Source: Natural News | By Mike Adams Thursday, June 04, 2020 Candace Owens: George Floyd was a violent criminal felon, and racially-m...

Source: Natural News | By Mike Adams
Thursday, June 04, 2020
Candace Owens: George Floyd was a violent criminal felon, and racially-motivated police brutality against blacks is a fabricated media myth
Candace Owens, one of the most elucidating voices in black America, has declared she does not support George Floyd, whom she describes as a repeat felony criminal who carried out a multitude of violent crimes, including threatening a pregnant woman with a gun held to her torso. Floyd was sentenced to five years in prison for that armed robbery crime.
The lying corporate-controlled media doesn’t tell the public anything negative about George Floyd because he has to be shaped into a cultural hero in order to support the mass rioting now taking place across the country. So the media withholds the real facts about Floyd, including the fact that he was high on two different drugs (including fentanyl) at the time of his arrest.
While explaining that she does not in any way support the actions of the arresting officers who killed George Floyd, Candace Owens says that she also doesn’t support the black community making heroes out of its lowest criminals who are despicable human beings. No other race, she explains, chooses its most vile criminals and tries to transform them into heroes through media lies and propaganda. Only the black community does that, and the practice needs to stop, she says.
Black America has plenty of real heroes who are upstanding, successful, non-violent individuals. Owens asks why black America can’t honor its moral, ethical and law-abiding heroes instead of glorifying the lowest low-life scraped from the bottom of the heap of humanity.
Owens says she held back on releasing this video for several days due to the emotional environment surrounding the George Floyd murder and the left-wing riots.
Watch Candace Owens in this video, and share everywhere you can:
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