Operation Disclosure | By Parisse Deza, Contributor June 7, 2020 Response To Cobra: The Solstice And Eclipses Are More Powerful Dates...

Operation Disclosure | By Parisse Deza, Contributor
June 7, 2020
Response To Cobra: The Solstice And Eclipses Are More Powerful Dates! - Regarding His "Age of Aquarius Activation" On 6/30
The Portal: Age of Aquarius Activation, Part 2 -- Cobra
This is very simple. It comes in two parts.
Part One:
Solstices, equinoxes, and eclipses are the most powerful times for alchemical transformation because those are the only times during the year when the Universe opens portals to Primordial energy, the energy of unconditional love. Planetary transits cannot accomplish what these times can because it is Primordial energy that neutralizes imbalances and conceives new energies that can manifest on Earth.
The changes that manifest on Earth happen at certain junctures in time. These junctures are the planetary transits. But it is the portals of Primordial energy that are responsible for the shifts that can manifest through the transits. It is then that the Universe Itself recalibrates the energies on Earth.
As I say in my recent article, Using this Eclipse Cycle and Solstice to Quicken Human Consciousness:
While transits mark important shifts, it is the primordial junctures that create them. Primordial portals open wide to vacuum out old energies and recalibrate consciousness to a higher vibration.
Whatever happens in three dimensional reality is a result not a cause. Planets do not create anything anymore than our bodies do. Change first happens in the mind, the invisible energy field, and then manifests in the body, the physical. So, what is possible "as a result of" an astrological transit such as Jupiter conjuncting Pluto is dictated by what has already been intentioned and set up in the invisible by the mind and the spirit. This invisible realm is accessible at times of eclipse, solstice, and equinox.
So - It is of the greatest importance that spiritual alchemists make use of the three-eclipse window we are in now. June 5th was the first.
The second eclipse is fantastically positioned right on the day of summer solstice, June 20 (in America), making it a huge gateway of neutral force we can enter to affect change for human evolution. That day, the Sun will beam to us never-before experienced energies for our enlightenment. You definitely want to make yourself available for that in a big way!
The third eclipse happens on the 4th of July. This three-eclipse window is a long, highly concentrated period of alchemical transformation in which humanity will be cooked and transformed.
Again, what we do internally on these days will make possible the changes that can occur throughout the year at the various astrological junctures. Then, if you meditate on June 30th, you will be able to help steer the already intended energies of the eclipse window much more powerfully.
Please make use of this very consciously, and do not wait to meditate on the Shift until June 30th!
Part Two:
I commented earlier this year on the fact that Cobra neglects to mention to his audience these simple, well-known facts about meditation and alchemical energy. It makes me suspicious that he would ignore them and focus his group on a simple planetary transit instead. As I appreciate some of the work he does (and question certain other aspects), I would like to conclude that it is because he is ignorant of the alchemical facts in this matter that he neglects them.
It is also strange that he likes to focus on getting "144,000" individuals together, when there are in fact millions of people meditating in America alone every day. As it's always good to meditate, and especially powerful in a group, every meditation is valuable. But the number "144,000" is symbolic, as he has mentioned himself, and comes from New Testament Gematria, so why distract everyone's energy by focusing on that? This device makes him and his group sound exclusive and special, as if the world won't enter the New Age without him and it. The Earth and Humanity are, without doubt, going to enter the New Age, with or without him.

I like to see things clean and pure; that makes them the most beautiful and operative. I would like to see ego dropped from the endeavors of "light workers", including that term, which separates those of us doing elite spiritual practices from those of us who are just good, simple, peaceful people doing their best. (Yes, besides the few ruling psychopaths and the many sleeping sheep, there are some of these too.) We are all part of the cooking of this cosmic soup.
Please use the eclipse window to purify our Field of negativity and ego, and imagine the planet lighting up like we've never seen it before. Let's get simple, drop the specialness, and walk peacefully into the Aquarian Age we have already crossed the threshold of.
Thanks and Blessings,
Parisse Deza
Parisse Deza has 47 years experience in self-cultivation arts, and calls his field Consciousness and Creativity. He is an educator, counselor, reader, artist, writer, and Daoist internal alchemy, chigung, and feng-shui adept living in Sedona, Arizona since December, 2015.
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