Reader Post | By JC Are you ready for a horrific truth about our world? Satanism = Inversion/Perversion of truth = Upside down world = ...
Reader Post | By JC
Are you ready for a horrific truth about our world?
Satanism = Inversion/Perversion of truth = Upside down world = living in the mirror where LIVE=EVIL
Humanity has always been played/deceived/manipulated since the satanic forces (anti-life) turned Earth into a prison planet and all life their slaves/prisoners.
Why do we use the term “draconian measures”? Who are the Draconians? They are known as a war species because they torture their children, which all dark forces do to maintain generational darkness and have perpetuated upon humanity.
Turkish National Television exposes adrenochrome users and its side effects
Are the bruises under the eyes, of many famous people like Pope Francis and Charlie Rose, a side effect of taking adrenochrome or the following orgy of sodomy that occurs after taking adrenochrome?
The Anonymous Charity: The Purge. The Unknown will Make it Known. The Collective HQ
It is time for Liberation Earth. It is time humanity rises. It is time to join forces with the Earth Alliance and declare our sovereignty as Divine Beings of Light and Love.
Traumatized and in survival mode, humans need to feel “special” and externally validated. That is taken advantage of, so when they are willing to do whatever it takes to survive or get ahead, they join secret societies or gangs or billionaire’s club or VIP/A-list or private country club or terrorist groups or a crime organization or high society or any exclusive group. It is human nature to want to belong.
Don’t be fooled by seeing people who have been arrested or executed after their military tribunal (crimes against humanity) appear in the media. Black projects/ops have always been able to clone as well as use doubles. Barack Obama is a double as well as the Nancy Pelosi in clone Biden’s new campaign ad.
No one is allowed to “go down” in history without the approval of the satanic global cabal. WORDS are spells, negative and positive.
HUmiliate HUmanity. DEgrade, DEscend and DEhumanize people.
Militia from huMILIATE. BOOT camp= boot on the neck = break them down (torture) = SUBjugation = brought under YOKE.
The way humans treat their animals to eat, is the way the overlords treat humans.
Jeffrey Epstein mentions “feeding the overlords”. See the book “Childhood’s End”. Babies are their food. Adrenochrome is for their slaves. Because of the insatiable demand for adrenochrome beyond the overlords’ food needs, sacrificed (in rituals and snuff films) children are tossed out to sea or buried around the world in random spots. The UK does have a long history of mass graves, before they needed to hide the bodies.
Endless monarchy/clan/tribe and empire wars created chronic war zones and mass trauma across the world. No “civilized” nation escaped trauma and generational trauma (epigenetic) and they had to target indigenous people who were in harmony with nature, self-sustaining and masters at healing.
Remember that the “war on drugs” was really a war against the Black communities that were turned into war zones. War zones are where future MKUltra sex, spy, and assassin slaves are found and created, who then perpetrate sex/labor/drug/organ trafficking.
What happens to the brain under chronic stress, being bombarded with noise pollution (gunshots, sirens, helicopters, etc.), violence, destruction, constant deaths and arrests that destroy families? How do people cope with fear, uncertainty and unpredictability (even impending doom or death)? How do children with developing brains cope? What is the impact of noise pollution on the developing brains?
“health effects of noise in children including reduced cognitive function, inability to concentrate, increased psychosocial activation, nervousness, and helplessness”
Addictions rise, mental illness rise and a plethora coping strategies including joining gangs, secret societies, organized crime organization, etc. What happens when the police and the CIA are infiltrated and no justice is served? Self-hate, self-destruction, and amoral destruction/anarchy?
“Meanwhile, emotions like fear, hate, anxiety, shame, blame, and despair tend to deplete our energy levels and health and even kills cells. Regardless of this distinction, dormant emotions, harmful or not, must be encouraged to move.”
“If it’s negative, permit yourself to express it safely. Letting out a little steam will reduce its internal effect on you. If the feelings of negativity remain dominant, choose a modality to help you express it. You might consider crying, exercising, writing in your journal, pounding the earth, or doing a healing ritual to help you expand beyond your temporary self-identity.”
I recommend inner child healing and integration, Family Constellations, Identity Constellations and Relationship Constellations that are based on the Zulu tribe’s community healing circles, as well as Native American dancing/singing and art therapy.
Why has the Black community been infiltrated with the satanic inversion of meanings? CULTure spreads via media and entertainment (entrainment). How have gangs, hip hop and cult[ure] influenced the perversion of human consciousness? Dissonance is created in children.
hustle=courage and determined to make money (by any means necessary)
gangsta=tough and resilient
Oprah=Harpo Productions
Emmett Till
Mamie Elizabeth Carthan Till Mobley was proud of her child for his sacrifice. HE WAS A SACRIFICE.
Would a loving mother want people to remember her child mutilated rather than the beautiful boy he is?
Was he shown mutilated for greater trauma impact? Is Jesus shown bloodied and on the cross for emotional impact and guilt?
Why does Emmett Till Interpretive Center have a Masonic logo with the 2 pillars and pyramid? Was he a sacrifice given by freemason (Boule Society) members like all those in Black historical injustices in order to protect the satanic global elite?
Why does Mamie’s tombstone “HER PAIN UNITED A NATION” when it did NOT?
The irony: (perversion/inversion of truth)
Why are freemasons (via Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity this time) keep opening old wounds (Ole Miss this time)? Perpetuating traumas.
George Floyd is already proclaimed a heroic sacrifice.
Why are so many rap lyrics and music videos reveal their true stories of their misery and criminal life with several themes of pasta, panda eyes, masks and cages.
Big Sean - Bounce Back
6LACK - Prblms
Desiigner - Panda
Souls Of Mischief - 93 'Til Infinity
21 Savage & Offset - Ghostface Killers (ft. Travis Scott)
Yo Gotti (feat. Blac Youngsta) - Free Lunch
Future - Mask Off
Chris Brown, Lil' Wayne, Busta Rhymes - Look At Me Now
NF – When I Grow Up
Qveen Herby - No Limit Remix
DJ Esco ft. Rambo So Weird - Super Dumb
Future - Where Ya At ft. Drake
Dreezy - Spar ft. 6LACK, Kodak Black
Satanic playbook: Problem —> Reaction (mass trauma) —> Solution
They create the problem to induce disempowerment and learned helplessness/victim consciousness.
People lash out destroying their own families and communities or go inward to numb, self-hate/loathe, self-blame and self-destruct.
Satanists create no healing real solution/resolution. Drugs, alcohol, sex, porn, organ transplants, surgeries, dissonant music, exploitative systems, and a paradigm that ensures dependencies and enslavement are what are offered.
One fact that no one is exposing is the child beauty pageants as a child sex market. Parents get to put their children on display. There are codes for a child based on whether they are for rent, sale (ownership), or for sex sacrifice (the most expensive).
Was it regular Southern white people who created the KKK or was it the satanic global cabal?
Was Martin Luther King Jr., Coretta Scott, and Rosa Parks, as well as so many other famous people members of masonic orders?
Did a satanic global elite family create and fund HBCUs?
There must be controlled opposition. They create the victims and the perpetrators because they are predators who push Darwin’s survival of the fittest kakistocracy hierarchical paradigm. Hierarchies include secret societies for those willing to sacrifice humanity to get ahead and “be someone”.
No one is allowed to “go down” in history without the approval of the satanic global cabal.
The Five Eyes countries sacrifice their people, the satanic cabal and their puppets (who are slaves whether they admit it or not) versus the white slaves. Why are there Ivy League schools, private boarding schools (with epidemic child sex abuse), and freemason lodges and orders?
The satanic Zionist “Jews” sacrificed the European Jews in the Holocaust for mass trauma and to create Israel (masterminded at the First Zionist Congress in 1897, which became the Zionist Organization (ZO). In Hebrew, the letters are S-R-A which stands for Satanic Ritual Abuse and EL which means god. God of satanic ritual abuse = Israel. Inversion of ZO = OZ. The little man behind the curtain.
The “Muslim” House of Saud (cabal family) sacrifices the Arabs for mass trauma and supports Israel. They sacrificed Osama bin Laden. They, along with the satanic CIA and Mossad, funded Al Queda, Hamas, ISIS and so many other terrorist groups. They sex and drug trafficking. They ban alcohol but drink it. They ban drugs but use it.
The Japanese cabal family sacrificed their people with 2 atomic bombs and Fukushima. They also enslaved Asian women (“comfort women”) during war to pervert their soldiers and get them addicted to sex trafficked women.
By the way, all symbols, hand signs, numbers and geometric shapes are divine. However, satanists pervert and curse them with an inverted meaning. Therefore, when you see them used by the dark and light, do not assume they are all dark.
The Ka’abah, that worshippers are told to circle, is a cube. The black meteorite, that worshippers are told to touch and kiss, is cursed with black magic. It was important that the Saudi family control the area. The (military state) Isreali intelligence Mossad has a cube statue in front of their building. The UK scifi show “Dr. Who” had an episode of millions of cubes falling from the sky. Curious humans took them home. They were “time bombs”.
Every war, every famine, every epidemic, every disaster was and is masterminded for maximum trauma to keep humanity enslaved. The MKUltra programs and identical programs are global. This is a human issue not racial, not religious, not ethnic, not anything but the satanic, anti-life agenda versus love. When humans are traumatized and in survival mode are easiest to control and manipulate. However, the trauma must be persistent and consistent for every generation. Otherwise, humanity rises and remembers their divinity.
Have you seen this lip reader, The Gunner’s Wife, who exposes a plot to assassinate POTUS at SOTU?
SOTU WHAT THEY SAID! CAUGHT CONVERSATIONS Decoded! SHOCKING Exchanges 2020 State Of The Union Speech
SOTU JOKE LAND DC-A POISON Environment of General Betrayal-READ MY LIPS IT'S BAD! Very Bad DC Actors
Body Language - Prince Andrew Interview
Playboy mansion - l
ocation of CIA operation for blackmail and MKUltra programmer Hugh Hefner
Robert Maxwell, Ghislaine, and the Mossad
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Guest Posting
If you wish to write and/or publish an article on Operation Disclosure all you need to do is send your entry to applying these following rules.
The subject of your email entry should be: "Entry Post | (Title of your post) | Operation Disclosure"
- Must be in text format
- Proper Grammar
- No foul language
- Your signature/name/username at the top
If you wish to receive the daily Operation Disclosure Newsletter, you can subscribe here.
Our mission at Operation Disclosure is to bring you important news events and raw intel from various sources focused on exposing the Deep State/Cabal and their downfall. We are also focused on disclosing our lost ancient origins and extraterrestrial contact.
Disclaimer: All articles, videos, and images posted on Operation Disclosure were submitted by readers and/or handpicked by the site itself for informational and/or entertainment purposes. All statements, claims, views and opinions that appear on this site are always presented as unverified and should be discerned by the reader. We do not endorse any opinions expressed on this website and we do not support, represent or guarantee the completeness, truthfulness, accuracy, or reliability of any content posted on this website.
Copyright © 2020 Operation Disclosure
Are you ready for a horrific truth about our world?
Satanism = Inversion/Perversion of truth = Upside down world = living in the mirror where LIVE=EVIL
Humanity has always been played/deceived/manipulated since the satanic forces (anti-life) turned Earth into a prison planet and all life their slaves/prisoners.
Why do we use the term “draconian measures”? Who are the Draconians? They are known as a war species because they torture their children, which all dark forces do to maintain generational darkness and have perpetuated upon humanity.
Turkish National Television exposes adrenochrome users and its side effects
Are the bruises under the eyes, of many famous people like Pope Francis and Charlie Rose, a side effect of taking adrenochrome or the following orgy of sodomy that occurs after taking adrenochrome?
The Anonymous Charity: The Purge. The Unknown will Make it Known. The Collective HQ
It is time for Liberation Earth. It is time humanity rises. It is time to join forces with the Earth Alliance and declare our sovereignty as Divine Beings of Light and Love.
Traumatized and in survival mode, humans need to feel “special” and externally validated. That is taken advantage of, so when they are willing to do whatever it takes to survive or get ahead, they join secret societies or gangs or billionaire’s club or VIP/A-list or private country club or terrorist groups or a crime organization or high society or any exclusive group. It is human nature to want to belong.
Don’t be fooled by seeing people who have been arrested or executed after their military tribunal (crimes against humanity) appear in the media. Black projects/ops have always been able to clone as well as use doubles. Barack Obama is a double as well as the Nancy Pelosi in clone Biden’s new campaign ad.
No one is allowed to “go down” in history without the approval of the satanic global cabal. WORDS are spells, negative and positive.
HUmiliate HUmanity. DEgrade, DEscend and DEhumanize people.
Militia from huMILIATE. BOOT camp= boot on the neck = break them down (torture) = SUBjugation = brought under YOKE.
The way humans treat their animals to eat, is the way the overlords treat humans.
Jeffrey Epstein mentions “feeding the overlords”. See the book “Childhood’s End”. Babies are their food. Adrenochrome is for their slaves. Because of the insatiable demand for adrenochrome beyond the overlords’ food needs, sacrificed (in rituals and snuff films) children are tossed out to sea or buried around the world in random spots. The UK does have a long history of mass graves, before they needed to hide the bodies.
Endless monarchy/clan/tribe and empire wars created chronic war zones and mass trauma across the world. No “civilized” nation escaped trauma and generational trauma (epigenetic) and they had to target indigenous people who were in harmony with nature, self-sustaining and masters at healing.
Remember that the “war on drugs” was really a war against the Black communities that were turned into war zones. War zones are where future MKUltra sex, spy, and assassin slaves are found and created, who then perpetrate sex/labor/drug/organ trafficking.
What happens to the brain under chronic stress, being bombarded with noise pollution (gunshots, sirens, helicopters, etc.), violence, destruction, constant deaths and arrests that destroy families? How do people cope with fear, uncertainty and unpredictability (even impending doom or death)? How do children with developing brains cope? What is the impact of noise pollution on the developing brains?
“health effects of noise in children including reduced cognitive function, inability to concentrate, increased psychosocial activation, nervousness, and helplessness”
Addictions rise, mental illness rise and a plethora coping strategies including joining gangs, secret societies, organized crime organization, etc. What happens when the police and the CIA are infiltrated and no justice is served? Self-hate, self-destruction, and amoral destruction/anarchy?
“Meanwhile, emotions like fear, hate, anxiety, shame, blame, and despair tend to deplete our energy levels and health and even kills cells. Regardless of this distinction, dormant emotions, harmful or not, must be encouraged to move.”
“If it’s negative, permit yourself to express it safely. Letting out a little steam will reduce its internal effect on you. If the feelings of negativity remain dominant, choose a modality to help you express it. You might consider crying, exercising, writing in your journal, pounding the earth, or doing a healing ritual to help you expand beyond your temporary self-identity.”
I recommend inner child healing and integration, Family Constellations, Identity Constellations and Relationship Constellations that are based on the Zulu tribe’s community healing circles, as well as Native American dancing/singing and art therapy.
Why has the Black community been infiltrated with the satanic inversion of meanings? CULTure spreads via media and entertainment (entrainment). How have gangs, hip hop and cult[ure] influenced the perversion of human consciousness? Dissonance is created in children.
hustle=courage and determined to make money (by any means necessary)
gangsta=tough and resilient
Oprah=Harpo Productions
Emmett Till
Mamie Elizabeth Carthan Till Mobley was proud of her child for his sacrifice. HE WAS A SACRIFICE.
Would a loving mother want people to remember her child mutilated rather than the beautiful boy he is?
Was he shown mutilated for greater trauma impact? Is Jesus shown bloodied and on the cross for emotional impact and guilt?
Why does Emmett Till Interpretive Center have a Masonic logo with the 2 pillars and pyramid? Was he a sacrifice given by freemason (Boule Society) members like all those in Black historical injustices in order to protect the satanic global elite?
Why does Mamie’s tombstone “HER PAIN UNITED A NATION” when it did NOT?
The irony: (perversion/inversion of truth)
Why are freemasons (via Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity this time) keep opening old wounds (Ole Miss this time)? Perpetuating traumas.
George Floyd is already proclaimed a heroic sacrifice.
Why are so many rap lyrics and music videos reveal their true stories of their misery and criminal life with several themes of pasta, panda eyes, masks and cages.
Big Sean - Bounce Back
6LACK - Prblms
Desiigner - Panda
Souls Of Mischief - 93 'Til Infinity
21 Savage & Offset - Ghostface Killers (ft. Travis Scott)
Yo Gotti (feat. Blac Youngsta) - Free Lunch
Future - Mask Off
Chris Brown, Lil' Wayne, Busta Rhymes - Look At Me Now
NF – When I Grow Up
Qveen Herby - No Limit Remix
DJ Esco ft. Rambo So Weird - Super Dumb
Future - Where Ya At ft. Drake
Dreezy - Spar ft. 6LACK, Kodak Black
Satanic playbook: Problem —> Reaction (mass trauma) —> Solution
They create the problem to induce disempowerment and learned helplessness/victim consciousness.
People lash out destroying their own families and communities or go inward to numb, self-hate/loathe, self-blame and self-destruct.
Satanists create no healing real solution/resolution. Drugs, alcohol, sex, porn, organ transplants, surgeries, dissonant music, exploitative systems, and a paradigm that ensures dependencies and enslavement are what are offered.
One fact that no one is exposing is the child beauty pageants as a child sex market. Parents get to put their children on display. There are codes for a child based on whether they are for rent, sale (ownership), or for sex sacrifice (the most expensive).
Was it regular Southern white people who created the KKK or was it the satanic global cabal?
Was Martin Luther King Jr., Coretta Scott, and Rosa Parks, as well as so many other famous people members of masonic orders?
Did a satanic global elite family create and fund HBCUs?
There must be controlled opposition. They create the victims and the perpetrators because they are predators who push Darwin’s survival of the fittest kakistocracy hierarchical paradigm. Hierarchies include secret societies for those willing to sacrifice humanity to get ahead and “be someone”.
No one is allowed to “go down” in history without the approval of the satanic global cabal.
The Five Eyes countries sacrifice their people, the satanic cabal and their puppets (who are slaves whether they admit it or not) versus the white slaves. Why are there Ivy League schools, private boarding schools (with epidemic child sex abuse), and freemason lodges and orders?
The satanic Zionist “Jews” sacrificed the European Jews in the Holocaust for mass trauma and to create Israel (masterminded at the First Zionist Congress in 1897, which became the Zionist Organization (ZO). In Hebrew, the letters are S-R-A which stands for Satanic Ritual Abuse and EL which means god. God of satanic ritual abuse = Israel. Inversion of ZO = OZ. The little man behind the curtain.
The “Muslim” House of Saud (cabal family) sacrifices the Arabs for mass trauma and supports Israel. They sacrificed Osama bin Laden. They, along with the satanic CIA and Mossad, funded Al Queda, Hamas, ISIS and so many other terrorist groups. They sex and drug trafficking. They ban alcohol but drink it. They ban drugs but use it.
The Japanese cabal family sacrificed their people with 2 atomic bombs and Fukushima. They also enslaved Asian women (“comfort women”) during war to pervert their soldiers and get them addicted to sex trafficked women.
By the way, all symbols, hand signs, numbers and geometric shapes are divine. However, satanists pervert and curse them with an inverted meaning. Therefore, when you see them used by the dark and light, do not assume they are all dark.
The Ka’abah, that worshippers are told to circle, is a cube. The black meteorite, that worshippers are told to touch and kiss, is cursed with black magic. It was important that the Saudi family control the area. The (military state) Isreali intelligence Mossad has a cube statue in front of their building. The UK scifi show “Dr. Who” had an episode of millions of cubes falling from the sky. Curious humans took them home. They were “time bombs”.
Every war, every famine, every epidemic, every disaster was and is masterminded for maximum trauma to keep humanity enslaved. The MKUltra programs and identical programs are global. This is a human issue not racial, not religious, not ethnic, not anything but the satanic, anti-life agenda versus love. When humans are traumatized and in survival mode are easiest to control and manipulate. However, the trauma must be persistent and consistent for every generation. Otherwise, humanity rises and remembers their divinity.
Have you seen this lip reader, The Gunner’s Wife, who exposes a plot to assassinate POTUS at SOTU?
SOTU WHAT THEY SAID! CAUGHT CONVERSATIONS Decoded! SHOCKING Exchanges 2020 State Of The Union Speech
SOTU JOKE LAND DC-A POISON Environment of General Betrayal-READ MY LIPS IT'S BAD! Very Bad DC Actors
Body Language - Prince Andrew Interview
Playboy mansion - l
ocation of CIA operation for blackmail and MKUltra programmer Hugh Hefner
Robert Maxwell, Ghislaine, and the Mossad
More threads:
Guest Posting
If you wish to write and/or publish an article on Operation Disclosure all you need to do is send your entry to applying these following rules.
The subject of your email entry should be: "Entry Post | (Title of your post) | Operation Disclosure"
- Must be in text format
- Proper Grammar
- No foul language
- Your signature/name/username at the top
If you wish to receive the daily Operation Disclosure Newsletter, you can subscribe here.
Our mission at Operation Disclosure is to bring you important news events and raw intel from various sources focused on exposing the Deep State/Cabal and their downfall. We are also focused on disclosing our lost ancient origins and extraterrestrial contact.
Disclaimer: All articles, videos, and images posted on Operation Disclosure were submitted by readers and/or handpicked by the site itself for informational and/or entertainment purposes. All statements, claims, views and opinions that appear on this site are always presented as unverified and should be discerned by the reader. We do not endorse any opinions expressed on this website and we do not support, represent or guarantee the completeness, truthfulness, accuracy, or reliability of any content posted on this website.
Copyright © 2020 Operation Disclosure