Source: Golden Age of Gaia | By Kat June 23, 2020 David Wilcock and Dannion Brinkley video: Prophecies Fulfilled! 6-21-20 Part 1 by...

Source: Golden Age of Gaia | By Kat
June 23, 2020
David Wilcock and Dannion Brinkley video: Prophecies Fulfilled! 6-21-20 Part 1 by Kat
It’s time for the truth about who we are and what has actually been going on.
It’s time for the official Disclosure of ‘Galactics, Extraterrestrials or Star People,’ however you wish to call Beings from other civilizations in the Multiverse who have ALWAYS lived and worked alongside Humanity and influenced what happens on Earth.
It’s time for the reveal of Space, Time and Multi-dimensional Travel, which has been going on forever without our knowing about it.
It’s time for big changes and upgrades on Gaia that will immediately improve all life and that is what (I pray) is being organized right now under the cover of the Covid-19 lockdown.
Lord knows it’s time. Some would say (me) long past time.
In past videos, David Wilcock suggested that some of the following changes are coming to Gaia:
The rewiring of the internet and spyware removed. Banks will have been revamped and will operate under a Quantum Financial System, an off-planet technology that cannot be hacked. There is to be a Financial and Economic Reset via a Revaluation of Currencies and a Global Currency Reset.
As well, a global debt jubilee via GESARA [Global Economic Stabilization and Recovery Act,] and the release of a tsunami of abundance for all. Along with the implementation of GESARA will be the release of 6000 patents of miraculous technologies that will clean and heal Gaia, her Kingdoms and Humanity. (1.)
Technologies, according to Mike Quinsey, that have been hidden from Humanity for more than a hundred years.
We shouldn’t have “incurable” diseases, old age, death, poisons, atomic bombs, drugs that kill the Earth, Kingdoms and Humanity, nuclear power plants that leak radiation into the ocean, dirty energy that destroys all life, etc.
Humanity doesn’t have to be sick and aging—according to Paramahansa Yogananda we are Youth, Health, Strength, Immortal. Gaia should be healthy, lush, sparkling and pristine. This is possible right this minute with the implementation of GESARA.
In this video, David Wilcock suggests that Disclosure and wondrous technologies are coming very soon. He points out that President Trump started telegraphing the reveal during his speech at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland in January 21, 2020. (2.)
According to Wilcock, at the official end of the Covid-19 lockdown, 8-hours of information has been prepared to be continuously broadcast to the entire planet on all screens.
The information will reveal the truth about who we are, where we come from and what’s really been happening behind the illusion perpetrated by corrupt governments, their propaganda MSM, and whoever else has been controlling this planet that has kept Gaia, her Kingdoms and Humanity enslaved for millennia.
It is more than likely that many of the revelations contained in the 8-hour presentations will be nearly impossible to fathom and agonizing to learn but I have faith that the Truth will set us free.
Once we hear it, grapple with it, understand it and release it, we can move into a beautiful New Age unencumbered by nightmares and the perpetrators of those nightmares.
It is wonderful that Q-Anon has released the truth bit by bit, either directly or in code, but as far as I’m concerned? Let’s have the entire truth already.
I pray Alliance ducks are in a row so we can finally learn what has actually been going on here. Let ‘er rip. Bring it on. There has never been a more optimum time for the Truth than with most people still at home affording us the time to comprehend it.
This video is a fascinating 4-hour discussion between David Wilcock and Dannion Brinkley. There is nothing I enjoy more than two people who know a lot chatting easily and telling fascinating stories about their experiences and the facts/truth behind the veil/false matrix.
I’ve transcribed as much as I can for today. Will get back to it tomorrow. I hope others find it as interesting as I did.
With blessings of Peace, Health, Happiness and Abundance unceasing – We are Goddess, Sovereign, Free.
xo, Kat
David Wilcock and Dannion Brinkley video: Prophecies Fulfilled! 6-21-20 Part 1
Transcribed by Kat
2:20 David Wilcock: Dannion Brinkley… the world’s preeminent near death experiencer… has died 4 times in the most horrific ways only to come back… to do it all over again… (laughter) (3.)
As we speak “Disclosure is breaking wide open”… POTUS, in a Father’s day interview with his son Don Jr., saying he’s hearing “interesting things about Roswell [the city in New Mexico known for its proximity to the most famous UFO event] but he’s not sharing even with his eldest child…” Trump said “I won’t talk to you about what I know about it, but it’s very interesting.” June 18, 2020

4:50 When POTUS was asked what the heck is going on with Roswell? POTUS said, “I WON’T talk to you about what I now about it…” which clearly indicates he is under some non-disclosure National Security thing… “but it is VERY interesting!” Isn’t that something right there?
5:17 Dannion Brinkley: By the time the conversation, David, gets to this point, there is so much MORE that either Don Jr. is hearing or all of us are hearing… and if you’re in this house (David Wilcock’s home) you hear some of the most amazing, almost impossible thought patterns going on as regular conversations.
5:38 I think it becomes really important that we push this issue, we push for Disclosure. It’s now.
I know from working with the government that until the President says it you cannot talk about it. No matter what it is you cannot talk about it. But NOW that he’s talked about it we can push that issue.
I think it becomes important in a Presidential election year that each of us look at who are representatives are and we force this issue. If this stuff is half as true as the stuff I hear in this house—everything that we think we know is NOT real.
And what is real is an enormous amount of space travel and inner-active, inner-dimensional travel. Even to the thing I heard the other day about Time Travel.
6:40 So we have an opportunity everybody, with where the world is and how fast we are changing, we have an opportunity because the President mentioned it, that we can push it into an election campaign strategy to get more Disclosure.
Don’t hesitate to get information to your Senator or Congressman, I won’t use the term ‘demanding’ but really asking for more information because once he (POTUS) said it, it’s public.
7:10 David: You and I are launching this class called PATH OF LIGHT… one of the things that we’re debuting for the first time is that you have an interesting background in the Intelligence Community… you shared this with me about 7 years ago… I don’t know what you’re comfortable saying on a you-tube video… we can probably say more while we’re doing the class cuz it’s not public… but one of the things I remember you telling me a long time ago is regarding the subject of Roswell and crashes like that…
What was your personal experience as a contractor for multiple Intelligence Agencies in very classified situations… What was your experience with the overall knowledge or lack thereof of Roswell and things like that? (4.)
8:00 Dannion: There is absolutely no doubt that Roswell happened… and it’s general knowledge amongst the Intelligence Communities that I operated in from the ‘70’s, ‘80’s, ‘90’s and early 2000’s… it is general knowledge that we have been reverse-engineering this technology… NO QUESTION ABOUT IT… (We have 19 Intelligence Agencies)…
9:09 Dannion: In the course of, and for once in my life, looking for an LZ (landing zone, a drop zone) I came across information… when you look at everything that’s happening in a drop zone or LZ… I saw a piece of graphic at the Reconnaissance Information, that they had cited an object that could make a 90 degree turn above 40,000 miles an hour… (saw in the mid ‘90’s)
David: NOTHING can make a 90 degree turn… that’s insanity… you’d totally rip apart everybody inside…
10:15 Dannion: Unless the craft was designed that way… and knowing that it was not one of our craft but because I needed that information so nothing went wrong, I got access to it…
10:30 David: In one of our interviews we have that story… (Dannion: And it’s a TRUE story) You came into contact with a radar trace…
Dannion: A radar tracking… a satellite… in National Reconnaissance Agency in Chantilly, VA…
10:45 David: So NRO – that’s one of the most interesting Intelligence Agencies once you really get your hands dirty here… (Dannion: There are NO SECRETS)… If you listen to NRO and you listen to intel from NRO you’re on the right track… that and the DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency) lets you know you’re on the right track… You got a big old Security upgrade yesterday so we probably can’t even talk about anything anymore…
11:25 Dannion: Well, in private… I see nothing wrong with telling people, David… I don’t care. I have nothing to lose…
11:30 David: The fact that you just got this solicitation and you got your Security Clearance heavily upgraded just 2-days ago (Dannion: Counter-Intelligence?) suggests that they’re getting ready to leak something through you to us which I’m hoping will happen.
11:45 Dannion: It gives me greater access… this is a Security Clearance I’ve held for 48-years… they Emailed me at 11 o’clock at night and then at 5 a.m. I had to be on the phone (for his Security upgrade 2-days ago.)
12:04 But this is what’s happening and this is why it’s so important… the programming… When we look at prophecy, from my point of view, we’re now at a juncture everybody, and it is so very very important that we get a grip on who we really are… what we’re really doing here… so we don’t fall for all the traps that’s occurring…
All the people that do Politics, I grew up in Politics, we know that NOTHING THAT YOU SEE IS REAL AND NO STORY THAT YOU HEAR IS REAL, because it’s a Presidential election and there is a war for one side to beat the other side…
Both sides play by a set of rule-books, and we know who the creator was of the great political action committees, which was Lee Atwater (He’s from South Carolina, I’ve known him since we were kids) but when you start to look at it there’s nothing true or real it’s all made-up… it’s all going to be made up based on which party has to win or lose…
13:20 EXCEPT THIS CONVERSATION BETWEEN DON JR. AND HIS DAD… it might have been flippant… but if it was put on by the campaign by direction of the President… that should make you stop in your tracks and realize it was brought into public purvey by the campaign…
13:44 David: I want to circle back on this one thing… you just dropped an absolute bombshell… Dannion Brinkley you’ve been very famous since 1993… you’ve been on Oprah 5-times, you’ve sold 22/23 million books, you were always at these conferences with me… we met each other and got to know each other by speaking live in front of audiences on panels together… we’ve known each other for 20 years now…
Nobody’s ever heard you say before that you were in the Intelligence Community… nobody’s ever heard you say before that everybody from the mid-levels on up knows [in the Intelligence Agencies] that we have already reverse-engineered Extraterrestrial-technology…
Dannion: And who killed Kennedy.
14:22 David: I don’t know if you’d want to say that… it’s LBJ, we all know it’s LBJ…
14:35 Dannion: I’d also like to say this too, David… I was driving with Kathryn, coming out of our home in Nevada… and she said STOP! And I stopped and she said, What is that?… and it was a light… I said, oh it’s just a light from the hills… she said there are no hills around here… so on my phone I have a Mother Ship and 5 small ships not 200 yards away… so I have videos of it…
15:05 So now, from my non-UFO viewpoint… and being around you and having this identifiable… it only reinforces the fact that… this Ascension and the information that’s being given us and being fed out is even more important than ever… and that’s why I wanted to come together and create a program where I could just tell people the rest of the story… as opposed to just being the dead guy (who comes back from death-experiences.)
15:50 David: …If we knew in the mid-1990’s… and that everybody in the Intelligence Communities knew that we had reverse-technology… wouldn’t it stand to reason… that they have at least done some degree of build-out on places like the Moon and Mars…
16:35 Dannion: I would have no doubt about it… look at from a vacuum tube to a transistor… and you look at the information… how did we go from vacuum tubes to transistors and all of a sudden it happened after 1947 (the Roswell crash…) because once everybody knows these stories… I heard it from old-timers… when I was first coming into employment…
These old guys would sit around and talk about blue green men… little different colors and shapes… I heard a couple of conversations David about a guy meeting or seeing 2 or 3 different types of Extraterrestrials or Interdimensional beings… but those conversations weren’t important to me…

17:50 David: It’s interesting at the time Trump was scoffing at it… but it seemed like it was a political necessity so he wouldn’t get attacked… but now he can say it… This interview with Trump and Trump Jr. literally just came out on Fox 2 days ago (June 19, 2020)

19:40 David: Now here’s something very interesting at Davos on January 21, 2020, The World Economic Forum Annual Meeting… the speech that POTUS made… we can dial in a lot more… what is he driving at when he says it’s ‘very interesting…’

21:41 David: So even right here we have the President (in January ’20) telegraphing that we’re going to be getting answers about something we’d never believe possible…. and in a very short period of time… and then he says, 6-months later, “Oh, we found something interesting in Roswell…”
21:51 Dannion: And now he’s framing the Roswell story. He’s keeping it pinned to New Mexico… the potential of what is happening and us not knowing about it… when we heard Star Wars with Reagan and they say Star Wars is what broke the Soviet Union… now when you start to think about what Donald Jr. is asking his Dad… maybe it was true (Reagan)… like William Tompkins said in “Selected By Extraterrestrials Volume 2”…
23:30 David: What Tompkins said was… here’s a guy from WWII, right in the middle of the Eisenhower Administration… right during this time when we hear the warning of the Military Industrial Complex… during WWII Tompkins was reporting to top generals… briefings from 23 different spies of America that were in a German secret space program…
24:18 What was so astonishing was that Tompkins came forward with a gigantic wealth of INTEL… he talked about the idea that there were Reptilian beings… that the Reptilians were taller than we were… that they were running the base in Antarctica for the Germans (a base under the ice)…
He talked about the fact that there were other ET’s, that were angelic types, from our future that looked just like us or very similar… maybe white hair and different colored irises… an ability to travel through time… splice people back into the time they left… the maximum I guess was 20 years… you could be taken away, go do a contract and then be spliced back into your time… and the 20 years is erased…
27:23 Dannion: I have no doubt about Tompkins’ info and that it is real… Elizabeth (Wilcock, David’s wife) and I met a guy at a coffee house… who told me that in 1965 @17 years old… his father worked at JPL here in CA… (NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory)… and we were talking and I just asked him, “Do you believe in UFO’s?” because he has a career in the Military and he cares about Veterans which is a big cause of mine… And he said, “No.” Then we didn’t say anything else…
Then about 3 or 4 minutes passed… and he said, “You know what… when I was a kid my Dad would go to these dinner parties…” and he named the guy whose dinner party it was… Elizabeth and I looked him up and that’s exactly who was the Head of the Division that he described…
28:30 He said that, “’Aliens’ came to work at JPL laboratories in 1965 through beams of light from other worlds and left at the end of work through beams of light going home… and that everybody knew that they were walking among us and helping us develop technologies that are in craft that we do not know about in existence…” …’Everybody’ meaning the Intelligence Community…

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29:45 Dannion: The thing that is important… and you know how I am. I don’t believe anything… so I went and checked and he told about a dinner party he went to, that his Dad took him to a dinner party, and these guys were talking about how odd they looked… so I asked who was the boss and who was head of the dept.? And he named their names…
This guy’s 73 year old a retired Veteran… not somebody full of cr*p, David… very logical, very sane… but the 2 people he described I went and looked them up…
Look what it makes you stop and think… Here’s a guy in California… how many NDA’s have people signed that you cannot talk?
David: Hundreds of thousands of people are under NDA and if any of them could talk we would know so much more than we do now and it’s so frustrating…
31:18 Dannion: I’m 70 years old and there are guys that I worked with in my early years in this kind of stuff… sure, NDA’s, but people talk… people talk around the water cooler I would say… but they talk… and I would listen to them to listening to the news and make fun of what you were hearing on the news as opposed to what they knew…
32:53 David: What was an example of something you saw in this book that just defied common sense that he could NOT have faked it? [William Tompkin’s “Selected By Extraterrestrials Volume 2”…]
32:00 Dannion: How he’s framing events, in the time frame from his pov equal to what we were told… one of them was in 1946 when Admiral Bird went down to Antarctica to clean up the last of the Germans so-called submarine base there… Well, to clean up after the war you’re going to take a Carrier group which is 13 ships… Bird took 40 ships…
32:39 [it was called] Operation High Jump… As he frames Operation High Jump in this book it was a disaster…we were defeated by round high speed craft that could go from the South Pole to the North Pole in less than an hour…
Another thing… Reagan exposed to the Soviets the potential threat from one of the groups… the Russians were working with one group, the Americans were working with another group… and the potential threat of the power of the group that we were working with had over the Soviet Union is what really caused the [Berlin] Wall to come down… (5.)
33:28 The way that Mr. Tompkins puts it… knowing I was alive and active in that period of time… things made more sense to me… you’re not going to tear down a wall and the Soviet Union’s not going to collapse cuz somebody’s putting a satellite up in space… but if you have an arsenal or an armada that’s more powerful than the other armada… and the only way that you’re going to take the Cold War and bring it to a place where we are literally right now… cuz of this system that’s been put into place… and we’re at war in so many places in the country… from breaking the Presidency, to impeachment, to the virus, to shutting down the economy… you could call it a battle for the souls of humankind…
34:45 When I look back… what [Tompkins] is saying in this book makes how the logistics operate clearer than ever… When you live In that business (Intelligence) there are things that you take for granted:
First – Nobody else knows what you know
Second – Everybody’s being manipulated
Third – You pass propaganda laws… you pass laws that we can lie to the American people
35:30 The thing that got me the most… to pass a Bill through congress takes months and sometimes years… The Patriot Act was on the shelf waiting to be implemented and it was done in 2-days… knowing that… knowing that it had to have been structured and put into place for years… they just needed a Pearl Harbor… (so created 9-11)
Same thing that Mr. Tompkins is describing… we’re closely moving towards an era where we better be smart, conscious and we better find out what the truth really is…
36:21 David: Alright, going back to our slide what Trump said in Davos… “We’re continuing to work on things that you’ll be hearing about in the near future that, even today, sitting here right now, you wouldn’t believe it’s possible that we have found the answers… You’ll be hearing about it… But we have found answers to things that people said would not be possible — certainly not in a very short period of time.” POTUS, Davos, Switzerland, 1-21-20
This totally sounds like disclosure…

37:16 David: What else could it be but anti-gravity and free energy? (GESARA!!)
37:20 Dannion: Think how wild this is in my 70 years to where it was a spoof and then in the ‘50’s we started talking about Extraterrestrials … we had movies… that’s all driven from Roswell… understand there were 2 crashes like 4 days apart… there was another one… (6.)
When you look at the innovation of what’s happening… we have electrical cars… a car company taking us to the space station and back and landing on its own landing pad… on a barge in the Atlantic Ocean… and it just did it again and took 50 more satellites…
38:08 This is so remarkable and the remarkability about what he’s describing and bringing forth… come on everybody… all that stuff that you’ve been made fun of… and that people don’t believe what we’re talking about… and the innovations that we’re capable of… we have plasma weapons… we have laser weapons… Nikola Tesla death rays… we have all of these things in the arsenal… do you hear anything about it? No… But do they exist? Yes.
39:02 David: Well you have personally met an insider and had long conversations with him and with me here in this house… a guy who personally worked at Area 51… who personally built 8 different types of working anti-gravity systems… and we’re trying to get this going now and we appear to have the approval to do so… what is your opinion of this insider from having personally spoken with him for hours?
39:26 Dannion: There’s literally no doubt that this guy’s telling the truth, David. And not only that, the nonsensical approach that he takes to Inertia Driven Craft… he doesn’t say anti-gravity… [David: It’s called Inertial Propulsion]…how he describes it and how he compares it to craft we now have… and how much fun, I won’t say cynical… but what he knows equal to what we are presenting as weapons of war, is silly…
You can go all the way back to the Germans and the bell…. I’ve never been into UFO stuff… I only know these couple of things and I have a couple of pictures that defy it… but when the President of the United States says “it’s interesting”… and he’s making these kind of statements… there is an interaction with all this going on … but we must push it.
End of Part 1.
(1.) GESARA The End of Poverty, the End of Debt, the Beginning of a New Golden Age
(2.) Remarks by President Trump at The World Economic Forum, Davos, Switzerland 1-21-20
(3.) Dannion Brinkley
Dannion Brinkley Books:
Interview: 10 Things To Know Before You Go with Dannion Brinkley
(4.) Roswell UFO Incident, 1947
What Really Happened at Roswell, Dec. 17, 2019
(5.) Berlin Wall
(6.) Roswell UFO Crash: There Were 2 Crashes, Not 1, Says Ex-Air Force Official
“There were actually two crashes at Roswell, which most people don’t know,” French told HuffPost. “The first one was shot down by an experimental U.S. airplane that was flying out of White Sands, N.M., and it shot what was effectively an electronic pulse-type weapon that disabled and took away all the controls of the UFO, and that’s why it crashed.” 8-6-12
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