Weekly Geo-political News and Analysis UFO Disclosure shows Elite Planning to follow up on Fake Pandemic with Fake Alien Invasion Augu...

Weekly Geo-political News and Analysis
UFO Disclosure shows Elite Planning to follow up on Fake Pandemic with Fake Alien Invasion
August 17, 2020
By Benjamin Fulford
The ongoing “Covid-19 pandemic” campaign is a full-scale Satanic rebellion against the creator. That is because when a government is actively fighting to suppress the truth, then it’s working against the creator of the truth, i.e. the creator of the universe. Right now the Satan-controlled corporate media and their slave governments are lying about the pandemic and actively murdering those who try to expose it. History shows that when governments fear the truth and increase repression, their days are limited. These are the conclusions reached after a really eye-opening visit to family and friends in Canada. These people still live inside the fake corporate news bubble and actually believe that Covid-19 is a real danger despite all the evidence to the contrary.
My sister, who is a specialist in epidemics and head of medicine at a major university hospital in Canada has been on the frontlines of this so-called epidemic since the beginning. Her conclusion is that there has been a vast over-reaction to something that fails to meet the definition of a real pandemic. According to her, the overall death rate from respiratory diseases (pneumonia, tuberculosis, influenza, “Covid-19,” etc.) is lower than in average years. However, the suspension of such things as cancer screening and treatment of other illnesses means it is “too early to tell if the overall death rate is dropping.” Either way, it is clear what we are dealing with is not a medical issue but a political one.
What is interesting is that until I actually went to Canada and talked with her, it turns out all my emails asking her about this in the past had been blocked by a third party. In other words, government agencies are censoring private emails to suppress medical truth.
The other observation is how easy it was to take a stable democracy like Canada’s and turn it into a fascist or communistic state of informers. For example, I remember how during the cold war Western propaganda said the fact Russians had to show ID for domestic travel was a sign of communist repression. Guess what, now you need a picture ID to travel inside Canada. Also, when I arrived the border police told me I needed to self-quarantine for two weeks or face criminal charges. That was no problem since I was staying at my cottage by the lake anyway. What was interesting is that people like my sister-in-law and the lady at the local store were ready to inform on me if they saw me in public. They turned into informants because they sincerely believed they were saving lives from a “pandemic.” This despite the fact we are dealing with something that is about as deadly as a common cold.
Another observation came from a friend who works in the film industry in LA. He says a friend of his was hospitalized with “Covid-19,” and that he only survived his hospital stay because he refused to go on a ventilator. He says everyone who was put on a ventilator died. So, we have a testimony, backed by information send by various readers, that some hospitals are actively murdering people in order to maintain the aura of fear and control they need to stay in power.
Also, the mindset of people who are part of the new-age Covid-19 religion shows how a majority of the people have lost the ability to think rationally or independently. Even if we take a huge leap of faith and believe this mild, cold-like virus is deadly, there is no medical reason to wear a mask while jogging, biking, or driving alone. And yet, people are going through a form of self-mutilation to do just that.
Of course, my cool-aid drinking friends who, despite the evidence of their own eyes, believed the official line said, “There is no way there could be a conspiracy so vast.”
So, let us look at who in the real world has the power to carry out such a campaign. The forensic trail of evidence leads to the P3 freemasons and the still existing Roman Empire.
The Covid-19 totalitarian campaign we are now witnessing can be traced to military-type hierarchical organizations controlled by the Romans. The most important of these are medical associations. Western medicine evolved out of military medicine. That is why there is a surgeon “general.” At the top of this pyramid is the WHO and the UN with its unelected “Secretary-General.” If doctors refuse to go along with orders they lose their medical licenses and thus their ability to earn a living. So, most doctors go along.
Another thing they control is international infrastructure entities such as airports and ports. Take a look at this photo of Narita airport (one of the worlds’ busiest) I took at the height of the summer travel season. It was nearly deserted. This is real economic sabotage at work based on lies.
Here’s a photo of the nearly deserted testing center at Narita.
The return flight to Japan was on a jumbo jet that only had 28 passengers, only three of whom were staying in Japan. If this continues, it is only a matter of time before most world airlines go bankrupt.
When I arrived in Japan I was told I could only stay in the country if I took a “Covid-19 test.” Since it only involved spitting into a container (I would have resisted any form of an intrusive test) I agreed and came out three hours later with a negative test result. What was interesting about the whole experience is that it was clear that the Japanese authorities (i.e. the people doing the testing at the airport) were clearly just going through the motions to appease foreign overlords.
In any case, the entire pandemic campaign is, despite its intensity, a sign of desperation and defeat on the part of the controllers. Here is what they are trying to hide: economic collapse and revolution. For example, take a look at this two-minute video showing how Fifth Avenue in New York has been completely boarded up, and New York became a virtual ghost town in the aftermath of an undeclared civil war battle there. New York was the scene of mass arrests of Khazarian mafia controllers and the deserted street scene was the aftermath of this battle.
https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/nearly-third-americans-had-unpaid-housing-bills-augustFrom an email chain I'm on this morning:— Quoth the Raven (@QTRResearch) August 7, 2020
"DeBlasio has made the city worse than Dinkins days. I’m selling my place. Already have interest, I’m out!"
Now multiply this by the whole city. NYC is toast
The other thing, of course, is the ongoing collapse of the current Western economic paradigm. For example, the U.S. is supposedly the world’s superpower and one of the richest countries on Earth yet is facing a hunger crisis worse than almost any third world country. By late July 12.1% of adults lived in households that didn’t have enough to eat at some time in the past week while almost 20% of Americans with kids at home couldn’t afford to give their children enough food.
Another sign was that in August 32% of Americans were not paying rent for the fourth consecutive month. As we have written before, this makes it mathematically certain the entire banking industry there is de facto insolvent.
This crisis is not limited to the US but is affecting the entire Khazarian mafia controlled G7 nexus of countries. For example, Japan’s economy shrank 7.8% in April-June from the preceding quarter, or at an annualized pace of 27.8%, the Cabinet Office said Monday. You could say the same or worse about the UK, Germany, Italy, France, etc. Of course, the G7 controllers want to avoid the blame for 40 years of trade and fiscal deficits on a so-called virus, rather than economic mismanagement.
Here is one blatant example, where they are using the fake pandemic to blame for wood shortages in North America, one of the world’s largest producers of lumber.
“We had to pay three times the price [for lumber]…The explanation they had for us was that COVID-19 shut down the plants that treat the wood, and that finally caught up,” said Jey Wilson, the owner of Wilson Construction in Galveston.
The real reason, say contractors who explained why I could not buy lumber in Canada, one of the world’s leading wood producers, is that Chinese chemicals used to treat the wood were not available.
Efforts to deal with the situation by Congress are definitely way too little, too late. For example, Congressman Warren Davidson (R-OH) head of a new sound money caucus in Congress, said last week that he looks “forward to hashing out policy solutions to address the economic distortions of monetary inflation so that monetary and fiscal policy can help rebuild the middle class, restart the American economy and get us on the path for sustainable growth.”
At this point, the only answer seems to be a revolution followed by a jubilee, something nobody in the current regime dares to say for fear of death. For example, President Donald Trump’s brother Robert was murdered last week after a truth tweetstorm that was quickly deleted, according to NSA sources.
This writer’s assistant in Japan also received death threats last week in an attempt to pressure me to end reporting the truth about the slave regime in Japan. Of course, we fully intend to pro-actively hunt down and arrest or kill the people making these threats. We know who they are and we know where they are.
This writer’s internet connection was experiencing unexplained interruptions so this Defense Intelligence Agency report was delayed in arriving:
“Trump has gone to the mattress after the daughter of Jewish billionaire and film producer Steve Tisch, co-owner of the New York giants, was found dead. So this was a horsehead message to Hollywood, NFL, and la kosher nostra.
The encore is the death of Jewish media titan ViacomCBS owner Sumner Redstone, which may have led to the death of Trump’s brother Robert, who was only 71.
The UAE-Israel trial balloon to shore up Benjamin Netanyahu may not lead to full normalization since annexation is not off the table, the Arabs are divided and everybody knows Israel nuked Beirut. Nobody trusts the Israelis and Dubai still remembers the Mossad hit on Hamas military chief Mahmoud al Mahbouh in 2010.
Any U.S. arms sales to UAE will be opposed by congress and will do nothing to protect Mohammed bin Zayed from war crime charges at the ICC or from Israeli false flags and an angry Iran armed with more powerful Russian weapons.
Israel was blocked at the UN Security Council where France, the UK and Germany abstained so Russia and China didn’t even have to veto the Iran arms embargo as the only yes vote came from the Dominican Republic, which may have been coerced by the USA with an import ban.”
Meanwhile, as usual, the problems in the G7 are distracting people’s attention from big events elsewhere. Perhaps the biggest is the growing possibility of a revolution in Russia. There are now huge demonstrations taking place to overthrow the Russian puppet regime in Belarus, for example.
The corporate propaganda news says the Russian President Vladimir Putin would offer embattled Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko military help if necessary, but there was no visible police presence at the protest, which attracted around 200,000 people, a Reuters reporter estimated.
What they are not reporting is mass demonstrations against Putin in Russia itself. Here is an example, of one such demonstration in Russia (you just need to watch the first minute to get the idea).
FSB sources in Russia say that the current “fake Chabad Putin,” would not last long. They also sent the following photos of Russian Presidential candidate Ksenya Sobchak to show how decadent the current regime there was.
They described Sobchak as an:
“Israeli protégé, prostitute, and Jewish professional provocateur, who is tied with Jewish Sect of Death Chabad, especially with main Chabad Rabbi in Russia Berl Lazar. Chabad Rabbi Berl Lazar ran away from the USA when the FBI investigated his case, and was ready to arrest him for pedophilia and financial fraud.”
In any case, P3 Freemason and Dragon Family sources say the entire decaying political structure in the G7 was headed for fundamental change this autumn. According to them, a reboot of the financial system was already in motion and that much of this would be visible for all to see this autumn.
The golden dragon representative who was arrested in Serbia in July is now back in Indonesia, P3, and Dragon Family sources say. The funds for rebooting the world economy will be released this autumn, they say. Believe it only when you see it.
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