Source: Dinar Chronicles | By Kat So where are we exactly in this war with the deep state / illuminati / cabal? This most recent Char...
Source: Dinar Chronicles | By Kat
So where are we exactly in this war with the deep state / illuminati / cabal?
This most recent Charlie Ward video helps answer that question.
Charlie's short answer: The Alliance has already won.
For those unfamiliar with Charles Ward, he is a fascinating, well-informed and uplifting Englishman who lives in Spain.
Charlie started making videos when the lockdown began in order to get the truth out to people. In a matter of weeks he went from a few subscribers to over 60,000. I am one of them.
Charlie is very positive about the fact that we are moving into a world that is going to have a Revaluation of Currencies, a Global Currency Reset and the implementation of NESARA and GESARA. (1.)
This is Charlie in his own words:
Charles Ward: "I’ve been moving money around the world for a number of private clients which range from the super-rich to government officials to other officials around the world for many many years now. I tend to work in the Middle East mainly. I live in Southern Spain but I commute between Spain and Dubai most of the time.
Basically, when I was moving a large amount for a specific government 6-years ago I was with a member of that government who informed me as we were traveling, that they were going to collapse the world’s economies in a few years’ time. That was 6-years ago.
Then 2-years ago they said we’re nearly ready now. We were doing another job, we’d taken in a large amount of money into India just to assure that (Prime Minister) Modi got into power. But he said to me, “We’re nearly there now. We’ve got Trump in power so we’re getting very close.
Then I saw him again in December of 2019 and he said we’re going to do it at the start of next year. We’re going to collapse the world’s economy. And I just said as a joke, Really? How are you gonna do that then? He said, you wait and see. We’ll collapse the world’s economy just like that (snaps his fingers.)…
What surprises me now in hindsight
is we were 4-weeks into this lockdown when they told me,
“We’ve gone past the critical point.”
What they meant was that Trump and his Alliance
have gone past the fact
that they could be beaten by the deep state and the cabal…"
—From a 6-22-20 video with Charlie, Ole Dammegard and Jason Goodman re the RV
"…So the draining of the swamp, the cabal, the deep state,
that’s been happening and we’re nearly there. We are nearly there…
The most important thing right now is to stay calm.
We’re nearly there.
We’re very nearly there.
The Global Financial Reset is virtually complete.
There’s a TREMENDOUS AMOUNT going on behind the scenes that we can’t see and can’t hear.
And when we come out the other side
we’re coming out into a far better world.
There’s so many wonderful surprises on their way to you…
For those of you who haven’t been on this journey, just Google NESARA and just have a read-through about NESARA / GESARA, this is the way that we are moving…
I can promise you, I can promise you,
not I hope—I can promise you,
things are going to get a lot lot better…
Things are changing.
When we come out the other side of this tunnel
the world we’re coming into is an amazing world.
And it’ll be rid of so many evil things…"
—From the Charles Ward video “The Future is Bright — Please Don’t Panic”
June 24, 2020
As of this writing, it is being reported that Ghislaine Maxwell has a secret stash of copies of Jeffrey Epstein’s sex tapes as her personal insurance. (2.)

Doubtless, the Alliance’ chief concern is that Maxwell remains alive to name names, which is why she is surrounded by Military guards and not just Police officers, as was the case with Epstein.
The part on this video that might be of most interest to us here on IDC is this:
16:02: Charlie We’re now coming to the end of Phase One… Phase Two will be watching the banks go bankrupt… and big companies collapse… to get back to reality because they’ve all been controlled… big companies have been controlled by the cabal / the deep state… they’ve all been in bed together… the ones that will be broken down will be the bad ones, 100%... and the ones that are good, they’ll survive…
I must warn you– there is some disturbing content in this video regarding political figures and deep state crimes against children.
I cannot verify whether the stories are true or not. I only offer what was discussed.
As with everything I post, take what you can use and leave the rest.
I hope you keep this thought foremost in your mind: We are moving into a beautiful RV, GCR, NESARA and GESARA world, a sparkling Golden Age of Gaia:
A pristine planet, peace, health, happiness, abundance, space travel, miraculous technologies that will clean and heal Gaia, her Kingdoms, Humanity, and so many more wondrous things we could only once dream about but now those dreams are coming true.
Charlie Ward often says he has never felt more peaceful because he knows we are moving into a better world.
Peace, Health, Happiness and Abundance for all — we are Goddess, Sovereign, Free,
xo, Kat
Charlie Ward Video Roundtable: The Storm is coming 7-7-20
With Charlie Ward, David Nino Rodriguez, Thomas TRUreporting, KingCharlie Prince, Caleb T. Johnson and Denise Boland.
Partial transcription by Kat
9:21 Charlie Ward: I don’t think [in the USA] you’re heading towards a Civil War as such… the information I’m getting from behind the scenes… I’ve been told 100% that if Trump wants to get into power in 2020 he’ll get into power… but it’ll be his decision whether he’s completed the job or not…
But my gut feeling is he’ll go for it, he’d love another 4-years and him and Putin working together for the next 4-years would be so much fun… cuz they’ll DESTROY the deep state [illuminati / cabal]… they won’t just get rid of it, they’ll destroy it…
9:56 Charlie cont.: When it comes to the violence, the civil war, what Trump is doing is letting these battles go on very very clearly so he can point out it’s being run in Democratic run states… so people can SEE… he’s letting them hang themselves, he’s giving them rope…
When people wake-up to the fact that EVERY LIFE MATTERS, not just Black Lives Matters, EVERY LIFE MATTERS… if you wake up to the fact that the people who fund Black Lives Matters were White… George Soros and the Clinton Foundation… and the money that’s raised for it [BLM] goes to Biden… I can’t remember Biden being Black… then you know it’s a load of bollocks…
Denise Boland: People are getting killed…
10:39 Charlie Ward: This happens in a war… we’re in the Third World War, this happens in war… these are casualties of war… we’re in a seriously dangerous war right now where The Alliance are taking out the deep state… and the deep state are not going to give up easily…
11:05 Charlie cont.: It’s been so well-planned… so well-planned… there are 8,000 people involved [in The Alliance]… a huge part of them have been planning this for the best part of 10-years… maybe longer…
11:27 Charlie cont.: The main 4-countries involved in The Alliance [USA, Russia, China, India]… well, there’s now 5, there’s Saudi Arabia… who are providing certain extra-cover if you like… but your main countries are America, Russia, India and China…
11:40 Charlie cont.: And with China, I’ll make it very very clear… it’s not the Communist Party… It’s Chairman Xi Jinping who is now the leader of the New Republican Party of China which hardly anybody knows because the Mainstream Media haven’t even mentioned it. They’re removing the old Communist Party right now…
I'm very close friends with the family that run China, I’ve known them for 12 or 20-years… I know the family inside out and they’re very excited to get rid of the Communist Party… the people who run it are basically of Himalayan descent…
12:17 David Nino Rodriguez: So you’re saying that basically Trump is controlling everything right now… he’s already in power… it’s almost like if he wants to be King or not…
12:30 Charlie: Very much… he’s even in control of England right now and Europe… he has TOTAL CONROL of America, Europe and the U.K.
12:44 Denise Boland: And I want to reiterate… that’s why he walked in FRONT of the Queen that time… that was his way of letting us know she no longer had power…
13:28 Charlie: I had a lovely interview the other day… and I can only say part of it [cuz he’s signed an NDA]… but he was a former CIA-pilot back in the 1970’s… and he quit after 3-years when he realized he was transporting heroin and hashish every week, from the Far East into America, as a pilot…
I was the first person he’s talked to openly and The Official Secrets Act was removed from him in 1999… so over 20-years ago and he still hasn’t been able to talk about it and he talked about it with me the other day… I haven’t been able to publish it cuz it’s got a lot of detail in it… until he gets consent from The White House… but he’s now become an Advisor to POTUS…
14:27 David Nino Rodriguez: So basically everything’s in Trump’s hands right now…
14:35 Charlie: [Nodding his head] Trump is TOTALLY in control… all of them are going down and not just in America, in Europe too… there’s no civil war coming… he’s going to expose them for what they are…
Because if he told the Democrats what they were, the people who voted for them would never accept it… he’s having to show them how dirty they really are… and yes, there will sadly be loss of life… there will be… that’s very very sad…
15:26 Charlie: His job from Day One… which I have been saying in all my videos… is that everything around us is a smokescreen to break down the world’s economy, that was America…
To break the power of the Federal Reserve which was a private boy’s club printing money and had no gold-backing at all…
And then to break the Nazi states of Europe, as they called it, and it was important to get the UK out of the European Union before they started so it wouldn’t drag the UK down… cuz they wanted the UK as an ally… they don’t have any real Allies in Europe at the moment right now…
16:02: Charlie cont.: We’re now coming to the end of Phase One…
16:07: Charlie cont.: Phase Two will be watching the banks go bankrupt… and big companies collapse… to get back to reality because they’ve all been controlled… big companies have been controlled by the cabal / the deep state… they’ve all been in bed together… the ones that will be broken down will be the bad ones, 100%... and the ones that are good, they’ll survive…
16:36 David Nino Rodriguez: I was told that Phase Two will be the takedown of the big names… (Charlie: Yeah)… so it’s not just the banks but Ghislaine Maxwell will probably be a key contributor to this… [The Alliance] already know who it is… do you have any idea when this will take place? Will it be done by election time or father past it?
16:55: Charlie Ward: That I don’t know… because of what Ghislaine has been involved with, it carries the death penalty… but if she cooperates with Trump, she’ll get a life sentence… because she is involved at the highest level… but she’s an incredibly valuable piece…
17:35 Denise Boland: I’m hearing that Maxwell was actually the handler of Jeffrey Epstein… that she was actually more involved than he was… (Charlie: Yeah, she was. She was)… not the other way around…
17:40: Charlie Ward: She was… there’s no nice way of putting it that’s polite… she’s not a good person… anyone, anyone, I don’t care who you are, anyone who abuses a child doesn’t deserve anything in life…
18:05 David Nino Rodriguez: Agree 100%... there’s no sicker mentality... if fact, it’s demonic… I think it’s possession… no other way to see this because nobody in their right mind would hurt a child… with me it’s about Animals, the elderly, women and children… you just don’t hurt the weak… and for anybody to prey on children, it’s very sick…
20:50 Thomas TRUreporting: These people, the elite, they don’t see things as we see them… they don’t worship Love, they worship evil… because they are selfish, deprived entities… they’re not at this point, I don’t know if they ever were, or if they are still Human Beings at this point…
They have 100% sold their soul to some off-world… some deity, a false-god… that they worship… Baal, Moloch, whatever you want to call it… if you look into old readings of Moloch it’s basically a deity, a false God of pure evil that was actually fed children for sacrifice to praise Moloch… you can look at this now, KingCharles, it’s all over the internet now…
(Wikipedia: Moloch is the biblical name of a Canaanite god associated with child sacrifice, through fire or war.)
22:00 Thomas cont.: Even with censorship nothing can hide what they’ve done or what they worship… the symbolism that they wear, their brooches, their necklaces, their paintings and their million-dollar homes, exposes everything and what they actually take comfort in doing… what they find to be actually rewarding…
22:20 Thomas cont.: But in the end of it all… as they are doing awful horrible things to children, awful horrible things to many other people… we can think of Haiti, we can think of trafficking from Mexico and Canada… and from all over the world, think of bath houses…
22:38 They do this because they feel they are getting rewarded, and they do… they get rewarded with wealth, they get rewarded with power, they get rewarded with sex…
22:50 Thomas cont.: And in return—they forfeit their souls…
22:55 But they’re so entitled and they’re so sick in the mind, if they even have a mind at this point, that they don’t care… and so they’re completely just taken… you’ve heard of demonic possession… it’s… something that’s real…
23:30 Thomas cont.: That if you forfeit your well-being, your being, in return for wealth, sex and power… well there’s repercussions to that… and that’s what they’ve done… and it’s sick, it’s shocking, and it’s going to put a lot of people in the hospital when they figure this out…
23:42 David Nino Rodriguez: A lot of people don’t believe this is happening, they’re in denial but once they learn, not only is this happening but it’s been happening for thousands of years… it’s going to make people very sick (to learn about…) when we face the crimes against Humanity… when we finally face up to it… it’s going to knock people off their feet and they’re going to feel sick because they’re going to realize that this whole time, evil has been running this world… and I think everything Thomas said right now is right on…
24:25: Charlie Ward: This is why the second wave of Covid-19 is going to be faked… to cover up the amount of deaths, heart-attacks and suicides that’s going to occur when the people find out what’s actually gone on…
24:30 Thomas: The President said so, remember, he said there’s going to be a high rate of suicides and everyone’s like…
27:35 David Nino Rodriguez: My source in Hollywood… Denise you know who that person is… told me that the game is basically won… and Trump is just securing everything and all this is playing out the way it should…
27:35 And I'm thinking, yeah, but I’m seeing the tension rising, I see the globalists fighting back… they’re trying to make this race division as legit as possible… and they’re inciting riots and looting… and I’m thinking that there’s gonna be more…
28:10 Charlie Ward: Trump is 100% controlling it all… I don’t know if you’ve ever wrung a chicken’s neck… when you wring a chicken’s neck, they’ll still run about for 2 or 3 minutes even though they’re dead… it’s just their nervous system… and that’s what the Democrats are doing right now in the deep state… their neck has been wrung…
29:29 Thomas TRUreporting: That’s what I was saying at the beginning of the interview… it’s all been written… I believe in the esoteric side of stuff… Q-Anon said that this is Biblical, that this is all formulated… I kind of want your take on that, Charles… that’s where I’m taking my show…
30:02 Thomas: I’ll do a podcast Tuesday and Thursday of just the news… Monday, Wednesday and Friday are absolutely… it’s just Spiritual… I just want to keep things positive… but I’m pushing people in the way of people thinking WHY this is all happening… and WHY are we here to witness all this… that’s what I’m into…
30:29 Charlie Ward: If we go back to the very beginning of this, Thomas, you and I knew this was going to be The Great Awakening… we knew that this was going to be The Global Financial Reset… we just didn’t know how it was going to play out…
We just need to remind ourselves that The Great Awakening is the Revelation, it’s Spiritual.. and there’s plenty of Spiritual out there that I’ve spoken to, I'm sure you have too… that are saying exactly the same thing…
31:00 I’ve heard it from 4 or 5 people in the last week… people on different levels… and I didn't know there was all these different levels… I was talking to someone the other day who was on the Ninth Level… whatever the Ninth Level is… they’re all saying exactly the same thing…
(Thomas: That Positivity is coming?)…
Charlie: Oh completely… that we’re going to a far better place…
(Thomas: Correct.)
31:30 Charlie: Look, life is like a battery, you’ve got positive and negative and negative took control of our lives… now the positive is wrestling it back… there’ll still be negative in the world… there’ll still be evil people in the world… you can’t get rid of them all… they’ll still be there and we’ll still be tested everyday… but the positive will take back control…
32:00 Thomas: And we’ll feel this… it should be palpable in the way that we think and feel…
(Discussion about death)
42:05 Thomas: I’m not worried about the surroundings of me… I’m worried about the afterlife… I don’t want to come back… I want to make this the last trip, this is the last cycle of my soul and I want to go onto something of Higher density… go onto something… that I belong at… and where I belong…
(Discussion about do we have to come back to Earth? No one wants to… no discussion of Ascension… discussion about clones…)
50:00 Charlie: From the information I have, they have a number of clones out there… but I’ll be honest what I’ve done is… as long as your moral compass is right, you just have to look inside yourself… stop looking outside for truth, look inside… listen to what’s out there and you put it inside yourself and see how you feel inside… challenge yourself as to what’s true and what’s not true…
I think a lot of us have been so controlled by the media we don’t look at things and try and work out what’s true and what’s not… we just depend on somebody else to do the hard work for us… you get a feeling inside that it’s either right or wrong…
50:45 Charlie cont.: I saw Hilary Clinton the other day… looks nothing like her… I’ll be honest with you, Tom Hanks at the Awards ceremony doesn’t look anything like him…
51:00 Thomas: If we’re noticing it, you know there’s something to it, it’s not conspiracy… you’re looking at something and you’re like, that doesn’t look right… something’s not adding up… your cognitive thought is telling you something doesn’t look right… something is off…
53:00 Thomas: Yeah, it’s about to all pick-up (elections)... and what scares me… every day is the uncertainty are they going to take away our livelihood? (Their you-tube channel)… they’ve already taken away a vast amount of it… you check your Email every day to see if this channel has been terminated and then it’s over…
53:35 Thomas: Then what do you do? I have bills, I have a car, I have a child… I would have to just move back home… then you have to start from the dirt up…
53:40 Thomas: That’s why Trump has got to take control of the Mainstream media… he’s got to enact Section 230… to make the libel to be sued or these [Alternative] channels will not exist and they know, just as we started with this podcast talking about General Flynn…
54:00 Thomas: Him reciting Where We Go One WE Go All is complete validation that all of this is real… that the President is talking directly to us on the boards… that Q-Anon, all of it is validated… so why put us through the struggle? If we’re the ones pushing the word out… some of these channels… X-22 is about to hit a million subscribers… that is insane…
Thomas: The fact that they just leave us hanging in the balance, pisses me of, I’m just going to say… it’s too stressful… maybe it’s here to make us stronger? I don’t know… but it’s wearing on me as a person… I feel like I’ve been through hell for two years… you can’t give up… I'm not a quitter… but I’m not going to lie and say it doesn’t cross my mind every day…
57:40 Charlie: Our duty, every single one of us here, our duty is to literally shine the light that’s been shining on our sides… to let people know what we know… there’s a lot of people who don’t have the skill-sets… they just sit in front of a telly… somebody said to me the other day, how do you know all this stuff, Charlie?
58:00 Charlie: Well, first of all I work behind the scenes, but number two, I’ve done over a thousand hours of research in the last 15 weeks… (Thomas: Like I tell you, I have a Ph.D. in this.) Exactly…
59:46 Charlie: When Thomas spoke earlier about the Spiritual side, that’s very important… but someone said that the King (the ‘real’ English King Charles III, Joseph Gregory Hallett)… he is not THE solution but he is PART of the solution…
(Discussion about Gregory Hallett…who claims to be the new King Charles III of England… Charlie is doing research that he calls “a bit of fun” it might be true, it might not… it will make no different to be… I’ll still be Charlie at the end of it…)
1:02:40 Charlie: Most people in the US and the UK know that The Queen [Elizabeth] is not the real bloodline… she was German, Prince Philip was Greek… they changed their name from Saxe-Coburg to House of Windsor… there’s not a monogamous family for 300 years… they’re not the most faithful family in the world… shagging is part of their job… most people knew that…
1:03:09 Charlie: The big news I was going to point out… most people know that Buckingham Palace is currently empty, it’s all boarded up, but I found out yesterday that there’s a huge team of Police Officers, Forensics in there, and they reckon it could take up to 10-years to go through the whole building…
Nobody’s in that building… and the Queen’s guard aren’t even guarding it.. they’ve just got Gurkhas and Royal Air Force guarding it at the moment…
1:03:46 David Nino Rodriguez: So I heard that Buckingham Palace had, tunnels, loads of tunnels and they were high in pedophilia…
Charlie: Yeah, massive in pedophilia… there’s a video on the internet of a naked little boy climbing out the window and falling to his death… The Queen is in Windsor, I believe… but she has so many residences anyway… this would be a wonderful karma if it turns out that they are all wrong… there’s enough properties in the UK that she owns that could house the Homeless and plenty more…
1:04:46 Charlie: Under the guise of Covid and they’re re-decorating… (Thomas: Oh yeah, we’re dusting for fingerprints and digging up the tunnels underneath this place)… a lot of furniture’s been going out of Windsor castle…
1:05:30 Charlie: The Vatican’s empty… the Pope was gone 10-weeks ago because my boys are looking after him, he’s in his Summer House… 350 Bishops taken out of the Vatican, been arrested and taken away… they’ve emptied it of gold and cash and documents…
1:05 :46 David Nino Rodriguez: Has Trump taken them down? Trump was in charge of taking them down, correct? (Charlie nodding) So Trump has taken down the Vatican, the Royal family…
1:06:10 Charlie: And the Federal Reserve…
That’s the 3-corners of the illuminati:
1. The Federal Reserve
2. The English Royal Family
3. The Vatican…
He’s [Trump’s] destroyed all 3 of them…
Soros is the Rockefellers and the Rothchild’s bi*ch… he’s linked to the Fed… Saudi Arabia have started to play a bigger part…
1:07 Thomas: What about the Black Pope?
1:07:16 Charlie: That’s a very interesting point too… I know that they’ve said they’ve taken EVERYBODY out of the Vatican so… that’s being stripped at the moment…
They took 650 plane loads… China, Russia, India and American Air Force took 650 planes to take all the gold, the cash and the documents from the Vatican to the States… that gives you an idea of how much stuff was in there…
1:08 David Nino Rodriguez: … why put this illusion out there that Biden’s running… and now Kanye threw his hat into the ring… why even go through that?
1:08 Charlie: We were told right from the very very start that there would be a lot of smokescreens… Because when you’re taking something down that’s 1000 years old… it’s an incredibly dangerous thing to do… so it’s all about smoke and mirrors, deception, the whole lot…
1:10:04 Charlie: We’re coming into the new phase of our lives… The Great Awakening… we’re coming to a wonderful place… that’s not to say we’ve got rid of all evil… but we’ve wrested back control…
Thomas: Like the Golden Age… that’s what I feel too…
Charlie: I’ve never felt more peaceful in my life, ever…
1:10:28 Thomas: That’s why Trump says, the best is yet to come… he knows, he knows everything… the hand of God is on this man… you know, I voted for Obama twice, I was going to vote for Bernie and then I was Red-pilled… it was like a blanket of relief… a knowingly calm feeling that came over me…
1:11:11 Thomas: And I was like, all of this I’m shown is fake… and everything that I’m reading is factual… and the majority of it has come to fruition except for ET’s… and who knows? That could be coming extremely quick too… sooner than later, I will say that…
1:11:31 Charlie: I was told from the very start that the final phase of this would be an Alien invasion…
1:12:45 Thomas: There’s no coincidences with anything that’s said because when Donald Trump Jr. had his interview with Trump, the main thing that they pushed, even with the trailer of the interview was, “Dad, are Aliens real? And will you expose Roswell and bring forth the truth?”
And he (Trump) made like a smirk almost like, c’mon son, you know it, we all know it… and of course I will do that… Trump said, “It’s very interesting…” I think ET’s are here, I think they’re benevolent… I think that’s what to come is going to floor people… I think it’s going to be the real deal… that they’re going to come here…
(Discussion of Ghislaine Maxwell… keeping her alive…)
1:19:15 Thomas: …Now you have 2 massive hits of Ghislaine Maxwell and Anthony Weiner’s laptop… it will expose the Clinton Foundation, it will expose Haiti, it will expose every single person and there’s nothing that can stop what’s coming… the dam is broken…
Now all it is it’s just an informational flow of truth.. and how people are gonna handle it… that’s the big question…
There’s going to be pandemonium when you see that President Obama, and Bill Clinton and GW Bush all this stuff starts to come out… I’ll tell you one thing, my parents will not be able to handle this… they’re Boomers, they’re in their ‘70’s… they will not handle this at all…
1:20:07 Denise: We trusted these people all our lives…
1:20:07 Charlie: I’ve understood that we’ll only ever learn 20% of the truth…
1:20:18 Thomas: I’m not OK with that… I’m not OK with 20%... expose everything… if you do stuff behind the scenes, that’s lying… it’s necessary…
1:21:54 Charlie: Those that have already been executed, they have a written statement from them and a video statement from them…
1:22:07 Denise: And they had their choice of execution… Michelle Obama took a lethal injection… Obama took a bullet to the head… so the people walking around are clones…
1:22:29 KingCharlie Prince: Man you know their souls are not going to a good place… that would scare me more than anything…
1:22:15 Thomas: I think he was about to say, “Do you realize what they’re about to go to?” I don’t think they care… I think they’re so entitled, they’re so dead inside… that they don’t even care.
1:22:51 Charlie: I agree with that…
1:23:01 Thomas: That’s why I question if they’re even human… what they’re talking about, this soft-disclosure… hey Ghislaine Maxwell she’s trafficking 14 to 6-year old women… but what are they doing with the babies… I’ve seen the pizza parlor… I’ve seen their Instagram… don’t tell me they’re 16 years old…
1:23:54 Denise: I saw a video and you can tell it’s John Podesta’s voice… I will never be the same… when he’s torturing the child… the kid is crying ‘daddy’ it’s blood curdling.. the fact that he’s still walking the streets is so infuriating… and that’s all to build up the adrenaline to create the adrenochrome…
1:28:04 Denise: I was hoping we could end the show with the oath… Thomas can you recite it?
1:28:13 Thomas: This is from June 24th. (This is the U.S. Senate Oath of Office)
(They all raised their hands and repeated this oath, like General Flynn and his family did in a video on the 4thof July)
I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God. Where We Go One We Go All…
Thomas: It basically means just to speak truth and to stick by your country and you are giving that over to God. It seems extremely positive to me…
(2.) Exclusive: Ghislaine Maxwell, Daily Mail, 7-6-20
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