Operation Disclosure | By Mr. Oxygen, Guest Writer August 27, 2020 NEW BIG PUT IT ALL TOGETHER INFO! PHOENICIAN CABAL’S MASSIVE ADRENOC...
Operation Disclosure | By Mr. Oxygen, Guest Writer
August 27, 2020
IMO These two links are over one hour each AND TOTALLY WORTH IT!
The videos linked below explain what is REALLY behind the biggest super secret cluster of political forces driving the world to frustration and effecting each of us every day. And, I explain how the anti-life dark force influence genetically bred into each of us - and it's FEAR - is Divinely starting to be eliminated on cue.
Divine forces and criminal ETs realizing they held themselves back by controlling us or letting us be controlled are finally emerging. They finally realize and are enforcing the facts. EVERYONE MUST ALWAYS HAVE REAL FREE CHOICE ACCORDING TO SOURCE LAW.
Criminals don’t believe WE are all SOURCE because they think they have never seen SOURCE and therefore cut their awareness of SOURCE connection. They have succumbed to darkness mind error infection.
Those who realize this “putting the mind before the Natural heart connection to SOURCE” is in error, have ordered the reversing of this condition. The Divinity above us in dimension has finally ordered manifested outcome to express the NATURAL TRUTH for the good of the whole. NATURE is keeping ALL NATURAL LIFE alive.
Having been through horrific torture and long suffering during forced incarnations, WE are emerging as the first of Creation’s genetic royalty. Our physical vehicle creators and slavers thought making us suffer made us more valuable in their commerce. Slaving our Spirits by proxy through our physical vehicles actually held back the Natural Order. Slaving just spread anti-life darkness throughout duality. The slavers opposed Nature and held themselves back.
Nature is correcting Itself and turning slavers into shark chum at Gitmo. WE are all the champion experiment that endured forever and won our own freedom. Now WE have to mop up.
WE are the FIRST and ONLY combination of all our own ancient multi ET gene mix combined WITH our own heart dwelling individual AND multi connected SOURCE Spirits. ALL other races in all dimensions each only have their individual race’s piece of this TOTAL pie.
WE are NATURES combined genetic experiment success. WE are the first physical race at this low a dimension to manifest so much power all in one skin suit vehicle. The criminals have lost, but fight on.
In joy, WE are actually graduating genetic apex prototypes containing the best of all of the ALL THAT IS. It is NOW genetic time to drop the controlled old ways. WE advance and save the whole by doing so. WE want to. THEY need us to.
WE are winning and have won! ALL surrounding Life is NOW here watching us and helping us defeat darkness enslavement and celebrates with US!
WE long ago started in on this our 85th species cycle here. Each cycle is 26,400 years here. WE finally made it alive to our own graduation coming out party. Next up, WE will go beyond being in the mind matrix expanse of illusionary duality and time and dimensionality. Being in them for more than a visit is still indicating the presence of darkness infection.
WE are celebrating in JOY with as much help as being on an intergalactic treaty time world allows us to be helped - while minimizing creating karma. Everyone is depending upon us to act now. Now WE are entering the mop up phase here.
WE have to share these two stories with everyone to help them shake off their newly awakening from the mind wipe unaware mind shackles. WE have continue to wake the rest of us up from the mind wiped sleep that WE are all still humanly under here from 8,000 years ago.
That’s when both sides of an intergalactic war we were ALL in then were memory wiped. Our minds were all erased so we ALL became compliant slave humans. It became “normalized” - further embedded here through the generations.
WE just narrowly escaped our own planned mass executions. All documented. These ideas are THE MOST IMPORTANT KNOWING mankind can come into innerstanding.
The Takedown of the Cabal’s Evil Plan: part 1-3 – Jul 10, 2020
This Video represents Part Three of our Three-Part Series on the Q-Team’s Takedown of the Cabal’s Satanic Empire...
Also excellent watch #161 https://benosey.com/viral-tv/good-vibrations-podcast-vol-161-re-edit-charlie-freak-colleen-on-the-q-trump-timeline
Our people will be able to take back their own power.
I am going to listen to a lot more.
This is good stuff, and I encourage you to listen to all three of these and spread them around. Especially to all of those who are so conditioned that they just can't bring themselves to trust in goodness triumphing any more.
Thanks, Peace, and Blessings, Mr. Oxygen, Ed McCabe(C)(R) by Ed McCabe, 2020, Elder of The Breath of God Ministry.
Note: Everything I teach is always in my opinion - so far.
Mr. Oxygen's Billy Goat Therapy Discovery!
YOUR OWN IMMUNE SYSTEM CAN MAKE ACTIVE OXYGEN OZONE AND PEROXIDE SPECIES INSIDE YOU because all viruses are anaerobes vanquished by Active Oxygen - IF YOU GET AND USE ENOUGH NATURAL ORGANIC WHOLE VITAMIN C! Forget the stores. By law, EVERY brand including those labeled "organic" are just chemicals. You need one that is chemical free from NATURE, just like YOU originally were.
Creators of the bestselling "Oxygen Therapies" and "Flood Your Body With Oxygen" book and DVD, https://www.amazon.com/Flood-Your-Body-Oxygen-McCabe/dp/0962052728/ref=sr_1_87?crid=161J2FC5CZET0&keywords=flood+your+body+with+oxygen+therapy+for+our+polluted+world&qid=1581128841&sprefix=flood+your+body+with+oxygen%2Caps%2C-1&sr=8-87
And the new upcoming super advanced book "OxyVelocity Diet."(c.)The fastest way to heal.
Our ongoing American and African crowdfunding project: http://www.fundly.com/oxyvelocity-diet
Mr. Oxygen sites: http://www.oxygenhealth.com, http://www.mroxygen.com.
OxyLift, My FAVORITE consumer replacement mineral and oxygen and frequencies take along with you anti-anaerobe! https://oxygenamerica.com
People, and I personally, are getting really charged up (BETTER for a lot less cost than expensive hydrogen water machines) with this oxygenated water from using the affordable Boyce/Tesla Ozone Zero Point Energy Water Purifier "Smacker." Better than Hydrogen water. Read the testimonials, and get $25 extra off by using the code MROXYGEN at the end of your order at https://www.hydrogengarage.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=32&products_id=79
Nobody in our public has enough oxygen or minerals.
Happy Oxygen! Mr. Oxygen.
Sanctum Chrisma https://operationdisclosure1.blogspot.com/2020/06/sanctum-chrisma-anointing.html
"Then You Will Know The Truth and The Truth Will Set You Free"
"Man's mind, spiritual nature, and body are all interrelated and interdependent."
Copyright Breath of God Ministry 2020. All Rights Reserved. Non commercial distribution encouraged.
Guest Posting
If you wish to write and/or publish an article on Operation Disclosure all you need to do is send your entry to UniversalOm432Hz@gmail.com applying these following rules.
The subject of your email entry should be: "Entry Post | (Title of your post) | Operation Disclosure"
- Must be in text format
- Proper Grammar
- No foul language
- Your signature/name/username at the top
If you wish to receive the daily Operation Disclosure Newsletter, you can subscribe here.
Our mission at Operation Disclosure is to bring you important news events and raw intel from various sources focused on exposing the Deep State/Cabal and their downfall. We are also focused on disclosing our lost ancient origins and extraterrestrial contact.
Disclaimer: All articles, videos, and images posted on Operation Disclosure were submitted by readers and/or handpicked by the site itself for informational and/or entertainment purposes. All statements, claims, views and opinions that appear on this site are always presented as unverified and should be discerned by the reader. We do not endorse any opinions expressed on this website and we do not support, represent or guarantee the completeness, truthfulness, accuracy, or reliability of any content posted on this website.
Copyright © 2020 Operation Disclosure
August 27, 2020
IMO These two links are over one hour each AND TOTALLY WORTH IT!
The videos linked below explain what is REALLY behind the biggest super secret cluster of political forces driving the world to frustration and effecting each of us every day. And, I explain how the anti-life dark force influence genetically bred into each of us - and it's FEAR - is Divinely starting to be eliminated on cue.
Divine forces and criminal ETs realizing they held themselves back by controlling us or letting us be controlled are finally emerging. They finally realize and are enforcing the facts. EVERYONE MUST ALWAYS HAVE REAL FREE CHOICE ACCORDING TO SOURCE LAW.
Criminals don’t believe WE are all SOURCE because they think they have never seen SOURCE and therefore cut their awareness of SOURCE connection. They have succumbed to darkness mind error infection.
Those who realize this “putting the mind before the Natural heart connection to SOURCE” is in error, have ordered the reversing of this condition. The Divinity above us in dimension has finally ordered manifested outcome to express the NATURAL TRUTH for the good of the whole. NATURE is keeping ALL NATURAL LIFE alive.
Having been through horrific torture and long suffering during forced incarnations, WE are emerging as the first of Creation’s genetic royalty. Our physical vehicle creators and slavers thought making us suffer made us more valuable in their commerce. Slaving our Spirits by proxy through our physical vehicles actually held back the Natural Order. Slaving just spread anti-life darkness throughout duality. The slavers opposed Nature and held themselves back.
Nature is correcting Itself and turning slavers into shark chum at Gitmo. WE are all the champion experiment that endured forever and won our own freedom. Now WE have to mop up.
WE are the FIRST and ONLY combination of all our own ancient multi ET gene mix combined WITH our own heart dwelling individual AND multi connected SOURCE Spirits. ALL other races in all dimensions each only have their individual race’s piece of this TOTAL pie.
WE are NATURES combined genetic experiment success. WE are the first physical race at this low a dimension to manifest so much power all in one skin suit vehicle. The criminals have lost, but fight on.
In joy, WE are actually graduating genetic apex prototypes containing the best of all of the ALL THAT IS. It is NOW genetic time to drop the controlled old ways. WE advance and save the whole by doing so. WE want to. THEY need us to.
WE are winning and have won! ALL surrounding Life is NOW here watching us and helping us defeat darkness enslavement and celebrates with US!
WE long ago started in on this our 85th species cycle here. Each cycle is 26,400 years here. WE finally made it alive to our own graduation coming out party. Next up, WE will go beyond being in the mind matrix expanse of illusionary duality and time and dimensionality. Being in them for more than a visit is still indicating the presence of darkness infection.
WE are celebrating in JOY with as much help as being on an intergalactic treaty time world allows us to be helped - while minimizing creating karma. Everyone is depending upon us to act now. Now WE are entering the mop up phase here.
WE have to share these two stories with everyone to help them shake off their newly awakening from the mind wipe unaware mind shackles. WE have continue to wake the rest of us up from the mind wiped sleep that WE are all still humanly under here from 8,000 years ago.
That’s when both sides of an intergalactic war we were ALL in then were memory wiped. Our minds were all erased so we ALL became compliant slave humans. It became “normalized” - further embedded here through the generations.
WE just narrowly escaped our own planned mass executions. All documented. These ideas are THE MOST IMPORTANT KNOWING mankind can come into innerstanding.
The Takedown of the Cabal’s Evil Plan: part 1-3 – Jul 10, 2020
This Video represents Part Three of our Three-Part Series on the Q-Team’s Takedown of the Cabal’s Satanic Empire...
Also excellent watch #161 https://benosey.com/viral-tv/good-vibrations-podcast-vol-161-re-edit-charlie-freak-colleen-on-the-q-trump-timeline
Our people will be able to take back their own power.
I am going to listen to a lot more.
This is good stuff, and I encourage you to listen to all three of these and spread them around. Especially to all of those who are so conditioned that they just can't bring themselves to trust in goodness triumphing any more.
Thanks, Peace, and Blessings, Mr. Oxygen, Ed McCabe(C)(R) by Ed McCabe, 2020, Elder of The Breath of God Ministry.
Note: Everything I teach is always in my opinion - so far.
Mr. Oxygen's Billy Goat Therapy Discovery!
YOUR OWN IMMUNE SYSTEM CAN MAKE ACTIVE OXYGEN OZONE AND PEROXIDE SPECIES INSIDE YOU because all viruses are anaerobes vanquished by Active Oxygen - IF YOU GET AND USE ENOUGH NATURAL ORGANIC WHOLE VITAMIN C! Forget the stores. By law, EVERY brand including those labeled "organic" are just chemicals. You need one that is chemical free from NATURE, just like YOU originally were.
Creators of the bestselling "Oxygen Therapies" and "Flood Your Body With Oxygen" book and DVD, https://www.amazon.com/Flood-Your-Body-Oxygen-McCabe/dp/0962052728/ref=sr_1_87?crid=161J2FC5CZET0&keywords=flood+your+body+with+oxygen+therapy+for+our+polluted+world&qid=1581128841&sprefix=flood+your+body+with+oxygen%2Caps%2C-1&sr=8-87
And the new upcoming super advanced book "OxyVelocity Diet."(c.)The fastest way to heal.
Our ongoing American and African crowdfunding project: http://www.fundly.com/oxyvelocity-diet
Mr. Oxygen sites: http://www.oxygenhealth.com, http://www.mroxygen.com.
OxyLift, My FAVORITE consumer replacement mineral and oxygen and frequencies take along with you anti-anaerobe! https://oxygenamerica.com
People, and I personally, are getting really charged up (BETTER for a lot less cost than expensive hydrogen water machines) with this oxygenated water from using the affordable Boyce/Tesla Ozone Zero Point Energy Water Purifier "Smacker." Better than Hydrogen water. Read the testimonials, and get $25 extra off by using the code MROXYGEN at the end of your order at https://www.hydrogengarage.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=32&products_id=79
Nobody in our public has enough oxygen or minerals.
Happy Oxygen! Mr. Oxygen.
Sanctum Chrisma https://operationdisclosure1.blogspot.com/2020/06/sanctum-chrisma-anointing.html
"Then You Will Know The Truth and The Truth Will Set You Free"
"Man's mind, spiritual nature, and body are all interrelated and interdependent."
Copyright Breath of God Ministry 2020. All Rights Reserved. Non commercial distribution encouraged.
Guest Posting
If you wish to write and/or publish an article on Operation Disclosure all you need to do is send your entry to UniversalOm432Hz@gmail.com applying these following rules.
The subject of your email entry should be: "Entry Post | (Title of your post) | Operation Disclosure"
- Must be in text format
- Proper Grammar
- No foul language
- Your signature/name/username at the top
If you wish to receive the daily Operation Disclosure Newsletter, you can subscribe here.
Our mission at Operation Disclosure is to bring you important news events and raw intel from various sources focused on exposing the Deep State/Cabal and their downfall. We are also focused on disclosing our lost ancient origins and extraterrestrial contact.
Disclaimer: All articles, videos, and images posted on Operation Disclosure were submitted by readers and/or handpicked by the site itself for informational and/or entertainment purposes. All statements, claims, views and opinions that appear on this site are always presented as unverified and should be discerned by the reader. We do not endorse any opinions expressed on this website and we do not support, represent or guarantee the completeness, truthfulness, accuracy, or reliability of any content posted on this website.
Copyright © 2020 Operation Disclosure