Painting: "Eternal Love" by Josephine Wall Source: Dinar Chronicles | By Kat Charlie and Colleen Freak, Part 3: The Takedow...
Painting: "Eternal Love" by Josephine Wall
Source: Dinar Chronicles | By Kat
Charlie and Colleen Freak, Part 3: The Takedown of the Cabal’s Evil Plan (Transcribed by Kat, Part 1) -- August 6, 2020
Enclose Part 2 of my transcription of Charlie and Colleen Freak's Part 3 of their 3-part podcast/video presentation of President Trump and Q-Team's Takedown of the Cabal.
With blessings of Peace, Health, Happiness and Abundance for all — we are Goddess, Sovereign, Free,
xo, Kat
Right Here, Right Now: The Takedown of the Cabal’s Evil Plan, July 9 2020
With Charles and Colleen Freak
FreakSense TV has 37k subscribers and more than 1.5 million views of their videos
Part 2 - Transcribed by Kat
All of this was supposed to be done prior to today, July 4th… and if it was this is when JFK Jr. was going to do the great reveal of himself being the ultimate reveal behind all of this stuff… but they’re not finished…
1:31:13 Colleen: Again, Ghislaine Maxwell arrest only happened two days before Mount Rushmore… but they needed to get rid of Southern District of New York AD Berman (which was reveal #8) because he was holding back the information on Anthony Wiener’s laptop… so they needed to have that and he wasn’t going to give it to them…
1:31:35 So when AG Barr said, “Trump, we need to fire this guy, we need him to resign”… they did and he didn’t want to leave… and when he left, instantly this other guy comes in…
[AG Barr announced he would replace Berman on July 3 with Jay Clayton, chairman of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission]…
1:31:50 The new AD of the SD of NY comes in THE NEXT DAY after Berman left… and instantly we have an arrest of Ghislaine Maxwell… and boom boom boom the dominoes will fall…
So it’s amazing when you get rid of the corrupt lawyers and the politicians, which is what they’ve had to do… when they’re CLEANING THE SWAMP WE’RE TALKING THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE… We’re talking thousands of politicians and celebrities, higher ups, CEOs, they had to get rid of all these people, judges, lawyers, barristers… they were infiltrated by the dark deep state…
1:32:22 Charlie: That’s right and then you need to remember this is over 208 countries all over the world… that’s how you go from hundreds of thousands of people in America to millions world-wide… and this is why you’re talking about the necessity of HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF CHILDREN FOR THE ADRENOCHROME…
1:32:47 Colleen: So Trump and his guys have done this in 4-years now, this is the 4th year… can you imagine the scope of this operation? It is incredible…
1:32:56 Charlie: …Now what we’re going to do… it hasn’t happened yet, but we’re going to tell you flat-out the final reveal, 10 of 10, is relating to Israel… and we’re very very happy for all our beautiful friends in Israel… and the beautiful people, Israelis that have been brutalized by this false system that’s been played out…
1:33:36 Colleen: Here’s something I want to bring forward… these people who are called the Jewish Tribe of Judah… they are lied to just like we are…
1:34:25 The Jewish culture… has been used as a Trojan Horse… by the Venetians… just like they used Black people recently for BLM…
1:35:22 Charlie: …Now let me come in here… it’s the last line of defense… that’s why Israel is last… it’s all FAKERY… it’s the Venetians…
When it comes to crime families and when it comes to controlling large groups through force… going back to the crime families… this is where you have the Jesuits… the Catholic church has nothing to do with Religion or God or anything like that… it is a license for these evil ones to get away with murder in the name of God and you can’t question them…
1:36:35 So you see how close we’re getting here? When we announced this on Mark Devlin’s show #161 with the great take-down of the cabal and Trump set out on his journey…
What was the un-holy trinity at the beginning? Trump first went to (1.) Saudi Arabia (2.) then Israel and then (3.) Rome…
1:37 So you’re dealing with the big 3 groups that the Venetians control and they’re the ones that are CLOSEST to the Venetians…
The ones that are the last 2-lines of defense go through the Catholic Church, the Popes, that’s why there are 3-Popes… and the other one is the State of Israel and “the Jews” and then the “bad Jews” which are the Zionists…
But we’re talking about the VENETIANS… this is ALL THE VENETIANS…
Kat note: This is a major point… No matter WHAT the labels are… Blacks, Jews, Catholics… it’s all ONLY the Venetians, the 13-demon-Bloodline-families that have been controlling everything on Earth via labels/skin color, religions/perverted texts, banks/usury, governments/unjust laws. Media/deception, Technology/censorship, that they’ve used to Divide and Conquer.
So when one thinks,
“It’s the Nazis” No – it’s the Venetians
“It’s ISIS” No – it’s the Venetians
“It’s the Muslims” No – it’s the Venetians
“It’s the Communists” No – it’s the Venetians….
Every single divide in the family of Humanity was created by and is the Venetians.
1:37:40 Charlie cont.: We’re talking about these Canaanites… that were kicked out of the Holy Land… and they went to Venice… they’ve got Italian names and they live through Venice… Venice is the real control mechanism of the whole world…
The 13-Bloodline Families
aka cabal - illuminati - deep state - demons - child stealers, torturers, murderers, eaters - the deepest darkest evil there’s ever been in all Creation
1 House of Borja
2 House of Breakspeare
3 House of Somaglia
4 House of Orsini
5 House of Conti
6 House of Chigi
7 House of Colonna
8 House of Farnese
9 House of Medici
10 House of Gaetani
11 House of Pamphili
12 House of Este
13 House of Aldobrandini
1:37:56 Charlie cont.: [Venice] is where all of YOUR personal surveilled records and all YOUR personal financial records are all being kept on a “ship at sea…” an island at sea, which is Venice… your records are kept “off the land” because if they had them “on the land” that’s an affront to God… but if they’re on the oceans… they found a loophole… all our personal records are in Venice, the ship at sea…
1:39:07 Charlie cont.: So what’s coming next, the great reveal 10… which could be August 9th…
Colleen: It’s hard to say all these dates… we’re in a war and you don’t know what the other side is always going to pull out…
1:39:20 Charlie: But it is getting easier for them at this point… so…
1:39:39 The great reveal 10 is going to relate to Netanyahu being taken down in Israel and it’s all going to relate to his connections to The Mossad…
And Ghislaine Maxwell is so tied to The Mossad… Buffer..
we’re talking about these 3 big Buffers to the Venetians…
1. Ghislaine Maxwell at one level…
2. The Israeli, State of Israel and Zionists running Israel being another…
3. and the Vatican and the fake Catholic church…
These are the 3 big buffers that deal DIRECTLY with the Venetians on Mount Olympus… and then the buffers deal with the minions…
Mossad - one of the main entities in the Israeli Intelligence Community along with Aman (military intelligence) and Shin Bet (internal security). Mossad is responsible for intelligence collection, covert operations and counterterrorism. Mossad is separate from Israel’s democratic institutions.
1:40:28 Charlie: So this is what’s coming… they’re going to show Netanyahu has NEVER been working for the Israeli people… he is a puppet for the Mossad and the Mossad is secretly running Israel and their #1 goal has been the destruction of Palestine…
And taking the children away in vast numbers… causing constant chaos… so they can take those children away… destabilizing the whole Middle East… so they can steal children…
1:41:03 Colleen: They were never ever planning on having Peace on Earth… that does not meet their agenda… their agenda is to procure children to get this incredible substance – adrenochrome [the blood of tortured children] - that keeps them young… they tried to steal the fountain of youth…
1:41:17 Charlie: The fountain of youth is the pineal gland… and they take what’s in the adrenals… which is what’s trying to keep you alive through all that torture… but believe me it’s what’s in the pituitary and the pineal gland cuz that’s the magenta colored mag…
So the reveal 10 coming is Israel, the Mossad, about Ghislaine Maxwell… the information coming from Ghislaine Maxwell is instrumental in this…
Likely you may see Netanyahu forced to step down… or he just may be taken… hard to say how they’re going to play this out at this point… the beautiful people that are living in the land of Israel, the so-called Israelis, have been tortured themselves in so many horrific ways…
1:42:44 Once that great reveal is done, it’s going to take some time to process it, and then it’s going to take some time to prepare for it…
But then the GREAT reveal on top of that is the return of GEORGE in platform 2020 and that’s John F. Kennedy Jr….

1:42:57 We really hoped it would be this weekend… and they did their best… but there’s still stuff that needs to come first…
Try your best to encourage everyone to watch this podcast… in order to help wake-up your friends and family… cuz everything that’s being talked about here is the truth and you’re going to see… and it’s all going to be laid out in a chronological fashion…
1:44:25 Charlie cont.: The big thing with Ghislaine Maxwell and Hollywood is that these are names that everyone in your family is connected to powerfully… when they [family & friends] see these people go down it’s going to make taking the red pill so much easier…
These Hollywood celebs that are now about to go down, this is going to destroy their world… it’s going to rock their world to the ground… [family & friends]… and you’re going to be there to pick them back up and help them back up…
1:44:57 Colleen: But we’re going to be OK, we’re going to do the healing… we’re going to share with you all the things that we’ve discovered that will help you heal… and help all of us recover and get to a place where we are meant to be… to know our magic… and share that magic with each other…
1:45:23 Charlie: Now, this next section this is the 2 monumental post I did on facebook that got taken down that got us banned on facebook right away… they started searching through all of our other stuff… that’s why when I got out of facebook jail earlier today I got a big warning… they said, you’ve been a very bad boy cuz you’re dangerous…
1:45:51 You have no idea how dangerous I am to you demons… I am your worst enemy because I am the light and you’re darkness and you cannot exist in the light… and you can’t stop what’s coming… no one can stop Colleen and I because we answer to something very very much higher than fear or darkness… you can’t stop us…
1:46:16 Charlie: These are the 2 facebook posts… June 25th and June 30th…
1:46:34 This was the first one on June 25th and I titled it: The cabal’s plan to become our new God…
Reading his post: Everyone is coming to realize that the coronavirus ultimately was a hoax… the plan of the enemy was evil… the Covid-19 pandemic was part of their 3-plan attack and was years in the making… as they had a special vaccine ready for us… very special… that would have “crowned them” as our new Gods…
Stage 1 had been rolled out called “chem trails” spraying our skies every year for years with smart-dust and nano-particles which have been inhaled by all of us… the table was being set for 2020 to play itself out…
So when 2020 opened and the Coronavirus was sourced to Wuhan, China… [long reading]… there was nothing there beyond the normal winter-season influenza… and it got turned into the show of shows [by the Mainstream Media] and there was nothing there to justify it…
1:49:25 Charlie cont.: The plan all along was to create the only salvation possible through a miraculous vaccine that would cure the flu within weeks…

1:49:34 And this vaccine [Stage 2] combined with a microchip inserted into the sick patient via the vaccine was designed to suppress the immune system and disrupt the brainwaves… so that when Stage 3 was unleashed, Human beings would literally have become weak, diseased zombies… either forced to stay indoors where it was safe or rounded up and taken to FEMA camps for quiet and clean disposal…
1:50:05 One other aspect to the vaccine that Bill and Melinda Gates had ready for us, it was designed to make us sterile making breeding an impossibility…
1:50:17 Stage 3 was the roll out of the 5G wireless network… they were installing at a record pace… these towers were created to emit these 5G waves at a frequency @440 hertz creating within the Human body and mind, along with the vaccine’s microchip, a virtual state of chaos where our every thought would have become pain unimaginable…
1:50:48 And at that point we would have accepted any special medicine that they gave us to avoid the pain… any food supplement or any medical procedure they recommended… it would have been game over for the many… until the tide of evil swept us away…
1:51:08 ALL of this was diverted by one thing and one thing only... a group of Patriots to mankind who desperately cared about what was happening to our children beneath the ground…
1:51:20 And this group was led by two men, one in the darkness and one in the light… The light is U.S. President Donald J. Trump and his wonderful family… and the darkness for the past 21 years since his plane crash has been John Fitzgerald Kennedy Jr… now known as JFK Jr.

1:51:39 Two great friends bonded eternally by the desire to complete the work started by our last brave and true President John Fitzgerald Kennedy… who was brutally taken away from us by an army of assassins that had inundated Dallas, Texas on November 22, 1963…
1:51:35 These two men with the aid of brave Military leaders from across this vast Earth took on the cabal in a deadly game where everything was hanging in the balance… and thanks to the miraculous intervention of God and his team of righteousness we have now won this war…

1:52:15 We have taken back Earth so we can learn from all of this and our great fall… that we may never stray again and wander from our one true Father… so we may all embrace our Sacred Feminine Mother Earth and exalt her up to Heaven where she belongs with our Father so that we the children may once again find our true purpose in life and live in abundant peace and prosperity, hand in hand with all of God’s creations as one large family bonded together in love through the forges of war and damnation…
1:52:48 And we will heal, we will heal all the hurts of this war, especially our children, through this frequency of love which was the downfall of our enemy, because as victims of the left-brain they are eternally void of love which is the elixir to all life.
Peace be with you brothers and sisters and get ready for the great healing that will come after this Great Awakening… yours eternally, Colleen and Charlie Freak…
To recap the cabal’s plan:
Stage 1 – chem trails with smart dust and nano-particles
Stage 2 – vaccine with microchip, lowering immune system, causing sterility
Stage 3 – 5G with 440 hertz of causing our thoughts to create chaos and pain
Stage 4 – FEMA camp body bag disposal
1:54:27 Charlie: This was my second post that really put me in the biggest of facebook penalties on June 30th:
I titled it Welcome to the Fabulous Radiation Pneumonitis 5G Hotel: The cabal’s plan to take us down once and for all…
1:54:31 The coronavirus was indeed fueled by the 5G wave designed to dis-ease us to death. From the moment the twin towers came down on September 11th, 2001, this was their endgame, guaranteed…
The when, the where of the plan…
1:55:40 All of this started in 1987 to 1988… were the first roll out of the first 1G cell towers in Wuhan, China… In the same year the Hong Kong flu-like symptoms and pneumonia-like symptoms in the elderly began to present themselves and became an epidemic particularly centered in and around Wuhan, China… because these 5G waves just happened to take on the same attributes of radiation therapy…
1:56:46 What happens to a lot of patients that they tell have cancer and they need radiation therapy… they get radiation pneumonitis… they get hot pockets of radiation that occur most often in the lungs in the elderly and THAT’S what we saw with this coronavirus… people were having difficulty breathing… problems centered in their lungs… and it effected the elderly in their lungs the most, like a pneumonia…
Radiation pneumonitis is inflammation of the lung caused by radiation therapy to the chest. It most commonly develops 1 to 3 months after treatment is over, but it can happen up to 6 months after treatment. Chronic pneumonitis can lead to permanent scarring of the lungs (called pulmonary fibrosis).
1:57:31 In 1997-1998 the 2G cell towers in the United States were activated… the same year of the Bird-flu like symptoms, in particular in the elderly in particular in their lungs… so 2G cell towers are activated and suddenly they’re calling it the Bird-flu!
1:58:07 Then in 2002 – 2004 the 3G cell towers in the United States were activated… oh my goodness what happened?... the SARS-bird-flu influenza… and they had symptoms like the flu and pneumonia like symptoms once again, targeted the elderly…
1:58:38 In 2009 to 2010 came the 4G cell towers in the United States were activated, 3G cell towers in China were activated and suddenly, what happened in both the U.S. and China? The H-1, N-1 Swine flu raged in both of these countries… what did we get again? Influenza like symptoms, pneumonia-like symptoms centered in the lungs and preying upon, mostly, the elderly…
1:59:17 Now 2012 & 2013 in Saudi Arabia they activated the 4G cell towers and not long after the release of the 4G Towers came the Camel-flu influenza… most people just dismissed it they didn’t want to even look at it after SARS and the Bird-flu… they’d had enough of flu… what happened? Influenza-like-symptoms, pneumonia-like symptoms centered in the lungs raged in the elderly…
2:00:07 Then 2019 and 2020 the 5G cell towers were being set up in the United States, Europe and China and then they rolled out some tests and then starting in Wuhan they activated the 5G you saw people literally collapsing down in the streets… not because of flu, but because of brainwaves from the 5G waves being centered out on us…
2:00:46 So what did we see as soon as they did the testing in the USA, Europe and China… we saw influenza-like symptoms, pneumonia-like symptoms… well it’s the Bats…
Let’s re-cap. What have we seen here, folks?
First it was the Bird-flu [1G]
then SARS [2G]
then H1, N1 Swine flu [3G]
then Camel flu [4G]
then it became Bat flu [5G]
This is what we put on facebook to show you exactly when they rolled out this series of these 1G, 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G cell towers…
2:00:46 Colleen: So this was the trifecta, they needed the chem trails inside of you, they needed the vaccine inside of you and they needed the electrification of these waves from the 5G cell towers to fry you… how wonderful for them…
2:01:56 Charlie: Yup. Just unbelievable.
Kat note: Isn’t it extraordinary that Charlie was put into facebook jail for those 2 magnificent posts? And Santa Surfing reported last week that Twitter put her in Twit-mo for a few days for some of her posts. Even President Trump was in Twit-mo. Amazing.
David Wilcock has had many of his videos wiped from you tube.
So many Lightworkers/Digital Warriors have reported their videos being wiped that they now speak in code. Magenta Pixie for one, Laura Eisenhower for another.
Rattling Twitter, facebook and you tube cages in WWIII is my idea of a Badge of Honor for Charlie, Santa, David, Laura and Magenta. Thank you for bringing us the TRUTH but regrettably, suffering slings and arrows for it from cabal-owned-media corporations.
2:02 Charlie: Going over those two posts, it segues into the last part of this podcast for today… and this is what’s going to lead you to the very center of all their very nefarious activities…
And instead of the path that is straight and narrow, we’re going to follow up the Yangtze River… the path that is broad and spacious and it leads to disaster… it’s the left-hand path… a void of all the kindness in Humanity…
2:02:41 This was relating to their crowning,
all this was to create
a massive shipping network for children
and in particular
the production of adrenochrome
from all of these factories in Wuhan, China
Now they expanded…
It wasn’t just Wuhan
but that was the center of it
2:03:17 Charlie: …It started in China and ended in Venice, Italy… all roads don’t lead to Rome all roads lead to Venice… in Wuhan, China, in the 1980’s they began a major project which was the dredging out of the Yangtze river which was filled with sediment… the Yangtze exits towards the South China Sea…
2:04:02 Colleen: The South China Sea is famous for remote islands with treacherous seas and treacherous weather all around and no place to dock unless you have a dock or a submarine… it would keep people away… but there are tons of islands…
2:04:23 Charlie: There are and the word is that deals have been reached with Foreign Governments and very wealthy corporations and wealthy individuals and they were purchasing these many South China Sea islands for their own nefarious purposes…
In the 1980’s they began the dredging of the Yangtze river filled with sediment, clay and sand in the river… all of that gets built up near the coastal outlet… they dedged it all the way inland to Wuhan… that makes Wuhan one of the most important cities in the world… a seaport… ships could trek up the Yangtze to Wuhan…
2:06:30 Why would they do this? What was the importance? They created the necessary floodplain with the Three Gorges Dam project… they took 3 fast flowing rivers and created a massive dam system across 3 rivers… then they created a floodplain… when you look at one of the sample images of the 3 Gorges Dam on the Yangtze River… making it a Seaport for the rich and powerful…
2:07:35 This matches up for all the images you see in the movies THE HUNGER GAMES… this is them fashioning their truth and their plan for us in plain sight…
When you begin to look at how Wuhan is laid out itself it has a lot of similarities to the Capitol City in the Hunger Games (Panem)…

2:08:00 Which company was the first and then dominated this transport of goods up and down the Yangtze river to all over the world?
This is the beginning of the New Silk Road for the New Silk—adrenochrome.
The reason it was called the Silk Road is because at that time Silk and Spices were the greatest cash crop in China… was yielding them their greatest wealth… so they called it the Silk Road.
The Silk Road trade route was initiated about 2,100 years ago for trade and travel from China's Han Empire to Central Asia and Europe, and it revolutionized the world until it declined about the year 1368.
2:08:55 Charlie: This was the [Danish] Maersk Shipping Lines… which were purchased by Walmart… and it was all of these Walmart freighters… why did they have Walmart all over the world? Why did they have Walmart in virtually every town? And sometimes it made no sense to have these gigantic Walmart stores in such relatively small towns and small areas… but they did it…
2:09:25 The reason being because the new Silk Road… the new Silk trade is children… in particular children for the production of adrenochrome…
Adrenochrome is the new silk road…
2:09:48 Remember, the cabal don’t do anything for money… once they controlled the printing of money in 1913 through the United States Federal Reserve Act and then they scooped up every single other country across the vast plain after that… they don’t do things for money… they do things for control, power and out of necessity…
2:10:01 They need to ship these children without trouble EVERYWHERE to be able to control their minions…
2:10:09 Charlie: What you need to wrap your heads around… this is exactly what we’re saying to you… that the massive Walmart Empire was created as a plan, as an afterthought as to how to quietly, surreptitiously take all this adrenochrome and if necessary, children themselves, to virtually everywhere on this Earth… and NO ONE batting an eye at it…
Kat note: One more time, for anyone who still doesn’t know what adrenochrome is, here is Sacha Stone’s brilliant description.
Sacha Stone talks about Adrenochrome on Camelot TV Network, April 24, 2020
Question: What is adrenochrome?
0:25 Sacha Stone: It’s a psycho-active molecule that is activated in Human blood when the Human subject or victim is tortured.
0:36 In the same way that a cat toys with the mouse before eviscerating it and pulling out its kidneys and slowly killing it. It is known to the Feline species that the more you adrenalize the blood of the victim the more prana or life force you can induce through the in-taking of that blood.
1:04 So in simple terms, these sociopathic sub-human entities that proliferate in Hollywood and on the big screen, and pop idols, and Rock Gods, and Sports idols, amongst Political leadership and elements within Royalty as well… as well as boxes of the Corporatocracy, the Oligarchies… and these are the powerful Technocrats… that exist in Government, in the Banking sector, in the commercial arena, in the Military Industrial Complex, in the Mainstream media and press as well.
1:56 These folks are variously conjoined in blood covenant through long standing blood ritualism. It sounds absurd, it sounds like a bad BATMAN script, but hélàs, alack, it’s all too real.
2:31 …The fact of the matter is that this goes on — the adrenochrome molecule is arguably the most prized element on Earth, with a higher value one imagines than even platinum or Helium-3 which you can only scoop off the Moon.
2:44 So the fact is that to get a pranic rush is similar to a hyper-dimensional cocaine rush, so harvesting blood, terrorizing the victim, conducting the most aberrant satanic rituals becomes of paramount importance to this diabolical echelon.
3:18 What they are requiring is to be anchored to the Temporal [Earthly] plane, because they’ve already abnegated their consciousness and their conscience.
Their Spiritual sacrament has been so violated through their own choice in surrendering or abnegating their true conscience that they have already been walked into and are now under the remote influence of the Egregore, or the lower astral intelligence, or the demon, if you wish to look at it that way.
3:55 Bottom line is they’re sub-human. They’re not Homo Sapiens Universalis, or Homo sapiens sapiens, or Homo sapiens freighter like we are. They are absent in their capacity for empathy, for compassion, or to love or be loved; and my heart goes out to them for that fact.
4:17 But that again was a chronology and a pathology of choice that was made and taken by each of them. So they’ve got to the point where the only way they can anchor… or the only way that energy can anchor through them in the Temporal/Earthly realm is to continue imbibing the adrenochrome or the traumatized blood. So in simple terms that’s why.
4:38 Why the toddlers are sodomized and raped is because it’s an inversion of kundalini. It’s a technique to inverse the life force, the prana, the kundalini, the chi of that victim, in order to induce or transduce that very very hyper-dimensionally active life force into the perpetrator.
5:07 It’s very ugly stuff. But when you get into advanced satanism that’s the game you play or you perish, because by the time you learn about blood drinking and the fact that you are required to go into the blood covenant, it’s normally too late for you to extricate yourself.
~ Sacha Stone
2:10:43 Colleen: And it’s behind the China wall, right? Behind the darkness that you can’t see into anymore because you’re not allowed to go into the Communist Country of China…
2:10:55 Charlie: That’s right… and Wuhan is not easily infiltrated, it’s not like any of the other Chinese coastal cities… Wuhan became a seaport because they dredged it but it is many many miles up the Yangtze River…
[1,045 miles from the Port of Wuhan to the China Sea]
2:11:12 Charlie: You don’t just waltz up there and infiltrate Wuhan, China… it is VERY protected… it is very insulated… and so you see what they did?
They created a vast shipping network under the guise of providing citizens cheaper products, cheaper goods, and yes… you be good consumers while we consume adrenochrome…
2:11:37 Colleen: And they’re only allowed to have one child… so all the extra children that were being born, they could just ”legally” take them…
2:11:42 Charlie: That’s right… after WWII, that was the great plan, they made China Communist, behind the Communist curtain no one was allowed to go there… except for world famous reporters from the New York Times… behind all of this… is access to a massive world of children… and they stole them… they created this policy of just 1-child per family…
2:11:42 And where do all the Chinese families live? They live on either side of the Yangtze River… it provides them with life… so this is the beginning of the new Silk Road…
2:12:53 Charlie: Look at the straight line this creates by the Three Gorges Dam… it creates a floodplain to Wuhan to Nanjing to Shanghai and into the South China Sea… that is a massive market in and of itself for the adrenochrome…

2:13:19 But the Yangtze leads directly to the South China Sea where there’s a massive market of rich people in all those islands in the South China Sea who demand the adrenochrome… they all basically have a fortress there and that’s where a lot of them did their business…
2:13:39 And then I want you to note the city of Chongqing… [on the left of the map]… just upriver from the Three Gorges Dam… the reason I’m pointing out Chongqing is because it’s one of the largest cities in the world with a population of 16 – 18 million people… this is a massive… we’re talking about… it’s a massive feeder city and a massive feeder area…
2:14:10 China was turned into
the most fertile breeding ground
for the greatest cash-crop in Human history
which is children…
the younger the children the better…
and the younger females, even better…
What did this new policy after WWII create…
1-child per family and
it needed to be a male child,
so it was girls that were sacrificed…
they were taken to Wuhan
And this is the horrific legacy of Wuhan, China…
this is the center of adrenochrome on Earth…
2:15:20 This is the new Silk Road and it just gets worse and worse and worse as we go through this… Walmart was created as a cover for all of this…
2:15: 47 Before we move upstream I want to make reference to the Hollywood film BORAT and the actor, Sacha Baron Cohen… Sacha Baron Cohen is tied to Will Ferrell… and this is a very very evil nasty piece of work…
2:16:05 Don’t think of him as an actor, he’s more along the lines of a CIA agent… that was given license to pretend to be an actor in Hollywood… many of the actors were double-agents…
2:17:07 The movie BORAT was a psyop designed by the Venetians through the demons that run Hollywood to make you think that Kazakhstan (Central Asian Country)… was goat farmers… and it was backwards… and there was nothing there… don’t look, don’t think, don’t worry about it, just a nation of imbeciles… a big distraction…
2:17:42 Charlie cont.: Why would Hollywood want Sacha Baron Cohen to do this sort of mockumentary on Kazakhstan? Here’s why…
2:17:50 Because the new… brand new Capitol of Kazakhstan which was started in 2009 and then full completion was in 2019… when it was called Astana, which is an anagram for satan…

2:18:15 Colleen: And they love to just switch just a couple of letters up, that’s what they do, and we’ll be able to share all of that with you and you’ll be able to decode a lot of things for yourself… they either make a word backwards, or they just shift one or two letters… and it’s fascinating to find out the information inside of those words or spells they’re making: Astana/satan what a wonderful name for a place that’s harvesting children…
2:18:46 Charlie: This was to become the headquarters of the New World Order… when all of this was set to roll out, remember through the Coronavirus, the vaccines and the 5G, the United States was set to fall apart… and they wanted that… that was the plan all along… was to have the United States fall out of its ranking as the most powerful nation… America was designed to fall and the New World Headquarters was designed to be Astana/satan…
2:20:06 The thing about Astana/satan is it looks alarmingly like the capitol city Panem in the Hunger Games… almost exactly… they spared no expense… Astana/satan was going to be the new headquarters for the NWO…
The BORAT movie was designed to take your attention away from anything that was going on in Kazakhstan… to make it a mockery…
2:20:58 In 2017 as a coming out for Astana/satan, they hosted the World EXPO 20… and in 2017 at this world exp, the United States and China shared a big pavilion together and it was called BIG ENERGY… so the Chinese and the United States were both pushing this infinite energy pavilion… all sorts of photo-ops between the Americans who were there and the Chinese staff who were there… shown as great friends and partners… the new American in Astana/satan…
2:22:10 people were blown away by how amazing, especially the design, that Astana/satan was… like Panem…
2:22:24 Charlie: Now we’re going to take a look at a larger map here now:

2:23:30 What you’re looking at is the old Silk Road that went from Europe across Asia all the way to the East China Sea… and now the New Silk Road… Wuhan… to Astana/satan… to Tehran… to Venice… In the exact center between Venice and Wuhan, so Astana/satan was carefully chosen…
2:23:53 Colleen: You can see how it was important to get these countries in-between Venice and Astana/satan… they took them out when Obama was in power… they were putting themselves in a power position…
2:24:04 Charlie: One of the first things that would have been done with Hillary Clinton presidency you would have seen this big war with Iran that was the last little piece for this road of Astana/satan to Venice… so Iran would have been the next big war after Iraq… and Iraq/Iran… you all know that the Americans under Obama were surrounding Iran and were looking for any kind of incident to occur to give them a reason to invade and start a war there…
2:25:03 This is the new Silk Road
where children for adrenochrome
is the number one crop
for the entire world…
and their organs…
and sex slaves…
2:25:22 Here’s another disturbing thing… all of you… remember the push in the late ‘90’s… they were coming after children… with celebrities… for all of you to carry a donor card so if anything happened to you your organs could go to good use… how wonderful… how selfless…
What was going to happen was if you entered a Hospital and had an organ donor card, you probably wouldn’t leave the Hospital… from the middle ‘90’s right up to 2020… what has been the #2 cause of death in Hospitals? Doctor error… so all it takes is for the wrong medicine to be prescribed and who are the most protected group against accidental death in the world? Doctors. Especially Hospital doctors… their legal protection is ironclad… because it’s all happening at the behest of the cabal/the Venetians…
2:27 Charlie: What you need to know is this entire push for the organ donor system was designed to steal your organs… they’re getting your permission to do this… loopholes… always having to give our consent!! If you have an organ donor card? Get rid of it!!
Colleen: The good news is you don’t have to worry about that anymore because that side is going down… none of what we’re saying will be taking place… this is what would have happened if Hillary Clinton had won… but the White Hats have taken all of the swamp down…
2:28:52 Charlie: When the war with Iran was completed… then they would have completed an unobstructed pathway from Tehran to the Northern most accessible port in Central Europe, close to Istanbul, and that is Venice… the completion of the Silk Road…
2:29:28 All roads lead to Venice… the real power for the Venetians is Venice… it is a ship at sea… they feel they’re exempt from the wrath of God… because there are no laws and rules on the sea… they’re Pirates…
One of the powerful things that was shared with us not long ago… was that access not only to the Royal Family in Britain… for all these higher end minions and the cabal itself… is that there is an underground system that runs from London to Canada and into New York… taking only 1.5 hours… at extreme high speed underneath the ground…
[Just like the movie Men In Black with Chris Hemsworth]

2:31 Colleen: They’ve been suppressing all the technology that we could have been enjoying and utilizing…for the betterment of Humanity…
2:31:13 Charlie: The last thing I want to share about the new Silk Road… when the coronavirus broke out in Wuhan… you cannot dismiss this… where were the first 3 hot spots for the Covid-19 outbreak Internationally? Wuhan, China - Tehran, Iran - and Venice, Italy… this new straight line silk road for the harvesting of children for adrenochrome… and that was the straight line of this Coronavirus outbreak…
2:32:13 Colleen: They brought the coronavirus out because they needed to get mail-in voting… they wanted to get back power from Donald Trump… they needed the people to get rid of him… the needed to get their minions, which is us, who are the brain dead, who have been brainwashed by these people… we were going to vote-out Donald Trump… so they could take back their power so they could do their nefarious plans… that’s what covid is all about… it was always a means to an end… it’s a psyop…
2:32:57 Charlie: And all of this simply proves the point that Colleen and I want to make to you.. behind the horror of all of this lies our children…
This is so far beyond the tunnels under Montreal and Ottawa, Canada, so far beyond the tunnels under New York or the massive tunnel systems underneath Los Angeles… running into Mexico and New Mexico… all of this is for the harvesting and transmutation of living breathing children into adrenochrome…
And as Colleen says… and we don’t want to get into anymore today… the trans-human agenda, alien agenda, organ harvesting, sex slaves but we won’t go into it because it is just so absolutely horrific
We’ve shown you how close JFK Jr. was able to have the great reveal on July 4th… it’ll happen…
2:36:17 The great reveal #10 is Israel… it’s left for the last… it’s the last Buffer… all that’s left is these 13-families… so when Q brings down Israel next… it’s 10 of 10…
2:36:40 It’s the last battle… and all that will be left after this is domino after domino after domino and every one of them are going to give up the Venetians… and everything in the end you will see who was behind all of this… and through their buffers… to control their minions… they ruled an entire world… they built the new Silk Road… above and below… submarines… everywhere… that people couldn’t see… and the U.S. Coast Guard couldn’t see…
This was our reality… they had even built their new capitol for their one world government in Astana/satan in Kazakhstan… and that’s what the Borat movie was about…
2:38:15 Colleen: The truth is coming… we love you guys… we’re very passionate for sharing all of this because we care… we care for how you’re feeling… we know how scary this is…
2:41:42 Charlie: Thank you Mark Devlin… for airing Parts 1 and 2 on your channel and he’s going to air this one too… now you’re caught up to speed on everything that has happened from A to Z…
When Israel falls, that’s the last Buffer… there’s nothing left between us and Venice… that’s where all of this leads to… and that’s where we’re going to take back our liberation for Humankind, Mankind… we are the Kind Man… we are all God’s children…
Love you… thanks for all your love and support… Good night…

JFK, Jr. and Donald J. Trump
End Part 2 transcription by Kat
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