Operation Disclosure | By Thinker2, Contributor June 19, 2020 Executive Order requiring all Californians to ware face masks. Gavin ...

Operation Disclosure | By Thinker2, Contributor
June 19, 2020
Executive Order requiring all Californians to ware face masks.
Gavin Newsom has a unique approach to DEFUND THE POLICE:
- Obey Executive Orders and be guilty of violating Law, Oath, and People (Treason)
- Obey Law, Oath, and People and be fired for Insubordination (Unemployed)
- Resign, and join We the People (Employable)
Gavin Newsom can issue any Executive Order he likes, but when his Orders violate the Law, those orders are Unconstitutional. Anyone enforcing Unconstitutional orders is committing Treason. See how it works? Newsom writes orders (Legal), but the Police enforcing the orders are the ones committing Treason (Criminals).
Andrew Fauci clearly stated that masks are not necessary for the general public, and forcing people to ware masks violates the Law. This is why POTUS has not imposed such an order.
Deaths from ALL causes in America have declined by 10% in 2020 verses 2019. COVID-19 has resulted in fewer deaths, not more. If you have not realized it yet; COVID-19 is a POLITICAL disease, not a Pathogenic Infection.
Gavin Newsom has committed Treason and is under Sealed Indictment, and in true form of a Psychopath he has decided that if he can’t have California on his terms, then he will destroy California. Any Government Employee who wishes to go down with Gavin Newsom can participate in Newsom’s insanity, or they can grow a backbone and align themselves with the Law, Oath, and the American People. https://qmap.pub/cases
Some history on Policing:
Policing is not a Constitutional Institution or Profession. The United States was established as a Republic. Sheriffs were a part of the Republic, because they were ELECTED by the People. After the Civil War America was perverted to adopt Fascism; all 50 States have been Incorporated (Fascism). The Governors and Mayors (CEOs) wanted an army to enforce their Fascist Policies (RICO). Police Chiefs are Appointed (Serve at the pleasure of the CEO), not Elected by the People and therefore are accountable to the CEOs, not the People. This is a clear violation of the Declaration of Independence and Constitution (Treason).
Over time the Sheriffs have also become corrupted, but unlike Police they have the potential to be reformed in a Restored Republic.
Eventually Policing will end; the question is how much damage will Police do on behalf of the Criminal Psychopaths in CEO positions?
Donald Trump and military patriots are in the process of restoring the Republic. The Majority of Americans know this consciously or intuitively. At this point nothing can stop this transformation, but people who resist can cause a lot of damage and will be EXECUTED for their crimes. So, what side of history do you want to be on (Patriots or Criminals)?
If you do not comprehend my use of the word Psychopath, I recommend these two documentaries:
The Corporation (2003) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zpQYsk-8dWg
I am fishead (2011) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TB0k7wBzXPY
Thinker2 ← links to my other posts

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