Source: Real News Network | By Peggy Traeger Tierney Here's the truth about this case they don't want you to know. This article i...
Source: Real News Network | By Peggy Traeger Tierney
Here's the truth about this case they don't want you to know. This article is a work in progress and I will update it often as I learn new information.
It only took the Communists 9 days to engineer Floyd's death, loot & torch Minneapolis & shut down the Minneapolis police department! They pulled another Jussie & the world fell for it.
Why? So they can build a huge corridor of new public housing & tent cities on Lake Street for absentee ballot mills to control the vote in Minnesota from Hennepin County, dismantle the police & push through cheat-by-mail for the Democrats.
CAIR, ANTIFA, Black Lives Matter, Black Bloc, the Youth Liberation Front, Occupy Wall Street & Sojourners are all front organizations for the Communist Party in the United States. They operate liberal activist groups, fake religious groups, social justice groups & mercenaries whose goal is the overthrow of America.
AG Barr just declared left-wing ANTIFA a terrorist organization. It is a militant group that was started in 1932 by the COMMUNIST Party of Germany. It has since infiltrated and overtaken many other organizations in America.
George Floyd had prior connections to Keith Ellison, Mayor Jacob Frey, Hollywood, CAIR, Derek Chauvin & Amy Klobuchar.
Keith Ellison is the defacto leader of ANTIFA & CAIR in Minnesota and Ilhan Omar is one of his creations. Keith Ellison & Ilhan Omar use the same "campaign manager" known for his expertise in "foreign money" handling, Tim Mynett.
Ilhan Omar even married Tim Mynett for spousal privilege after she married her gay brother for immigration fraud.
Ellison's son, Jeremiah, who runs the Minneapolis City Council, just pledged his allegiance to ANTIFA & his plan to shut down the police department & replace it with "community out-reach."
Keith Ellison is good friends with the LEADER of Portland's Rose City ANTIFA, Luis Enrique Marquez, which flies the Communist flag.
Ellison converted to Islam in law school, was a student of Farrakhan, once defended cop killers, called for reparations & a separate country for black people within America, and wrote many racist articles under the name of Keith Hakim Mohammad X. He changed his name when he ran for office in Minnesota.
George Floyd & Derek Chauvin KNEW each other & worked security together at a Latino restaurant, called El Nuevo Rodeo, on Lake Street & 27th in Minneapolis.
The face of that restaurant, Maya Santamaria, with a history of problems, ran the business for the Sabri family who want to develop Lake Street for the refugee community as an extension of Cedar Riverside. Santamaria & Frey are good friends.
Sabri, from Jordan, is the developer behind the Somali mall on East Lake Street - and wants to build ANOTHER Somali mall on East Lake Street. His projects are backed by Ellison, Omar & Frey. Sabri has long wanted to build condominiums on Lake Street and been turned down.
Sundance reports that the El Nuevo Rodeo restaurant is likely a money-laundering & counterfeit money front for the Sabri family that was forced to close during COVID. El Nuevo was looted during the riots.
Omar Investments Inc. has owned El Nuevo Rodeo Cantina and night club since 1996. The principle of Omar Investments Inc. is Muna Sabri. In 2001, Basim Sabri was captured by the FBI in a sting operation. The Sabris are a wealthy family with a history of bribing Minneapolis city officials.
Basim Sabri claimed that Abdi Warsame, who sits on Ellison's Minneapolis City Council, took bribes from him.
Born in Somalia, Warsame was brought to Minnesota from London by Soros to master the absentee ballot vote in Minnesota and FLIP it blue. He began by running Cedar Riverside & turning it into a ballot making machine - which elected Ilhan Omar & Keith Ellison. He's succeeded in controlling the vote in Minnesota through voter fraud & 3rd party ringers.
Derek Chauvin worked at El Nuevo Rodeo for 17 years. That puts Derek Chauvin showing up to work security at El Neuvo Rodeo right after the FBI busted Basim Sabri. Chauvin received a COMMENDATION medal after he arrested violent gang members outside El Nuevo Rodeo in 2008.
Cup Foods owner, Mahmoud Abumayyaleh, a Black Lives Matter activist from the Middle East, whose employee called the cops on George Floyd for passing a wet $20 counterfeit bill, knew George Floyd - who was a regular at the store. Who else did Mahmoud know?
It was Mahmoud's Facebook post that announced George's death and called it a racist murder. The day after George's death, Mahmoud went on every major network to tell his story and called for the immediate arrest of all 4 officers. His partners at CAIR did the same thing.
Within 6 hours after George died, a "community journalist" associated with Mahmoud had sent the "video" to the media & the family hired Ben Crumb, the attorney behind Trayvon Martin, and Shaun King of Black Lives Matters was ratcheting up the noise. Within 12 hours, Frey held a press conference with the MPD. Within 18 hours, all 4 officers were fired. An hour later, Frey led a Town Hall on the case. It's like it was all planned ahead of time.
Members of CAIR "filmed" George Floyd's death outside Cup Foods in Minneapolis and erected a large portrait of Floyd on the street. They wore Black Lives Matter shirts and handed out sambusas, or stuffed pastries, to mourners in Elliot Park in Minneapolis.
It took Frey 4 days to respond to the riots, after the entire city had been looted & burned, but within 6 hours he planned a press conference on the Floyd death? PLANNED.
There is body cam footage from all 4 officers which we've NEVER seen, only the cell phone video from a stranger and the Cup Foods surveillance video from a man who is anti-American, anti-police and works for Black Lives Matters. Why?
The first two officers on the scene, when called from Cup Foods about George Floyd passing a counterfeit $20 bill, were rookies, each with less than 4 shifts as police officers.
It was his FOURTH day as a police officer when Thomas Lane, 37, pulled his weapon on George Floyd and asked him to put his hands on the steering wheel of his car. Lane asked Floyd if he was ON something due to the foam coming out of his mouth. Floyd mumbled "I can't breathe."
J Alexander Kueng, 26, is a rookie cop who was working his THIRD SHIFT EVER as a police officer when he encountered George Floyd. He stood on the passenger side of Floyd's car, while Lane held a gun on him. Kueng, who identifies as an African-American, now faces 40 years in prison for the so-called "racist murder" of a fellow African-American.
Chauvin and his partner showed up late to the scene and helped the two rookies try to maneuver Floyd into the patrol car. They failed. Chauvin pulled him to the ground and kneeled on him.
Many believe the man who kneeled on Floyd was NOT really Chauvin but a stand-in. Look at this photo of Chauvin 2 years ago with his wife, a Laos refugee, who ran for Mrs Minnesota in 2018. And this photo of the original mug shot compared to the kneeler. You decide.
Not only was Chauvin employed by El Nuevo Rodeo for 17 years, he and he wife are real estate agents, own a home in Minnesota AND Florida, are residents of Florida and run an AirBNB there. Up until last week, Chauvin's wife said he was the "most gentle" man she's ever known. Now she filed for divorce and said he's a murderer. Quite a shift in a short period.
Even more confusing, the media is now claiming Chauvin is a Republican who committed voter fraud while being a Florida resident. Think about that latest spin to tie Trump & Republicans to his actions.
George Floyd had sickle cell anemia & heart disease & lethal levels of fentanyl & heroin in his body as well as meth, speed & marijuana in his body at the time of death. No one mentions this at all. Why?
Sickle cell anemia reduces oxygen to your brain & tissues and lowers life expectancy by over 20 years in a HEALTHY individual. Fentanyl slows oxygen to your brain & both meth & speed can cause cardiac arrest.
The autopsy was performed on May 26th but the actual report was not released to the public until days later, AFTER cities were torched & burned. The toxicology report was complete on May 31st but the results were quietly released to the public on June 4th. Why?
Floyd tested positive for COVID two months ago, so he DID NOT die from that. He had recovered & had anti-bodies. Fake narrative to cover the drugs.
Floyd held a gun to a pregnant woman's stomach, while ransacking her home for money & drugs in Texas in 2007, & served 5 years in prison for armed robbery. He came to Minnesota in 2014 when he got out. How did he get a job working security with Chauvin? Who did his background check?
George Floyd was a porn star - his screen name was BIG FLOYD - and his "work" appeared on a Middle-Eastern porn site called Habib...
Klobuchar declined to prosecute Derek Chauvin for a police shooting that took place in 2006 that went to a grand jury. He was later cleared. So she knew who he was.
If people think Communists wouldn't drug, murder or pay someone to be a patsy to start a race riot to get rid of the police, and engineer a murder for the cameras, you need to get out in the real world!
Within 24 hours of Floyd's death, thousands of rioters looted & torched Minneapolis while the police stood down and let it burn. It didn't JUST happen. Engineered by Communists!
On the day the riots started, Mayor Frey had just mandated masks for everyone & the first looting happened at a Target store right near Cedar Riverside. It was looted, not torched. How convenient. All rioters wearing masks!
Target Stores, a retail operation founded by the liberal Dayton family, the same family of Minnesota's previous Democrat Governor Mark Dayton, immediately donated to Black Lives Matter and shut down ALL their stores to escape further damage. Coincidence? I think not. CAIR organized the looters. ANTIFA organized the arsonists.
When asked why he allowed rioters to loot in large groups but banned churches from worshipping in large groups, Walz had no answer.
How do Communists overthrow a city? A country? They engineer a murder, start a race war, loot it & burn it down and then get YOU to blame yourself so you'll turn over your guns, kiss their feet and beg to be taken care of. Got it? Don't be suckered.
George Floyd JUST HAPPENED to die on Memorial Day? One of the Communist Party's main goals is to REPLACE all American traditions. Valentine's Day is now known as the day of the Parkland school massacre. Easter Sunday is now known as the day churches closed to honor the Day of the Dead for COVID-19. D-Day is now known as the day Black Lives Matters marched on Washington DC. What do they have planned for the 4th of July?
Communists want you to think America is divided by race. We are not. There is ONLY one DIVIDE: COMMUNIST vs FREE PEOPLE.
CNN, MSNBC & every Democrat leader in America has been shaming beach goers for not "social distancing" and telling the faithful they'll DIE if they go to church but they have no problem with mobs of thousands rioting, burning & looting!
The Minneapolis Police Department has a RULE that if one officer sees another officer using excessive force, they MUST intervene to STOP it, or report it. The Minneapolis City Council is pretending that RULE never existed.
3rd precinct in Minneapolis was taken over by rioters & set on fire after AG Keith Ellison & his son Jeremiah of the Minneapolis City Council told Mayor Frey to stand down and let it burn. Police were told to pack up and leave two days earlier.
Trump ordered the military to get ready to deploy to Minneapolis without discussing it with Walz or Frey. Prudent move. They BOTH refused to call in the Guard for 4 days and ONLY did so because the FBI warned them the Minnesota State Capitol was the next target. A US Department of Justice plane with DOJ/FBI personnel just landed at the Minneapolis-St. Paul airport!
PRESIDENT TRUMP: "The National Guard has been released in Minneapolis to do the job that the Democrat Mayor couldn’t do. Should have been used 2 days ago & there would not have been damage & Police Headquarters would not have been taken over & ruined.
Great job by the National Guard. No games!"
President Trump brought in 10,800 Minnesota National Guard to bring peace to the Twin Cities. Walz & Frey used 350.
Mayor Frey said Minneapolis didn't need the police or the National Guard to stop the looting & torching. He said the "community" could stop the riots!
Mayor Frey said he told police to let the 3rd precinct burn because "buildings" just aren't that important! Then he started crying. Then he lashed out at President Trump. Trump mocked his weakness.
GINGRICH: Mayor Frey didn't want to arrest anyone. If rioters believe they won’t be arrested, they'll come back again & again.
After 3 days of looting & torching, and being shamed by President Trump, Governor Walz finally said HE was in charge NOW and blamed Minneapolis Mayor Frey for the damage.
MAYOR GIULIANI: "When the Mayor of Minneapolis asked his police to flee from their police precinct, he proved he is incapable of protecting his own people, their property or their lives.
This is the result of the criminal friendly policies of so-called Progressive Democrat mayors and governors."
Governor Walz thought a curfew would make the rioters pack up & go home. LIES. He knows damn well that only law abiding citizens OBEY stay-at-home orders!
Walz declared 80% of the violence was committed by out-of-state. Hennepin County & Ramsey County Jail records showed 80% of those arrested in Minnesota for rioting, looting & torching were Minnesotans, an ANTIFA Communist stronghold.
George Floyd's original autopsy reported there are NO physical findings that support death by trauma, lack or oxygen or strangulation! The KNEE had nothing to do with George's death. If Chauvin was using undue pressure it would have caused trauma. It did not. He had underlying heart problems & heavy drugs in his system.
Officer Chauvin was arrested IMMEDIATELY yet rioters CONTINUED to loot & torch Minneapolis. See? This is NOT about race or George Floyd.
Everyone is so worried about being called a racist they'll ACCEPT anything. George Floyd's death had NOTHING to do with RACE. Same people who say all 4 cops are racist killers said Jussie was lynched, Yanez was guilty & the Covington boys were evil. STOP!
Taylor Swift just tweeted that George Floyd's death is proof President Trump is "stoking the fires of white supremacy and racism."
Mayor Frey immediately transferred the George Floyd case to AG Keith Ellison, the Communist leader of ANTIFA & CAIR in Minnesota. He said he's lost confidence in Hennepin County Attorney Mike Freeman. Why? He didn't do as he was TOLD & bypass DUE PROCESS.
Right after the video surfaced, Freeman said he had evidence Chauvin could be exonerated. The next day he was forced to charge Chauvin and hand over the case to Ellison REWROTE THE COMPLAINT & charged ALL FOUR OFFICERS with felony 2nd degree murder.
Felony murder means that ANY officer going forward who restrains a fleeing criminal in ANY manner can be charged with murder. Perfect timing for the next round of riots, huh?
The neck restraint that Chauvin used is LEGAL in the MPD and is often used to render violent drug addicts unconscious. Why? Because people on heavy drugs FEEL NO PAIN and are EXTREMELY DANGEROUS. The neck restraint has been used 44 times in the past 5 years on suspects of every race. They don't want you to know that.
By the way, public housing complexes, like Cedar Riverside, are HUGE voter fraud mills for the Democrats; where they create & fill out absentee ballots!
Remember last year when a career felon was RELEASED to throw a 5-year-old boy off the 3rd floor balcony of Minnesota's Mall of America? How many rioted because of a horrendous crime by a black male against a white child? NONE.
How do I know this is about building a corridor on Lake Street for public housing ballot mills? Last year, CAIR's soldiers torched the iconic Pavilion on Lake Calhoun on the west end of Lake Street. I could see the plan begin to unfold with that event.
It was declared an "accident" and the Pavilion was NOT rebuilt. Immediately after, the Minneapolis Parks Board, in the pocket of CAIR, BLM & ANTIFA, began entertaining plans to build public housing AND a mosque on that spot. That was right after Black Lives Matter called Calhoun a racist and lobbied to rename the Lake Calhoun to Bde Maka Ska.
TRUMP: These ORGANIZED GROUPS have NOTHING to do with George Floyd. It’s ANTIFA & the Radical Left. Don’t lay blame on others!
ANTIFA Communists teach recruits to race-bait, heckle & mock Trump supporters, shame them & make them feel ridiculous, weak & outnumbered, in order to destroy them.
New ANTIFA recruits meet their handlers at local Starbucks and receive HOURS of lectures and combat training at Black Lives Matter front "bookstores."
BARR: "It's a federal crime to cross state lines or use interstates to incite or participate in violent rioting. The violence is planned, organized & driven by anarchtic, left-wing extremist groups using Antifa-like tactics.”
In 2017, Minneapolis Officer Mohamed Noor shot Justine Damond in the stomach in her pajamas & it took 8 months for the Hennepin County Attorney, Mike Freeman, to charge him. Noor was NEVER fired. He was given PAID LEAVE for 8 months until he was charged.
All 4 officers were FIRED the day after George Floyd's death and all 4 cops were called racist murderers before anyone saw their faces. They were all charged with murder within 9 days. NO DUE PROCESS.
The riots are a test run for November. Ellison overcharged all four officers so they will get off and the riots can start again. To force us to stay home so we can't vote for Trump on election day.
Every RIOT is happening in Democrat-run cities with budget problems & they've ALL declared national emergencies for Federal funds. Coincidence?
Now you know why Democrats emptied the jails & mandated masks. The invisible enemy was the trojan horse for the visible enemy.
These riots accomplished one good thing. They made people understand the TERROR that GOOD cops face everyday & why we need them.
Most disturbing part to me of the riots, looting & torching are bystanders hanging out partying as if destruction is entertaining. 3rd world mentality.
Huge studies by Harvard & the Washington Post found that police officers in America are NOT racist & are often VICTIMS of violence!
Not only is there NO evidence that cops are racist in America, the data shows they actually bend over backwards NOT to be racist!
Do you guys realize George Floyd encountered over 100 cops with no fatal issues before 2020? I pray for his family but the Black Lives Matter war against ALL COPS is DANGEROUS.
Ignorant liberals are kneeling before the ATHEIST Communists of Black Lives Matter, kissing their feet, shaving their heads, pledging allegiance to BLM and holding up their hands in praise while washing the streets of their terror.
This is the same maneuver the National SOCIALIST Germany Worker's party (NAZI) used to dehumanize the Jewish people before they sent them to the gas chambers.
DeRay McKesson, the head of Black Lives Matter, and his boyfriend, Jack Dorsey, the CEO of Twitter, groomed Colin Kaepernick in the ways of the alphabet people & taught him how to KNEEL on the NFL field.
Why does Colin Kaepernick kneel? Because he is praying to ALLAH. When you kneel, you do the same and the DEVIL laughs.
Jack Dorsey, CEO of Twitter, just donated $3 Million to Colin Kaepernick's new George Floyd initiative designed to REPLACE the police with BLM community organizers. Coincidence? I think not. All the COMMUNISTS are working together.
The Mayor of DC, another Communist Black Lives Matter activist, ordered the city to paint BLACK LIVES MATTER on the streets in front of the White House and renamed it Black Lives Matter Blvd. Then she instructed the National Guard to leave the city and leave the White House undefended. See where this is going?
The website of Black Lives Matter states their purpose is to protect transgender, queer & black women against oppression and DEFUND the police. How could BLM support George Floyd who held a GUN to the stomach of a PREGNANT woman and demeaned women in pornographic videos? Total hypocrisy. BLM started in 2016 to take down Trump & overthrow America.
Today, Black Lives Matter ADDED "Black Lives Matter = DEFUND THE POLICE" to their graffiti outside the White House. THERE. Clear as day what this is all about.
George Floyd did NOT deserve to die but his death was NOT caused by racism. Ellison/Frey withheld evidence from the public for 9 days in order to race-bait & fuel massive destruction in America on behalf of the Communist Party. George Floyd deserves our love & compassion but he did not die a hero or a martyr. He should not be glorified as another Martin Luther King.
And just like that, the VIRUS is gone! The invisible enemy was sent to strike fear into the hearts of the American people so they would be ripe for an invasion by the VISIBLE enemy
Another Communist HOAX and we fell for it again. After Stormy, Jussie, Russia Russia, Covington, Kavanaugh, Impeachment, virus & RIOTS, what's their next scheme? Are you tired of all the left-wing BS yet?
UPDATES 6/8/20: Minnesota Attorney General Keith "X" Ellison refused to publicly release the video footage from the body cams of all 4 cops. Why? Here's just a snippet of video from the scene that clearly shows Floyd resisting arrest.
Derek Chauvin appeared in Hennepin County court today by remote camera from prison and the Judge set bail at $1.25 Million with no conditions. His attorney made no statements and entered NO plea.
I kept asking reporters on the scene which one of these five guys showed up. Nobody knows. Chauvin was unidentifiable, handcuffed and wearing a surgical mask. Why would he be wearing a surgical mask while alone in a room from jail? More red flags.
7 Sigma, a manufacturer on East Lake Street & 26th Avenue in Minneapolis, near the Cedar Riverside public housing complex, plans to leave the city after the police & fire department were ordered to stand down and let their building burn.
Black Lives Matter & Hollywood organized FOUR funerals for George Floyd: Minneapolis, North Carolina & two in Houston.
George Floyd's family asked the United Nations to REMOVE all police departments in America. Who does that while they're freshly grieving for their loved one unless they have an agenda? I guess they can afford a personal security force now with a GoFundMe account of $14 Million.
UPDATES 6/9/20: Thomas Lane's attorney said the public would have a different opinion on the Officers' actions if they saw the body cams of George Floyd resisting arrest.
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Here's the truth about this case they don't want you to know. This article is a work in progress and I will update it often as I learn new information.
It only took the Communists 9 days to engineer Floyd's death, loot & torch Minneapolis & shut down the Minneapolis police department! They pulled another Jussie & the world fell for it.
Why? So they can build a huge corridor of new public housing & tent cities on Lake Street for absentee ballot mills to control the vote in Minnesota from Hennepin County, dismantle the police & push through cheat-by-mail for the Democrats.
CAIR, ANTIFA, Black Lives Matter, Black Bloc, the Youth Liberation Front, Occupy Wall Street & Sojourners are all front organizations for the Communist Party in the United States. They operate liberal activist groups, fake religious groups, social justice groups & mercenaries whose goal is the overthrow of America.
AG Barr just declared left-wing ANTIFA a terrorist organization. It is a militant group that was started in 1932 by the COMMUNIST Party of Germany. It has since infiltrated and overtaken many other organizations in America.
George Floyd had prior connections to Keith Ellison, Mayor Jacob Frey, Hollywood, CAIR, Derek Chauvin & Amy Klobuchar.
Keith Ellison is the defacto leader of ANTIFA & CAIR in Minnesota and Ilhan Omar is one of his creations. Keith Ellison & Ilhan Omar use the same "campaign manager" known for his expertise in "foreign money" handling, Tim Mynett.
Ilhan Omar even married Tim Mynett for spousal privilege after she married her gay brother for immigration fraud.
Ellison's son, Jeremiah, who runs the Minneapolis City Council, just pledged his allegiance to ANTIFA & his plan to shut down the police department & replace it with "community out-reach."
Keith Ellison is good friends with the LEADER of Portland's Rose City ANTIFA, Luis Enrique Marquez, which flies the Communist flag.
Ellison converted to Islam in law school, was a student of Farrakhan, once defended cop killers, called for reparations & a separate country for black people within America, and wrote many racist articles under the name of Keith Hakim Mohammad X. He changed his name when he ran for office in Minnesota.
George Floyd & Derek Chauvin KNEW each other & worked security together at a Latino restaurant, called El Nuevo Rodeo, on Lake Street & 27th in Minneapolis.
The face of that restaurant, Maya Santamaria, with a history of problems, ran the business for the Sabri family who want to develop Lake Street for the refugee community as an extension of Cedar Riverside. Santamaria & Frey are good friends.
Sabri, from Jordan, is the developer behind the Somali mall on East Lake Street - and wants to build ANOTHER Somali mall on East Lake Street. His projects are backed by Ellison, Omar & Frey. Sabri has long wanted to build condominiums on Lake Street and been turned down.
Sundance reports that the El Nuevo Rodeo restaurant is likely a money-laundering & counterfeit money front for the Sabri family that was forced to close during COVID. El Nuevo was looted during the riots.
Omar Investments Inc. has owned El Nuevo Rodeo Cantina and night club since 1996. The principle of Omar Investments Inc. is Muna Sabri. In 2001, Basim Sabri was captured by the FBI in a sting operation. The Sabris are a wealthy family with a history of bribing Minneapolis city officials.
Basim Sabri claimed that Abdi Warsame, who sits on Ellison's Minneapolis City Council, took bribes from him.
Born in Somalia, Warsame was brought to Minnesota from London by Soros to master the absentee ballot vote in Minnesota and FLIP it blue. He began by running Cedar Riverside & turning it into a ballot making machine - which elected Ilhan Omar & Keith Ellison. He's succeeded in controlling the vote in Minnesota through voter fraud & 3rd party ringers.
Derek Chauvin worked at El Nuevo Rodeo for 17 years. That puts Derek Chauvin showing up to work security at El Neuvo Rodeo right after the FBI busted Basim Sabri. Chauvin received a COMMENDATION medal after he arrested violent gang members outside El Nuevo Rodeo in 2008.
Cup Foods owner, Mahmoud Abumayyaleh, a Black Lives Matter activist from the Middle East, whose employee called the cops on George Floyd for passing a wet $20 counterfeit bill, knew George Floyd - who was a regular at the store. Who else did Mahmoud know?
It was Mahmoud's Facebook post that announced George's death and called it a racist murder. The day after George's death, Mahmoud went on every major network to tell his story and called for the immediate arrest of all 4 officers. His partners at CAIR did the same thing.
Within 6 hours after George died, a "community journalist" associated with Mahmoud had sent the "video" to the media & the family hired Ben Crumb, the attorney behind Trayvon Martin, and Shaun King of Black Lives Matters was ratcheting up the noise. Within 12 hours, Frey held a press conference with the MPD. Within 18 hours, all 4 officers were fired. An hour later, Frey led a Town Hall on the case. It's like it was all planned ahead of time.
Members of CAIR "filmed" George Floyd's death outside Cup Foods in Minneapolis and erected a large portrait of Floyd on the street. They wore Black Lives Matter shirts and handed out sambusas, or stuffed pastries, to mourners in Elliot Park in Minneapolis.
It took Frey 4 days to respond to the riots, after the entire city had been looted & burned, but within 6 hours he planned a press conference on the Floyd death? PLANNED.
There is body cam footage from all 4 officers which we've NEVER seen, only the cell phone video from a stranger and the Cup Foods surveillance video from a man who is anti-American, anti-police and works for Black Lives Matters. Why?
The first two officers on the scene, when called from Cup Foods about George Floyd passing a counterfeit $20 bill, were rookies, each with less than 4 shifts as police officers.
It was his FOURTH day as a police officer when Thomas Lane, 37, pulled his weapon on George Floyd and asked him to put his hands on the steering wheel of his car. Lane asked Floyd if he was ON something due to the foam coming out of his mouth. Floyd mumbled "I can't breathe."
J Alexander Kueng, 26, is a rookie cop who was working his THIRD SHIFT EVER as a police officer when he encountered George Floyd. He stood on the passenger side of Floyd's car, while Lane held a gun on him. Kueng, who identifies as an African-American, now faces 40 years in prison for the so-called "racist murder" of a fellow African-American.
Chauvin and his partner showed up late to the scene and helped the two rookies try to maneuver Floyd into the patrol car. They failed. Chauvin pulled him to the ground and kneeled on him.
Many believe the man who kneeled on Floyd was NOT really Chauvin but a stand-in. Look at this photo of Chauvin 2 years ago with his wife, a Laos refugee, who ran for Mrs Minnesota in 2018. And this photo of the original mug shot compared to the kneeler. You decide.
Not only was Chauvin employed by El Nuevo Rodeo for 17 years, he and he wife are real estate agents, own a home in Minnesota AND Florida, are residents of Florida and run an AirBNB there. Up until last week, Chauvin's wife said he was the "most gentle" man she's ever known. Now she filed for divorce and said he's a murderer. Quite a shift in a short period.
Even more confusing, the media is now claiming Chauvin is a Republican who committed voter fraud while being a Florida resident. Think about that latest spin to tie Trump & Republicans to his actions.
George Floyd had sickle cell anemia & heart disease & lethal levels of fentanyl & heroin in his body as well as meth, speed & marijuana in his body at the time of death. No one mentions this at all. Why?
Sickle cell anemia reduces oxygen to your brain & tissues and lowers life expectancy by over 20 years in a HEALTHY individual. Fentanyl slows oxygen to your brain & both meth & speed can cause cardiac arrest.
The autopsy was performed on May 26th but the actual report was not released to the public until days later, AFTER cities were torched & burned. The toxicology report was complete on May 31st but the results were quietly released to the public on June 4th. Why?
Floyd tested positive for COVID two months ago, so he DID NOT die from that. He had recovered & had anti-bodies. Fake narrative to cover the drugs.
Floyd held a gun to a pregnant woman's stomach, while ransacking her home for money & drugs in Texas in 2007, & served 5 years in prison for armed robbery. He came to Minnesota in 2014 when he got out. How did he get a job working security with Chauvin? Who did his background check?
George Floyd was a porn star - his screen name was BIG FLOYD - and his "work" appeared on a Middle-Eastern porn site called Habib...
Klobuchar declined to prosecute Derek Chauvin for a police shooting that took place in 2006 that went to a grand jury. He was later cleared. So she knew who he was.
If people think Communists wouldn't drug, murder or pay someone to be a patsy to start a race riot to get rid of the police, and engineer a murder for the cameras, you need to get out in the real world!
Within 24 hours of Floyd's death, thousands of rioters looted & torched Minneapolis while the police stood down and let it burn. It didn't JUST happen. Engineered by Communists!
On the day the riots started, Mayor Frey had just mandated masks for everyone & the first looting happened at a Target store right near Cedar Riverside. It was looted, not torched. How convenient. All rioters wearing masks!
Target Stores, a retail operation founded by the liberal Dayton family, the same family of Minnesota's previous Democrat Governor Mark Dayton, immediately donated to Black Lives Matter and shut down ALL their stores to escape further damage. Coincidence? I think not. CAIR organized the looters. ANTIFA organized the arsonists.
When asked why he allowed rioters to loot in large groups but banned churches from worshipping in large groups, Walz had no answer.
How do Communists overthrow a city? A country? They engineer a murder, start a race war, loot it & burn it down and then get YOU to blame yourself so you'll turn over your guns, kiss their feet and beg to be taken care of. Got it? Don't be suckered.
George Floyd JUST HAPPENED to die on Memorial Day? One of the Communist Party's main goals is to REPLACE all American traditions. Valentine's Day is now known as the day of the Parkland school massacre. Easter Sunday is now known as the day churches closed to honor the Day of the Dead for COVID-19. D-Day is now known as the day Black Lives Matters marched on Washington DC. What do they have planned for the 4th of July?
Communists want you to think America is divided by race. We are not. There is ONLY one DIVIDE: COMMUNIST vs FREE PEOPLE.
CNN, MSNBC & every Democrat leader in America has been shaming beach goers for not "social distancing" and telling the faithful they'll DIE if they go to church but they have no problem with mobs of thousands rioting, burning & looting!
The Minneapolis Police Department has a RULE that if one officer sees another officer using excessive force, they MUST intervene to STOP it, or report it. The Minneapolis City Council is pretending that RULE never existed.
3rd precinct in Minneapolis was taken over by rioters & set on fire after AG Keith Ellison & his son Jeremiah of the Minneapolis City Council told Mayor Frey to stand down and let it burn. Police were told to pack up and leave two days earlier.
Trump ordered the military to get ready to deploy to Minneapolis without discussing it with Walz or Frey. Prudent move. They BOTH refused to call in the Guard for 4 days and ONLY did so because the FBI warned them the Minnesota State Capitol was the next target. A US Department of Justice plane with DOJ/FBI personnel just landed at the Minneapolis-St. Paul airport!
PRESIDENT TRUMP: "The National Guard has been released in Minneapolis to do the job that the Democrat Mayor couldn’t do. Should have been used 2 days ago & there would not have been damage & Police Headquarters would not have been taken over & ruined.
Great job by the National Guard. No games!"
President Trump brought in 10,800 Minnesota National Guard to bring peace to the Twin Cities. Walz & Frey used 350.
Mayor Frey said Minneapolis didn't need the police or the National Guard to stop the looting & torching. He said the "community" could stop the riots!
Mayor Frey said he told police to let the 3rd precinct burn because "buildings" just aren't that important! Then he started crying. Then he lashed out at President Trump. Trump mocked his weakness.
GINGRICH: Mayor Frey didn't want to arrest anyone. If rioters believe they won’t be arrested, they'll come back again & again.
After 3 days of looting & torching, and being shamed by President Trump, Governor Walz finally said HE was in charge NOW and blamed Minneapolis Mayor Frey for the damage.
MAYOR GIULIANI: "When the Mayor of Minneapolis asked his police to flee from their police precinct, he proved he is incapable of protecting his own people, their property or their lives.
This is the result of the criminal friendly policies of so-called Progressive Democrat mayors and governors."
Governor Walz thought a curfew would make the rioters pack up & go home. LIES. He knows damn well that only law abiding citizens OBEY stay-at-home orders!
Walz declared 80% of the violence was committed by out-of-state. Hennepin County & Ramsey County Jail records showed 80% of those arrested in Minnesota for rioting, looting & torching were Minnesotans, an ANTIFA Communist stronghold.
George Floyd's original autopsy reported there are NO physical findings that support death by trauma, lack or oxygen or strangulation! The KNEE had nothing to do with George's death. If Chauvin was using undue pressure it would have caused trauma. It did not. He had underlying heart problems & heavy drugs in his system.
Officer Chauvin was arrested IMMEDIATELY yet rioters CONTINUED to loot & torch Minneapolis. See? This is NOT about race or George Floyd.
Everyone is so worried about being called a racist they'll ACCEPT anything. George Floyd's death had NOTHING to do with RACE. Same people who say all 4 cops are racist killers said Jussie was lynched, Yanez was guilty & the Covington boys were evil. STOP!
Taylor Swift just tweeted that George Floyd's death is proof President Trump is "stoking the fires of white supremacy and racism."
Mayor Frey immediately transferred the George Floyd case to AG Keith Ellison, the Communist leader of ANTIFA & CAIR in Minnesota. He said he's lost confidence in Hennepin County Attorney Mike Freeman. Why? He didn't do as he was TOLD & bypass DUE PROCESS.
Right after the video surfaced, Freeman said he had evidence Chauvin could be exonerated. The next day he was forced to charge Chauvin and hand over the case to Ellison REWROTE THE COMPLAINT & charged ALL FOUR OFFICERS with felony 2nd degree murder.
Felony murder means that ANY officer going forward who restrains a fleeing criminal in ANY manner can be charged with murder. Perfect timing for the next round of riots, huh?
The neck restraint that Chauvin used is LEGAL in the MPD and is often used to render violent drug addicts unconscious. Why? Because people on heavy drugs FEEL NO PAIN and are EXTREMELY DANGEROUS. The neck restraint has been used 44 times in the past 5 years on suspects of every race. They don't want you to know that.
By the way, public housing complexes, like Cedar Riverside, are HUGE voter fraud mills for the Democrats; where they create & fill out absentee ballots!
Remember last year when a career felon was RELEASED to throw a 5-year-old boy off the 3rd floor balcony of Minnesota's Mall of America? How many rioted because of a horrendous crime by a black male against a white child? NONE.
How do I know this is about building a corridor on Lake Street for public housing ballot mills? Last year, CAIR's soldiers torched the iconic Pavilion on Lake Calhoun on the west end of Lake Street. I could see the plan begin to unfold with that event.
It was declared an "accident" and the Pavilion was NOT rebuilt. Immediately after, the Minneapolis Parks Board, in the pocket of CAIR, BLM & ANTIFA, began entertaining plans to build public housing AND a mosque on that spot. That was right after Black Lives Matter called Calhoun a racist and lobbied to rename the Lake Calhoun to Bde Maka Ska.
TRUMP: These ORGANIZED GROUPS have NOTHING to do with George Floyd. It’s ANTIFA & the Radical Left. Don’t lay blame on others!
ANTIFA Communists teach recruits to race-bait, heckle & mock Trump supporters, shame them & make them feel ridiculous, weak & outnumbered, in order to destroy them.
New ANTIFA recruits meet their handlers at local Starbucks and receive HOURS of lectures and combat training at Black Lives Matter front "bookstores."
BARR: "It's a federal crime to cross state lines or use interstates to incite or participate in violent rioting. The violence is planned, organized & driven by anarchtic, left-wing extremist groups using Antifa-like tactics.”
In 2017, Minneapolis Officer Mohamed Noor shot Justine Damond in the stomach in her pajamas & it took 8 months for the Hennepin County Attorney, Mike Freeman, to charge him. Noor was NEVER fired. He was given PAID LEAVE for 8 months until he was charged.
All 4 officers were FIRED the day after George Floyd's death and all 4 cops were called racist murderers before anyone saw their faces. They were all charged with murder within 9 days. NO DUE PROCESS.
The riots are a test run for November. Ellison overcharged all four officers so they will get off and the riots can start again. To force us to stay home so we can't vote for Trump on election day.
Every RIOT is happening in Democrat-run cities with budget problems & they've ALL declared national emergencies for Federal funds. Coincidence?
Now you know why Democrats emptied the jails & mandated masks. The invisible enemy was the trojan horse for the visible enemy.
These riots accomplished one good thing. They made people understand the TERROR that GOOD cops face everyday & why we need them.
Most disturbing part to me of the riots, looting & torching are bystanders hanging out partying as if destruction is entertaining. 3rd world mentality.
Huge studies by Harvard & the Washington Post found that police officers in America are NOT racist & are often VICTIMS of violence!
Not only is there NO evidence that cops are racist in America, the data shows they actually bend over backwards NOT to be racist!
Do you guys realize George Floyd encountered over 100 cops with no fatal issues before 2020? I pray for his family but the Black Lives Matter war against ALL COPS is DANGEROUS.
Ignorant liberals are kneeling before the ATHEIST Communists of Black Lives Matter, kissing their feet, shaving their heads, pledging allegiance to BLM and holding up their hands in praise while washing the streets of their terror.
This is the same maneuver the National SOCIALIST Germany Worker's party (NAZI) used to dehumanize the Jewish people before they sent them to the gas chambers.
DeRay McKesson, the head of Black Lives Matter, and his boyfriend, Jack Dorsey, the CEO of Twitter, groomed Colin Kaepernick in the ways of the alphabet people & taught him how to KNEEL on the NFL field.
Why does Colin Kaepernick kneel? Because he is praying to ALLAH. When you kneel, you do the same and the DEVIL laughs.
Jack Dorsey, CEO of Twitter, just donated $3 Million to Colin Kaepernick's new George Floyd initiative designed to REPLACE the police with BLM community organizers. Coincidence? I think not. All the COMMUNISTS are working together.
The Mayor of DC, another Communist Black Lives Matter activist, ordered the city to paint BLACK LIVES MATTER on the streets in front of the White House and renamed it Black Lives Matter Blvd. Then she instructed the National Guard to leave the city and leave the White House undefended. See where this is going?
The website of Black Lives Matter states their purpose is to protect transgender, queer & black women against oppression and DEFUND the police. How could BLM support George Floyd who held a GUN to the stomach of a PREGNANT woman and demeaned women in pornographic videos? Total hypocrisy. BLM started in 2016 to take down Trump & overthrow America.
Today, Black Lives Matter ADDED "Black Lives Matter = DEFUND THE POLICE" to their graffiti outside the White House. THERE. Clear as day what this is all about.
George Floyd did NOT deserve to die but his death was NOT caused by racism. Ellison/Frey withheld evidence from the public for 9 days in order to race-bait & fuel massive destruction in America on behalf of the Communist Party. George Floyd deserves our love & compassion but he did not die a hero or a martyr. He should not be glorified as another Martin Luther King.
And just like that, the VIRUS is gone! The invisible enemy was sent to strike fear into the hearts of the American people so they would be ripe for an invasion by the VISIBLE enemy
Another Communist HOAX and we fell for it again. After Stormy, Jussie, Russia Russia, Covington, Kavanaugh, Impeachment, virus & RIOTS, what's their next scheme? Are you tired of all the left-wing BS yet?
UPDATES 6/8/20: Minnesota Attorney General Keith "X" Ellison refused to publicly release the video footage from the body cams of all 4 cops. Why? Here's just a snippet of video from the scene that clearly shows Floyd resisting arrest.
Derek Chauvin appeared in Hennepin County court today by remote camera from prison and the Judge set bail at $1.25 Million with no conditions. His attorney made no statements and entered NO plea.
I kept asking reporters on the scene which one of these five guys showed up. Nobody knows. Chauvin was unidentifiable, handcuffed and wearing a surgical mask. Why would he be wearing a surgical mask while alone in a room from jail? More red flags.
7 Sigma, a manufacturer on East Lake Street & 26th Avenue in Minneapolis, near the Cedar Riverside public housing complex, plans to leave the city after the police & fire department were ordered to stand down and let their building burn.
Black Lives Matter & Hollywood organized FOUR funerals for George Floyd: Minneapolis, North Carolina & two in Houston.
George Floyd's family asked the United Nations to REMOVE all police departments in America. Who does that while they're freshly grieving for their loved one unless they have an agenda? I guess they can afford a personal security force now with a GoFundMe account of $14 Million.
UPDATES 6/9/20: Thomas Lane's attorney said the public would have a different opinion on the Officers' actions if they saw the body cams of George Floyd resisting arrest.
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