Operation Disclosure | By Thomas Anderson, Contributor June 7, 2020 Obama and Obama -- Thinker2 Hello Thinker2, OF COURSE YOU ARE...

Operation Disclosure | By Thomas Anderson, Contributor
June 7, 2020
Obama and Obama -- Thinker2
Hello Thinker2,
There are MINIMUM two “Obama”!
I analized this in my book (see link below) many years ago.
Here some details:
I recommend the book: “Barack Obama: How a US President is made”. You'll see who, when, and why, Barack Hussein Obama was selected, and understand that these people are still in the background of power and pulling the strings today. And if you research further on the internet, you will find out that there are apparently at least two Obamas that publicly show themselves as president.

Notice the shape of the ears in Obama I and Compare with the last picture!

Obama on the upper picture with gray hair, on the lower picture Obama II with black hair. Left with clearly visible scar on the back of the head.
One of them has large scars on the back of the neck and the back of the head, suggestive of massive surgery, and both have distinctly different ears, as you can see in the photos. For security reasons, body doubles are well known throughout history, both by Hitler and by many of Obama’s predecessors.
However, so far, I have had the impression that in the past, body doubles were used more for show, representative occasions, or so the true president could enjoy some free time or for secret meetings to be completed.
The numerous occasions when these different Obamas, often even with his wife were shown, seem to show a new quality in dealing with such body doubles. Look for the vertical scar on the back of the head in the first picture. Where is this in the Obama on the other picture? Instead of the sharply ‘receding hairline’ of one Obama, is the front hairline on the other Obama smaller due to probably replanted hair or used color? You can also see significant differences between the two Obamas at the upper rear edge of the left ear. Also pay attention to the lower part of the ear! Also, the skin fold below the ear of Obama I, in Obama II seems to be artificially modeled by a scar, while again the scar on the lower back of the head and in the upper neck area behind Obama I is completely missing in Obama II. One Obama permanently enjoys a youthful black hair color, the other is visibly gray.

…and here Obama II
And who is this on this last picture ‘This’ Obama has jet-black hair again, no scars at all and a completely new left ear. If you continue to research, you may find out that not only does the official birth certificate published on its website appear to be a blatant forgery, since when you open it with a standard software on the computer, the undeleted, different layers of processing of subsequently used texts, stamps and signatures, and on top of that, without the required seal of the state of Hawaii. Apparently, the entire lineage history of Obama and his name does not correspond to the truth and he does not seem to have had his family roots in Kenya. Instead, he may have been born in Indonesia under the name Barry Soetoro.[i] And it is precisely this Barry Soetoro, who in his earlier years was said to have been on Mars several times in the years between 1981 and 1983 in the context of a secret CIA program. A descendant of former US President Dwight D. Eisenhower, Laura Eisenhower, reports in detail about this secret program known as “Alternative 3”.[ii] By teleportation available since at least the 1980’s, thousands of people have been sent to Mars through so-called “Jumprooms” located in El Segundo California. (On the Pacific coast, about 10 km south of Santa Monica).[iii] Maybe this is just one of the active Obama’s, maybe there's another one - who knows?

Obama’s alleged birth certificate from the internet
Hard to believe, but in the original internet document which everybody could download, the levels with which the various elements were put together were still visible and editable.
And for all who want to know more about the history of this Planet, the Secret Space programs and more…
World Conspiracy in English language
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In German language
only paperback (sold out in new condition, used still available)
Space Conspiracy in English language
ebook / paperback
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only paperback
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