Source: Dinar Chronicles | By Kat July 30, 2020 Image: President John F. Kennedy and John F. Kennedy Jr. (Part 1: "Video: How ...

Source: Dinar Chronicles | By Kat
July 30, 2020
Image: President John F. Kennedy and John F. Kennedy Jr.
(Part 1: "Video: How Trump, the NSA, Q-JFK Jr., Against all Odds, Took Down the Cabal, Part 1" by Kat - 7.30.20)
The remarkable story of the Global Victory tour of President Donald J. Trump continues in Part Two below.
Peace, Health, Happiness and Abundance for all — We are Goddess, Sovereign, Free,
xo, Kat
Video: The Q Team’s Takedown of the Cabal from A to Z - July 20, 2020
The Charlie Freak Podcast, Colleen, Mark Devlin, Filipe Alexander videographer
Charlie Freak & Colleen Tell us the Story of Stories… How Donald J. Trump, the NSA & JFK Jr., against all odds, took down the cabal / illuminati / deep state.
Transcribed by Kat 7-29-20
Part Two
39:28 The next stop was China… and this was huge… and Mark I know you have been very pleasantly surprised to see what the Chinese Free Peoples have announced publicly through Steve Bannon…
[Image: Steve Bannon talks about ‘New Federal State of China’]
39:48 Mark Devlin: That’s right. Another story the Mainstream Media forgot to tell us about…
39:54 Charlie cont: Completely forgot to mention that China has kicked out the Communists-devil-worshiping-satanists… it’s a huge deal, folks, and the Mainstream Media ignored all of it…
40:25 In the Spring, not long after Trump had become President, President Xi Jinping visited Trump at Mar-a-Lago in Florida… Trump’s big resort house in Florida… and Trump hasn’t been president for that long and people were absolutely shocked… the Mainstream Media didn’t do much of a job reporting on this… he came all the way from China and met Trump at Trump’s leisure at Mar-a-Lago… that’s a huge deal…
41:10 So after Trump cleans all the houses in Southeast Asia he then goes to China… and where do he and Xi meet? In the Forbidden City… this is HUGE… It’s called the Forbidden City for a reason… because it’s a very private, Spiritual, secretive place to Chinese heritage, Chinese culture…
41:39 And that’s where they met… and that was at Trump’s request… with every one of these things there’s always a marker showing how each of these Nation’s has capitulated powerfully to Trump as their overlord… meeting with Trump in the Forbidden City is this… this is probably the biggest one… you can’t imagine folks, how big of a deal this was…
42:11 And of course the Mainstream Media was silent about all that…
42:18 And at that meeting, apparently, the Americans were very very surprised to find out how desperately these Chinese officials wanted these evil evil Communists within their midst to be kicked out… they wanted this… they wanted to get away from all of this evil…
42:46 Remember, some of the worst worst worst worst possible things have taken place in China and it is horrifying to people who have a conscience… not everyone is an evil person…
43:12 So they met Trump with open arms… they capitulated to Trump’s authority willingly because they wanted this end to the cabal-rule over them through the subterfuge of a Communist State…
43:18 Mark Devlin: What’s the deal with you being able to put out information like this?
Cuz I know it’s felt that the general public is not ready to handle this explosive information yet, and yet you’re able to reveal all this stuff on the podcast today.
Is this because at most, we’re looking at maybe tens of thousands of people who will hear this? Very limited. Very far from the Mainstream general populous getting to hear about this, it’s just people who have an interest in these subjects, that are able to get a head’s up, ahead of the news breaking officially. Is that what’s the thinking is here?
44:00 Charlie cont: Exactly. Charlie Freak is a bit of a nutter, isn’t he? He’s pretty extreme he was the first one to say that no, EVERYTHING IS A LIE. And I mean EVERY-THING IS A LIE… that was Charlie Freak…
And then going into the Religious aspect of things… that Jesus is this figure of this Swiss looking dude by the name of Jesus Christ isn’t real… Charlie Freak is a bit of a nut-job…

44:22 Charlie cont: He’s got some good stuff, granted, and he and Colleen and good people for what they do, working so hard with all of the Animals, but he’s a bit of a nut job…
So there’s a reason why we have 4,000 subscribers and not 40,000 or 400,000 when all we teach is the Holistic Truth so we’re kind of insulated by TELLING THE TRUTH… (laughter)
45:50 We’re very safe to have this knowledge to come out… every day moving forward Mark Devlin, Charlie Freak and Colleen become more and more valuable… no matter what happens moving forward.. our services are going to be desperately needed… and some of these others, not so much… It’ll all come out in the end, I promise you…
46:30 There’s a lot going on here my friends, and it’s pretty ugly… that’s all I’m going to say about that…

46:40 So after China Trump went to Vietnam (November 2017)… and you got it… at this very public ceremony Trump was placed slightly ahead and to the right of the Vietnam President… and showed himself to be in charge… so what the Vietnamese promised was to stop their participation in procuring children… Human trafficking…
47:13 They capitulated quickly… most of these did not put up a fight, folks… Israel put up the biggest fight…
47:20 Now this is a big one for me, and boy, you talk about going into the Lion’s den… the big one after Vietnam and the end of the Asian tour for Trump…
47:37 In January 2018, Trump attended a very very famous meeting because of everyone who was purported to be there… at Davos, Switzerland.
47:53 You guys remember this? This was quite a big deal… Soros was there as well… at this meeting you’re talking about the biggest international corporations in the world, these are the key players… the biggest most evil corporations met at Davos, Switzerland, it was called by Trump… that’s not what they said publicly, of course…
48:27 But it was called by Trump… Trump came in late again… he sat at the very middle of the table… and basically everyone was wrapped around Trump because he was the boss of this meeting…
48:44 Trump laid out documents and folders… he started with envelopes… very similar to what occurred at the George H.W. Bush funeral when he first arrived and you had a lot of very very worried people for the meeting the next day… because of what was said in these envelopes the day before…
49:00 And then the next day at this meeting he provided a whole bunch more information about each one of these evil ___ and the meeting went very very quickly…
49:19 This is a very scary place to go to… at least it would be for me… Davos, Switzerland… with the caves and tunnels underneath those mountains and they could have abducted him and said that this was some kind of kidnapping and they don’t know where he is… this is BIG STUFF…
49:40 Colleen: I’m sure he didn’t go there alone…
49:45 Charlie: No, I’m sure he didn’t… you talk about cojones… I think this was Trump at his most vulnerable was this January 2018 meeting in the Lion’s Den at Davos, Switzerland…
49:56 Mark Devlin: Must have had crazy security for that trip…
50:00 Charlie: Yes, yes… and like scared little rodents they capitulated quite quickly… I think Trump played it quite well with those envelopes the first night… and then made them sweat it overnight… and then the folders the next day… and they capitulated… and Trump did not leave without them…
50:17 And remember again, folks, this is not just saying to Nestle, that you’re not going to poison the water anymore… but you’re also working for us…
And “What we ask you to do, you do and if you don’t we go public one by one… we don’t make this look like one big conspiracy… uh, huh, you’re a lone nut… you’re a sick child abuser… and we’re going to pick on you individually…” That’s what Trump said to each of them… “We’re going to single you out and eat you alive…”
51: 05 So they all capitulated at this meeting and this is a huge one because these are the biggest companies… HSBC was there… this is evil… the faces of evil were at this meeting… and George Soros was at this meeting…
51:17 Mark Devlin: There has been a notable absence of ISIS terror attacks… (laughter)… I don’t think we’ve heard from ISIS for a good couple of years or more… I wonder if that’s a coincidence?
51:36 Charlie: John McCain, now let’s just do this… let’s do the John McCain map here… when John McCain was alive, when was John McCain spending a lot of time in the Middle East?... and when did John McCain get taken out? With dishonorable discharge and dishonorable funeral?
51:55 Where the flag on his coffin was askewed… pointing out that he was dishonorably discharged from the Military before he was shot in the back of the head… so let’s do the John McCain mathematics here, OK?...

52:14 You add that up? I think you can figure it out when ISIS seemed to go away… John McCain had to nurse those idiots into doing the things they did… ISIS was his charge and that’s why you have so many shots of McCain in the Middle East hanging out with all of ISIS evil heads…
53:02 Then Trump went to India… he took India and made India work for him…
54:19 Then the Central Americas… starting with Mexico… Amlo [Andres Manual Lopez Obrador, President of Mexico since December 2018]… he was quite resistant… he didn’t want to give up eating children or give up his power to Trump… but they did…
55:09 From Mexico City he went to all of the Central American countries… they all signed over… and in all of these meetings… all of these various leaders, AMLO included, all were clasping their hands together, their wrists together like they were being bound …
55:38 We get to Brazil… the new Brazilian President of Brazil… he thinks he’s got the best job in the world cuz he’s far away from the bright lights of the Mainstream news and he can just rape and go to the bank in Brazil… NO… Trump pays him a visit and tells him he’s working for Trump… and so they have this public meeting where once again, [President] Bolsonaro… submits to Trump as well…
56:26 And then after Trump leaves, one of the first acts that Bolsonaro did as the President… and this is very key, BTW folks,… all of these key arrests after Trump leaves these countries of key pedophilia cover companies and individuals… so Bolsonaro arrests Oprah’s best friend, that beautiful man of God {sarcastic} Faria, who is running one of the largest child trafficking and adrenochrome production facilities in the world… an absolute monster… Oprah’s best pal… he was arrested shortly after Trump left Brazil…
57:25 Then he went to Argentina… which has long been a safe haven because it’s as far as people can get away… Obama was planning his safe escape, his retreat there… if certain things should come out… they spent a lot of time in Argentina as did a lot of people…
57:58 Trump went to Argentina… and the Argentinian president who is such a corrupt person… Mauricio Macri (2015-2019)… he’s just brutal… Trump was so disrespectful to this guy… they had the G7 in Argentina so they had the global banksters there…
58:37 Trump’s behavior to this Argentine was just brutal… treating him like the scum of the Earth that he is… of course he capitulated…
58:47 Mark Devlin: The press always presents this as Trump not observing protocol… you know, he’s uncouth and all this…
58:53 Charlie cont.: This big thing with this Argentinian president is that Trump just up and walked off the stage… Trump had felt he’d spent long enough on stage, for like 5 minutes, for a photo-op… it’s a power move… basically saying you’re scum of the Earth, we know who you re, just obey what we tell you to do or else…
59:30 And then at the G7 Summit in Canada… he had horrific pedophile and adrenochromer Justin Trudeau was hosting the meeting… he was there… Angela Merkel was there as well and… she was one of the big ones Trump wanted to have be there as well… cuz she didn’t play a major role back in Brussels… so at this meeting he got everyone there but in particular, it was the capitulation of Justin Trudeau of Canada… and Angela Merkel of Germany… both of them did the same thing… spent most of the G7 meeting with hands clasped like they were in handcuffs…
1:00:25 Trump did a lot of very very suggestive gestures to Trudeau as well… kind of pointing out some stuff…
1:00:40 One of the ones Trump treated the absolute worst was Macron, the French President… Macron is so known for being a Rothschild stooge… and a horrible adrenochromer… and the stuff that Trump did with this clown… in public, in front of the press and the media to make him look bad was actually incredible… so he got Macron to capitulate as well…
1:01:12 Now, Teresa May in the United Kingdom… resigned to allow Boris Johnson to take over as a Trump supporter… remember May crying and crying and she couldn’t control herself? OK… the real reason she was actually crying is not just all the stuff they had on her…
101:45 But Trump showed her INTEL from the NSA that the Venetians were actually planning on taking her out… she was actually set for an assassination… Trump showed her all the INTEL all the detail on where and when she was going to be hit and how…
1:02:18 Colleen: So he basically saved her life…
102:20 Mark Devlin: What would have been the objective of taking her out then?
1:02:18 Charlie: I guess to get Boris Johnson in… they must have had somebody else they wanted in… Boris Johnson is a strong character… he does appear to be strongly evil, but if he is playing this role…
103 Mark Devlin: It took me a while to come around to Trump but I don’t see it with Boris…
1:03:10 Charlie: I would agree too… he sure had me fooled as well… I thought he was just another one of these… I guess the trigger was the speech at the U.N…. but the first half of that speech, beginning of April, end of March 2020… no one in attendance cuz they’re all child traffickers and they’d fled… Boris Johnson showed you that an evil mechanism is in place, the cabal is running things… but then he ended with covid and the vaccine… I don’t think anyone should turn and make Boris Johnson a good friend of there’s…
Remove this fake evil government from power… don’t wait till 2020 to do it… [In the U.K.] I think Johnson should be taken down… he’s been a horrific Prime Minister surrounded by horrific people…
1:05:20 And then of course, his famous trip to Buckingham Palace… and there’s a lot of conjecture if that was even the real Queen that was there that day… because she famously has the most body doubles in place… but his behavior was just incredible… he just walked all over her everywhere he went… and that Camilla Parker, she really hated it…she was incensed by Trump’s apparent lack of protocol…
1:05:56 Trump walked right up to Prince Charles… and I think that’s a good indicator that Charles wasn’t even there… Trump stepped ahead of Charles and started to walk away at a pace that Charles couldn’t keep up… and he walked over to Charles’ private guard and began shooting the breeze with him…
1:06:47 The coup de grâce shot was Trump managed to have a photo-op in Winston Churchill’s leather-bound-chair…. Looking like the Boss…
1:07:36 And then from there he went to Russia… and boy was this ever a big one, hey?… No, he met Putin in Norway… they actually did it in Norway… at this meeting between the 2 of them, they’re both at the podium… Putin has a soccer ball…
Colleen: Which has connotations that isn’t so funny… it’s symbolic about the adrenochrome molecule that looks like a soccer ball…
1:08:16 Charlie: Agree, it’s horrific, horrific, but you couldn’t put it more in plain sight… in front of all the press taking their pictures and video… Putin hands over to Donald Trump and he famously says, “The ball is in your court now, Mr. President”… so does everyone get that Putin hands Trump at this public conference… Putin is saying “We’re on your team, please don’t have us killed, the ball is in your court”… “We just want you to know we work for you now”…
1:09:15 Colleen: I’m sure that’ll all come out eventually who in the Political realm is working with Trump because they HAD to who is working because they WANTED to…
Charlie: That’s right, that’s right.
1:09:20 Mark Devlin: Not a bad first three and a half years’ of work really, is it? A pretty good track record.
Charlie: Just incredible. Just incredible. The soccer ball from Putin… for all of you who are rolling your eyes at this Adrenochrome stuff, shame on you…
1:09:40 Colleen: But we understand why you’d want not to believe it…
1:09:45 Charlie: I guess, it’s just that it is the children and you need to take this seriously… even away from all the Trump stuff… the adrenochrome stuff sticks out like a sore thumb…
1:10:03 Mark Devlin: What is going to be the mechanism for eventually communicating all of this to the general public? To the masses? It’s presumably going to require an emergency takeover of the Broadcast Networks… that’s the only way it’s going to get out to everyone…

1:10:19 Charlie: That’s exactly right, Mark, and what’s going to happen is that the only thing that will be available via a multiple sources of signals but it will be the one channel… will be the one thing… and it will be from GITMO… from Guantanamo Bay… the Military Tribunals where all of these people who are left are going to be accused…
1:10:50 That’s the big thing… how this all plays out because there’s no real defense… they all tried to make their defense by capitulating… again, Kevin Spacey, Geoffrey Epstein, the Bush family… when everyone was at the funeral service for GHW Bush…

1:11:14 When they were all served those letters… they requested meetings with Trump after that… everyone remembers that, right?...
Trump arrives at good old Timberwolf’s funeral… he arrived late… he interrupted the service… he was in the front row… and he interrupted all of these past sitting presidents… he interrupted the entire service… he made a mockery of this service to the monster known as George HW Buch, code name ‘Timberwolf’…
1:12:03 Mark Devlin: And they all had an ashen face after they got their envelopes, didn’t they?
1:12:06 Charlie: That’s right and let me throw you the punch line…
Image: Hillary served, Pence served, Biden served, GWBush served…
1:12:06 Charlie: They made overtures to Trump… just to let you know… and Trump had them and he’s had famous people deliver pizzas in public… do you folks see any significance in doing this?...
Why would he have Kevin Spacey deliver pizzas in public?... Why would Donald Trump have George W. Bush serve pizza to the Secret Service during the shutdown?... and make sure this was a photo-op… and have photos taken of it… it’s submission… but it’s also symbolism will be their downfall… and also what these Secret Service guys had to witness as security for these evil folks…
1:13:24 Remember what I told you folks? How there are millions of victims in the WWIII… it’s just different… these Secret Service agents… all of those Royal guards where Trump famously outpaces Prince Charles…what do you think he’s saying to the Royal guard?...
“I love you guys, I can’t imagine what you guys have had to witness, just know that help is coming…” I’ll bet you that’s exactly what Trump was saying to Charles’ guard…
1:13:57 So there are a ton of victims… the #1 victims are the kids… when the numbers come forward you’re going to be sick to your stomach…this WWIII? This is the worst war ever… it doesn’t seem that way… but it is folks…

Image text: “We are saving the children and it’s certainly worth pausing the world to do so.”
1:14:23 Nancy Pelosi? He took Nancy Pelosi down very famously… Gavin Newsom… Gov Jerry Brown… he took them down very publicly… in fact, it’s after those Paradise fires in California… there was a video of Trump with boots on the ground checking out the source of the fires… and for 3 straight minutes both Newsom and Jerry brown had their hands wrapped together behind their backs for the whole 3 minutes… they were told to have their hands behind their backs for the whole 3-minutes as their walking in the wreckage… the insanity of those Paradise fires…
1:15:35 Charlie cont.: Trump forced New York gov. Cuomo with his nipple piercings in showing under his shirt… and not a single person in the press said anything… and in one shot Cuomo was forced to pull back his jacket and unveil the whole front of his chest… hey governor why are you wearing nipple piercing…
The back story to this is the footage that Trump had on Cuomo… there was a ‘party’ where there was child murder, torture going on, and Cuomo was all beaded up in ceremonial paint with these big nipple rings…
You can see how Trump can be pretty tough here, folks? You’re pretty proud of those nipple rings when you’re killing kids… how about you wear those nipple rings at your next press conference… and he did what he was told…
1:17:29 Mark Devlin: I feel like taking a shower after this broadcast… If the cabal knows its days are numbered, there’s every chance they might try to roll out every weapon they have in their arsenal at this point you would think… So they pulled the George Floyd, Black Lives Matter stunt out of their toolkit. Can we expect more along these lines?
Or have they been so muted by now and rendered so impotent as so many of the ringmasters have been put out of action… so they don’t really have that many tricks up their sleeve? Just the Mainstream media and all the propaganda and fear that they can spread through that.
I guess my question is do you expect more false flag stunts between now and November?
1:18:13 Charlie: Yes, but not to the same extent… Soros has been removed… I’m not saying that I know that Soros has been murdered or not… because a Soros trial publicly would be exactly what they want. Just like Oprah… people are calling.. well if they killed Tom Hanks please please kill Oprah… No… they don’t want to do these things.
1:18:45 They want people to have their first of 2-judgement days… the only one that really matters… there is going to be a judgement day here on Earth… and they want one for Soros… it’s my belief that Soros has been removed… but I think he’s still alive… they want these key people for these trials…
1:19:09 The ones that they have killed… they have had to do so… I’m going to make this very clear… when one child’s life is at risk they made the decision to execute…
So the ones they have executed are the ones that posed the greatest threats to children… and that’s why Tom Hanks has been taken out… we were told Rita Wilson as well… I have no idea whether that’s true or not… but she might as well be… did you see those pictures of Rita Wilson in her last days? Or last photos that exist of her?... YIKES… missing your adrenochrome much?
1:19:54 Mark Devlin: You posted a picture that Tom Hanks had taken in Australia of some Vegemite spread on some toast… and there appears to be an image carved into the Vegemite on the toast… again more symbolism…

1:20:13 Charlie: It is… most people didn’t get the symbolism of the glass of water… tilted up on the side of the plate but the water is level… people are saying see it’s a mistake… no, this is Australia and he’s been taken into custody by the US Marines… and the Marines are the ones that have been going ship-to-shore all around the world… Marines have been doing all of the International arrests… so he was on a U.S. Naval Ship… I guarantee it… for me, I take all of that that he was going to be executed that day… that was his last message…
1:21:18 Mark Devlin: It’s supposed to be a hanged man, right, the image?
1:21:18 Charlie: That’s right… I took another image and then highlighted… BTW folks… you can see it with the toast… (Right piece of toast with hanging image)… to hang a person you have to have a column… (discussion of the image in the toast)… he took a bite out of the noose… a lot of people have not got in that little post is what I put up at the top there… that little saying that is his farewell words to this world… (a disgusting good-bye… talking about little boys, little kids)… and I make no apologies…
That’s Tom Hanks being a devil to the absolute end… so if you’re wondering why Hanks was taken out? It’s because they could not guarantee the safety of children with that man alive… so how sick and evil is Tom Hanks?
Just tellin’ ya folks and it’s all going to come out, it’s all going to come out what he was really doing and what he was really behind… Tom Hanks was behind a massive, massive organization…
1:23:37 Colleen: How does that psychologically affect you? It affects me because I liked Tom Hanks as an actor and I used to think he was, you know, a fairly decent person. And just knowing that I even liked someone like that, and the thought of the things that he’s done… it just makes me feel…like you said [Mark Devlin] you want to take a shower you feel so dirty… that’s how I feel…
1:23:23 Mark Devlin: A very important question that I’ve got which people have asked me to put to you. The takedown of the deep state criminals and all these pedophiles and stuff is something that will be welcomed by anyone in their right mind… Everyone would want that…
But what about what lies beyond all this? What would the world look like once this system has been dismantled under Donald Trump? So when he enters his Second Term how can we be sure it wouldn’t just be another expression of a kind of New World Order One World Government just under Donald Trump in his vision?
And also, what would happen at the end of Trump’s second term?
Presumably he’s going to get re-elected in November that will take him to 2024 then… by which point he’ll be 78 years of age… what happens then?

1:24:30 Charlie: For sure… but anyone who’s asking that question in relation to all that the man has done clearly, is mind-blowing to me, but anyways…
1:25:04 Trump is going to walk away from all of this. He’s not going to continue on with this much longer. This has taken an incredible toll on him. He’s done it at his age because Trump is a very remarkable individual. Very remarkable. He has a strong will of life. A lot of things about Donald Trump that people don’t know. His maturity and wisdom, about the Spiritual side
of Donald Trump as well.
1:25:39 Here’s the thing. If you really understood your numerology and symbology you’d absolutely know… and so the biggest reason we know and are absolutely sure about so many things is for all the numerology and symbology that has always been used by the Q-team, by Q, by John F. Kennedy Jr., by Donald J. Trump.
There’s never been a mistake in a situation where they used the wrong symbology. It’s always beautiful.
1:26:24 Colleen: Trump and the Q movement are trying to really create leaders. We are to all become leaders. And that’s why they will give it back to the people but before that, we need to find out who we really are. And what’s really been going on.
And I would suggest that’s what the Great Awakening is and that’s what all this is about and that’s why we’re doing what we do, and why you do all you’re doing Mark, we’re trying to create… we’re not trying to create followers… or creating money for ourselves… I mean those are bonuses where we can get resources out of it… but it’s about creating a mindset for people to go and discover their own truths.
There’s a truth out there we need to discover. It’s been hidden from us. When we realize all of that we will be the people that we need to be.
1:27:12 We can then run our own communities. Our own world. We don’t need those politicians. We don’t need those authorities. We will not let ourselves get into this predicament again where we give our power away.
Colleen cont.: What do we have to prove that Trump is going to do this? I think we’ve laid out a lot of who Trump is and what he’s about and we have to have faith at some point. And we have to grow up. We have to become responsible for our own lives. To become responsible for our families and our own actions.
1:27:45 When that happens? We will be the regenerated person that can do all of those wonderful things and share in this incredible world that they’re saying, “We’ve taken the evil, now what are you going to do?”
1:28:01 Mark Devlin: And if this does turn out to be just another Social Engineering psyop psyop it would be just about the cruelest psyop ever played on the public psyche. One of false hope.
1:28:09 Colleen: It would be but I know it’s not.
1:28:14 Charlie: Yeah. And again, that’s not just a hope statement, if you know your symbology, if you know your numerology, you know all of this is real…
If you take all of this seriously, like the Q-Anons do, this is amazing stuff… this is all Godly… ancient Spiritual Godly symbology and numerology… it’s beautiful… and that’s what they use all the time…
1:28:44 Trump is constantly making references out of the Bible to the highest, most beautiful thing… and when Trump talks about Religion or his Spiritual nature or when Q—John F. Kennedy Jr… it’s always God… God God God God…

1:29:17 Colleen: The ultimate power is God and why would we not go straight to God? The ruse of Religion is they’ve become the intermediaries between you and God…
1:29:46 Charlie: It’s all going to come out…
1:29:54 Mark Devlin: as we record this we’re a few days, well a couple of weeks away to the 4th of July… big things in the cards?
1:30:01 Charlie: That’s always been the plan… that they’ll continue the resurrection of GEORGE from the pages of GEORGE magazine… “Platform 2020” on GEORGE mag… with the Full Moon over Mount Rushmore… Donald Trump has announced he’ll be there… happens to be on a magazine cover of February 1998 owned by his best friend in the world, John F. Kennedy Jr. …
“If my dear friend Donald Trump
ever decided to sacrifice
his fabulous billionaire lifestyle
to become President —
he would be an unstoppable force
for ultimate justice
that Democrats and Republicans alike
would celebrate.”
~ John F. Kennedy Jr., GEORGE magazine, June 1999
1:32:45 When you hear these stories from behind the scenes that Donald Trump is doing this to aid in the completion of his favorite President, which is JFK… to help the dream of the President’s son, JFK Jr. who went to such an extent that he faked his own death and went underground for 21-years to put together the master plan that would take down this world…

“I will expose my father’s killers
no matter who they are,
even if I have to
bring down the whole government.”
~ John F. Kennedy, Jr.
1:33:42 Charlie: And then he disappeared… or he was murdered… you believe what you want to believe… I know what I know… and there’s a beauty to this… and people who don’t get this, Mark? Have anger in their lives…
The people that get this have love in their hearts…
1:34:08 Charlie cont.: Those that are not getting this and are worried that suddenly this Angelic Creation in Donald Trump who’s doing this like he needs this like he needs a hole in his head is somehow evil?? These people lack love and balance in their minds…
That’s why we teach meditation, Qi Gong, Tai Chi, diet—all of these things are going to be so important as we move forward in the year 2021… HEALING… is what is going to happen…
1:34:50 You asked earlier what is this going to look like? I think Society is going to be very slow to get back to work… very slow… but pretty soon it’s going to be the election… after that election… after the Winter Solstice when the Sun is the lowest that it can possibly be…

1:35:26 Charlie cont.: Then I think there’s going to be a time for soul reflection and that’s when these tribunals are going to start… and that’s when all of this is going to come out… in 2021…
It’s then we’re going to need Mark Devlins… to help all of us to process just how dark and evil everything has been…
1:35:54 Charlie cont.: All I can tell you is that I don’t guess at these things… I know these things… and I know that Donald Trump is aiding John F. Kennedy Jr. avenge his father’s death/plan… it was his Father and his Uncle’s plan… giving back Liberty to those that have the strength to grasp it…
Colleen: And freeing the world…
End Transcription by Kat
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