The Significant Activation Code: Heroes are Rising! || Para Kas-Vetter

Operation Disclosure | By Para Kas-Vetter, Contributor July 12, 2020 Qanon: The War is OVER 11.11, #winning (POTUS and Q) https://you...

Operation Disclosure | By Para Kas-Vetter, Contributor

July 12, 2020

Qanon: The War is OVER 11.11, #winning (POTUS and Q)

10.54 Minutes

“When does it become mathematically impossible to be a coincidence? The answer is hidden in the numbers….”

“…..the divine plan has been silently operating in the background and dropping numerical hints here, there, and everywhere. As the old adage goes, putting 2 and 2 together, you get 22. This colloquialism means “to figure something out, to deduce or discern something.” ~ Charles J. Wolfe

“The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.” ~ Nikola Tesla

11:11 ~ the TRUTH about 11:11 GLOBAL Phenomenon ~ (11:11 explained and "What does 11:11 mean?")

38.33 minutes

It included 1111, 7, 777, 3, 333, Hebrew Letters, president Trump and numbers, and the remarkable Global phenomena, significance of what is currently occurring, its meaning and thus, also Awakening occurring.

“…..if humankind were left to our own devices without divine intervention, we would certainly have destroyed ourselves by now by the sinister plans of the elite evil few at the top. The plans were already in place for a hellish apocalypse.” ~ Charles J. Wolfe

What did Nikola Tesla tried to make the world understand?

First, we must understand that we didn’t create math, we discovered it.

It’s The Universal language and law. No matter where you are in The Universe 1 + 2 will always equal to 3! Everything in The Universe obeys this law!

“If you knew the magnificence of the three, six and nine, you would have a key to the universe.” ~ Nikola Tesla”

“I hope you are able to see how just a handful or two of very special numbers can be found at the bottom of virtually any subject of human knowledge. This has been a whirlwind survey of many diverse topics, including astronomy, astrology, biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics, genetics, history, religion, spirituality, metaphysics, philosophy, geology, linguistics, language, engineering, and many others. Encountering numbers such as 3, 7, 11, 22, 33, the golden ratio, ɸ, Euler's number, e, and Archimedes' constant, ℼ, at some of the deepest levels of virtually all areas of human knowledge seems to suggest that the same higher intellect was involved in creating all these bodies of knowledge.” ~ Charles J. Wolfe

the President's Office
The Synchronicity of the 11:11 Code with the President's Office. The most powerful telephone number on the planet ends with 1111

“Well Known Events with the Time / Date 11 or 11:11

​In Australia (and I think New Zealand too), 'Remembrance Day' (also known as Anzac Day) is commemorated at exactly 11:00am where the whole nation has a moment of silence for 1 minute, to pay respect to all soldiers lost during World War 1. This is because on 11th November ) the 11th month), so 11/11 in 1918, guns finally fell silent after over 4 years of nonstop warfare. The war officially stopped at 11am.

​The Berlin wall came down on 11th of the 11th, (11 Nov) 1989.​

On 11 Aug 1999 (whose numbers numerologically add to 11), at 11:11am, there was a total solar eclipse. In fact that was quite a time of deep revelation, awakening and change.

​Also, at precisely 11:11am on the Solstice of 21st December 2012 (which can read as 12.21.2012 - look at the magic and symphony of those repeated and mirroring numbers! They can be broken down into 3.3.5, and further added to get the number 11, when looked at numerologically) This is when there was a galactical alignment between earth, the sun and the Milky Way. To read about the 2012 Prophecies as a sign of the changing times, see my article here.

It is interesting to note that 11:11pm is the exact time of the winter solstice.

Solar cycles, otherwise known as sun spot cycles, happen every 11 years. Sun spots are areas of the sun where the solar magnetic field is extra strong.”

“On 11 March 11, the Japan tsunami occurred following an earthquake.”


25.51 Minutes

Phenomena of Global 11.11

“- A Sign of the Times - A New Paradigm on Earth

- Earth is shifting, we are moving into a new reality, a higher state of consiousness….

- the great awakening

- 11:11 is a marker, a signal that it is a new earth we are birthing, especially since the great shifts in energy we have been experiencing, as prophecized with regard to the sacred date of December 21st, 2012.

- An Evolutionary Code

- It is a signpost that we living in an unprecedented epoch of rapid evolution.

- An Activation Code

- An Awakening Signal

- An Energetic Doorway / Portal

- "a crack between worlds." - Uri Geller

- "Gateway of Consciousness."

- It acts as a kind of timeless moment and cosmic catalyst that sparks and ignites a higher power within us that is connected to a wider field of energetic reality.

- "Remember Who you Are!" ... "Remember ​What You Came Here to Do!! "

- that there is more to life than what we might assume with our third dimensional physical eye, and that in truth there is a higehr reason for our existance. It is like when you hear a sound, a song or take in a familiar aroma - and it awakens a distant memory, whether from your childhood or even a last life. That is the enigma , substance and miraculous prompt that 11:11 delivers. ​​​

- 11:11 activates your 'I AM' PRESENCE.

- 7.) Frequencies of Light are Being Activated

- A Wake Up Call


- There is more to reality than meets the mortal eye.

- "It is time!"

- …….of CHANGE

- A Manifestation Portal is Opening Up

- The Two Pillars of 11

- 11:11 is a code of oneness. It can also be seen as two pillars of high vibrational light forming a bridge between the worlds and thus connecting heaven and earth….

- "As above, so below".

- the High Priestess

- the 7 sacred steps to heaven

- The cross points to the four sacred directions, representing also the four elements. In this way, the 11 acts like four 1's, thus: 11:11.

- The cross as a sacred symbol also has a connection that interlinks heaven and earth, as in the aforementioned adage: "As above, so below. "

- the sacred tree of life

- Leonardo Da Vincis drawing of the "Vitruvian Man" and the sacred mathematical golden ratio.

- a Computer Code

- a binary code (of 1s and 0s). The number 1 is said to be like an 'on' switch, whereas 0 is 'off'. Having four 1's aligned together is like an alarm signal beaming like a sonar radar beacon. If you apply the notion that 1 is an on switch, 11:11 sould be super high voltage.

-​On some level our brains could be receiving, processing and interpreting encrypted data, electronic language or highly intelligent codes that are being sent to us. In this way, 11:11 reminds us of the immense power and ability of the hidden depths of our hard-wired brains, of which neuro experts say, we only use a very percentage of - so maybe all those other uncharted parts of our brain are working overtime, receiving the signals and piecing everything together.Some say it is like a pre-programmed code from behind the scenes, or even something put into place before we were born. It is only now that the codes are activating, and so we are beginning to have heightened experiences with number synchronicity.It is like you are tapping into encoded memories embedded in the cellular memory your DNA, such as when you experience during moments of psychic flashes or dejavu.

- numerologically, which is the esoteric mathematical science that states that each number has its own unique vibration and meaning.

- 1 is about Self and the I AM presence. It reminds us of the Prime Creator and inspires you to awaken your individual gifts and talents and become an independent leader. It is also about action, mind over matter and new beginnings.

- 1 is all about being an independent leader, master and manifestor, tapping into the universal laws and one's Divine will. It activates yourself as a Creator being. So it sends a message to your subconscious mind to apply your will. ​1 asks you to establish a firm and solid intentions that are aligned with your Higher Self which is calling you. For your soul is connected to the higher wisdom of unity consciousness which we are all a part of.

- 11. 11 is known to be a powerful Master Number. It is highly spiritual and intuitive, and very connected to the subconscious mind.​It speaks of being a highly attuned visionary. It's message could well be that it is time to put your visions of a grander scale into action. When you look at 11:11, you can see that it is four one's lined up together. Having more than one number repeated signifies that the energetic vibration of that number is amplified. This means a more intensified magnetization of that particular frequency.

​- if you times 1111 by itself (1111 x 1111), you reach the number 1234321 which is very interesting, as if you apply that vertically as building blocks, you get the triangular form of a pyramid.

- convert 11 to a binary, you get 3, and 3 represents the trinity, which is also symbolized in sacred geometry as a triangle

- the power of the Law of Attraction

“Hidden manuscripts in the Vatican that reveal: "The human being has a supernatural power"”

“In 1944 Max Planck, the father of quantum theory, stunned the world when he said that all things are pure energy and so are we. Everything is simply "Energy".”


“Planck said this Matrix originates from stars, rocks, DNA, life and everything that exists. This powerful energy appears to be a dense network connecting all matter, while we basically influence this network through our vibrations.

Experiments have discovered that the highest frequencies of energy are those of Love and that they have an impact on the environment, This has deep meaning, and we have far more power than we can imagine.

We have always heard of that power that we possess, mainly through the Bible, but that information has never been made public, since it is a “power that is part of human beings”. but it was abolished by the church, hidden by the church to make us weak and malleable.”

“The 11:11 Code: The Great Awakening by the Numbers” by Charles J. Wolfe:

The Great Awakening

"In a nutshell, you can think of 11:11 as four of God’s fingers patiently poking their way into your consciousness until they catch your attention. The four fingers on your hand make four numeral ones or 11:11. It is a code that was written so cleverly into our DNA code, containing a message of cosmic love and intelligence as a reminder to never forget that we were made with care by someone who was a mathematician of the highest degree and who loves surprises and mysteries. Mysteries are wonderful things to ponder as we look out into the heavens and ask why we are here." ~ Charles J. Wolfe

See attached photo

“Q dropped a post that said ‘’11:11’’ and ‘’Red Wave’’ ‘’Coming’’ and ‘strategic marker’.”

“Q Anon 11:11- It is November 11, 2018. Q has set today as a marker day.

Mrs. Para Kas-Vetter
*"Philosophia" *Writer *Oracle *Spiritual *Creative

Sòlance Voyage Gallery
‘Sacred Whispers’ ‘Sacred Journey’ ‘Spiritual Quest’
A Pilgrimage to Unlock the Sacredness of Life.

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Operation Disclosure: The Significant Activation Code: Heroes are Rising! || Para Kas-Vetter
The Significant Activation Code: Heroes are Rising! || Para Kas-Vetter
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