying to you… but beyond that what they were literally talking about is they weren’t going to show ANYTHING that was real… we’re live at the Grand Canyon… NO… not there… the reason was to damage the inner mechanism of reality…
And it plays with the mind… they had put an enormous amount of thought into this…
That’s how you know the Mazmuder film on the grassy knoll in Texas is a fake… (the assassination of JFK)… it’s all faked… doesn’t even mean that footage was taken in Dallas, Texas… BTW a lot of the doctoring that was going on was being done at the Lookout Mountain facility in Los Angeles… in Laurel Canyon… a lot of that was being done there…
1:09:35 Charles Ward: Well it’s been fascinating talking to you, Charlie, we’re going to have to do it again, we have Laura Ward and Jen McCarty we’re going to do a round table with the 4 of us we want to discuss more about the children so we can make people aware so we can protect them even better… anything else you want to add?
1:10:16 Charlie Freak: I had an enormous amount of stuff to drop arranging from Tom Hanks, don’t believe that he’s in Greece… no this is footage and documents done in 2018… no, old footage… in the case of Hanks they could not protect children and keep this monster alive… and then this Greece info came out… ah, you’re wrong… it came out in cnn?! Seriously? You’re a truther? You’re saying that’s the news and that really happened? No, that’s what cnn does and they lie… they’re giving it the illusion to cause confusion that he’s still alive…
1:12:51 Massive information about Gates, and Elon Musk, the new Tesla factory in Texas…
1:13 Lots of NESARA information… what I can quickly say about the emergence of NESARA… what Charlie’s been telling you is absolutely correct in terms of the components of it…
But try and understand the best that you can… it’s going to be released gradually…
The reason is we do not possess the mind-set, the peace of mind to deal with all that would be handed back to us… essentially in a large sense that is what NESARA is, giving back what God gave to us…
There are things that simply can’t exist like usury… and therefore the byproduct of usury has to be taking away… nobody’s doing you a favor by cancelling your debts… no no no… there can’t BE debts…
Because if you create an interest born on the emergence of the new dollar then you have the game monopoly… then that means everyone and everything will eventually see bankruptcy… because you can’t pay back the principle because it is now burdened with something that doesn’t exist… which is debt….
That’s why usury was outlawed by all of these countries…
That’s how clever the Venetians are… one of the covers they used was Jews… the Jews are doing this… that’s why they’ve been kicked out of all these different civilizations these thousands of years…because they’ve been trying to control the monetary systems through usury…
Video: Sacha Stone talks NESARA by Kat – 7-26-20
48:09 Sacha Stone: Now, to go back to NESARA, I now understand the imperative of a complete cessation of usury in our world as being the imperative.
If nothing else happened and we simply removed usury from all transaction—that to me is the conscious spark that changes the entire paradigm.
The minute we have removed, expunged, the mutant inverse principal of parasitism from Human exchange, all relationship with the Other and with Self, moves into coherence at that moment.
"Video: Sacha Stone Talks NESARA" by Kat - 7.26.20
1:09:35 Charles Ward: That’s brilliant for Part One, in Part Two you and me are joined by Laura and Jen and I think we can cover the rest of that with them…
1:15:16 Charlie Freak: You got it…
End transcription by Kat
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