Restored Republic via a GCR as of May 23, 2020

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Sat. 23 May 2020 Compiled  Sat. 23 May 12:01 am EDT  by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist re...

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Sat. 23 May 2020

Compiled Sat. 23 May 12:01 am EDT by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author, “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities.”

Source: Dinar Chronicles

Divide They Try, Fail They Will, WWG1WGA to Support POTUS, Follow Q & Trust Plan

It’s not about money, it’s about the children – the thousands of malnourished and traumatized children. Let us fast and pray for these little ones who were being rescued from Cabal underground tunnel torture chambers, and for those Military Troops worldwide who were risking their own lives to save them. The ancient doctrine of Fasting and Prayer was explained here at the 10:30:32 mark:

"People who say it cannot be done should not interrupt those who are doing it."

Greatness was not found in possessions, power, position, or prestige. It was discovered in goodness, humility, service and character. As we embarked on this great opportunity to do good in the world remember that you were a Child of God who was sent to this earth to perform a special mission and only you through consultation with your Father in Heaven, could decide what that mission would be.

Judy Note: Thurs. night 21 May the RV Release Plan was changed due to another Democrat delay tactic – this time to redo Redemption Centers for Covid-19. Now we would see liquidity in Zurich on Mon. 25 May, with us in Tier 4b (the Internet Group) beginning appointments the next day on Tues. – Wed. 26, 27 May. Rumor was that sources in Europe, US Banks and Reno all agreed we could receive 800#s over this long Memorial Day weekend and set appointments beginning Tues. 26 May.

As of noon EDT last Thurs. 21 May Exchange Personnel went on lockdown to process Tiers 3, 4a, Groups and SKRs, which were being paid out through Memorial Day weekend ending Mon. 25 May. There were reports that some in Tier 4a now had funds in their accounts, but would not be liquid until Tier 4b started their appointments – expected to begin Tues. 26 May.

On Thurs. 21 May Judy Shelton said on a Conference Call that she and POTUS still intended to complete exchanges/redemption before the end of May. The new general public start date where Tier 4b had to be totally finished with exchanges/ redemption was before Mon. 15 June.

Judy Note: Speaking of Democratic delay tactics they have also managed to find another use of the so-called Corona Virus Pandemic – to funnel 80 million dollars of Covid-19 relief funds to Planned Parenthood. The ACLJ aggressively fought to help ensure that Planned Parenthood - a multi-billion-dollar abortion business - was NOT eligible for funding under the Corona Virus Relief Bill - funds that were intended for small businesses and churches. Planned Parenthood and House Speaker Pelosi tried to get this funding in the CARES Act - and FAILED. Yet, 37 of the abortion giant's 49 affiliates (75%) inappropriately applied for and unlawfully received tens of millions of taxpayer dollars. Planned Parenthood has been accused of killing millions of babies – some after they were born live – thought purposely done in order to sell their fresh body parts. We encourage you to Help Us Save the Babies and Sign the Petition Now
A. May 22 2020 4:39 pm EDT Fleming’s Military Intel Contact:

Judy Shelton has been overseeing a series of meetings twice a day of 40 people on the RV release teams (Department of Defense, US Treasury, State Dept, White House teams, the Chinese Elders and bankers). She was streamlining the communication process to make the release go as fast and smoothly as possible.

The special Dragon Bond funds had been allocated by the Elders for liquidity release to and through Dubai 1 & Dubai 2 (that has now converted to US Notes), from which Tiers 1-4 were about to be finally and fully paid out in US Notes.

On Thurs. 21 May the RV teams were celebrating that the Heritage Funds 100s of 1000s of accounts were converted over to the gold-backed, asset-backed USN. This was one of the biggest tasks the RV teams had to complete before any Tier could be fully paid out in USN and necessary for final disbursements to all tiers.

The Admiral and his team finished all their paperwork on Thurs. 21 May. Redemption Center Exchange Personnel were placed on lockdown high alert, told to be quiet and ready for the imminent start of all pre-Tier 4b processing as of Thurs. afternoon 21 May. Tiers 1-2 accounts, military accounts, accounts for infrastructure to rebuild roads and bridges, accounts for debt relief and Universal Basic Income to citizens accounts were all already done so all RV release disbursements could move forward under the Restored Republic.

As of Thurs. 21 May behind the scenes there were 26,882 arrests of Deep State criminals, many of whom interfered with the RV release over past weeks in govt, agency and bank positions. They were immediately replaced. Many of whom were also part of human/child trafficking, drug running, gun running, porn production networks and other Deep State criminal cartels. The Department of Defense security teams have procedures in place to arrest and immediately replace anyone else in the release process who would do Deep State bidding to interfere with the RV release sequence further.

With Heritage Funds conversion to USN completed, RV teams were able to release notification that there was a 24 hour window that ended Fri. 22 May so that the final and full disbursements in USN could start going out to Tiers 2-3 Intermediates (CMKX, F&P, Farm Claims, adjudicated settlement) accounts, to Tiers 3-4a Admirals accounts. The line ahead of us was moving. Wells Fargo Account holds were scheduled to be removed, or were in process of being removed Fri. 22 May.

On Fri. 22 May the teams would start disbursals for down line liquidity from the Elders' funds through exotic bonds (Yellow Dragon bonds that have been transacting all this past week and other Dragon Bonds).

On Fri. 22 May downline liquidity disbursements started to pay out Tiers 1-4. Funds were also coming from the Heritage Funds, which represented hundreds of thousands of accounts providing the greatest amount of liquidity from the Chinese Elders to payout all tiers globally.

From Fri. 22 May forward to Tues. 26 May all priority Paymasters and disbursement recipients (Tiers 2,3 intermediates and Tier 3,4a accounts) were receiving notifications of payouts.

On Fri. 22 May they were converting over Tier 4a,b releases and collateral accounts to USN.

The Admiral was complete and not waiting on anything further as of 3 pm EDT Fri. 22 May and ready for notifications of disbursements to pre-Tier 4b accounts, Pay Masters and recipients.

Tiers 3, 4a groups have been receiving notifications of payout / disbursement over the past 24 hours. All pre-Tier 4b recipients and Paymasters including the Tiers 3, 4a groups and SKRs were being paid out now through Memorial Day weekend.

There have been difficulties in communication between the teams until now, so she was overseeing the conference calls. Shelton was still Trump's point person to get the RV teams and Elders and banks coordinated and communicating clearly to get the pre-T4B release sequence items done ahead of us in Tier 4b before or by next Tues. 26 May.

Right now Redemption Centers in states under Deep State Democrat governors were being worked on to be reconfigured according to CDC Covid-19 prevention requirements in order to be ready for Tier 4b 800# notifications starting by Tues. or Wed. 26, 27 May.

If the pre-Tier 4b release sequence disbursements / payouts were not done by next Tues. 26 May, the Department of Defense would step in and take decisive action.

Tier 4b was scheduled to be starting Tues. or Wed. 26, 27 May with 800# notifications.

Tier 3,4a SKR holders and groups were being told to expect notifications and payouts any time from Fri. 22 May forward so that Tier 4b and all account liquidity could happen by Tues.-Wed. 26, 27 May when Tier 4b start exchanges.

Trump and the White Dragon Elders agreed in signed contracts with timing specifically defined to get the RV release out and Tier 4b started before the end of the month.

By contractual agreement with the Chinese, POTUS, the Department of Defense, Judy Shelton and the RV teams were pushing hard to get the release sequence done, including the Tier 4b start, next week and before Mon. 1 June.

On Mon. 1 June Mnuchin was to tell the banks that everything in the banking system has been converted over to the USN.

Also on Mon. 1 June the SWIFT system that the Deep State has used for months to interfere with and delay the RV release would be completely disconnected from the banking system – that now would be under the USN and the QFS.

By Mon. 15 June the banks would be ready to start exchanging the public Tier 5 under the new USN & QFS system.

Tier 4b 800# notifications were scheduled to come out Tues. 26 May or Wed. 27 May. In order to give Tier 4b at least 10 days of 800#s, POTUS indicated to the IMF to move the public (Tier 5) start date 2 weeks forward to Mon 15 June.

The war to finish continued and prayers over all tasks this weekend would be appreciated. We needed to keep baby stepping forward as the anti-RV Deep State operatives were running out of ways to delay the RV release. Keep the faith and press forward.

B. Fri. 22 May 1:08 pm EDT Fleming’s Intel Military Contact: GESARA/NESARA in Effect

The Military Intel Contact was asked why the Trump Executive Order for federal agencies to waive, suspend, and limit regulations that impeded economic recovery (the RV release) were not used to override the Deep State Democrat governors demand to rebuild Redemption Centers delaying our schedule this week.

He said it was a good question, but his info was that GESARA / NESARA protocols required that the Restored Republic not allow the Federal Government to overreach the Constitution's authority to override state power and authority, and in this case, the Democrat governor's authority in their states to require reconfiguring-rebuilding redemption centers for public safety from Covid-19.

Trump and the Department of Defense could have used Martial Law authority at the federal level, but they had to stay within GESARA boundaries under the Constitutional authority of the Federal Government under the Republic.

Trump and the Department of Defense were also exposing the Deep State Democrat governors for the draconian, totalitarian Covid-19 shutdowns in their states so that the people do not re-elect them. He added that this was a deliberate strategy to defeat Deep State control of states long-term.

How to pay for NESARA / GESARA:

NESARA Part 6:

NESARA Part 5:

NESARA Part 4:

NESARA Part 3:

NESARA Part 2:

NESARA Part 1:

C. Fri. May 22 2020 7:41 am EDT Fleming Military Intel Contact:

1. Zurich was told with certainty that liquidity would be released on Mon. 25 May.

2. In several states some Redemption Centers were having to be rebuilt because Deep State Cabal Democrat governors like Whitmer of MI, Northam of VA, Cuomo of NY, Newsom of CA plus several others had deliberately schemed to delay Zim holders by ordering the banks in their states (MI, VA, NY, CA, OR, CT, WA, and one other) to reconfigure and rebuild Redemption Centers for Zim exchanges to "protect" us from the Scamdemic Covid-19 infectious "danger."

3. Just like Pelosi delayed us the first week of May with the 14% ZIM tax stunt, they delayed us in Tier 4b again this week until next Tue-Wed 26, 27 May by demanding that these Redemption Centers had to be rebuilt to be Covid-19 "safe."

4. Last night Thurs. 21 May Judy Shelton said on a Conference Call that she and POTUS still intended to complete exchanges/redemption before the end of May.

5. The new general public start date where Tier 4b had to be finished with exchanges was Mon. 15 June.

6. Tier 3,4a groups and SKRs were being paid out starting Thurs. 21 May at 2 pm EDT and would go through Memorial Day weekend ending Mon. 25 May.

7. The Military Intel Contact knew that all were exhausted, but the latest Deep State Democrat move to delay us ZIM holders proved that the Deep State has been fighting the RV/GCR to the bitter end, showed us who the real enemy was and that these governors and politicians should never be re-elected.

D. May 22 2020 3:18 am EDT Ron Giles, Fleming: "Regarding Ron Giles" - Fleming Intel Update 5-21-20 View on Vocaroo >> "I do not know who Ron Giles is, nor do I care to. We got information that was sent to us making reference to some stuff that he said and we ran that by the various people that we're in contact with. Some of it was from the Department of Defense, some of it was from the US Treasury. They basically came back and said that he was wrong -- didn't call him a liar, just said he was wrong."

E. Zim was now legal to redeem:

F. Trump vows to 'override' states should they refuse to reopen churches

G. International Child Sex Trafficking:

Suspected Pedophile Prince Charles has named Pop Star Satanist Katy Perry as a new ambassador for his South Asian Child Trafficking Charity:

Prince Andrew Linked to Epstein Sex Slave:

US Foster Care Supplies 88% of Sex Trafficked Children:

Comprehensive Website on Global Elites Involved in Child Sex Trafficking, Pedophilia and Satanic Cults:

H. Currency Exchange/Bond Redemption: Please treat the below as my guess. Official instructions would be available upon 800# release.

WARNING: DO NOT give your foreign currency or Zim Bonds to anyone to exchange, or redeem for you. If a Group Leader was telling you that they could obtain better rates for you, or saying not to go to your appointment at an Exchange Center, they were not telling the truth.

Anyone could exchange and redeem their currencies and/or Zim Bonds, and would have the same ability to obtain the higher Contract Rates as anyone else, as long as they did it at a licensed Exchange Center as per appointment through the 800#s.

I am not aware of how someone outside the US could redeem Zim Bonds. That question should be asked to the person who set up your appointment.

An hour or so prior to 800# release, Wells Fargo and HSBC Banks would send out over 530,000+ email notifications for appointments to currency and Zim Bond holders worldwide, along with instructions on how to exchange and redeem within your own country. Those emails would include links to a secured website. Clicking on that website with your computer or phone would automatically generate a code that identified your individual exchange/redemption as you set your appointment.

Exchange information would also be available on certain websites as below:

Dinar Chronicles:
Dinar Recaps:
MarkZ Twitter:
TNT Tony:
Dinar Detectives:

I. Currency and Zim Bond Appointments: This information applied to redeemers in the US. Different countries would have their own regulations and rules. Please treat as my opinion only as deducted from Military Contact Intel reported by Fleming and Bruce:

The Elders wanted currency and Zim holders to get the highest rates for their humanitarian projects and/or investing in national and international humanitarian projects. Every currency and Zim holder would get an equal chance at the highest Contract Rates for their interest in humanitarian work and project presentations. It would be a level playing field with one appointment, not two.

Currency exchanges not asking for Contract Rates: At your appointment if you didn’t have Zim, nor a humanitarian project and didn’t want to invest in the national and international humanitarian projects, your currency would be validated, you would be given a specific rate (higher than what would be offered on foreign currencies after June 1), your account would be set up, you would be given a debit card with a percentage of your monies immediately available and then receive the rest within 48 hours. You would have no restrictions on how you spent your monies. Your appointment would last around 30 min.

Zim Redemption and Currency exchanges asking for Contract Rates: At your appointment if you had Zim and/or a specific humanitarian project and/or wanted to invest in the national and international humanitarian projects, your currency and Zim would be validated, you would be offered Contract Rates, the amount of which was dependent upon your humanitarian project and/or investment interest in national and international humanitarian projects, your account would be set up, you would be given a debit card with a percentage of your monies immediately available and receive the “rest” within 48 hours.

That payout would be placed on your choice of a quarterly, semi quarterly or yearly payout period. The amount of earned interest on monies left at the bank during your payout period would be dependent on the amount of monies you had and length you chose for your payout period. A certain percentage of your Contract Rate monies would be for your own use, the rest dedicated to humanitarian work. Your appointment could last up to 90 min.

If you were not satisfied with the first appointment rate offered for the ZIM you would have 180 days (6 months) to work with a Wealth Manager and trust company private banking team, which would represent us to the US Treasury for higher rates than those received in the first appointment. The Wealth Managers and trust company would be happy to help us.

US Taxes: At the end of March 2020 the IRS was severely downsized as it folded into the new US Treasury. We now had 4-6 IRS agents per state to collect a flat tax of 15-17%. There would be no capital gains tax on the exchange or ZIM redemption, just a tax on interest earned from exchange/redemption proceeds.

The new US Treasury under the Restored Republic was the banking regulator of banks post-RV. The US Treasury would not control account funds, only you would, but the Treasury would be the servicer of our QFS accounts and the banks would be financial service providers that would serve us as account holders.

If RV funds were used for Deep State purposes like drug running, child trafficking, gun running, or other criminal activities, the NSA would find out and freeze accounts on the QFS.

J. “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities,” Judy Byington

WARNING: Jenny gave a graphic description of being raped, tortured, forced to view a Child Sacrifice and save for Divine intervention, was almost killed herself at the tender age of five – not unlike sordid experiences of thousands of other child victims of Satanic Worshippers. Such perpetrator-followers of Satan were organized from the US Inc’s CIA, Queen Elizabeth’s, Vatican’s Ninth Circle Child Sacrifice Cult on down to the Clintons, Hollywood, Pizzagate and local teenage covens. They were funded by this same Cabal that ran our global monetary system – the very organization that was in the process of being brought down by activation of the Global Currency Reset. It’s no wonder that President Trump has stated, “These people are sick.”

K. Judy Note: I do not now, nor have I ever, received monies for writing my Updates and articles. The compensation has been in having outlets to help Save the Children by exposing truths about the very secretive Satanic Ritual Abuse, Pedophilia and Child Sacrifice that was rampant in our international society.

If you wish to help save children from international sex trafficking, contact Tim Ballard at Operation Underground Railroad:

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) investigates more than 400 violations of criminal law, ranging from child exploitation to transnational gangs inside and outside the US. This would include the rape, torture and murder of children by Satanic worshippers. Use this form to report suspected criminal activity:

The above was a summary of information from the Internet. It would be up to the reader to do their own research and decide whether or not it was valid. A Thank You to those dedicated and brave intel providers who wished to remain unknown; to humble Wildfirelady who is adept at exposing the truth; to Martha who works around the clock to discern what is real in the fake news; to Brad who does great research and Ken who uncovers almost unlimited intel on pedophilia to help us Save the Children.

Divide They Try, Fail They Will, WWG1WGA to Support POTUS, Follow Q & Trust Plan

Let us Thank Q that the reset has finally come to be. I wish you well in your humanitarian efforts and look forward to seeing you on the other side where together, we will make life better for all.

Patience is a Virtue. Having Virtue is a sign of a good moral being. Good moral beings have the power to overcome evil and change the world. Judy

Updates for the Week Prior:

Special Restored Republic via a GCR Report as of May 22, 2020

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of May 22, 2020

Special Restored Republic via a GCR Report as of May 21, 2020

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of May 21, 2020

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of May 20, 2020

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of May 19, 2020

Special Restored Republic via a GCR Report as of May 18, 2020

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of May 18, 2020

Special Restored Republic via a GCR Report as of May 17, 2020

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of May 17, 2020

Special Restored Republic via a GCR Report as of May 16, 2020

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of May 16, 2020

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5G,159,9/11,46,Abortion,11,Ancient Civilizations,29,Animal Rights,1,Anna Von Reitz,297,Anonymous,4,Antarctica,12,Artificial Intelligence,24,Ascension,36,Australia,58,Aviation,7,B. Patrick Thomas,8,BAR Mafia,1,Benghazi,11,Benjamin Fulford,179,Big Pharma,69,Big Tech,50,Bilderberg,63,Bill Clinton,6,Bill Gates,68,Biowarfare,25,BlackOps,1,Brent Johnson,7,Brexit,154,Cabal,333,Canada,50,Cancer,22,Cannabis,5,Censorship,110,Central Banks,296,Chemtrails,38,Child Sacrifice,2,China,489,CIA,307,Citizen Rights,360,Climate Change,30,Cloning,17,Cobra,58,Corey Goode,22,Corruption,2450,Dave Janda,9,David Lifschultz,39,David Wilcock,43,Decode,149,Deep State,1203,Disclosure,50,Disease,1096,Disinformation,28,DOJ,202,Drake Bailey,2,Drugs,17,Earth Alliance,1182,Economics,1503,Education,4,Edward Snowden,19,Elon Musk,5,Energy,28,Environment,80,EU,343,Eugenics,15,Exopolitics,185,Extraterrestrial,190,Fake News,49,False Flag,60,FBI,268,FDA,31,Federal Reserve,294,FEMA,2,Field McConnell,2,Food,8,Fraud,373,Galactic Federation,12,General Flynn,36,Genocide,15,Geoengineering,21,Geopolitics,2904,George Soros,98,GESARA,1364,Ghislaine Maxwell,40,GITMO,89,Global Elite,29,GMO,38,Grant Ouellette,47,Great Reset,3,Guest Writer,7,Gun Control,23,Hawaii,11,Health,1002,Hillary Clinton,320,History,285,Hollywood,64,Human Rights,46,Human Trafficking,245,Humanitarian,6,Illuminati,44,Immigration,32,Inner Earth,5,Intel,2443,Intelligence Community,48,Iran,98,IRS,15,Israel,114,James Gilliland,55,James O'Brien,21,Japan,39,Jeffrey Epstein,224,Jesuit,14,JFK,76,JFK Jr,83,Joe Biden,478,John Podesta,7,Jon Rappoport,191,Jordan Sather,134,Judy Byington,1105,Julian Assange,89,Kamala Harris,8,KejRaj,1,Kent Dunn,2,Khazarian,108,Law,361,Law Enforcement,71,Lebanon,6,Libya,2,Mainstream Media,612,Mark Baughman,4,Medicine,82,Melinda Siebold,9,Military,119,Military Industrial Complex,8,Mind,96,Mind Control,21,MKUltra,19,NASA,32,Native Americans,6,NATO,54,Natural Remedies,87,Neil Keenan,1,Neocon,10,NESARA,103,New World Order,179,New Zealand,30,Nikola Tesla,18,North Korea,44,NSA,86,Obama,293,Open Letter,27,Palestine,3,Para Kas-Vetter,39,Parasites,1,Parisse Deza,11,Patrick J. McShay,29,Paul Craig Roberts,1,Pedophilia,181,Philippines,12,Politics,471,Predictions,525,Privacy,5,Propaganda,36,Protests,131,Psychological,1,Putin,53,QAnon,1270,Racism,77,Reader Posts,1053,Religion,111,Restored Republic,1092,RFK Jr.,1,Rinus Verhagen,139,Robert David Steele,21,Robert Mueller,117,Rockefeller,52,Ron Paul,2,Rothschild,104,RT,31,Russia,137,RV/GCR,1521,RXKendrick,16,Sacred Geometry,1,Satanic,156,Saudi Arabia,28,Scandal,44,Science,74,Secret Societies,84,Secret Space Program,52,SERCO,1,SES,1,Sexual Abuse,90,ShadowGate,3,ShadowSuper,54,Shootings,17,Shoshi Herscu,31,Sidney Powell,36,Sierra (NZ),268,Social Media,92,Society,102,Sorcha Faal,81,South America,10,South Korea,9,Space,64,Speculation,2576,Spirituality,440,Spygate,48,Steve Beckow,10,Steve Pieczenik,6,Syria,27,Technology,208,Terrorism,53,The Office of POOFness,93,The Vatican,62,Thinker2,173,Thomas Anderson,26,Transhumanism,5,Treason,101,Trump,2259,Turkey,9,UFOs,100,UK,326,Ukraine,121,United Nations,47,US Democratic Party,195,US Government,2407,US Republican Party,23,USA,3959,Vaccinations,276,Venezuela,18,Whistleblower,132,White Hats,54,Wikileaks,8,William Mount,1,Wonder Woman,1,Xi Jinping,34,Yellow Vests,8,Zionist,106,
Operation Disclosure: Restored Republic via a GCR as of May 23, 2020
Restored Republic via a GCR as of May 23, 2020
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