Operation Disclosure | By Thinker2, Contributor June 14, 2020 Have you ever herd the phrase; “The lunatics are running the Asylum.” ...
Operation Disclosure | By Thinker2, Contributor
June 14, 2020
Have you ever herd the phrase; “The lunatics are running the Asylum.”
This is true, because people are unable to distinguish Fantasy from Reality.
The difference between Legal and Lawful is the sane as Fantasy and Reality.
Zebras and Giraffes are REAL because they were born with stripes and long necks. Police were not born with uniforms, badges, and guns.
Police, Judges, Bankers, Politicians, etc are FAKE (Fantasy), because they are in COSTUMES! In Reality they are men / women, just like you and me, but they have abandoned Reality for the Fantasy of Legal Land (Munchkin Land / Asylum).
They are as insane as someone claiming to be Napoleon, or Teddy Roosevelt (Arsenic and Old Lace).
I have watched many interactions of police on YouTube plus my own encounters. The Police believe they are The Law, and that they can give Lawful Orders. How can an IMPOSTER do anything Lawful (Real)? (Can a clown in a clown costume and makeup give you a Lawful Order?) You have been PUNKED (deceived)!
We have been hypnotized with Fake News, Fake Education, Fake Science, Fake Laws, Fake Money, Fake Government, etc.
Govern-ment = Govern-mentis (Latin) = Govern-(mind, thought, thinking, belief) = Govern-mind = Mind-control
I am NOT an Anarchist; I am a man practicing reality. I’m in Reality as much as that is possible in an Insane Asylum.
I want the Police to snap-out of the hypnotic spell they have been placed under by the Law Society (BAR Mafia).
Have you ever asked Police if they know the difference between Legal and Lawful? (Fantasy and Reality)
Have you ever asked Police if the know the Law in 15 words or less?
- (Do no harm.)
- (Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.) – Golden Rule
- (Do not harm people, do not damage property; do not engage in fraud or mischief.)
- Does capitalizing the first word in a sentence make the whole sentence fictional?
- JOHN DOE (FIRST and LAST) is a man in Fiction a Person in fantasy land. Can a fictional man be harmed? (No!)
- I am a man with thoughts and feelings, not a person in Legal Fiction (Straw man).
- You want to be a people (as in We the People) not a Person.
- If you are a Mr. Ms, Dr, etc. You are pretending to be something you are NOT!
- If you are a Driver, Doctor, Citizen, Resident, Voter, etc. You are pretending to be something you are NOT!
- Do not be a Traveler (Fiction)! You are a man going from point A to point B!
This is why signing a Ticket is not an admission of Guilt. It is a Debt / Obligation, and you have just agreed to pay the Debt / Obligation.
You have the Unlimited Right to Contract, this includes the Unlimited Right to Refuse to Contract, but the Police are IGNORENT of the Law and will take you to Jail “Illegally” if you are a man, not a Driver. It is perfectly legal to take a Driver (Fiction) to jail and no man was harmed because you testified (provided evidence) of a Driver with your LICENSE.
Watch for the word “Understand”; they are not asking if you comprehend, they are asking you to Subordinate (stand under) them in a Verbal Contract. The Miranda Warning is a Verbal Contract in which you abandon your God given Rights for Civil Rights (Oxymoron). Civil Law is Top-Down and only offers Privileges.
The Criminals in Government (Lunatics in the Asylum) have deceived everyone into abandoning our Birth Right as men and women. We are deceived into accepting FAKE labels like Driver, Traveler, Citizen, Voter, Resident, Solvent Citizen (Oxymoron), etc and play the FANEICY game of the Lunatic Asylum!
As long as you are ignorant of the above, you are indoctrinated into the LEGAL FANTICY of Criminals who want you as their slaves (capitis diminutio maxima).
CAPITIS DIMINUTIO MAXIMA - https://thelawdictionary.org/capitis-diminutio
Check the plastic in your wallet. You are the victim of Identity Theft. You have a Given and Family names, NOT FIRST and LAST (Names of a Fiction)!
The Plastic in your wallet makes you a slave on the Federal Reserve Plantation (Police State / Fascism / Feudalism). You and your name are the victims of Human Trafficking. Are you that person?
Not Gods, Psychopaths! Stop worshiping the criminally insane (BAR Mafia).

A Dictionary usurps the BAR Mafia authority of the Judge. There will be NO truth in this Court, only the opinion (delusion) of the Judge.
“Know the truth and the truth will set you free (from the deception / insanity).”
Peace, love, and blessings,
Thinker2 ← links to my other posts
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