Operation Disclosure | By Thomas Anderson, Contributor June 3, 2020 Paid violence demonstrators in the USA (and elsewhere) By chanc...

Operation Disclosure | By Thomas Anderson, Contributor
June 3, 2020
Paid violence demonstrators in the USA (and elsewhere)
By chance I came across the following small news item today.
During the violent riots in five cities in the USA, at least in one city a male person was observed giving money to participants of a demonstration who then committed violent acts and rioted, thus causing damage to property and possibly people.
With the help of the Internet community this man was now apparently identified.
The man in question is Martin Weissgerber, who is an election campaign manager in the team of the "democratic" presidential candidate Bernie Sanders.
This at least indirectly suggests a connection between left-wing politics and paid hooligans.
A process like this is by no means new, but it is nevertheless remarkable again and again.
The mainstream media is tearing its mouth apart, trying to compete to see who can throw more dirt at Donald Trump, while he may instead try to do everything possible to stop the riots, while on the other hand so-called "democrats" are paying some chaotic people to do damage and break the camel's back.
Such things happen in Germany in exactly the same way.
I myself happened to witness such cooperation many years ago in Mecklenburg.
At a duly registered event of what was called a "right-wing party" there was a counter-demonstration and a riot and rioting by the so-called "Black Front", the "Antifa".
Amazingly, and I could see this with my own eyes, they arrived together(!) and in the same buses(!!!) with the police.
Now, I am very curious about the official explanation for this…
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