Operation Disclosure | By RXKendrick, Contributor July 13, 2020 Citizens’ ARREST ALERT: California Governor “Gavin Newsom” next up! ...

Operation Disclosure | By RXKendrick, Contributor
July 13, 2020
Citizens’ ARREST ALERT: California Governor “Gavin Newsom” next up!
California Governor laughs-off citizens wanting THEIR MONEY back. Says his private military is now strong enough to handle anything. The $1-BILLION DOLLARS he misappropriated to CHINA was for virus face masks, not new “civil-war” military equipment to conquer the rest of the USA.
Curious citizens wonder… “Good Lord! How many face masks would $1-BILLION DOLLARS buy?” Having some personal knowledge of how inexpensively things like paper with rubber bands can be manufactured in China, it’s anybody’s guess how many masks $1-BILLION DOLLARS could buy. But for fun let’s guess high.
If it’s paper and rubber bands it would be pennies per mask. Not many but let’s guess 25-cents per mask. For fabric with two elastic bands let’s guess 50-cents per mask.
At 25-cents per-mask: Governor Newsom is ordering 4-Billion masks?
At 50-cents per-mask: Governor Newsom is ordering 2-BILLION masks?
With fewer than 40-Million California citizens? (Source: WorldPopulationReview.com)
That’s either 3-Billion 460-Million more masks than citizens, or 1-Billion 460-Million more masks than citizens. There are times when something is so unbelievable you don’t ask stupid questions or run ridiculous numbers. Maybe we already know the governor is lying through his SMILING-WIDE teeth!
Maybe we already heard reports of tons of military equipment being unloaded on California Pacific docks, but no masks among the shipments. Maybe we guess the $1-BILLION was committed to support the governor’s alleged private California military. Which has “more-than-once” been deployed to pedophile / child trafficking capital-of-the-world: Ukraine.
But why make an international deployment by a US state governor in the first place?
The “Common Sense Show” connects all of California’s democrats to the Ukraine corruption: Adam Schiff, Nancy Pelosi, son Paul Jr., Barrack Obama, and even faux-republican John Kerry. Not to mention Joe Biden, who thinks he’s running for Senate, and son Hunter who thinks he didn’t do anything wrong since his vice president dad helped him do it.
And this little jewel of information is subtly farther down in the article:
“Not one, but two deep cover sources told the CSS that former CIA Director, John Brennan, has been implicated in Ukrainian money laundering and bribery of public officials and is currently participating in trying to overthrow the Ukrainian government in order to bury the evidence against the Democrats as well as himself.”
Common Sense thinks the California-driven Donald Trump impeachment hearings may have been better called the “Cover-up of Democratic Corruption in Ukraine Act.”
China has received half of the money with the other half-BILLION still due. So, where are the not-yet-delivered first order of masks? And how much military equipment does the governor’s alleged “personal military” already have stockpiled? What did the $1-BILLION DOLLAR deal with China really pay for, if not masks? And didn’t the governor need federal approval before deploying his military abroad?
A Citizens Arrest Warrant should be issued by MILLIONS of California citizens to serve Governor Gavin Newsom. Demanding the immediate return of the $1-BILLION DOLLARS that belongs to the people, not the politicians. And if Governor Newsom has deployed any form of California military abroad as seems certain he did, the federal government must investigate and intervene to make sure he never does it again.
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