Reader Post | By GK The Talmudic Babylonian Syndicate... Held together by Talmudic Rabbis... and their supremacist doctrine that all fami...
Reader Post | By GK
The Talmudic Babylonian Syndicate... Held together by Talmudic Rabbis... and their supremacist doctrine that all family members are cemented into from childhood through their traditions... Who teach each generation that the goal is to wipe out most and enslave some of Goyim... whose blood rituals and inbreeding infused their DNA with 112 hereditary diseases, (all other races have 2 tops) Think of the Rabbi circumcision ritual that has passed on STDs... In World War 2, these German Jew scientists experimented on everyone... including other Jews, especially the Jews who were against Zionism...
These German Jews still run banking and funded Hitler and Winston Churchill who were agents of the Talmudists. Many goals were accomplished such as military bases and banks almost everywhere to lock in the control system. Plus get their foothold in Palestine. The pharmaceutical mafia is these very same people. Can you see Fauci experimenting on these prisoners? Of course you can. This is not conspiracy theory---- the Jewish Health Consortium speak openly of their 112 hereditary diseases that they have been trying hard to pass on to everyone else. They don't admit that part of course. Interbreeding, GMO, vaccines and chemtrails... God knows what else. Giving diseases to animals and insects.
Money Magick, the Babylonian Talmudic practice of creating the money like the fairy tale Rumpelstiltskin alludes to... weaving straw into gold, an extension of the goldsmiths who gave out more gold receipts than the gold they stored... And to their friends and family to institutionalize the commerce grid... Every county owned... not country -- COUNTY -- secret society cronyism... rituals... All of this was codeified in 1066 London under the laws governing the uniform commercial code -- contract law... caveat emptor -- buyer beware... denying explanation to individuals as to what they agree to every time they make an agreement... oral or by signature... And then enforced by Admiralty law... Law of the high seas... a ship captain dictatorship...
I know most all of you think you know this, but every time someone states... The Nazis... they seem to miss the point that the Nazis were the German Jews who were the Talmudists from thousands of years back... Khazarian in 740AD but much further back... No one can defeat an enemy everyone is too scared and politically correct to actually identify. Eye on the ball. Jews killed Jews in World War 2. Average German soldiers had no idea why. Like most mercenaries they followed orders.
Millions of these German soldiers were marched into the same camps in 1945 and purposely starved to death to have cameras capture the film that would be used for the next 70 years to sell the idea that the Jews were innocent victims. Some were.
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Our mission at Operation Disclosure is to bring you important news events and raw intel from various sources focused on exposing the Deep State/Cabal and their downfall. We are also focused on disclosing our lost ancient origins and extraterrestrial contact.
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Copyright © 2020 Operation Disclosure
The Talmudic Babylonian Syndicate... Held together by Talmudic Rabbis... and their supremacist doctrine that all family members are cemented into from childhood through their traditions... Who teach each generation that the goal is to wipe out most and enslave some of Goyim... whose blood rituals and inbreeding infused their DNA with 112 hereditary diseases, (all other races have 2 tops) Think of the Rabbi circumcision ritual that has passed on STDs... In World War 2, these German Jew scientists experimented on everyone... including other Jews, especially the Jews who were against Zionism...
These German Jews still run banking and funded Hitler and Winston Churchill who were agents of the Talmudists. Many goals were accomplished such as military bases and banks almost everywhere to lock in the control system. Plus get their foothold in Palestine. The pharmaceutical mafia is these very same people. Can you see Fauci experimenting on these prisoners? Of course you can. This is not conspiracy theory---- the Jewish Health Consortium speak openly of their 112 hereditary diseases that they have been trying hard to pass on to everyone else. They don't admit that part of course. Interbreeding, GMO, vaccines and chemtrails... God knows what else. Giving diseases to animals and insects.
Money Magick, the Babylonian Talmudic practice of creating the money like the fairy tale Rumpelstiltskin alludes to... weaving straw into gold, an extension of the goldsmiths who gave out more gold receipts than the gold they stored... And to their friends and family to institutionalize the commerce grid... Every county owned... not country -- COUNTY -- secret society cronyism... rituals... All of this was codeified in 1066 London under the laws governing the uniform commercial code -- contract law... caveat emptor -- buyer beware... denying explanation to individuals as to what they agree to every time they make an agreement... oral or by signature... And then enforced by Admiralty law... Law of the high seas... a ship captain dictatorship...
I know most all of you think you know this, but every time someone states... The Nazis... they seem to miss the point that the Nazis were the German Jews who were the Talmudists from thousands of years back... Khazarian in 740AD but much further back... No one can defeat an enemy everyone is too scared and politically correct to actually identify. Eye on the ball. Jews killed Jews in World War 2. Average German soldiers had no idea why. Like most mercenaries they followed orders.
Millions of these German soldiers were marched into the same camps in 1945 and purposely starved to death to have cameras capture the film that would be used for the next 70 years to sell the idea that the Jews were innocent victims. Some were.
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Our mission at Operation Disclosure is to bring you important news events and raw intel from various sources focused on exposing the Deep State/Cabal and their downfall. We are also focused on disclosing our lost ancient origins and extraterrestrial contact.
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