Operation Disclosure | By Rinus Verhagen, Contributor May 5, 2020 We all witnessed Mad Nancy tearing up the script of the speech in f...
Operation Disclosure | By Rinus Verhagen, Contributor
May 5, 2020
We all witnessed Mad Nancy tearing up the script of the speech in front of the eyes of the whole world during the State Of The Union,
Donald J Trump also appointed the democratically elected President Juan Guaidó Márquez of Venezuela during this great speech.

So if the Alliance recognizes Juan Guaidó Márquez as the legitimately elected head of state, this will also happen in other cases.
Through voice messages from Germany, we are told that municipalities no longer renew travel passes in the name of the Bundes-Republiek-Deutschland.
Also, a video message from Robert F Kennedy jr, announces that he will soon be coming to Germany, where he talks in the video about the criminal fascist pharmaceutical companies that are using politics to force a forced vaccination program on the population.
We're talking about the attempted premeditated genocide against indigenous people.
Making the population deliberately ill to earn 50 Billion dollars, with the treatment of the consequential damage of 500 Billion is a great earning model for the Satanists.
Corrupt politicians like to cooperate because they have been bribed or blackmailed with their Pedophile behavior.
In another voiced message, I heard good news that there are many arrests going on in Germany, and the vaccination program will not go ahead.
Among those arrested would be many police who want to force the Merkel Dictatorship on their own population with brute force.
Here info about Merkel's origin and lineage:
These police officers are arrested by the temporary S.H.A.E.F. with the Europe Defender 2020 troops, with the administration of Germany coming under SHAEF.

This will certainly include 100% of the entire second world war archive with accompanying info on the Yalta conference with a detailed description of the restrictions that were imposed on Germany and the division of Germany.

It is also no secret that Merkel was summoned to Putin to give her the opportunity to accept the surrender of the Cabal in Europe, which is still occupied territory of the Allies.
What we have experienced Mad Merkel continues to roll out the Fascist NWO, as it used to be, until the last man Adolf had said as a tenacious Nazi.
It doesn't matter anymore what Merkel does or doesn't do, because like Juan Guaidó Márquez of Venezuela, Germany's true heir will now attend the Yalta 2020 on May 8th to sign the peace treaty there.
Long live our Kaiser-Georg Friedrich, Prince of Prussia!
Hoch lebe unser Kaiser-Georg Friedrich, Prinz von Preussen!

This is the reason why no BDR passports will be issued, because the former empire will be restored to its former glory.
Germany will be ruled by a monarch to serve the German people instead of suppressing them as Nazi Merkel has done as a puppet of the globalists and Satanic central FED bankers.
Since this blackmail was acknowledged by the former Queen Wilhelmina and Bernhard von Lippe as Stadholder by Hitler, the post-war deception could be kept secret from the population.
For the capitulation of Germany on May 5, 1945 was only an agreement to give the German soldiers free passage back to Germany.
So there was never a peace treaty signed by the Allied to declare Germany sovereign again.
Therefore, the Yalta Conference on 8 May 2020 is the official end of the Second World War, with the recognition of the heir of the Kaiser-Georg Friedrich.
It will create great confusion in the Netherlands, because the Dutch Cabal Pedophiles will now admit that they worked with the then Nazis for more than 80 years from 18 May 1940, and had many Jews arrested in the Netherlands worked to death in German concentration labour camps, because their own men were at the front, so there had to be a supply of weapons and supplies.
Now Mark Rutte is an undefeated liar, but he will never get this right with the population, police and army.
The fact is that they have no right to exist and have been exposed as contemporary Nazis who have abused, misled and robbed their own people in an unforgivable way.
The transition to a new world in abundance of peace and happiness, therefore, can never take place if this Satanic vermin continues to rule in the Netherlands, the country without legitimate justice, but an organized crime cartel based on self-interest and arbitrariness has no place in a GESARA sovereign Republic of the Netherlands.
The state gold, all too good from the Cabal Fake king and his family are expropriated and given back to the exploited slaves who worked their lives to keep the Nazis in power.
The whole world population will see the downfall of the Dutch Cabal.
No matter how small a country is, in Pedophilia, corruption and Satanism they can hardly be equalled.
The silence before the storm as Donald J Trump called it, he is this weekend in Europe the Centre of all Satanic en Sex crime in the world.
If every country is going to get its own currency back, we can be sure that Willy's ugly head won't get the superfluous one.
I wish everyone a very good start to a much better future without wars and cultural disputes, because the Islamisation of Europe by world peace will mean that there will be no more reason to give these people hospitality in Europe.
These people are going to build their own country with help from all over the world.
For they have paid a high price for the crimes the Deep State Cabal has committed over the centuries.
Because of the Basic Income in their own culture countries, the necessity to abuse the hospitality of the host countries as an economic asylum claimant is gone.
The additional benefit is the reduction in crime, so there is no need to accept a control and police state any longer.
The political reforms must be entrusted by the population to administrators, who receive these orders through a referendum result.
We can never again have someone in power who rules through dictates in a sham democracy of corruption and self-interest.
The proposed NWO Cabal laws in Europe are not going to happen.
Long live freedom, because of the end of EU Fascism.
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