Charlie and Colleen Freak: NESARA, Tesla Towers and Bill Gates Updates 8-2-20 (Transcribed by Kat)

Source: Dinar Chronicles | By Kat Happy Full Moon. This is a short-ish partial transcription of a video by Charlie and Colleen Freak....

Source: Dinar Chronicles | By Kat

Happy Full Moon.

This is a short-ish partial transcription of a video by Charlie and Colleen Freak.

They update on NESARA, Tesla Towers and Bill Gates… who might actually be working for… are you ready… the Q-team?! Whaaaaaaa?

As always, take what you can use and leave the rest.

Unceasing blessings of Peace, Health, Happiness and Abundance for all — we are Goddess, Sovereign, Free,

xo, Kat

The Q Plan Update, Sorry Who Works For Whom? 8-2-20

With Charlie and Colleen Freak

Partially transcribed by Kat

3:39 Colleen: There’s so many beautiful things coming forward in our future… there’s never been a more amazing time to be alive… there’s some horrific things that we have to deal with… but there’s never been a more positive, beautiful time for Mankind…

4:19 Charlie: Re NESARA – it is kind of time sensitive to get this out to you right away… The first thing that I want everyone to know and remind everyone about NESARA…

Remember, this isn’t a gift from some politician…
this is YOUR stuff…
stuff that is rightfully ours…
or illegal things that have been dumped on us
that are completely illegal and can’t exist…

5:01 When people start freaking out and think, “Boy, everyone’s debt is going to be wiped off but I was good with my debt but people were reckless…”

Debt is ILLEGAL… you can’t have USURY…
usury is the bearing of interest on dollars that are created…

So what that means is that every new dollar that is put into circulation has a debt requirement paid against… as soon as you do one note that way we have fallen and we are in the game of Monopoly… it doesn’t matter how long it plays out but everyone’s going to go bankrupt except the bank who prints the fake money…

Usury: noun,

1. the illegal action or practice of lending money at an exorbitant interest.

2. an exorbitant amount or rate of interest, especially in excess of the legal rate

3. Loan-sharking.

Synonyms: exploitation, stealing

5:41 Colleen: That’s what we’re hearing from all our friends… they’re on the edge… they’ve lost businesses… they’ve lost all their income and it’s just a dire situation… some people are OK they had savings but some people didn’t… it’s a very precarious time for many people, it’s a very scary time for many people… we need to share this information with you… because of that reason… IT IS COMING…

6:07 Charlie: The situation with NESARA is that not everything is going to be rolled out to you right away… [Colleen: Gradual]… it’s not going to be a full release…

But debt is going to be removed right away.
In fact that’s already been happening…

In Europe and Great Britain people have been writing into us and saying “Wow, Charlie, you are so right, I was looking at my loans today and it said ZERO… I checked with my family and they said no, it hasn’t happened to me.” So it’s an experimental stage right now… like the Tesla Towers…

7:45 Let me remind you — the reason that there’s DEBT in the first place is because they’ve been lying to all of us… it cannot exist… [Colleen: It’s been a completely unfair system]… Yeah, downright evil…

Usury has been outlawed in every single country and the people who have tried to orchestrate usury in every single country they have been kicked out of cultures for thousands of years…

Colleen: I read something about that in the Bible with the moneychangers…

8:34 Charlie: So don’t get caught up in this… it’s illegal to charge interest. You can’t have it. OK.

that will be
one of the first things to happen with NESARA.

Colleen: And it will be a beautiful thing.

9:00 Charlie: Also with NESARA one of the first things is just getting this new currency situation structured… probably the same in every other country but in the USA they have a new note the United States Note… it has everything to do with the gold-standard…

BTW, this has ALL BEEN DONE…
they were taking time to do this behind the scenes…

I mentioned this to Charlie Ward today on his show… every time you see the Q-team or Q in particular where he goes silent for a period of time, this is the kind of thing that they’re working on to get done…

9:49 The new USN that’s backed by the gold-standard is already set up. Already in place. It’s just a question of when they’re gonna role it out… It will be one of the very first things… a zero-debt-based-currency, based upon the gold reserves that America has… so from the very beginning it’s going to be a very strong currency…

10:19 Colleen: And that’s why Trump keeps saying that we’re going to have a VERY STRONG 4TH QUARTER...

Speaking about money, somebody sent us a coin that’s been minted from England… it hasn’t been in circulation at all… but it’s a Q with children passing through the portal… what do you think of that? … it’s very beautiful…

11:40 Charlie: Re the NESARA stuff… Colleen has mentioned… a lot of people has been speculating that there could be some money involved in this… and this relates to investments that have been illegally made in our birthing certificate names… this is the number that is on your birthing certificate documents… it’s essentially how they know you…

It’s the number they use to buy / sell /trade on the Stock Exchange… apparently every single person in the world has at least ONE of these FUNDS that have been ILLEGALLY created in your name…

Basically people have been buying and selling their benefits of your labors in your life… what are they doing with you? We’re all being traded on the stock exchange… betting on us to fail… when… it’s all symbology… all astrological based symbology… numerology… family… etc.

13:34 Remember those are all God’s creations… the left-brain Canaanites, the cabal, they don’t have creativity… they don’t make stuff up… they pervert…

13:51 There have been cryptic comments now from POTUS, Donald Trump, and originally from Q referencing NESARA… that there are going to be some very pleasant surprises relating to the NESARA process that is going to hurt the cabal where it hurts them the most… believe me with these people it’s their pocketbook…

14:20 With these people what they’ve been doing is investing our corpse-eration… our 3 word all capital letter name… the Maritime Admiralty Law name… our straw man identity and they’ve been publicly trading us back and forth and making wagers… and there’s quite a bit of money that’s been accrued to us…

14:54 I want you to just think logically… this is so simple for you to wrap your heads around here… there is a lot of money attached to each and every one of these…

So think about this… with the takedown of the cabal… there is an enormous… an amount of money that you can’t even wrap your heads around is how much money that they/cabal have put into the system by all of the games that they have been playing…

15:24 So what happens to that money? Does POTUS and Q-Team just eradicate much of it out of existence?

Do they just seize it for the American government because this group has been predominantly behind this? How’s this going to work? Get rid of it altogether, take it for themselves, OR…

15:47 If all of this is about empowering the individual and making us stronger like Q talked about and getting things back to a grass roots level… then wouldn’t it make sense that this money would be gifted to “we” who have sweated for it?...

They’ve taken these out illegally in our names… we’ve lived our lives as their slaves… playing this rigged game going to work every day… [Colleen: Slavery was never abolished folks. They went underground.]… so that money is hard-earned and rightfully ours…

16:24 Charlie: Even we have been saying a lot about NESARA / GESARA… the two things we just want to give you an update on… they’re backing off this idea of a Global or earth-wide roll out all at once… too similar to the New World Order system that the cabal was so close to set up…

They don’t want this to be that Donald Trump is the only hero in the entire world…

Colleen: Charlie, people are on the verge of losing their shirt…

17:45 Charlie: You’re not going to… every country has a plan in place… to be tolerant and patient with this new system that’s coming after the November election… there’s been tests with the debt removal right away…

18:12 The delay on the money thing is this… a fool and their money are soon parted… with all of the massive of hypnosis we have been under… and all of the lies that have been taught for such a long period of time… everyone is going to need to absorb what has happened…

18:35 Colleen: This is an unprecedented time… most people don’t even realize THIS IS HAPPENING. That’s how obscure this is… just a very few amount of people here in this movement of being aware…

18:53 Charlie: Then all of a sudden a check arrives for $800k…

19:00 Colleen: Sure they’re scared of a virus and they’ve got their mask on… and they’re scared they’re going to lose their business but many people don’t understand this is a much bigger picture…

[Talking about people who are still glued to the MSM and have never heard of or who haven’t yet awakened to who the cabal - deep state - illuminati are / or Q / or the Q-team / or don’t know President Trump is an angel and saving Earth / or the NSA / or the Alliance / or what adrenochrome is / or that the Military have been blowing up DUMBs and saving millions of children, etc.]

19:13 Charlie: Right and then suddenly to have any one of these people wake up and find there’s a check for $800k or $1.2 million dollars in their mail slot…

Colleen: They’re not emotionally prepared for that… there’s many things to take into consideration…

20:17 Charlie: There is and there’s a healing process, an awakening process… there’s so much we need to be brought up to speed with… once we come to inner-stand what World War Three represented, how long it’s been going on, and all the victims, in particular the children, it’s going to necessitate a completely different outlook on what we consider valuable… so a Walmart table made in Wuhan China has suddenly lost its lustre in every possible way…

21:17 Colleen: There will be a whole paradigm shift on what we consider to be valuable…

23:00 Charlie: There needs to be a shift from left-brain to right-brain and then when we are spending… we’ll be building beautiful things for the animals, for children, for truth, a beautiful hostel network, so kids can begin to travel the whole Earth… education will change… it’s going to be a beautiful world…

24:21 So yes, NESARA is for us but they want individual countries to roll out GESARA themselves so they’ll have their own heroes… so it’s not just all about the United States, Q-John F. Kennedy Jr. and Donald Trump… they want individuals and individual countries to grow…

24:43 Charlie: It’s all coming… we want to confirm, yes the monies are very real… that is the perfect way to disseminate all of this stolen wealth and stolen gold all at our expense… SO IT HAS TO BE PAID BACK... SO THIS IS THAT SILVER LINING…

25:00 Colleen: So when they arrest and execute the criminals that were doing bad things to children and other people they’re going to take their wealth and gold from these “elites” these people that were “ruling” the world and that will be distributed to all…

26:10 Charlie: One thing that was released today from AG Barr’s files were the papers relating to Jeffrey Epstein… much of it has been redacted… that’s not how these things are going to stay… but they wanted to make as much information available legally… it is naming these people who were there including the Clintons… but when it comes to specific things and specific names much of that has been redacted but in the end everything will be disclosed…

26:10 Charlie: Yes.. Tom Hanks is still dead… he’s not in Greece… I spoke a little to this on Charlie Ward’s show as well… cnn broke the story that Hanks and his wife are in Greece… take a closer look… these documents were filed in 2018… the story was first run in December 2018, then they ran it again in 2019 and now they’re running it in 2020… I’ve done so much stuff into the Hanks thing…

What’s been coming out after his execution… there were stories that came out and said they both finally fell victim to Covid-19… and that they’re the latest victims of the virus… and that’s what they may have put out themselves before they were executed so they could escape… this is called “kill-switches” from the stars on both sides… they use CGI, body doubles… hosting Saturday Night Live from his house… it’s not him, not his kitchen, saying he can’t leave…

32:44 Why are things being allowed to continue? Because you can’t tell people anything anymore… they continue to accept Mainstream Media… but the MSM is going crazy now and even the sheeple are confused…

36:03 Charlie: Just like the tunnel destruction with the Marines right now… they were instructing the New Zealand Army on how to do these things… 2.5 or 3 weeks ago now… then they went to Australia and it took them a lot longer than they thought because of the spider web they found under Melbourne…

36:30 Colleen: We’re all going to be in shock about what was happening underground there… like you just can’t even believe…

36:34 Charlie: They’ve moved off now and they’re moving to South Africa and apparently we’re told South Africa is riddled with an underground system… and again, it’s not just doing if for the other countries, they want to involve the other countries, and to teach them…

They need equipment, they need training, they need experience being underground because it’s a vast difference… your senses work differently when you’re in these deprivations… anyone who’s been in a deprivation tank knows this… your body reacts profoundly…

37:10 That’s what it is when you go deep underground… and these are deep deep underground tunnel networks… not just under the surface… these are deep DUMBs [the Deep Underground Military Bases and Systems] that exist they’re very deep… and not all of them are Military… so it’s pressure pressure so if you come up too soon… it’s not as profound as when you’re scuba diving where you get the bends…

38:07 Colleen: This must be why they were using all of the ventilators… and Trump’s comms about ventilators being “generators”… So let’s get onto Elon Musk…

38:33 Charlie: I’m sure some of you have heard rumors that Elon Musk has capitulated and we can confirm those rumors for you… Elon Musk has submitted… Elon Musk is now working FOR the Trump Administration… in terms of the kind of relationship they’re talking about with Elon Musk he cannot be an adrenochromer… there’s no way in the world they would look past an adrenochromer… the penalty for adrenochromers is death 100%...

Colleen: So either (A) he’s been doubled and this is a different Elon Musk or (B) he was not an adrenochromer…

38:19 Charlie: And we haven’t heard anything that he’s been doubled… it is announced the world’s largest Tesla plant in Texas in the United States… Trump said “Elon Musk has kept his word, he’s kept his first promise… because we’re announcing today Tesla Manufacturing…”

Now — he did not once say “cars” !! So there is a lot of stuff about Nikola Tesla in the news right now… and that all relates to Nikola Tesla’s work in the 1920’s — Free Energy.

Tesla was proposing, in Wardenclyffe on Long Island he actually made the first of these… he was going to transmit this free energy to every single across the Earth in towers…

41:54 Colleen: We got banned from facebook for 7 days because we did this amazing post about Tesla Towers and whoosh… facebook jail.

42:02 Charlie: So as soon as Trump released that I knew instantly what he was talking about… I did a very cryptic post and very Spiritual post as well talking about these Tesla Towers… So Elon Musk is going to be opening in Texas the largest Tesla factory in the world…

So what is the country on the border of Texas? Mexico. What is being built there? The wall. What is the wall being made out of? They’ll be turning that into the Tesla Wall… transmitting…

43:35 Charlie: The wall that’s being built is a Tesla Wall… but first of all the wall right now is designed is toprevent forevermore this trafficking… by the MS-13 monsters… these are the real killers, the real assassins… the most violent gang in the world… 2 weeks ago Trump announced that they cleaned up and took them out…

A photo was released and it shows a Military Air Force hanger and it is filled with naked men on their knees and their wrists are handcuffed… all tattooed to high heaven… the MS-13 people were used for high level assassinations… they were the leaders of all these ANTIFA riots… they have been behind all of the Social unrest… BLM… all of this is being professionally done by MS-13…

But what’s worse about MS-13 is they have become very wealthy and powerful because for at least the last 10-years they have been working for people like Tom Hanks and that is procuring children… extremely ruthless people… they are responsible for network after network after network… sleeper cell after sleeper cell after sleeper cell… all across the world…

46:14 Charlie cont.: Basically, what came past us last week is over the last 10-years in particular… if they were out in public in the last 10-years… outside of you being with then or a sporting or school even anywhere from a 10 – 90% chance of being abducted… did you hear anything about that on the news? No…

47:00 Trump announced the head of the serpent has been cut off… they had a major major op in play, they infiltrated them as well… they were led into a trap and the vast majority was arrested… they’re basically saying that MS-13 was incapacitated… this is MASSIVE…

And again, the news about a month ago, out of London, the largest Human Trafficking network that was headquartered in London all for Western Europe, was taken down…

47:56 Colleen: The Alliance has been working very hard under the “covid lockdown”…

48:01 Charlie: Every single time the covid threat appears again? It’s all designed to push you back into your homes… this is a World War and there are clean up operations ongoing… remember… we’ve got to wake people up to at least 50-50… but in the last 2-years this has been about sleeper cells…

Even someone like Tom Hanks, acting is a side-job for Tom Hanks… his main job was running the distribution, stringing along these famous people on the West Coast… he was a distributor of adrenochrome… and paid massively well for doing this… and that’s why everybody was all about Tom Hanks… we’ve got to find Tom Hanks… they were all freaking out when their batch from Wuhan had been tampered with… there was no advance warning… cuz they didn’t have a bunch of adrenochrome in reserve…

51:25 Charlie cont.: Getting back to Texas and Elon Musk… that’s where the wall is… a Tesla wall… designed to stop child trafficking forever… that’s why we mentioned MS-13… the wall will be magnified not electrified… so you can’t dig under…. It’s giving free energy to everyone… remember magnetism is a field, it’s not a circuit… it doesn’t deal with a power grid based on circuits and fuses… it is an entire area… it fills like plasma the entire area… the thing with magnetism it needs to be collected and distributed equally… this is the Tesla coil…

The Tesla coil is the Human sacrum , the Human spine, and the Human skull… it collects the magnetism at the base, allow it to rise and when it reaches the brain it begins to pulse… in a radial pattern… 360 degrees so no one gets left behind… it pulses this eternal energy…

53:57 Colleen: And now we get to have something like that… it’s so exciting…

(Discussion to watch the movies Atlas Shrugged and The Fountainhead)

58:27 Charlie: So, he never said Tesla cars… the buzz word now is Tesla Towers… very fantastic news… you can see how long Elon Musk been working for the good guys… he names his electrical cars Tesla which had nothing to do with Nikola Tesla… it didn’t make a lot of sense because it was foreshadowing what was coming… which is the Tesla Towers…

(Long discussion about space, the Earth is flat, never been to the Moon, Spacex, etc.)

1:17:23 Charlie cont.: So this is the last part of this: Bill Gates… So Colleen said, what are you trying to tell me, Bill Gates is a good guy? No…Bill Gates has been a monster… his Microsoft partner, Paul Allen, this is all foreshadowed… MS-Dos become Windows… you don’t think there are better options? C’mon people it’s a Monopoly… it’s all cheating.. so Paul Allen was CIA and Paul Allen existed on the Harvard campus to recruit…

Paul Allen/CIA brought Bill Gates into the fold and then the plan was to build this big computer company… that gets viruses, then you need Norton Utilities… protection for all the viruses… all BS… yes, he’s trying to de-populate the world… that’s who his father and mother are, they’re Eugenicists… trying to wipe out minorities… so he’s dirty and he’s evil…

1:19:38 On December 13 of 2016… 5-6 weeks after Trump elected but not yet POTUS… in Trump Towers there is a meeting… The Secret Service is there, Trump was there, and Bill Gates shows up… We are telling you that at that meeting… this was proven because just like a week later… in a newspaper article, suddenly Bill Gates says publicly… Trump is actually a very intelligent man and reminds Bill Gates a lot of John F. Kennedy… Huh? Did they read him into the plan or something? Yes… They said you either work with us from this point or you’re dead…

On that day, you’re going to see the Elon Musk kind of thing here… making all these mistakes…

1:21:04 Bill Gates is the most hated man in the world now… the cabal had plans to have him run for President… if that hadn’t been true, this capitulation… they wouldn’t have put him in the forefront of the Coronavirus and making him look like a complete a-hole… the cabal did not know this was going down, they did this so effectively… so they were running a plan on top of another plan… how genius this is… they rolled out Bill Gates he’s their #1 weapon with his ties to Fauci, to Wuhan… this is deadly serious stuff…

1:22:15 Gates capitulated… and it will absolutely come out… Dec. 13, 2016 Bill Gates flipped… he started working for the good guys… I doubt there was any promise of sparing him from death… maybe it was like the promise given to Jeffrey Epstein to roll and give up everyone including Ghislaine Maxwell… which is a kicker cuz she’s a Buffer and a direct link to the Venetians… and an important one…

1:23:59 Remember back in 2017 or 2018 on Ted Talks Gates gives it away… he’s talking about the vaccine alone should get the population down… What did he just say?!? He said “If the vaccination works as intended the population would be reduced…” And you’re like, what?... WOW… well Bill Gates is a dummy… no this is Elon Musk all over again… Q-Team got to them…

1:24:54 All this way through Bill Gates is the one that told them that the Coronavirus was going to be a fake… that Hydroxychloroquine would work very well against it… he told them when it was going to roll out, how it was going to roll out… and that the secret weapon was 5G… so they got everything from him, right down to who was going to be involved… that means that they’re watching Fauci… the NSA has been tapping Fauci forever… they OWN this guy…

1:25:40 The ONLY reason Fauci is still around before he faces his tribunal, and he will, is because he is completely owned… a little weasel, Fauci is a little rat… he is doing everything he can to try to preserve and protect himself… he’s a little coward, Fauci… and he is working for Trump… the scare can only last so much longer…

1:26:17 Because General Flynn cannot be exonerated until these take-downs especially relating to the FBI and Obamagate… until those start to go down… he can’t be publicly exonerated… and when he IS exonerated he can run for Vice-President with Trump… so we are now on the cusp…

We are now on the cusp… we are now literally if not weeks or a month or a couple of months away from massive massive stuff… it’s 96 days to the election…

The dominoes are going to start to fall and fast now… they’re so behind schedule with this stuff… once this starts to fall your head’s just going to be spinning… you won’t be able to keep up with… did you hear? did you hear?... OMG! WOW! WOW! WOW! OMG I was so wrong about Trump… I was so wrong about Trump…

And then make this about the kids… make this about the kids… make this about the kids… to save all those beautiful children that were slaved down below…

Colleen: This is all about the kids at this point… cleaning the entire Earth… so we can actually begin to live in the Garden of Eden…

Charlie: We love you guys… thanks… we’ve given you everything… be strong… be leaders… and be that way for your friends and family so we can wake up as many of the sheeple that we can… have faith in Humanity if they’re not hearing it right now… there will be a tipping point… that’s where we need to be for them… calm, peaceful and loving…

Be as respectful as you can to Donald Trump… if you only knew the sacrifices he’s made and how great he is…

Be patient with NESARA… we’re all going to be OK… Where We Go One We Go All…

End transcription by Kat

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5G,159,9/11,46,Abortion,11,Ancient Civilizations,29,Animal Rights,1,Anna Von Reitz,297,Anonymous,4,Antarctica,12,Artificial Intelligence,24,Ascension,36,Australia,58,Aviation,7,B. Patrick Thomas,8,BAR Mafia,1,Benghazi,11,Benjamin Fulford,179,Big Pharma,69,Big Tech,50,Bilderberg,63,Bill Clinton,6,Bill Gates,68,Biowarfare,25,BlackOps,1,Brent Johnson,7,Brexit,154,Cabal,333,Canada,50,Cancer,22,Cannabis,5,Censorship,110,Central Banks,296,Chemtrails,38,Child Sacrifice,2,China,489,CIA,307,Citizen Rights,360,Climate Change,30,Cloning,17,Cobra,58,Corey Goode,22,Corruption,2450,Dave Janda,9,David Lifschultz,39,David Wilcock,43,Decode,149,Deep State,1203,Disclosure,50,Disease,1096,Disinformation,28,DOJ,202,Drake Bailey,2,Drugs,17,Earth Alliance,1182,Economics,1503,Education,4,Edward Snowden,19,Elon Musk,5,Energy,28,Environment,80,EU,343,Eugenics,15,Exopolitics,185,Extraterrestrial,190,Fake News,49,False Flag,60,FBI,268,FDA,31,Federal Reserve,294,FEMA,2,Field McConnell,2,Food,8,Fraud,373,Galactic Federation,12,General Flynn,36,Genocide,15,Geoengineering,21,Geopolitics,2904,George Soros,98,GESARA,1364,Ghislaine Maxwell,40,GITMO,89,Global Elite,29,GMO,38,Grant Ouellette,47,Great Reset,3,Guest Writer,7,Gun Control,23,Hawaii,11,Health,1002,Hillary Clinton,320,History,285,Hollywood,64,Human Rights,46,Human Trafficking,245,Humanitarian,6,Illuminati,44,Immigration,32,Inner Earth,5,Intel,2443,Intelligence Community,48,Iran,98,IRS,15,Israel,114,James Gilliland,55,James O'Brien,21,Japan,39,Jeffrey Epstein,224,Jesuit,14,JFK,76,JFK Jr,83,Joe Biden,478,John Podesta,7,Jon Rappoport,191,Jordan Sather,134,Judy Byington,1105,Julian Assange,89,Kamala Harris,8,KejRaj,1,Kent Dunn,2,Khazarian,108,Law,361,Law Enforcement,71,Lebanon,6,Libya,2,Mainstream Media,612,Mark Baughman,4,Medicine,82,Melinda Siebold,9,Military,119,Military Industrial Complex,8,Mind,96,Mind Control,21,MKUltra,19,NASA,32,Native Americans,6,NATO,54,Natural Remedies,87,Neil Keenan,1,Neocon,10,NESARA,103,New World Order,179,New Zealand,30,Nikola Tesla,18,North Korea,44,NSA,86,Obama,293,Open Letter,27,Palestine,3,Para Kas-Vetter,39,Parasites,1,Parisse Deza,11,Patrick J. McShay,29,Paul Craig Roberts,1,Pedophilia,181,Philippines,12,Politics,471,Predictions,525,Privacy,5,Propaganda,36,Protests,131,Psychological,1,Putin,53,QAnon,1270,Racism,77,Reader Posts,1053,Religion,111,Restored Republic,1092,RFK Jr.,1,Rinus Verhagen,139,Robert David Steele,21,Robert Mueller,117,Rockefeller,52,Ron Paul,2,Rothschild,104,RT,31,Russia,137,RV/GCR,1521,RXKendrick,16,Sacred Geometry,1,Satanic,156,Saudi Arabia,28,Scandal,44,Science,74,Secret Societies,84,Secret Space Program,52,SERCO,1,SES,1,Sexual Abuse,90,ShadowGate,3,ShadowSuper,54,Shootings,17,Shoshi Herscu,31,Sidney Powell,36,Sierra (NZ),268,Social Media,92,Society,102,Sorcha Faal,81,South America,10,South Korea,9,Space,64,Speculation,2576,Spirituality,440,Spygate,48,Steve Beckow,10,Steve Pieczenik,6,Syria,27,Technology,208,Terrorism,53,The Office of POOFness,93,The Vatican,62,Thinker2,173,Thomas Anderson,26,Transhumanism,5,Treason,101,Trump,2259,Turkey,9,UFOs,100,UK,326,Ukraine,121,United Nations,47,US Democratic Party,195,US Government,2407,US Republican Party,23,USA,3959,Vaccinations,276,Venezuela,18,Whistleblower,132,White Hats,54,Wikileaks,8,William Mount,1,Wonder Woman,1,Xi Jinping,34,Yellow Vests,8,Zionist,106,
Operation Disclosure: Charlie and Colleen Freak: NESARA, Tesla Towers and Bill Gates Updates 8-2-20 (Transcribed by Kat)
Charlie and Colleen Freak: NESARA, Tesla Towers and Bill Gates Updates 8-2-20 (Transcribed by Kat)
Operation Disclosure
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