Source: Dinar Chronicles | By Kat Enclose two brief snippets from 2 Charlie Ward videos. The most exciting part for us here in IDC is...

Source: Dinar Chronicles | By Kat
Enclose two brief snippets from 2 Charlie Ward videos.
The most exciting part for us here in IDC is that Charlie is keeping an eye on us! WHA HOO!! Thank you, Charlie. Bless your heart. We are doing our best to get the truth out there.
Here is a snippet from the second video:
34:00 Craig: I was looking today on the Dinar Intel Chronicles, isn’t it? Very informative. I don’t know who or what but I came across it… can you give me background to the webpage… [IDC]… it’s a blog?...
34:18 Charlie: It’s a blog… these guys are very very well connected…
I keep a very close eye on them all… I speak to 2 or 3 of them… but they’re a group that are very well informed…
They’re just people that are doing proper research… rather than listening to Mainstream Media…
These are hardworking guys who are doing proper, genuine, journalistic research so they can produce a clear picture…
And it’s a pleasure knowing them… they’re all good lads… there’s 4 or 5 of them I keep an eye on… it’s very good for me to verify the information I’m getting…
I started transcribing Charlie Ward videos in June and I think he had around 45k you-tube subscribers at that time… as of this writing he has 120k.
This is a brief bio that I’ve managed to piece together on Charlie, whose name seems to now be on everyone’s lips, including, of course President Trump’s and Q-Team.
For thirty years, Charlie Ward sold Time-Shares around the world and was a Hotelier. It was in this job that he began moving currencies around the world for his wealthy guests.
He lives in Southern Spain with his Turkish wife and young son, Justin. He often describes himself as a 60-year old man, who’s had 4-wives, has 4-children and 4-grandchildren.
When his daughter was a young child, she was nearly kidnapped by a pedophile. An old lady happened to be nearby and saw that the little girl was about to be grabbed into a car and she screamed bloody murder. The pedophile drove off.
When Charlie spoke with the Police he told them, "You'd better catch him before me because if I catch him first I'll kill him."
The Police said,"If you do that you'll spend your life in jail."
Charlie replied, "I have absolutely no problem with that." They eventually did find the man who was a known sex offender.
Charlie has said on many many occasions he'd do ANYTHING for his children. He is a devoted father and grandfather.
He retired 15 years ago and after a few weeks was bored and went back to moving currencies around the world for Governments, Billionaires and VIP’s.
I learned, from listening to Charlie, that billionaires don’t leave their money in the bank. They stash it in cash, gold, diamonds, etc. So if they live in South Africa and want to buy a house in London, they hire Charlie to move some of their cash to England for the purchase.
Charlie also said that he moves money to various countries to make sure elections go the way the elite want them to go. He used to say, “If you think your vote counts you’re seriously mistaken.” And that was the world run by the cabal / deep state before Q, the Q-Plan and President Trump launched WWIII from the day POTUS was elected in 2016.
Charlie is extremely well-connected globally. That is an understatement.
He has known the Dragon family for more than 15 years. The Chinese Dragon family, who are not Communist Chinese but are descended from the Himalayan line, are funding this entire Global transition.
In an 8-18-20 video, Charlie said “What most people are oblivious to is this whole financial transition from SWIFT to QFS has been funded by the Dragons… When the Dragon bonds were valued 6-weeks ago they were estimated in the multi-quadrillions.”
Charlie has personally inspected 178 warehouses in Vietnam full of unrecorded Gold. He has been inside two DUMBs that were crammed with cash, gold and valuables. He is part of the team that is moving Gold, Cash and Valuables around the world for the United States Government to back the currencies for the Revaluation and Global Currency reset.
He knew the Pope had been arrested in March ’20 because some of his Security Team were watching him. He knew 650 plane loads of Gold, Cash and Documents were flown out of the Vatican to Fort Knox because all the teams he uses to move money for him, were hired to clear out the Vatican of its stolen treasure.
Charlie has said from Day One that the virus, vaccines, 5G, ANTIFA and BLM riots, were all smokescreens to implement the following: The Revaluation of Currencies / the Global Currency Reset / NESARA / and GESARA.
He has brought hope, facts and truth to millions of his viewers, which is one of the reasons why President Trump is one of his fans.
And yet, Charlie Ward remains humble, only wishing to be helpful.
One of my favorite phrases that Charlie used to end his early videos with is this:
Remember, Jesus loves you
Even if everybody else thinks you’re a twat.
How great is that?
I cannot imagine getting through this lockdown period without Charlie's calming voice, his happy smile, his twinkling eyes and his fascinating and reliable INTEL.
As he once said, his INTEL comes from within the walls… of Trump Team. And he verified that two days ago in a vid below.
Peace, Health, Happiness and Abundance for all – We are Goddess, Sovereign, Free,
xo, Kat
Charlie Ward video, Q&A with Nicholas ‘Hoddesdon’ Veniamin 8-19-20
7:10 Nicholas: Is it true then that the White House is following you?
7:15 Charlie: The White House have been following us for some time now… and also, they’ve re-tweeted some of our videos… a real honor… their Head of Security keeps us informed about what we can and can’t say… and we also have contact directly with 2 advisors in the White House… we’re very blessed but also very humbled…
7:38 It puts an onus on me to be truthful because the minute we start going outside the parameters we’re allowed to they will stop placing trust in us… and I’m one of a number of Social Media Warriors… Digital Warriors as they call us…
7:55 And it comes with an element of responsibility to be trustworthy… to be honorable and to try and deliver the message in the correct Spirit as well as the direct text…
8:25 Nicholas: … If Donald Trump is watching this, cuz I do hear he watches some of your videos… [Charlie nodding]… and the White House, of course, obviously they follow you… I just think it would be awesome if Donald Trump would wear a Silver Tie on the 25th of August as an acknowledgement of our appreciation… because I know they love coding’s…
8:44 Charlie: They do. They love coding’s… they love coding’s…
Well I tell you what we could do, Nicholas… myself and Chris and a few others are going to put together a thank you to Donald Trump message from the U.K. or from Europe… thank you for what you’re doing… we will include you in that and you can put that in the thank you message too…
Tammy Victor & Craig Abraham (South Africa) talk to Charlie Ward 8-21-20
Partially transcribed by Kat
7:56 Tammy Victor: Many of us are just waiting for this to happen… but waiting in abatement… the thing is, I don’t know how long it’s going to take for NESARA / GESARA to come to this country… I don’t know if I’m going to be in time or if I’m going to be too late… or if, in the International arena, if it’s actually going to make a difference?
8:23 Charlie Ward: #1 You’re not too late... #2 You will make a difference…
8:33 We’re in a critical time… we’re in a Third World War… the Second World War took 5.5 years… this has taken 4 months… [First country to be locked down was Italy on March 9, 2020]……
We’re in the right direction… we’re in a position where we know that we’ve won the war…
8:46 But there’s an awful lot of collateral damage that’s happening in many countries… South Africa is one… Canada is another… New Zealand… Australia, England… many countries have been affected…
What’s a little bit embarrassing is where the Middle Class white people that are getting stressed out where the simple folk of this world just make common sense of what’s going on…
9:07 The biggest problem with the middle class / ‘normal’ people… is they’re so programmed by television they don’t do any research for themselves… you go into India, China, the outback’s of Cambodia, Vietnam, places like that where they don’t have television… they’re not contaminated… they have to do their own research…
9:33 Your situation in South Africa… I knew from Day One that South Africa was always going to be a massive problem because a lot of families in England, a lot of families in Europe, live from month to month salaries… then somebody said to me, Charlie, South Africa it’s not like that… it’s day to day…
9:57 And the government there, sadly, is incredibly corrupt… but Trump is on top of it… it’s very difficult if you’re trying to take the government to court because you can bet your life most of the courts in South Africa are also corrupt…
10:15 This is why when Donald Trump first of all got into power… first of all he took down the Vatican and then the Phoenicians, the 13 Bloodline Families… that’s the head of the beast…
10:41 Donald Trump is in TOTAL CONTROL… what he’s trying to do to the South African people is WAKE THEM UP… to how evil the people are that run them… he’s not going to invade your country and force regime change… that’s not his style…
11:00 South African people need to wake up to what they voted in… say right, it’s time to vote this out and vote-in people who are going to represent us as a country… as a people…
11:15 The Tribal mentality of South Africa… you and I both know… I lived there for a time and I studied Tribalism to see what it was all about… fascinating… the people that I mixed with were awesome people… incredible people…
11:39 If South Africa was given back what it was actually entitled to… from the point of view of Gold, Diamonds, Oil… Africa would be an incredibly wealthy place… but instead it’s r*ped and pillaged by England… by Holland… by Belgium… by a lot of places in Europe [all controlled by the illuminati… 13-Bloodline families]….
11:57 Those days are going to change… once South Africa gets back what it’s entitled to have… [Revaluation of Currencies… Global Currency Reset]… it’ll be a different world there… you’ll have legitimate courts and legitimate people… if people continue to steal then you end up stealing from yourself… it becomes Human Nature…
12:27 Tammy Victor: It’s the entitlement factor… they think they are entitled to it…
12:45 Charlie: … most of the Diamonds have disappeared off to Brussels… most of the gold has disappeared into Europe… [cabal]… it’s all been r*ped and pillaged and stolen… I understand why they’re upset…
[Craig Abraham joins the vid]
14:37 My job has become very very clear… to try and allay fears in a very very difficult time because we’re going through a very dirty period right now… a lot of pain and suffering…
14:50 If we can just give people HOPE in the knowledge that IT’S GOING TO BE WORTH IT… 100% it’ll be worth it…
19:15 Craig Abraham: How are you feeling about the… imminent as I would say… Reset?
19:30 Charlie: I feel very excited about it… we were told very clearly that the old financial system, the SWIFT banking system that was controlled by the Federal Reserve and the deep state would be shut down on August 31 of this year… only 2 weeks away from that…
19:50 There are a lot of telltale reasons already… the Bank of England’s been closed… the Bank of Spain has been closed… they use different reasons… England’s closed due to Covid-19… Spain’s closed down due to ‘technical difficulties’…
23:03 Most people are completely oblivious to it…
21:40 I’ve got a number of online bank accounts… I think I’ve got 6 in total…
[Discussion about South Africa]
34:00 Craig: I was looking today on the Dinar Intel Chronicles, isn’t it? Very informative. I don’t know who or what but I came across it… can you give me background to the webpage… [IDC]… it’s a blog?...
34:18 Charlie: It’s a blog… these guys are very very well connected… I keep a very close eye on them all… I speak to 2 or 3 of them… but they’re a group that are very well informed…
They’re just people that are doing proper research… rather than listening to Mainstream Media…
These are hardworking guys who are doing proper, genuine, journalistic research so they can produce a clear picture…
And it’s a pleasure knowing them… they’re all good lads… there’s 4 or 5 of them I keep an eye on… it’s very good for me to verify the information I’m getting…
End partial transcriptions by Kat
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