Operation Disclosure | By Parisse Deza, Contributor June 18, 2020 Our Solstice/Eclipse "Turning Point" - Help Set The New F...

Operation Disclosure | By Parisse Deza, Contributor
June 18, 2020
Our Solstice/Eclipse "Turning Point" - Help Set The New Frequencies For A New Age This Weekend
Summer solstice is the crest of the solar energy wave of the year. As the fullest expression of its light is reached, the Sun moves into the section of space (sign/phase) called Cancer, birthing the highest quality frequencies it has for us during the current solar wave. Frequencies of Light and Love that have never reached us before, meant to wake us up and move us forward, will be coming to Earth during the three-day window of the solstice. (Solstices and equinoxes are three days of still-point energy - the day before, the day of, and the day after.)
This weekend, the summer solstice is on the New Moon in Cancer with an eclipse of the Sun, making this event unusually highly-powered. This solstice is all about Birth. Cancer is the sign of the Mother, the sign of birth and the nurturing of family, and a new moon is the start of a new lunar cycle.
It was in the sign of Cancer, at the onset of the yearly "Sirius Season" of July 3rd to August 12th, that the first Americans, "delivered" the united States of America as a sovereign being, from Mother England with the signing of The Declaration of Independence.

In an auspicious parallel, this new moon cycle reaches its fulfillment at the full moon on July 4th in the States. Much good that can unfold throughout the year can come from receptive alignment and intention during this time.
Solstices, equinoxes, and eclipses are the most powerful energy junctions of the year. They supersede any normal astrological transits because at these times portals of Primordial energy, the pure, unconditioned alchemical energy of the Universe, are opened to us. This is when the Universe neutralizes old patterns and energies, eating them up, and deposits in their place new frequencies, tones, ideas, and archetypes for our benefit. It recalibrates and harmonizes, to whatever extent it can, everything on our planet. There are no more powerful times for intentioning, meditation, and ceremony to affect the course of human events than these.
For a detailed exposition of the current potent three-eclipse/solstice cycle see my recent article, Using This Eclipse Cycle and Solstice To Quicken Human Consciousness - Replacing Tension, Fear And Ignorance With Calm, Natural Awareness https://operationdisclosure1.blogspot.com/2020/06/using-this-eclipse-cycle-and-solstice.html
(In the link above you will find the sites you need to know exactly when the new moon eclipse and the solstice are in your location.)
This solstice three-day window is a turning point in humanity's evolution, at which a tremendous amount of critical mass tension can be alchemically applied to turn humanity in its proper direction: Unity Consciousness. It is the direction the Universe is taking us anyway, so we are just cooperating with It.
Unity consciousness is our natural state. What keeps us from the peace and harmony of life in that state are the ego issues that have had us mired in materialism and fighting for millennium - a very tense state to hold! The cure for this is for humanity to remember its divine nature, then ego states based on fear and ignorance will recede, we will relax and make way for peace.
Psychologically, humanity has been so focused on fear that it has been almost completely incapable of positively imaging life, and has fallen into the terribly destructive habit of negatively imagining everything. The importance of this point cannot be overstated. This is how globalist forces have been able to control human behavior so successfully the last few months. Trigger our fear of death and we'll do anything we're told! With the onset of unity consciousness, we will be picturing only positive scenarios, knowing that everything is alright and will continue to be alright, and that is what we will create from then on.
As we go through this solstice doorway, we have the opportunity to intend the remembering that humanity is a Family of Souls, and that a functional family operates through peace, love, and sharing. They trust one another, and they trust life. Fear and ignorance do not allow for us to Trust, and that is the key to harmony and cooperation with each other. Trust is a force we can create with.
Humanity is now turning into the frequencies and archetypes for the new Aquarian age, the new Song the Sun will Sing on Solstice, and as we concentrate on these tones, we will manifest them in reality as freedom-based systems to replace old paradigm dinosaurs.

Relax, surrender, enjoy, envision...and Trust!
Parisse Deza has 47 years experience in self-cultivation arts, and calls his field Consciousness and Creativity. He is an educator, counselor, reader, artist, writer, and Daoist internal alchemy, chigung, and feng-shui adept living in Sedona, Arizona since December, 2015.
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