Operation Disclosure | By Thinker2, Contributor July 19, 2020 Black Lives Matter Anyone with a brain would know that all lives matt...

Operation Disclosure | By Thinker2, Contributor
July 19, 2020
Black Lives Matter
Anyone with a brain would know that all lives matter. Therefore this statement is not made with integrity. There is an ulterior motive for making this statement.
Antifa is not actually apposed to fascism or they would not employ fascist practices. Their label is ironic, intended to confuse both members and opponents.
Neither BLM nor Antifa are pursuing the agenda they claim to serve. They are liars (Hypocrites) seeking to deceive and confuse the uneducated mind.
Why are White people pushing BLM? Did you know Charlie Manson (White) was using his followers (also White) to get Blacks to start a Race War? Why would a White man use White people to start a Black Race War? (Not because he likes Blacks or Whites.) He hates both (insane).
I suspect Charles Manson was a failed MK-Ultra project by the CIA (Deep State). He never killed anyone, his followers did all that. The Deep State has many ways to cover up its messes. China Lake, CA (Navy Weapons Testing) had a massive DUMB for MK-Ultra and other experiments. Charlie’s hideout was just north of China Lake.

“Politically Correct” is a Luciferian / Satanic concept for deceiving people to abandon truth for deception. Placing Black lives above other lives is no different than claiming White Privilege or White Supremacy. Equality means ALL Lives Matter. The Declaration of Independence claims; All Men are Equal (personally; women are included).
Suicide by Fake News or Fake Politicks (Politically Correct):
If you are feeling suicidal (selfish act); would you please get on with it. If you are not suicidal would you please stop cooperating with the Deep State's Genocidal Agenda.
If suicide is selfish, what is it when you support a suicidal Deep State Agenda? (Murder) The people who got Hitler into power were murdered (suicided). Supporting psychopaths is suicidal (BLM, Antifa, MS-13, Deep State, Psychopaths, Satanism, BAR Mafia, Mercenaries, Radical Liberals). People in these groups are so angry (enraged) they fail to see they are killing themselves (insanity). Satan does not care how long it takes, he enjoys the process.
Stop playing Satan’s game of Divide and Conquer; it’s a loose, loose proposition. Satanists win.
Peace, love, and blessings,
Thinker2 ← links to my other posts
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