Source: Dinar Chronicles | By Kat Santa Surfing posted this AWESOME video yesterday so I thought I’d transcribe some of it for those of...

Source: Dinar Chronicles | By Kat
Santa Surfing posted this AWESOME video yesterday so I thought I’d transcribe some of it for those of us who like to read words and appreciate receiving information that way.
Thrilled to report that Charlie Ward’s Subscribers now number 74.9k and counting.
People are recognizing that (1.) Charlie is a wonderful, kind, caring, interesting and genuine person and (2.) that his Information comes right from the Heart of what is actually going on.
Below are some of the highlights from the Charlie Ward / Santa Surfing video. It’s charming to listen to and very encouraging for us on IDC and currency-holders everywhere.
Here is the ESSENTIAL MAJOR point:
12:35 Santa Surfing: So on Tuesday (July 21, 2020)
is the beginning of the 8-week transition…
12:41 Charlie: Yeah…
it’s the last thing of the SWIFT system
and the introduction of the Quantum Financial System…
Ta da.
So exciting.
Charlie continues to reiterate that he's never felt so peaceful, which always makes me happy to hear.
I'm feeling doggone peaceful too... but that's not only because of Charlie, but because I adopted the most adorable pup yesterday.
He's 10-years old and was found on the side of the road after having been hit by a car. He was rescued by Good Samaritans, given very expensive surgery and lucky for me, it's my absolute privilege to give him his forever home... so I really hope the RV is soon cuz I need to buy him a whole bunch of stuff!
His name is "Banjo" and he's an angel.

Bless you Stefan, blueray and Damian for thumbs up. You guys rock. Sending etheric hugs :)
Peace, Health, Happiness and Abundance for all — we are Goddess, Sovereign, Free,
xo, Kat
Santa Surfing Talks to Charlie Ward about The Great Awakening — AWESOME BEACH BROADCAST 7-17-20
Partially transcribed by Kat
0:55 Charlie: What an amazing time we’re living in, hey?...
My journey started back 6-years ago I was told this was going to happen… and then 2-years ago they told me it was nearly about to happen cuz they’d got Trump into power… [then they needed PM Boris Johnson in power and for the UK to leave the EU]… and then it was December last year where I was told by an extremely good source within the American Government… that it was going to happen this year… and it HAS happened…
They told me they were going to collapse the world’s economy… I could not believe how easily they did it with nothing more than the common cold [Covid-19]…
1:56 Santa Surfing: Right… don’t you love how President Trump turned that around and used it against them? [The deep state / cabal / illuminati]…
2:21 Charlie: There’s a huge Alliance behind him… it’s not just the Americans… I’ve said this all along… The top men in China/Xi, India/Modi and Russia/Putin are working very closely with him…
We have to be very careful when we talk about China… most of the people around President Xi Jinping are the deep state but he himself is working with Donald Trump… and working very closely with him… he will be removing most of his government which is the Communist State and replacing it with the Republican State…
3:03 Santa Surfing: When POTUS announced the Exec. Order on Hong Kong… when Trump was asked about Xi he said No, they don’t get along… was that optics?
3:33 Charlie: 100% optics… no question about that… they’re working incredibly closely…
There’s a very simple reason I know that because the Dragon family that are actually funding this whole transition…
I’ve been very closely linked with that family and friends of that family for 15 or 16 years… so I get my INTEL directly from them as well…
And they’re linked with the original Himalayan descent rather than the Communist State that bullied it’s way in… so they’ve given me insight that I wouldn’t have had otherwise…
The White Hats in the Dragon family are giving me the INTEL and most members of the Dragon Family are White Hats………..
(Discussion about China, Chinese owned companies…)
12:25 Santa Surfing: You (Charlie) in your podcasts are kind of forward thinking… you kind of give people an idea of what to look forward to… Like my audience they really look forward to “What’s the price of silver today? What’s happening?”…
So on Tuesday (July 21, 2020) I guess
is the beginning of the 8-week transition…
I am so curious to know what is that??... well, I kind of have an idea…
12:41 Charlie: Yeah…
it’s the last thing of the SWIFT system
and the introduction of the Quantum Financial System…
HOW they do that, I don’t know!... It’s going to be an interesting transition…
12:52 Santa Surfing: I’m so glad that you reached out to me Charlie, because I read an article a about [Prime Minister] Boris Johnson that is taking in refugees from the CCP [Chinese Communist Party]… to help them in this process…
13:10 Charlie: I’ve heard about it but the one thing that’s been very very interesting is that I’ve learned if Donald Trump were to tell you that these people were going to do something NOBODY WOULD BELIEVE HIM…
So he’s allowing the deep state to do these type of things to show what they’re really like so people can see firsthand what they’re really like… So he’s allowing a number of people in England and in Spain to do stupid things…
14:19 Charlie cont.: In Spain right now, we’re all being made to wear masks… it’s 38 degrees (celsius, which is 100 degrees Farenheit]… it’s boiling hot… the authorities are telling us it’s because of a spike in Covid-19 but that’s a lie… there’s only one person who’s died in this province this week from influenza or a cold [which is what the WHO and CDC say Covid is… nothing more than a cold]…
14:33 But I found out they’re using it to test Facial Recognition with a new camera system… in 130 Countries… we’ve got hard evidence of that… we’ve suddenly noticed that there’s cameras everywhere around where we live [in Southern Spain] that we never noticed before… they’ve suddenly shot-up while we were shut inside…
14:50 Charlie cont.: This is all part of the deep state / illuminati / cabal… this is all part of the AI [the Artificial Intelligence]… all the cameras, and the 5G… this is all part of the same thing…
15:05 Trump has allowed them to do that to expose what they’re actually at…
15:07 Santa Surfing: Is it the entire country [Spain] required to wear masks now?
15:15 Charlie: No it’s in Andalusia where we are in the South… me I’ve never worn a mask… I always find a way around it… I got myself a little ventilator [holding up a little hand-held ventilator, which looks to me like an Asthma inhaler ]… I’ve never used it but I just show it to the Police… I have this and I have a letter from my Doctor saying for me to wear a mask would be very dangerous… so that’s worked very very well because I can’t be bothered with all the BS that goes with it…
15:50 Charlie cont.: My job is to find solutions… not to find problems
15:52 Santa Surfing: There you go… sounds like my husband… he always says ‘There’s never a problem, there’s always a solution…’
15:54 Charlie: Exactly… (Laughter)
16:00 Santa Surfing: Going back to what Trump says… In many ways he says thing, Like Noah was building an Ark and everyone laughed at him until it rained… and then suddenly they weren’t laughing at him…
16:10 Charlie: Exactly…
16:14 So with President Trump’s demeanor just in the last week here… he seems like he’s really wrapping things up…
He’s got rid of all the deep state… our House congress has been a no-show for 4.5 months… our Senate’s coming back on Monday… Did you hear this?... The Democrats are instructing the Democrat Congress NOT TO SHOW UP for the Democratic National Convention… it’s like how much more obvious is that? Is it because they’re all in GITOMO? (laughter)
17:00 Charlie: Yeah well there’s a lot to that… because a lot of them have already been arrested and are already there… I’ve got computer geeks all around me and they were showing me the other day the Flight Path of Guantanamo Bay and it was INCREDIBLE the amount of flights coming in and out of there… They’re taking them in and NOT taking them out! (laughing)
17:14 Santa Surfing: Isn’t it? I mean you can’t even see the airport from those Flight Tracks… they get a one-way ticket… Did you also hear… that the Texas Military have been assigned to Guantanamo…
17:50 Charlie: Yes, that’s correct….
18:00 Santa Surfing: I think this is really helping some of those that are on the fence… I notice a lot of Liberals have been following me on my Twitter account… they’re Liberals because they may have been Bernie supporters but then they’re realizing, hey, Biden and the Democrats are really going in the wrong direction… and I'm going to jump on the Trump train… they don’t necessarily like Trump personality-wise… they may not like the way he delivers… but he’s not a politician, he’s a businessman… he has the guts to take action to give you a better life…
19:00 Charlie: The one thing that I’ve made a very big point of recently… I don't care if you don’t like him… I don’t care if you don’t like his Tweets, his floppy hair… that’s identity politics…
19:15 Charlie cont.: But when you consider that he’s the only President in 30-years who hasn’t gone to war against ANYBODY… and not only that, if he’d only save one woman and one child that would make him a good person… but he hasn’t… he’s saved THOUSANDS…
Every life… forget BLM that’s a political stunt… EVERY LIFE is valuable… whether it’s a woman or a child or anyone, it makes no difference… but he has saved so many women and children from Trafficking… the rest of his politics don’t matter to me because that’s made him a hero…
20:00 Whether you like him or hate him… the fact that he’s saving women and children from Trafficking puts him on a pedestal above anybody else…
20:12 Santa Surfing: Exactly… the argument we have here with these Liberals, when we address that it just goes right over their heads…
20:24 But you know what? These are the PAID trolls… There’s an account on Twitter, NPO Shines… he warned us about this… he said that they are being funded by our Taxes… PAID to troll and troll us hard… there’s even some podcasters that have flipped the switch… and it’s like, whoah, what’s going on!? You know, you were pro-Trump last week and now all of a sudden you’re anti-Trump?
21:02 Charlie: Yeah, exactly… I’ve got selective hearing and I’ve also got selective viewing… if somebody’s having a go… my videos are ranging at the moment range between 97% likes to 99.6% likes which is phenomenal… so the 1 or 2 or 3 % are moaning, I don’t have time for them…
22:00 Charlie: We’re living in absolutely fabulous times, aren’t we? I’ve never felt more peaceful…
22:10 Santa Surfing: Where were you, Charlie, emotionally 2 or 3 weeks ago?
21:17 Charlie: For the last 12 or 14 weeks I’ve been so at peace you wouldn’t believe…
22:21 Santa Surfing: Really? Cuz 3-weeks ago I was a bloody mess… emotionally… because I felt there was a transition of energy… and then the last 2-weeks I’ve been kind of floating on a cloud…
22:50 Charlie: I love your podcasts… I really do, I really enjoy them… they’re upbeat, they’re positive… yours and my job is to give people hope…
23:00 Santa Surfing: Bingo! Exactly. I completely agree… because there’s so much… we don’t ever really hear what is really happening? We don’t ever hear the Media talking about that… Why aren’t we allowed to see ANTIFA what they’re really doing?? Because it shows Trump coming in as the White Knight cleaning things up… and then we can see the path to the greatness… but Trump has got to get rid of all the bad people to get the greatness to roll out…
23:35 Charlie: Yeah but there’s also a really important point there cuz when this is all over… there will still be evil out there but GOOD will be in control… we’re going to move into the Great Awakening definitely… but there’ll still be negative forces out there but they’ll no longer be in control…
23:55 Santa Surfing: Right… because then they are powerless and penniless… they need to just go out and get a job… I’m seeing the plan just working out beautifully…
President Trump looks like he’s got this incredible beautiful Christmas Gift to give us… and he can’t say what it is cuz it’s not Christmas… he can’t give it to us yet… you see it in his facial expression how happy he is… and he’s now even sending hair-comms?... He’s got gold hair one day, silver the next… It’s like, OK, let’s stock up on gold and silver!
22:30 Charlie: He’s the only President I’ve ever known who looks younger after 4-years than when he started…
24:40 Santa Surfing: Thank you… exactly… then I’m looking at the past “fake President” I call him… he’s aged… well, if that’s even him… he’s aged quite a bit whether it’s a lookalike or a clone or whatever…
26:38 Charlie: What I want the karma to be… I would love to see General Flynn, when he gets through this… to put him in Barr’s job as the Attorney General and put him in judgement of the world… that would be a wonderful karma… John Durham is pulling all the strings behind the scenes, I can promise you…
27:45 Santa Surfing: People tell me that Trump team listens to my podcast… I'm close to 100k subscribers…
I would actually be happy to [reveal my face] but I’ve been instructed just to be this way…
28:40 Charlie: No, I understand that and I respect that totally…
28:52 Santa Surfing: I have total faith in God, I feel I have angels surrounding me every day… so I feel good about this… we’re just so close… to the indictments… I think they’re getting unsealed now…
29:16 Charlie: It was made very clear to me from my contacts that there was a specific order that the indictments had to be done in… and they had to remove the corrupt lawyers, barristers and judges before they even thought about the Big Players…
29:40 Santa Surfing: That makes sense because some aren’t going to go to Military Tribunals they’re going to go to courts…
29:50 Charlie: There’s a lot of things when you look back… oh yeah, I get that now… they’ve removed all the people the deep state can run to…
29:55 Santa Surfing: You must be a very good chess player…
30:10 Charlie: I can’t even play chess but I am on my 4th wife! (Lots of laughter)
30:45 Santa Surfing: I think it’s like Q says… when America wins the world wins… All the countries are waiting for America first and then the domino effect… is that correct?
30:50 Charlie: That’s true… it’s so true… 100% This is the Great Awakening… it’s a wonderful time we’re coming into… we heard him say it right at the start… right at the start… DRAINING THE SWAMP… I don’t think any of us had any idea how dirty and how far reaching the swamp was…
31:36 Santa Surfing: It’s draining the political swamp… the financial swamp…
31:39 Charlie: The pedophile swamp… the Hollywood swamp…
31:44 Santa Surfing: Yes… and Hollywood’s gone… Did you see that Tweet about the U.S. Army and the U.S. Navy and how last Saturday… the U.S. Navy posted “Wet got him!” and they had pictures of Tom Hanks’ movies… people got so upset… how can you promote Tom Hanks he’s a pedo, he’s a pedo… then I saw an Army tweet that said the Army Rangers handed him over to the Navy… they said he (Hanks) learned by his mistakes… so many de-codes right now…
33:45 Charlie: There’s a lot of good stuff coming in… and he’s doing an amazing job… certainly for us in Europe we’re grateful for every single pedophile removed from this Earth… every Trafficker… every one of the deep state and the cabal we’re all very grateful for what’s being done right now…
34:11 Santa Surfing: I really do appreciate the International support that President Trump gets…
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