Bible Burning in Portland, Oregon

Operation Disclosure | By David Lifschultz, Guest Writer August 4, 2020 BIBLE BURNING IN PORTLAND

Operation Disclosure | By David Lifschultz, Guest Writer

August 4, 2020


As the streets of the US look like Bagdad of a crumbling Empire, the bitter figures of decline as in the Weimar Republic are not hard to find. As the US infrastructure collapses, it has become to all intents and purposes a third world country. As all major Empires have crumbled from internal rot and corruption as England, we wondered when the US would see its Weimar moment suffering from a greater corruption than even Weimar Berlin.

Next is a report from the 1930s by Arnold Deutsch who was Stalin's NKVD Resident Spy in London in his communication to the center read by Stalin on their British spy Anthony Burgess which demonstrates the moral collapse of the leadership of Great Britain that preceded their collapse as a world power as they are directly connected.

"Many features of his character can be explained by the fact that he is a homosexual. He became one at Eton, where he grew up in an atmosphere of cynicism, opulence, hypocrisy and superficiality. As he is very clever and well educated, the (Communist) Party was for him a saviour. It gave him above all an opportunity to satisfy his intellectual needs. Therefore, he took to party work with great enthusiasm. Part of his private life is led in a circle of homosexual friends whom he recruited among a wide variety of people, ranging from the famous liberal economist Keynes and extending to the very trash of society down to male prostitutes. His personal degradation, drunkenness, irregular way of life and the feeling of being outside society was connected with this kind of life, but on the other hand his abhorrence of bourgeois morality came from this. This kind of life did not satisfy him. His homosexuality he describes as not inborn because he can also live with women. He learned it at Eton because everyone is engaged in homosexuality there, so he simply joined in. The pupils there lived several to a room and the class masters use their superior position to seduce young boys."

This homosexuality was at Harrow where Churchill was introduced to his sodomy and other private schools as well as in the US such as Groton where Roosevelt became initiated. Any parent that sends their children to these sleep away schools that are sodomy centers is a fool. It is important to note that what they call the deep state now or the masters of mankind before never allowed in the US or any western nation a high official to rise whether in the court system or Congress or Presidency where they do not have the goods on them so that if they go out of control they can bring them down. The Harrow sodomy of Churchill and the Groton sodomy of Roosevelt were the control mechanisms as in those days it could destroy a career. For example, the Supreme Court Justice Earl Warren was connected to organized crime when Governor in California and at the Toots Shor Restaurant in New York City raised his champaign glass in a toast to Albert Anastasia at the next table who reciprocated. Warren destroyed the entire US school system under orders when he unconstitutionally forced integration.

Queen Victoria was right when she said the rise of Great Britain to be the greatest power in the world ruling all the seas was only based on their adherence King James Version of the Bible and I would add King Henry VIII's Buggery Act of 1533 prescribing the Biblical death sentence for sodomy.

Next is a report from Weimar Germany in 1933 by a leading German politician:

"The Social Democratic "League of German Freethinkers" alone had a membership of 600,000. The Communist "League of Proletarian Freethinkers" had close to 160,000 members. The leaders of Marxist atheists were Erich Weinert, Felix Abraham, Dr. Levy Lunz and other enemies of all mankind. At regular meetings, held in the presence of a notary public, members were requested to register their declaration of withdrawal from their Church for a fee of two marks. And thus the fight for atheism was carried on. Between 1918 and 1933 the withdrawals from the German Evangelical Churches alone amounted to 2.5 million persons in Germany. The program which these atheistical societies laid down in regard to sexual matters is amply characterized in the following demands publicly expressed at meetings and distributed in leaflet form:

1. The complete abrogation of those paragraphs of the law dealing with the crime of abortion, and the right to have abortion procured free of charge in State Hospitals.

2. Non-interference with prostitution.

3. The abrogation of all bourgeois-capitalist regulations in regard to marriage and divorce.

4. Official registration optional and the children to be educated by the community.

5. Abrogation of all penalties for sexual perversities and amnesty to be granted to all persons condemned as "sexual criminals".

This is truly a case of methodical insanity, which has for its aim the wilful destruction of the nations and their civilization and the substitution of barbarism as a fundamental principle of public life."

It is not that this immorality was not ubiquitous in Germany in 1933 but only that this characterized the efforts to legalize it. When the Weimar Republic was democratically overthrown, the famous German Catholic Count Claus von Stauffenberg danced in the streets now that abortion and sodomy would be opposed by the new government. The Catholic Center Party had voted for Hitler in this crisis.

Therefore, it is not surprising that ANTIFA and BLM are burning the Bible in Portland as they are the Marxist enemies of all mankind and are for the complete destruction of the entire moral fabric of society.

Here we have the comments of the Black Lives Partner M4BL demanding “the retroactive decriminalization, immediate release and record ­expungement of all drug-related offenses and prostitution and reparations for the devastating impact of the ‘war on drugs’ and criminalization of prostitution.”

However, this is the early stage of Revolutionary Propaganda of a Marxist Revolution but not the final stage as we see in Fidel Castro. Fidel Castro was a vigorous opponent of prostitution and drugs which go together as the prostitution often is used by the women to support their drug use. Fidel maintained that in Cuba all women had "sufficient for their need" and did not have to prostitute themselves to get by. Also, dissent was not allowed. See Fidel Castro's comments next on Cuba:

But the problem came back at the start of the 1990s against a backdrop of increased economic hardship for locals, and an opening to tourism which brought foreigners flooding back. "The situation was very tough," Fidel Castro said, in what was only his second reference to prostitution in public following a January 1998, speech where he declared war on various growing vices, including prostitution, drugs and violent crime. "Some people were coming here with ideas of sexual tourism ... There were cases of what we call 'jineterismo'," he said, using a Cuban slang word for street-hustling and prostitution.

Though Trotsky had legalized sodomy and abortion in Germany in the initial Bolshevik Revolution, but Stalin made both criminal offences after he liquidated the Trotskyites for their murderous immorality. The Lubavitcher Rebbe Joseph Schneerson when he discussed this liquidation described it as an Act of God against this criminal element in the Russian society. The Rebbe was right. Stalin then had all the boys and girls in Russian schools taught against onanism and that the conjugal act must be restricted to procreative intent only in marriage and the Russian women should bear children as his tank factories. This former Tsarist spy on the Bolsheviks for Pyotr Rachovsky leaned his lessons well at Seminary by reading Saint Augustine's "On The Good Of Marriage" where this is taught. Stalin agrees with Napoleon who when asked by Madame de Stael who was the greatest woman of France thinking that she was, received the reply from Napoleon that the mother who bore the largest number of children was the greatest woman. I was in Monsey where I met a great woman who looked 55 though 85 who told me she had 800 descendants being a loyal Chasidic lady and I said to her she was the greatest woman I had ever met. The girls of Russia under Stalin's teaching became the most beautiful in the world and Russia by 1953 was the most powerful nation in the world when Stalin died. Stalin's favourite was Henry Ford who promoted Dr. J. H. Kellogg who medically taught the concept of marriage of Zenobia of Palmyra that the conjugal act in marriage should be no more than once a month until pregnant, and then abstinence until nursing is over, whence the effort at conception happens again. This teaching in 1900 made the American girls the most beautiful in the world and the US by 1941 was the greatest power in the world having 44% of the world's production.

Morality creates strength and health and beauty. The famous actress Bridgett Bardot when 75 was interviewed on television and asked whether she had become so hideous from sunbathing without any attire, replied: "Oh no!" "Oh no!" "I gave my beauty and youth to men." She had a hundred paramours Here she proved scientifically that beauty can only be preserved by the holy approach of Zenobia..

Let's return to the epic story of the new member of the Third Word the US. At the rate the US is going it will not be long until we have the experience of Rhodesia that was the breadbasket of Africa under Ian Smith and today largely due to the leadership of Mugabe it has to import food based on charity or the whole population will starve to death. That be the fate of the entire United States if it continues to bend it knee and bow down to the Mugabes. Enoch Powell said it well in England sometime back that we must be mad and the US is mad. They want to kneel and bow down to their own destruction and as Rome there will be blood in the streets flowing as the River Tiber to paraphrase Virgil. "Those that God wishes to destroy He first makes mad." (Euripides)

Enoch Powell's Rivers Of Blood Speech in 1080p

And to rehearse a bit, we wondered when the US would end up as Germany having suffered a similar monumental corruption and we did not have long to wait. We can say that the reparations were the cause of the collapse of Germany but it was the immoral Germany before 1917 that caused Germany to lose the war in the first place. Germany drafted homosexuals and placed them in segregated units even in World War One while the US never allowed homosexuals into the armed forces until Senators Levin and Lieberman homosexualized it in 2011.

Rabbis Urge Filibuster Against Homosexualization of the Military -- As a Threat to Religious Liberty - Christian Newswire

Then came the self-inflicted wound of the coronavirus where the largest economy in the world was shut down for what can be regarded as no more than an influenza. This reflected a breakdown in leadership as in Germany. In fairness Trump was against the shut down but faced overwhelming pressure from the states and controlled media. He knows that he must live within the "system" we have just discussed. The death rates are grossly exaggerated as hospitals claim coronavirus for just about every death as the Federal subsidies are more money for a coronavirus death. Also, the overall death rates will rise as no one wants to go near a hospital out of fear of coronavirus so if they have pains in their heart which might be a heart attack or in the brain that might be a stroke, they stay away from the emergency room. Also, treatment of other diseases have a lower priority.

Here we had the equivalent of the German reparations that combined with Germany's moral destruction led to the overthrow of the Weimar Republic. The US has been fatally weakened by tens of millions of illegal immigrants, the coronavirus, riots and the collapse of its internal economy 32.9%. The US has committed national suicide. The nation built by Henry Ford, Thomas Edison and Harvey Firestone until almost half the world's GDP was here in 1941 is in its death throes.

US economy shrinks 32.9%, biggest decline since 1940s – as it happened

If the military cannot stop the ANTIF-BLM revolution what then? The US government will certainly disappear.

This is from a former high level member of the CIA in a note to me:

Bear in mind that we have about 100 million well armed citizens......... many of whom have military training. Even the US Army would be unable to stand up against this force if it is decided the government has ceased to protect its people and uphold the Constitution.

While the aforegoing may seem at the moment an exaggeration, another retired CIA agent Philip Giraldi comments as follows:

................the mayhem of Antifa and Black Lives Matter as well as the flood of illegal immigration that have together perhaps fatally destabilized the United States.

Philip Giraldi is a former counter-terrorism specialist and military intelligence officer of the United States Central Intelligence Agency.

It is questionable whether the US armed forces being a low caste army could be used to quell the riots in the streets as its privates may side with their own class in the streets dissolving the US. In other words, the rule of the Congress and Supreme Court may be nearing its end as there is a question whether the armed forces as in the French (1789), Russian (1917-1918) and German revolutions (1933) will intervene or end up joining the revolution. This can then only be stopped by the 100 million men and women under arms under the Constitutional right to bear arms. And they will represent the right as in 1933 Germany.

Yakov Kedmi: US Army a Paper Tiger Composed of Low Caste Mercenaries, Not a Serious Force!

Let's start in the far east as India threatens the Straits of Malacca.

The Indian Navy cannot stand up to the Chinese Navy nor can the US Navy. The key are the vastly superior Chinese submarines whose main weapon are missiles and not torpedoes that are from another era. The Chinese showed superiority in 2007 surfacing undetected next to as US aircraft carrier which meant the carrier's certain destruction which created a panic in the office of the Chief of Naval Operations in Washington and an emergency meeting was conducted in his offices the next day. The Chinese are outbuilding the US in their submarine fleet.

The uninvited guest: Chinese sub pops up in middle of U.S. Navy exercise, leaving military chiefs red-faced

An even more catastrophic weakness in US defences was the Chinese hitting an orbiting satellite in 2007 which meant that the entire cruise and ICBM satellite guidance system of the US could be destroyed in the first moments of war nullifying all of these missiles value until they were shifted to ground control which would take at least an half an hour that would be too late to act as an ICBM flies from Russia to the US in about 18 minutes, and their submarines can hit targets in the US in less than a couple of minutes. Russia recently placed in orbit a satellite which was alleged by the US to be a satellite killer with similar implications.

"In January, 2007 China carried a successful missile test, shooting down a satellite in orbit for the first time."

Russian hypersonic missiles at 27 times the speed of sound go about 10,000 miles an hour. This is about 167 miles per minute. If a Russian submarine was 200 miles offshore the nuclear missile could destroy New York City in little over a minute or 1.2 minutes. US territorial shores are 12 miles out which means a Russian submarine 12 miles out could destroy New York City by nuclear missile in less than five seconds. In the nuclear age large cities as New York City are obsolete from a national security basis and should be decentralized. The US has no defensive missiles worthy of the name. In addition, the US has no civil defence preparations for nuclear war as Russia who has nuclear shelters for over 40 million people in their cities and China has vast civil defence preparations in their cave systems. Not only is the US infrastructure collapsing from a 1950s level, but the US population is defenceless. The US cannot even protect its own people internally as the rioters control the streets of the major cities.

Moscow Is Ready for a Nuclear War (As in Lots of Bunkers for the Population)

The US completely relies on the antiquated notion of MAD or mutually assured destruction completely oblivious of the S-600 missiles completely sealing Russian airspace.

“What’s important is that defense systems being supplied by Russia to Syria aren’t used against us,” Israeli Defence Minister Avigdor Liberman said. “One thing needs to be clear: If someone shoots at our planes, we will destroy them. It doesn’t matter if it’s an S-300 or an S-700,” he added.

The following paragraphs were written a few years ago. The Russians can sell their S-400 for according to former Defence Minister Avigdor Miller they already have the S-700.

The S-500 anti-missile missile system is capable of sealing Russian airspace from ICBMs, Cruise missiles and drones. It travels at a speed of 15,480 miles an hour at its lowest estimate but sources say it is over 20,000 miles an hour rising being able to outrun any missile going as high as 115 miles traveling horizontally over 2,174 miles. It carries ten interceptor missiles. It ends MAD or mutually assured destruction as it seals Russian air space and is being superseded by the S-600 that is a massive improvement. The US is no longer a global power. The next discussion is with a US missile expert regarding the S-500.

DKL to JN who is a US missile expert:

If you study the missile techniques of Werner von Braun that the Russians adopted, and apply it to the S-500, you can make a number of deductions. First, the Topol M carries ten MIRVs and goes 16,000 miles an hour. The S-500 carries ten interceptors and goes over 15,000 miles an hour. The S-500 is an offshoot of the Topol M. The S-500 was tested successfully about four to five years ago and is fully rolled out. The S-600 is rolling out now and the S-700 will roll out in 1.5 years.

Dr. von Braun developed the technique that you go into missile production even if you do not have the entire missile working but at 95%. Elon Musk appears to be following this path though he regards the Russians as the most advanced in missile technology in the world. You make the adjustments later. This has obvious benefits as you will have more missiles available earlier. This way you speed up the rollout. This was done with the S-500 which started its rollout well over five years ago. The F-35 Jet Fighter took 20 years to roll out where persistent delays the Pentagon blames on the Congressional appropriations process that just about cannot function as most other parts of this institution.

JN to DKL:

"I have visited the factories where the Proton rocket is manufactured in Russia and the Zenit rocket is manufactured in Ukraine. Also, I have visited Star city where all the Russian cosmonauts train for space flight. Also. I knew Werner von Braun personally when he was at Red Stone, and can attest to the fact that he was a perfectionist, who was always driven by circumstances. Having been around rockets and heavy lift vehicles most of my career, I can attest that everyone and anyone responsible for the defence of their country would sleep much better at night (American or Russian) with an interceptor having a probability of success of 99.9999% versus one with 95% probability of success. In all-out war it would mean the difference between life and death of those being defended. Ask your sources!" (The US defensive systems were just about worthless even before Abiqaiq.)

The conclusion is clear: the US is no longer a global power. It is less clear whether the US will just dissolve as a nation. The writer thinks it will end as Weimar Germany with a right wing revolutionary government that will seek revenge upon those who wronged the nation and there will be no mercy.

Russia: New weapon can travel 27 times the speed of sound

A Chinese Submarine Stalked an American Aircraft Carrier

China Thinks a Nuclear Submarine Can Sink Half of An Aircraft Carrier Battle Group

David Lifschultz

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Operation Disclosure: Bible Burning in Portland, Oregon
Bible Burning in Portland, Oregon
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