Operation Disclosure | By Thinker2, Contributor June 10, 2020 Don’t be an ass like the PBA! The PBA is so psychotic and delusional ...
Operation Disclosure | By Thinker2, Contributor
June 10, 2020
Don’t be an ass like the PBA!
The PBA is so psychotic and delusional (corrupt) that they believe they can convince mothers their children are safe from Police with threats and intimidation, typical tactics of the Police.
NY PBA President Mike O’Meara Slams Media and Legislators - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U0dyAUR1CUE
Demolishing a house with a SWAT Team to apprehend a Shoplifter is INSANITY!
Arresting a six year old for having a tantrum is INSANITY!
Delivering a No Knock Warrant on the wrong house is INSANITY!
Police masquerading as Protesters and destroying property is INSANITY!
Police shooting unarmed people is INSANITY!
This is what the police have done and more! Until Police are held accountable, they believe they are RIGHT (doing their job)! As long as America is a Fascist Police State, they are right. Bankers and Elites made America a Fascist Police State after the Civil War. Anyone else want the Republic back? (Then take it back, Trump and the Patriots have opened the door, but only you can walk threw it.)
The first step in a 12 Step Program is to admit to the problem. Until you can see it for yourself, I will keep pointing it out. Sleeping people can not see. Most AA attendees continue repeating the problem in the Program. They are fighting, not dropping. Once truthfully dropped, the problem can not persist. “What you resist will persist.” - Carl Jung

There is a fundamental flaw in the human condition; “Crazy people have no idea they are crazy.” (We are made crazy from accepting lies as truth.)
“Know the truth and the truth will set you free (from the deception / insanity).” – Rabbi Carpenter from Galilee
Addiction is not just for drugs (Power and Control are also addictive). Until people can recognize their addiction, they need to be arrested by those who can see it.
No one can resolve an addiction by fighting; anymore than we can end Wars with War. The way to end War is by not participating (drop it).
The way to end Police corruption is to abandon Policing (Mercenaries enforcing Fascist Corporate Policies) and by obeying Law (Golden Rule) of our Republic. Do not confuse Codes, Acts, or Statutes (Color of Law) with the Golden Rule (Law). Color of Law was put there to deceive you and the Police by the BAR Mafia (British Accredited Registry) why is a Fascist institution like the BAR Mafia making Color of Law for the Republic? INSANITY!
A Republic is NOT a Nanny State, it is up to each and every member to restrain them self. Anyone who can not be responsible has abandoned the Republic (Treason). If you want to practice a Double-Standard; “The rules are for thee, but not for me.” Liberal way of thinking has crossed the line into Hypocrisy. Only the Hypocrite can correct them self, the public can only prevent them from harming themselves and others. How we accomplish that has yet to be developed / implemented. All the prisons have been corrupted too.
Trump and the Patriots are notifying the worst offenders by execution (Drain the Swamp). Are you getting this Police, BLM, Antifa, Al-Qaeda, Isis? Fascist Police (thin blue line) are just as much Terrorists as Antifa.

Missing Presumed Dead - https://operationdisclosure1.blogspot.com/2020/06/missing-presumed-dead-thinker2.html
These video Documentaries will help you to recognize the tractors / Satanists:
The Corporation (2003) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zpQYsk-8dWg
I am fishead (2011) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TB0k7wBzXPY
Peace, love, and blessings,
Thinker2 ← links to my other posts
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