Operation Disclosure | By Rinus Verhagen, Contributor May 12, 2020 How does the Elite intend to carry out the Genocide on the world...
Operation Disclosure | By Rinus Verhagen, Contributor
May 12, 2020
How does the Elite intend to carry out the Genocide on the world's population?
The NWO elite are separate from GOD, They want complete control to enslave mankind eternally.
Only with the vaccine can we go back to new 1.5 normal!!!!Spotted all around #Dublin. Well done whoever’s involved. Please copy and spread throughout your housing estates, villages and towns #EndLockdownIreland #Covid19 #TheGreatAwakeningWorldwide pic.twitter.com/NF9W8sfyam— Gemma O'Doherty (@gemmaod1) May 11, 2020
Who is he to determine that?
This also shows that he is the Boss (WHO POWER) and prescribes everyone and everything as a money and power dictator. Very scary and dangerous this Devil!!!
An RNA virus has never been able to make a vaccine!!!!
How many dead or maimed people does Bill Gates already have in his name?
For Bill Gates, mankind has been able to live for millions of years without vaccinations.
Why should we trust this psychopath?
He's known for being an Agenda 21 supporter and actively destroying lives.
His vaccinations contain substances that make the population infertile.
So he's planning to wipe out mankind.
Government leaders who are all NWO Satanists have been working on this for years.
No vaccination, then you will be excluded from society by your RFID information.

Microsoft has patented a system that uses human biometrics such as body heat and brain-wave activity to mine cryptocurrency.
The patent, filed under international patent number WO-2020-060606 and titled ‘Cryptocurrency System Using Body Data Activity’, leverages human body activity as proof-of-work.
This proof-of-work is achieved when a user performs given tasks, or even online activities such as viewing ads and using search engines.
“Instead of massive computation work required by some conventional cryptocurrency systems, data generated based on the body activity of the user can be a proof-of-work, and therefore, a user can solve the computationally difficult problem unconsciously,” the patent reads.
Despite the patent being published on March 26 by the World Intellectual Property Organization, some titans of the cryptocurrency industry are already on board, and cryptocurrency exchange BitMEX, founded by Britain’s youngest self-made billionaire Ben Delo, has donated $2.5 million dollars to the Gates Foundation.
As to how body activity and biometrics will be communicated to servers and cryptocurrency hardware, the patent explains that “a sensor communicatively coupled to or comprised in the device of the user may sense body activity of the user.” The patent then gives examples of sensors that can be used to this end – such as “fMRI scanners, electroencephalography (EEG) sensors, near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) sensors, heart rate monitors, thermal sensors, optical sensors, Radio Frequency sensors, ultrasonic sensors, cameras, or any other sensor or scanner.”
This list of examples is just typical patent stockpiling, or Microsoft’s way of ensuring they own every applicable aspect of this system. The real technology, with a sensor specifically made for detecting and keeping track of human biometrics, is a microchip implant being developed by a Danish Microsoft partner called BEZH International. After all, a microchip implant is the best sensor for bioemetrics as it is literally inside the body.
BEZH’s microchip implant is not only capable of storing and transmitting biometrics – including medical and genetic data, but it also compliments the entire cryptocurrency mining aspect of Microsoft’s patent as it comes with its own cryptocurrency, which for several months last year, was listed on cryptocurrency exchange Binance.
With this biometrics-based cryptocurrency mining patent and other human microchipping projects under his belt, namely the Birth Control microchip implant and the implantable quantum-dot vaccination record capsules being developed by MIT, and ID2020 which is part of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, it is starting to look like Bill Gates might be the most prolific cybernetic-biohacker on the planet. Not even Elon Musk’s Neuralink has accelerated the mainstreaming of biohacking this fast. Add this to the fact that in the United States, there seems to be bipartisan support to install Bill Gates at the helm of the World Heath Organization – with even conservative Republicans like Senator Lindsay Graham calling for Gates to be made head of the WHO.
Yes, the Future is now, and it really does look like Bill Gates is leading this future as he is best placed to revolutionize Public Health and human biology through biohacking and implantable technology.
However, there is still no indication that this cryptocurrency mining project will be connected to Microsoft’s aforementioned and more promising human microchipping projects. But, due to the Coronavirus Pandemic, the implantable quantum-dot vaccination record capsules and ID2020 are likely to be merged to create the digital certificates that Gates wants everyone to have as proof of vaccination against COVID-19. This opens up the possibility of merging the two projects with the biometrics-sensing microchip implant being developed by BEZH – because biometric data is most crucial during health-related events such as pandemics.
Like its parent company Microsoft, BEZH is also simultaneously working on other projects that complement biohacking and human enhancement such as an Internet-of-Things smart farming system called ‘Cybernated Farm Systems’ and the establishment of an Internet-of-Things infrastructured micronation called the Kingdom of North Sudan.

121 Safe, fast and honest
Tykn leads the development of the Digital Identity Backend of the 121.
121 is a 510 Data Team Initiative of the Dutch Red Cross and started in 2018. It is a system built on the knowledge and skills of a consortium of humanitarian, technical and academic partners spread across multiple locations.
121 believes that creating a digital identity will speed up cash-based aid in the future by providing those involved with digital and secure access to aid.
The puppets of the NWO, take off their mouth protection when they are not in the picture.
Explain to me why the media takes their masks off when they think the cameras are off? Is it all for show? #fakenews #LamestreamMedia looks like the rules only apply to us peasants. #obamagate #qanon pic.twitter.com/rlET581ytJ— Mateusz Zawadzki (@Matt_Zawadzki) May 12, 2020

Meanwhile, in Germany.
If this is the week to never forget, then the following info is clear.
Our army of barracks do nothing more,
The US Army was in our barracks 2 weeks ago and seized the Weapons.
Registered and partially returned.
Our Bundeswehr (army) can now only throw Tampons.
They are the old occupying armies and they work in accordance with the system.
Ours don't know what's going on yet.
The army barracks on German territory and have nothing to do with the purge order.

I am 100% convinced that the Corona Virus is a big false flag to force the population through fear a Genocide vaccination.
It is an unnatural action that imposes restrictions on people by NWO psychopaths.
The heavy metals in Vaccinations act as a conductor for electromagnetic radiation of 5G.
After the Vaccinations we can expect a second wave of Nep Corona, then the microwave 5G radiation.
A secondary reaction, if the development of a Vaccination takes years it could now be delivered within a few months, of course without testing.
Journalists have been bribed to label the warning from the population as a conspiracy theory. Would they want to be so tough together with politicians and police to be the first to take the vaccination and 5G joy.
When we are 2 years further on, the problem is certainly solved by itself.

This communication was published on 26 April 2020.
This is of course a bad advertisement for the vaccination industry, so it has been sold as a lie in the media with the Fact checker and a lot of money.
Whether or not Elisa Gravy died from her own experiment, they are harmful body hostile substances with a lot of misery as a result.
Anyone who believes the MSM or politics is not of our time and probably retarded.
It's grotesque how people are spinning to force the Genocide of this Bill Gates Plandemic on us.
Nobody has the right to force anything on anyone that is against the interests of the people in question.
Everyone is sovereign and has a birth right, this divine right is above invented Cabal earthly laws.
Has the action against the Deep State Cabal begun?
Yes. I have faith in the transition ahead.
People shouldn't listen to politics or false experts, politicians or late police intimidation.
Go outside, enjoy the weather together, don't let 1.5 meters of fascism be imposed.
Are you going to get a fine? Keep laughing, because you don't pay anyway.
Politicians, who work with your paid taxes to force you to vaccinate are your real enemies.
The Netherlands is not only the cause of the problem, but also the solution.
Remove the entire Hitler cabinet and fake king, and declare all contracts made since 1945 on behalf of the Netherlands invalid.
Here's the hard evidence.
Since WWII the Netherlands has no Constitution, no legal government and no royal house and since then a federal state of Germany. Germany has been under U.S. rule since WWII.
We didn't have the royal house anymore anyway because the then king couldn't have children in 1700, this means that the Netherlands is actually from the US.Nederland heeft sinds WOII geen Grondwet , Geen wettelijke regering en geen Koningshuis meer en sindsdien een Deelstaat is van Duitsland . Duitsland staat sinds WOII onder bewind van Amerika . pic.twitter.com/J82fdjYGBH— Maaike Louwe (@Maaike_Louwe) May 10, 2020

14, Your attention is drawn to Military Government Ordinance Number 1, the provisions of which are Applicable to you and your troops end a copy of which is attached. You will be responsible to all troop under your command without delay.
15, You will continues, as already arranged, to clear the canals of obstructions, minas, etc, so that normal barge traffic may be recommenced.
16, You will continue to assist in the arrangements for feeding the Dutch civilian population.
17, These orders are issued to you without prejudice to, and will be superseded by, any general instrument of surrender applicable to GERMANY and the Armed Forces as a whole.
Commander Lieutenant General Charles Foulkes
Signatures of allied commander
18, I Acknowledge receipt of a copy of the above orders at Wageningen at 16:30 hours 5 may 1945 and undertake to comply in every respect.
Johannes Blaskowitz, the German commander-in-chief in the Netherlands, presents himself to the Canadian general Charles Foulkes, in Wageningen, at Hotel De Wereld.
At 16:30, Johannes Blaskowitz, the German commander-in-chief in the Netherlands, surrendered to the Canadian general Charles Foulkes, in Wageningen, in Hotel De Wereld, in the presence of Prince Bernhard (representing the Dutch Internal Armed Forces as the Dutch commander-in-chief).

Capitulation in Wageningen in May 1945 is history falsification
Since Prince Bernhard himself did not sign on behalf of the Netherlands, his presence has no significance for the surrender.
As double agent and stadholder of the Netherlands from that date onwards, it appears that all parties were misled by the Nazis. Bernhard von Lippe applied to Hitler for stadholder status in 1942.
The former Queen Wilhelmina continued as a monarch through a silent coup as shadow government with the help of the political parties, but the real ruler was Bernhard the stadholder, who together with the CIA founded the Bilderberg organisation in 1954.
The post-war German governments were all puppets of the Western Allies.
The constitution that expired on 13 May 1940 together with the kingdom was never restored, everything is a phrase, and covered by all the post-war Hitler cabinets.
The conclusion, if by deceit and deception you enter into contracts and treaties on behalf of a country that no longer exists, all treaties are not legally valid.
The UN, WHO and the EU were created by fraud committed by the Nazis.
All treaties to Islamises Europe in exchange for oil are therefore an act of high treason against the people of Europe.
Since all wars were Cabal wars bankers, this can be restored to a date before the Second World War, therefore the brilliant move of Putin to restore the German Empire with a Yalta II conference and treaty.
This will restore sovereignty to all nations, and GESARA will be compatible.
More Red Pil from Janet Ossebaard:
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