Source: Dinar Chronicles | By Kat July 30, 2020 Image: President John F. Kennedy and John F. Kennedy Jr. There are two points to cl...

Source: Dinar Chronicles | By Kat
July 30, 2020
Image: President John F. Kennedy and John F. Kennedy Jr.
There are two points to clarify before you read the enclosed transcription of the brilliant video, “The Q Team’s Takedown of the Cabal from A to Z”:
# 1. Donald J. Trump did not want to be POTUS. Trump was enlisted by Q and The Alliance. They needed a man who was not part of the deep state and who could pay for his own campaign.
On March 23, 2020, David Wilcock stated, “Understand something… Trump didn’t want to run.”
Wilcock also stated that when Trump was first approached by the Alliance, he refused. But over a 2-week period, he was shown everything the NSA had on the deep state / cabal / illuminati.
At the end of those two harrowing weeks, for the love of his country, for the love of Humanity, and for the love of all God given rights and freedoms that should be automatically granted to all God-created souls—Donald J. Trump ran for POTUS and won in a landslide. [More on that later.]
Since Trump has been in office he has donated his $400k POTUS salary and his businesses have lost money. He became POTUS with the hallowed understanding of these words: God. Country. Service. Love.
A year before Trump announced his candidacy on June 16, 2015, Kim Clement stated that Trump was God’s choice. In a sermon on February 22, 2014, Clement preached the following:
7:12 "He is a genius."
8:10 "This man will throttle the enemies of Israel. This man will throttle the enemies of the West.”
9:15 "They will shout 'impeach, impeach, they say' but nay. This nation shall come very subtly. But he shall not come in the time of President Obama.
They shall come when this new one arrives as my David, that I have set aside for this nation. A man of prayer. A man of choice words. Not a man who is verbose who has verbosity. They will even say, this man is not speaking enough."
10:05 "They will shout 'impeach impeach,' but this shall not happen."
12:23 "For they are saying, how do we kill the giant? How do we kill the giant of death? How do we kill the giant of socialism. How do we kill the giant of human-secularism? I have placed that man amongst you..."
13:12 "And God says, these that shall reject him shall be SHOCKED at how he takes the giant down."
14:11 "They will laugh at him but the plan is so brilliant, saith the Lord, it could only have been given by me."
~ Kim Clement, February 22, 2014
"The Incredible Post: Perfect Holiday" by Kat - 10.1.19
2. The second key point is that one needs to have a clear understanding of what adrenochrome is:
Because — the evil empire that Trump, Q, The Alliance and NSA have defeated, the deep state / illuminati / cabal and their minions, are the most horrific vile disgusting evil of the deepest darkest evil that has ever existed in all Creation — they harvest adrenochrome from angelic terrified children who they torture and then murder in their sick revolting grisly satanic rituals.
I asked a gifted-healer-friend of mine, who has worked with survivors for many years, to give me a definition of adrenochrome. She did. But I will not write it out for you. It is too vile and she wrote that she didn’t think the general public was ready for it.
So instead, I enclose a short video she sent me by the eloquent Sacha Stone. I’ve transcribed the key points, but it’s still brutal to read:
Sacha Stone talks about Adrenochrome on Camelot TV Network, April 24, 2020
Question: What is adrenochrome?
0:25 Sacha Stone: It’s a psycho-active molecule that is activated in Human blood when the Human subject or victim is tortured.
0:36 In the same way that a cat toys with the mouse before eviscerating it and pulling out its kidneys and slowly killing it. It is known to the Feline species that the more you adrenalize the blood of the victim the more prana or life force you can induce through the in-taking of that blood.
1:04 So in simple terms, these sociopathic sub-human entities that proliferate in Hollywood and on the big screen, and pop idols, and Rock Gods, and Sports idols, amongst Political leadership and elements within Royalty as well… as well as boxes of the Corporatocracy, the Oligarchies… and these are the powerful Technocrats… that exist in Government, in the Banking sector, in the commercial arena, in the Military Industrial Complex, in the Mainstream media and press as well.
1:56 These folks are variously conjoined in blood covenant through long standing blood ritualism. It sounds absurd, it sounds like a bad BATMAN script, but hélà s, alack, it’s all too real.
2:31 …The fact of the matter is that this goes on — the adrenochrome molecule is arguably the most prized element on Earth, with a higher value one imagines than even platinum or Helium-3 which you can only scoop off the Moon.
2:44 So the fact is that to get a pranic rush is similar to a hyper-dimensional cocaine rush, so harvesting blood, terrorizing the victim, conducting the most aberrant satanic rituals becomes of paramount importance to this diabolical echelon.
3:18 What they are requiring is to be anchored to the Temporal [Earthly] plane, because they’ve already abnegated their consciousness and their conscience.
Their Spiritual sacrament has been so violated through their own choice in surrendering or abnegating their true conscience that they have already been walked into and are now under the remote influence of the Egregore, or the lower astral intelligence, or the demon, if you wish to look at it that way.
3:55 Bottom line is they’re sub-human. They’re not Homo Sapiens Universalis, or Homo sapiens sapiens, or Homo sapiens freighter like we are. They are absent in their capacity for empathy, for compassion, or to love or be loved; and my heart goes out to them for that fact.
4:17 But that again was a chronology and a pathology of choice that was made and taken by each of them. So they’ve got to the point where the only way they can anchor… or the only way that energy can anchor through them in the Temporal/Earthly realm is to continue imbibing the adrenochrome or the traumatized blood. So in simple terms that’s why.
4:38 Why the toddlers are sodomized and raped is because it’s an inversion of kundalini. It’s a technique to inverse the life force, the prana, the kundalini, the chi of that victim, in order to induce or transduce that very very hyper-dimensionally active life force into the perpetrator.
5:07 It’s very ugly stuff. But when you get into advanced satanism that’s the game you play or you perish, because by the time you learn about blood drinking and the fact that you are required to go into the blood covenant, it’s normally too late for you to extricate yourself.
~ Sacha Stone
That, my friends, is what President Trump, Q, the NSA and The Alliance have soundly defeated—an army of demons that had run rampant on this blessed Earth, infecting every aspect of our lives with fiendish imprisonment.
The enclosed video transcription outlines the story of how Trump and his team defeated the diabolic cabal.
After all their crimes have been publicly pronounced and the punishments handed down according to Earthly tribunals as well as Divine tribunals — the New World of Light, Freedom, Love, Kindness, Abundance, Health and Peace will begin in earnest for Gaia, her Kingdoms, Humanity and our children.
But we won't have to wait much longer for miracles and wonders because the RV, GCR, NESARA and GESARA are well on their way.
It’s possible we could date the launch of our Divine New World to when that radiant President, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, created Q in 1962.
Even as I write this, President Trump, Q, the NSA and The Alliance are literally saving Earth.
Thank God.
We are Goddess, Sovereign, Free,
xo, Kat
Video: The Q Team’s Takedown of the Cabal from A to Z - July 20, 2020
The Charlie Freak Podcast, Colleen, Mark Devlin, Filipe Alexander videographer
Charlie Freak & Colleen Tell us the Story of Stories… How Donald J. Trump, the NSA & JFK Jr., against all odds, took down the cabal / illuminati / deep state.
Transcribed by Kat 7-29-20
1:05 Charlie Freak: This is going to be the proof for you… to give you the strength and the courage to trust in the plan for the next 6 months cuz you’re going to see overwhelming PROOF across the entire Earth, from the Summer of 2017 to now. You’re going to see it play itself out.
1:20 To make it clear again. CNN is now is control by POTUS, Donald J. Trump. Boris Johnson and the British government is under control of POTUS, and the NSA and the Q-plan, the Q group. This is ALL being run by this group. Every single government on Earth, all of them, have capitulated over to Trump… from 2017 to early 2019…
Colleen: He hit the ground running….
1:50 Charlie: Yes he did… He took 6-months to clean house, clean the swamp in Washington D.C…. and then he went to Saudi Arabia first… there’s a reason he needed to… there’s a reason he went to Saudi Arabia first in the Summer of 2017…
2:10 But you need to understand, mea culpa, it rests with you, it rests with me, if it wasn’t for us being so sound asleep NONE OF THIS WOULD HAVE BEEN ALLOWED TO HAPPEN.
2:29 We should have woken up to the milk cartons [of MISSING children]… 30 years ago, 40 years ago… with all of these children going missing… what the heck are so many going missing for… and why are so many kids on Milk Cartons…
2:45 Colleen: The excuse of us being asleep just doesn’t cut it when you see what’s been taking place right under our nose… it just doesn’t cut it…
MISSING CHILDREN PER YEAR (graphic on video)
America 800k
UK 230k
Germany 100k
Canada 50.5k
Mexico 45k
Brazil 40k
France 39k
TOTAL: 1 million 264 thousand children missing per year… that we know about…
2:57 Charlie: I know some of you are going to be very angry with this, all I can say to you is that WE are responsible, ALL of us are responsible for this…
3:10 But see this as an opportunity… the next 6-months are an opportunity… for all of you to become the kind of hero that you’ve always wanted to be in your eyes… trust in YOU…
Trust in the plan… that there are good people fighting against the sickest most evil people in the creation of evil… there are good people out there… you get up and be part of this…
2:57 Colleen: Let’s support them… we’re the Digital Warriors…
3:10 Charlie: Be strong… be strong for your kids like you already are… be strong… don’t just sit back and go, oh Trump’s going to do everything… no it’s YOUR country, not theirs…
5:08 Charlie: OK. First, everything is about Donald Trump and the abbreviation you get with Q call DECLAS… it’s short for De-Classified… the main people behind all of this have been the NSA… [National Security Agency of the USA]…

Because once the Military was given access to cameras everywhere, spying technology everywhere… access to your cell phone, to everything about you… as soon as that information became available, a group of people within the Military said, “This is our chance…” [to get the cabal]… this is our moment in time and we must act upon this…
Because they don’t seem to get… meaning the [cabal] minions, [cabal foot soldiers] whomever is hidden in the background… they don’t seem to get that they’re just as vulnerable as we are…
6:20 And so what has been going on, my friends, since 9-11 … remember 9-11 how evil that is?... and it was evil… 9 is God… God consciousness… the killing of God on Sept. 11, 2001… that was the symbology of it… they were laying out for us in plain sight what they were about to do and finish…
6:50 And the Coronavirus through the 5G Towers… the 5G wireless signal was their coup de grâce… was their killshot for us… and everything went wrong when Hilary didn’t win that election… and what you all need to wrap your minds around is that they, still to this day, don’t understand how they lost that election in 2016 to Donald Trump… they don’t know how…
Because it was rigged in their favor… the machines were rigged in all the key states… Trump actually won in a landslide… it was a runaway for Trump across the entire land… if that had happened [Hilary winning] we’d already be in these FEMA camps… we’d already be locked in our homes… those of us who didn’t comply to them would be in FEMA camps or body bags…
8:10 So it all starts with the symbol DECLAS, declassified, that comes from the NSA… they’ve been spying on them and they HAVE IT ALL… NOTHING CAN STOP THIS PLAN… nothing can stop what’s coming… THEY HAVE EVERYTHING…
8:26 Julian Assange has been a big player… eventually when the truth comes out about Julian Assange you’ll go, oh, I should have noticed that… I should have picked up on that… you’ll see…
[The physical resemblance to Dr. John Trump, POTUS’ uncle, John G. Trump]

John J. Trump, Julian Assange
John George Trump (August 21, 1907 – February 21, 1985) was an American electrical engineer, inventor, and physicist. A professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology from 1936 to 1973, he was a recipient of the National Medal of Science and a member of the National Academy of Engineering. John Trump was noted for developing rotational radiation therapy. Together with Robert J. Van de Graaff, he developed one of the first million-volt X-ray generators. He was the paternal uncle of President Donald Trump.
8:44 Mark Devlin: Was Assange really under arrest or was that some kind of ruse?
8:49 Charlie: All part of a ruse for the Mainstream Media to buy into it… to brand him a certain way… he’s played a very dangerous role… none of this has been safe and easy for Julian Assange… he’s put himself at risk… but then that whole family has… [Trump family]…
9:15 And there’s much more to this family [Trump] that we’re talking about that is yet to come… you don’t know all of it yet… you don’t know who’s coming out next… there will be another person in this family that’s going to be able to shine in the coming months… because this is all about Technology at the end of the day so we’ll get to that later...
[Photo of Tesla onscreen with a baseball cap that reads ‘Make Electricity Free Again”]
9:55 AG Barr was placed well in advance to be a fly on the wall for the CIA… they realized a long time ago, from the Kennedys, that the CIA was too far gone and too dangerous to try and take down…
Too many [CIA] tentacles out there… so they haven’t even tried to take down the CIA… they just cut them off… the CIA is now what it has always been it’s just in plain sight now… a rogue agency… they always have been a rogue agency… they exist for the 13-families… that’s all they answer to…
“I will splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces
and scatter it into the winds.”
The 13 Bloodline Families
1 House of Borja
2 House of Breakspeare
3 House of Somaglia
4 House of Orsini
5 House of Conti
6 House of Chigi
7 House of Colonna
8 House of Farnese
9 House of Medici
10 House of Gaetani
11 House of Pamphili
12 House of Este
13 House of Aldobrandini
10:30 But AG Barr has gleaned a lot of information that’s been valuable in helping them understand the CIA’s role has been in all of this and what they were likely to do when this all came down…
10:51 So, DECLAS is everything because the NSA HAS EVERYTHING… Trump is armed with EVERYTHING…
10:53: By June of 2017, only 6-months in office, Trump has for the most part, cleaned most of the swamp… restructured the DOJ and the FBI which is most important… and some other key offices closer to home… closer to the President… were all cleaned out and the proper people that they had waiting in the wings were put in place…
11:21 In the Summer of 2017 where did Trump go first? He went to Saudi Arabia…
11:37 He paid a visit to the Crown Prince… Alwaleed bin Talal… was the crown prince at that time… he [Alwaleed] got right into the adrenochrome thing and the harvesting of children… and Saudi Arabia began to put in massive tunnel networks underneath the ground… this is all because Alwaleed got sucked in by the cabal / the 13-Families… as a HUGE player… one of the 3-main arms of their [cabal] weaponry…
12:17 He was exalted with enormous power among the minions… Alwaleed became one of the key minions by going really really really evil… and there were a lot of Saudis that didn’t like this… you can say what you want about their beliefs but a lot of people draw the lines with children… this is why Alwaleed needed to be taken down…
12:49 There are articles everywhere in the Mainstream media… CBS news… do your own research… after Trump left Saudi Arabia in July 2017, he was arrested… taken down… and in his place was Mohammed bin Salman [Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia]… who was not OK with what Alwaleed was doing…
13:25 Backstory here… Alwaleed hand-picked Obama as somebody they could work with… exalt into power… and he’s the guy that funded Obama… that’s why Obama has this real kind of Muslim background… it’s because Alwaleed of Saudi Arabia was the one who decided they’d make Obama this lynchpin of U.S. Presidents… so he funded Obama…
14:08 If you’re not aware of this… as a kid, Obama was passed around as a s.ex toy… in these big gatherings of powerful men… he was sodomized… and so it explains a lot about B. Obama but it doesn’t excuse him for anything… just suffice to know he had a rough, rough upbringing… so he was ripe for the picking and Alwaleed funded him…
14:49 Alwaleed got Saudi Arabia heavily invested in adrenochrome and child trafficking and the set up and the murder of all of these children for adrenochrome…
14:59 So when Trump arrived in the Summer of 2017… he laid out all the documents… that’s what they did to everyone… they had [huge] folders and the folders had all the documents… there were photographs, they came with disks, CDs and DVDs and the CDs and DVDs had fantastic production value and it had all of their footage doing the most horrific things…
15:24 The NSA has it all on all of these people…the BIG things that scared them the most were these DVD compilations of their greatest hits of evil/horrific acts… So Trump was there… the first day and handed all this stuff out…
15:50 Now… this is absolutely the truth… what happened the second day… the second day… both the Crown Prince and the King both submitted publicly control over Saudi Arabia to Donald J. Trump…
16:10 How do you know this? Because they publicly held The Sword Dance ritual… which is a very very big deal to the Muslim culture… only the King holds the sword… but we have the images here, and who’s holding the sword? Who is at the very center at the top of the podium, who everyone else is in support of?
16:40 Donald J. Trump… is holding the sword… he is at the center of the state… this is Saudi Arabia publicly capitulating… and in one of the photos we have it shows the Saudi King looking like he’s about to die he’s in so much pain at what’s going on here…
They just handed over the keys to Saudi Arabia to Donald J. Trump… in the Summer of 2017… Step #1…
17:25 After the declassification of the documents by the NSA… this was Step #1… Saudi was the big player they had to get on site… what is important to know is where Trump went next, he went with Saudi Arabia as part of his team…
17:30 Trump didn’t just go there and take them down… no… they’re now working for him… they’re earning credits towards their own safe salvation… and their own not being as harshly punished as they could have been… we’ll see how that all plays out…
18:00 Saudi Arabia is part of the Q-team now… the new Crown Prince that replaced Alwaleed was bin Salman and he really stepped up and became a key player and did a lot of things to help Donald Trump… so that was Step #1…
18:25 Step #2 Trump went immediately to Israel… remember how angry everyone got at those pictures of Donald J. Trump at the wailing wall… confirming all of our worst fears that he was a Zionist tool…
19:14 Let me burst your bubbles here a little bit… this whole thing of Israel being the lynchpin… none of its even real… it’s all fakery, it’s all subterfuge… there’s no such thing, sorry if I’m going to offend some people… there is no such thing as a genetic Jew… there’s Hungarians, Poles, Germans and Czechs… Jews are just like us… there’s no genetic race called the Jew… Israel is, Collen calls it, the ultimate Trojan Horse… it is designed to take you down a rabbit hole and there’s no getting out of this rabbit hole… because none of this really exists…
20:12 Colleen: Just like they’re playing the black card now [BLM] they love to play the Jew card.
20:15 Charlie cont.: So they invented all of this… with the Jews and then bad Jews, the Zions… I feel so terrible for all the people who were dragged into this… these are some beautiful people… remember folk, there’s just the Venetians… there’s just those 13-families… they created this ultimate Trojan Horse…
21:13 Trump went to Israel and he sat down with everybody… in front of the camera and behind the camera… with people who are really in power and he laid it all out on these minions… I'm talking to you, he said, not who you try to present yourself to be… I’m talking to YOU, minion, Netanyahu and everybody else, who is a child eater…
21:45 This is for you and you have a choice to make here… they were balking at Trump… even though the Saudi’s had signed over… the Israeli’s were balking at Trump and were not prepared to sign over… that’s why Trump stayed and extra day… Trump was not going to leave Israel until they capitulated to him…
22:16 The “how do you know moment” is after visiting the wailing wall… Israel publicly submitted by allowing the United States to move their embassy to Jerusalem… with our American Military protection… this is symbolic act to show who has the power even in the Holy Land with the Jews and the Zionists… it was only done for one reason… to show those who had eyes to see it that Trump had now taken down Israel…
23:20 Step #2 completed… Saudi Arabia and Israel on board…
23:30 So where would he go next? Who are the 3 BIG PLAYERS? Saudi Arabia… Israel… and then The Vatican…
Days later he shows up at the Vatican and he presents to Pope Francis a massive folder… apparently the folder was absolutely huge… Trump said, yeah, take your time, have a looksee… you might want to put your red shoes on, Trump says to the Pope…
23:14 Trump is saying I’m not leaving here until you sign some documents for me… and we’ll get to why that was in a sec… It took the Vatican [only] that night… and the next day they capitulated to Donald Trump…
And there’s a very famous photo in that Summer of 2017 of POTUS in Vatican City, next to Francis where Francis looks like he’s been run over by about 60 semi-trucks… and Trump has a look on his face that is a mixture of victory, joy and mischievousness… like he knows he’s committed a big big act here… a massive grin on his face…
25:13 Now what did the Vatican have to do to sign off?... you see, the Fed is controlled by a certain group within the Catholic Church… Who went forth and spread the teachings of Christianity? The Jesuits, because they’re holy men (!!!)… No no no no… The Jesuits are the real MAFIA, my friends…

25:33 Every little group of Mafia in every single town across this vast Earth… every little MAFIA pays homage to this particular group in the Catholic Church… they are in charge… they are the true Mafia [the Jesuits]… and they were in control of the Fed…
MAFIA acronym stands for
“Morte Alla Francia Italia Anelia”
‘Death To The French Is Italy’s Cry’
25:55 So Trump did not leave until Pope Francis issued a Papal Bull [a public decree, charter issued by a pope] announcing that by a certain date that The Vatican Bank, which was in charge of, the exchequer of all of the Earth-wide Federal Reserve banking systems in each country, would be handed over to one Donald J. Trump…
26:25 Donald J. Trump is not marked just the executor, the exchequer of the U.S. Treasury and therefore the Fed within the United States…
26:38 He is the exchequer for the Treasuries for every single country on Earth. No human being in history has ever been more powerful owned more things or richer than Donald J. Trump.

26:54 Mark Devlin: Charlie, let me ask you where this leaves the Rothschilds? Because this is what we hear about the Rothschild family, they are said to be in control of the Central Banks in every country in the world so… where are they left in all of this?
27:05 Charlie: Brilliant question because at this meeting that cut the legs off at the knees of the Rothschilds in London…
27:18 So London was the financial arm of the cabal… Washington DC was the Military… Rome was the Central Brain, they call it Spirit, but it’s not… it was the Central Brain of this unholy trinity of power… and what they did by doing this…
27:38 Trump’s thinking is like the CIA and the Rothschilds and the Financial City of London… is too evil, too far gone, don’t even want to work with them… and he’s not, he circumvented them…

27:53 Like the crucifixion in human physiology you can’t get through atlas, the 33rd vertebrae, so you have to go up and around… Trump went up and around the Rothschilds who are really a nasty evil piece of work…
The atlas is the first cervical vertebra, commonly called C1. It is an atypical cervical vertebra with unique features. It articulates with the dens of the axis and the occiput, respectively allowing rotation of the head, and flexion, extension and lateral flexion of the head.
28:09 The City of London, in the Summer of 2017, and I'm talking about the real City of London owned by, ultimately, the Venetians, but run by the Rothschilds, had their legs cut off at the knees… they have not been a real player ever since… ever since… all of their power was cut off…
28:38 They have been forced to do some really humbling things over the last 18 months in particular by POTUS… so if you want to know about the Rothschilds? They’re still looking for their legs from the knees down…
28:52 So that was Step #3… now you see that the 3 main arms of this evil unholy pyramid have now been controlled… Saudi Arabia, Israel, and the Vatican… those were his first 3 stops…
29:16 Now, when Trump left Rome he flew directly to Brussels… and you all know the 2 big players that are in Brussels… you have this European Parliamentary for the European Union [EU]… and NATO that just happens to be in Brussels as well…
29:35 Trump called a meeting… they were all there… the political heads along with their finance ministers and then all of the behind-the-scenes individual players were all there for this meeting… and Trump very famously came late… he made them sweat this out… he made these pieces of dung wait… they didn’t know quite what to think and what was coming… so Trump makes them wait…
30:00 He walks in late… and throws this big folder on the table and says… “We have it all”… WE HAVE IT ALL, what’s your answer?... he played incredible hardball with the EU and NATO and in short order… those little rats… those little cowards they all capitulated in very very short order…
30:42 There was a whole bunch of things that occurred in the following days from there including the EU backing down on BREXIT… and NATO having to step up and basically pay for the bulk and all of these different Nations instead of the United States having to fund all of them… it’s not like that’s a big deal in terms of saving money or anything… it’s symbolic…
31:11 When the photo op came for this famous meeting in Brussels, Trump again came late…
So all the film crews are there and all these heads of the EU and NATO are there… they’re all under bright lights and their fancy suits on and they’re all sweating like crazy… and Trump is making them all wait…
He walks in late, he does not acknowledge any of them… and he’s whistling when he comes in… and he just showed everyone who was there that he was in charge of the meeting… he disseminated the information to the press… and then he left… He owns the EU and NATO… that’s why they’ve done everything they’ve done ever since…
32:10 Charlie cont.: In October of 2017 there was an attempt on the life of the new Saudi Crown Prince, bin Salman, who replaced Alwaleed… and was helping Trump… this little operation that was set for him in Las Vegas [Hotel Mandalay Bay] was taken down at the last second and he was protected…
32:52 There’s conflicting reports whether Alwaleed is still in custody or if he’s been exterminated now for this indiscretion from behind-the-scenes…
33:10 What happened at this Las Vegas battle… when bin Salman was saved by the US Military through the INTEL received by the NSA and then given to bin Salman by Trump… he was asked to take on an even bigger role… and he agreed to do it… he was basically saying to Trump, “Anything my brother. Anything my brother”…
33:40 So what happened next is that staying in the United States… on Trump’s behalf, bin Salman went to all of the major corporations… in particular the Media Companies… Google, Apple, facebook, Twitter, Microsoft… all these main companies were all targeted by bin Salman on Trump’s behalf… he visited all of them…
34:10 This is all verifiable… I’ve got all the documentation, all of the imagery showing all of these meetings taking place… in late October, early November of 2017…

34:23 This is bin Salman essentially helping Trump to do all of this work for him… he visited all of these puppet heads for all of these puppet companies and he basically read them the riot act… showed them the documentation that the NSA had on all of them… and basically said:
34:42 “You play for Team Trump… Trump is now in control of these corporations… or DECLAS… all of this information will be declassified one by one… and each one of you will be offered up to the masses as a child murderer…”
35:04 So they all capitulated… there’s the money shots of all of these heads of all of these various companies including Jack Dorsey for Twitter…
So all this stuff that’s been going on lately of the censorship of Trump by Twitter is all part of the game being played-out for people to get angry and to wake-up to what the heck is the evil that’s going on and to say something about it…
35:58 From there, in late November 2017 Trump took his Asian tour… and again… it’s the same thing… went to Japan first and did the same thing… the Japanese capitulated without much fight at all…
The symbolic gesture was at this Sumo Wrestling Championship Event that was taking place… they had Trump come on stage this is only supposed to be the highest figure in the land to present this enormous trophy to the champion Sumo wrestler… it is the symbolization of Japanese submission to Trump, the NSA and the Q-plan…
37:08 From there, and Q-Anons did great stuff working this out… all of this stuff with North Korea started when Trump left Japan and flew directly to South Korea… and this first meeting was ostensibly to see if they could talk peace with North Korea…
37:20 But no, what it was to get all these Asian governments to capitulate their control over to Trump via all the documents / DVDs / CDs they [NSA] had…
37:36 Remember, one of the biggest arms of procuring children for adrenochrome has always been Asia and Southeast Asia… and the Southeast Asian countries have been in cahoots with Hollywood and Washington D.C. politicians…

37:52 So a lot of these people who NEED children have leaned heavily upon these Southeast Asian governments to procure for them children… they demanded from them and they’ve done it for years…
38:12 So Trump showed up showing all the documentation that they [NSA] had… showing that they were all complicit and that these were all capital punishment criminal acts… so they all capitulated…
38:28 And in secret, when Trump had that first meeting… in secret he went to the North Korean border and met with Kim jong un… and began the process of peace talks with the North Koreans… Trump in subterfuge, in silence, completed those things on his own… and then as a HUGE surprise to the Mainstream Media announced his treaty with Kim and the North Koreans…
38:57 All of this was done because all Trump had to do was to show him the power that he had… and that was now all of these countries…
39:07 Remember folks, again… all of these countries are not just stepping down from doing evil… they are also being forced into helping the Q-plan… all of these countries are now part of this process to help…
End Part 1 transcription by Kat
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