Operation Disclosure | By Rinus Verhagen, Contributor May 26, 2020 George Soros crime intertwined with the referendum in the Netherland...
Operation Disclosure | By Rinus Verhagen, Contributor
May 26, 2020
George Soros crime intertwined with the referendum in the Netherlands on the association treaty with the Ukraine in 2016.
The second referendum ever held in the Netherlands was also rejected by the population by 63%, with a voter turnout of 31%.
Probably the turnout was lower than the legal 30% from 13 May 1940 onwards, but Rutte, as a master of fraud, of course manipulated this.
Soros Left Fascist received € 200.000 through the PVDA political party to propagate a Yes by voting the association treaty in the Netherlands.
In this way Soros, as a messenger boy of the Rothschild family, tries to sow rule and division.
The false flag with the MH370 / MH17 in 2014 should convince the population to vote for the association treaty.
But Asian victims without blood and stolen organs, with Dutch passports can never be without involvement with the Dutch Cabal.
In order for the Ukraine to become a member of NATO, and for the fascist EU to expand further and provoke a war with Russia.
The whole story about FISAGATE against Trump, and the exchange blower Eric Ciaramella, who in my opinion resembles very much the son of Georg Soros.
The MH17 would have been bought for scrapping, odd, to buy an airplane, which happens to look like the MH370?
Source: Combine this with the fact that Field McConnel discovered that the MH17 was bought by Georg Soros from Malaysia Air-line, and spent a longer time in a warehouse in Israel.
Serco, property of Prince William of England if I'm well informed.
( where are the black boxes of the MH370 ) in England!
The five eyes, countries are all involved in the MH370 / MH17 genocide, by silence and concealment of facts...
The Deep State acts internationally to protect the NWO with the UN as its highest body, which is totally peppered with unelected corrupt leadership and employees.
They now work together with the unelected corrupt EU, which has also been bribed by Georg Soros.
Source: https://jdreport.com/george-soros-heeft-een-derde-van-europees-parlement-handen/
George Soros owns a third of the European Parliament
Most people do have a gut feeling about the fact that the European Union is not really democratic now, but they don't understand the finer points of it either.
Surely we all elect a European Parliament together, so it can't be much more democratic than that, can it?
The real rulers
use all kinds of tools at their disposal and often these are institutions such as security services, governments and religions, but sometimes this also goes through people, such as the infamous Jewish Hungarian richard George Soros.
This man belongs to the absolute top of the elite and is life-threatening, also because his power goes far beyond what most people think, as we wrote in an earlier article.
In this list all bribed NWO-EU rats can be found.
Bron: Reliable allies in the European Parliament (2014 – 2019) for the Open Society European Policy Institute
However, now that the assassins by order of Obama, via Eric Ciaramella ( Alexander Soros ) have not been paid for their murder, and a few members of their murder commands have already been murdered, they start to tell their story.
Source: http://www.bovendien.com/laatste-nieuws/oekraine/maidansluipschutters-doen-onthullende-bekentenis
The Maidan snipers who killed 210 police officers and 70 protesters in February 2014 have come forward and made a confession before a court in neutral territory, White Russia also known as Belarus.
The reason for their confession is twofold. They received no compensation for what they did but more importantly, 6 of their former colleagues died under suspicious circumstances.
In order to protect themselves, they now tell exactly what happened those days, who was behind it and what the intention was.
The snipers were smuggled into Ukraine via Georgia by order of Saakashvili. Saakashvili, who was pushed forward in 2003 by Soros to lead the Rose Revolution in Georgia. According to wikipedia a non-violent revolution but nothing could be further from the truth.
Dozens if not hundreds of people who offered resistance were eliminated by his regime. Later he was also the instigator of the war in South Ossetia by order of Soros, but the Russians ended this war in only 3 days.
It took years before Saakashvili was removed from office but eventually he succeeded. Saakashvili moved on to Ukraine to prepare his next assignment for Soros.
Among the people directly associated with the coup in Ukraine are an American military officer who was the main contact for the coup forces named Christopher Brian Boyenger ( probably a pseudonym ) and Andriy Parubiy, the top of the Ukrainian Nazi group since 1991.
Now follows the interview that an Italian reporter, Gian Micalessin, had with 3 of the Maidan shooters.
Well, now. What conclusion can we draw from these confessions? The names have not yet been mentioned, but they do play a very important role in this whole.
EU Guy Verhofstadt and fellow Nazi Hans van Baalen, from the same political party as Mark Rutte de VVD.
Our so-called democratic leaders of the EU knew this and were part of the coup. In other words.
The Western political bodies of both the Americans and the EU are criminals of the worst kind and get away with it. Simple by pointing the finger at Russia over and over again.
Our news supply didn't and still doesn't make any effort to get the truth out, in fact, they go along with the story of the coup perpetrators and are therefore partly guilty of mass murder.
All these people, politicians, bodies like the EU and NATO, people who now tax us on the basis of complete nonsense investigations into CO2, are criminals and have no right to dictate the laws and/or impose taxes on us. If you think they're doing this for us, forget it.
These revelations show what kind of monsters our politicians and leaders really are.
One man knew about the coup in advance and reported it during a speech. People who apparently already knew about the plans disrupted his speech.
It took a while but now the truth is finally known.
It will undoubtedly take some time until the truth about other attacks will also become known, such as the attack on the MH-17.
Again, according to the radar images that the Russians released the day after the event, there were Georgian fighter jets that took the MH-17 out of the air. Not strange that Soros is persona non grata in Russia. In the west, the man still runs the doors flat at politicians and connected bodies.
I hope this news will also reach our western news channels but have strong doubts about this because bringing this news now is a confession of mass murder by politics and media!
Now that we know more about politics and their plans in 2020, organ donation has been made compulsory by politicians on the initiative of the Demons Party D66, provided that this is not explicitly changed in the Dutch administration.
Knowing that 71% of Pedophilia in the Netherlands plays in silence, and the Adrenochrome use, it is not surprising that the suspicion is justified, that the passengers of the MH17 with many children on board, have become victims of the unscrupulous Satanists of Dutch Cabal politics.
It is simply too many coincidences that come to light and show the interconnectedness.
A GESARA without the removal of the European Cabal is simply not possible.
The 29th of May is the birthday of JFK, where the Q clock expires.
Let's hope that the Cabal will be removed all over the planet to free humanity from evil.
If the Rumour is true, that as of June 1st the Swift payment system expires, the Cabal will lose its money and power all over the world in one fell swoop.
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If you wish to write and/or publish an article on Operation Disclosure all you need to do is send your entry to UniversalOm432Hz@gmail.com applying these following rules.
The subject of your email entry should be: "Entry Post | (Title of your post) | Operation Disclosure"
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Our mission at Operation Disclosure is to bring you important news events and raw intel from various sources focused on exposing the Deep State/Cabal and their downfall. We are also focused on disclosing our lost ancient origins and extraterrestrial contact.
Disclaimer: All articles, videos, and images posted on Operation Disclosure were submitted by readers and/or handpicked by the site itself for informational and/or entertainment purposes. All statements, claims, views and opinions that appear on this site are always presented as unverified and should be discerned by the reader. We do not endorse any opinions expressed on this website and we do not support, represent or guarantee the completeness, truthfulness, accuracy, or reliability of any content posted on this website.
Copyright © 2020 Operation Disclosure
May 26, 2020
George Soros crime intertwined with the referendum in the Netherlands on the association treaty with the Ukraine in 2016.
The second referendum ever held in the Netherlands was also rejected by the population by 63%, with a voter turnout of 31%.
Probably the turnout was lower than the legal 30% from 13 May 1940 onwards, but Rutte, as a master of fraud, of course manipulated this.
Soros Left Fascist received € 200.000 through the PVDA political party to propagate a Yes by voting the association treaty in the Netherlands.
In this way Soros, as a messenger boy of the Rothschild family, tries to sow rule and division.
The false flag with the MH370 / MH17 in 2014 should convince the population to vote for the association treaty.
But Asian victims without blood and stolen organs, with Dutch passports can never be without involvement with the Dutch Cabal.
In order for the Ukraine to become a member of NATO, and for the fascist EU to expand further and provoke a war with Russia.
The whole story about FISAGATE against Trump, and the exchange blower Eric Ciaramella, who in my opinion resembles very much the son of Georg Soros.
The Soros family is very impressed by the qualities of Psychopath Prime Minister Rutte. This is evidenced by a snapshot that Alexander Soros, the son from the political empire who worked closely with his father George Soros, put on social media this weekend. The two met at a conference in Germany.Great meeting Dutch Prime Minister @MinPres at @MunSecConf. A very Impressive European statesman! 🇳🇱🇪🇺 #msc2020 #markrutte pic.twitter.com/iTXAZZa01o— Alexander Soros, PhD (@AlexanderSoros) February 16, 2020
Victoria F*** the EU Nuland-Pyatt leaked phone conversation _COMPLETE with SUBTITLES1. ERIC CIARAM3LLA is involved in much darker things than you can imagine.— Greg Rubini (@GregRubini) January 30, 2020
Joe Biden, John Brennan, & Barack Obama are also in it.
and Victoria Nuland.
The Ukraine Holocaust
please RETWEET !
. pic.twitter.com/zCxN0h1fqB
The MH17 would have been bought for scrapping, odd, to buy an airplane, which happens to look like the MH370?
Source: Combine this with the fact that Field McConnel discovered that the MH17 was bought by Georg Soros from Malaysia Air-line, and spent a longer time in a warehouse in Israel.
Serco, property of Prince William of England if I'm well informed.
( where are the black boxes of the MH370 ) in England!
The five eyes, countries are all involved in the MH370 / MH17 genocide, by silence and concealment of facts...
The Deep State acts internationally to protect the NWO with the UN as its highest body, which is totally peppered with unelected corrupt leadership and employees.
They now work together with the unelected corrupt EU, which has also been bribed by Georg Soros.
Source: https://jdreport.com/george-soros-heeft-een-derde-van-europees-parlement-handen/
George Soros owns a third of the European Parliament
Most people do have a gut feeling about the fact that the European Union is not really democratic now, but they don't understand the finer points of it either.
Surely we all elect a European Parliament together, so it can't be much more democratic than that, can it?
The real rulers
use all kinds of tools at their disposal and often these are institutions such as security services, governments and religions, but sometimes this also goes through people, such as the infamous Jewish Hungarian richard George Soros.
This man belongs to the absolute top of the elite and is life-threatening, also because his power goes far beyond what most people think, as we wrote in an earlier article.
In this list all bribed NWO-EU rats can be found.
Bron: Reliable allies in the European Parliament (2014 – 2019) for the Open Society European Policy Institute
However, now that the assassins by order of Obama, via Eric Ciaramella ( Alexander Soros ) have not been paid for their murder, and a few members of their murder commands have already been murdered, they start to tell their story.
Source: http://www.bovendien.com/laatste-nieuws/oekraine/maidansluipschutters-doen-onthullende-bekentenis
The Maidan snipers who killed 210 police officers and 70 protesters in February 2014 have come forward and made a confession before a court in neutral territory, White Russia also known as Belarus.
The reason for their confession is twofold. They received no compensation for what they did but more importantly, 6 of their former colleagues died under suspicious circumstances.
In order to protect themselves, they now tell exactly what happened those days, who was behind it and what the intention was.
The snipers were smuggled into Ukraine via Georgia by order of Saakashvili. Saakashvili, who was pushed forward in 2003 by Soros to lead the Rose Revolution in Georgia. According to wikipedia a non-violent revolution but nothing could be further from the truth.
Dozens if not hundreds of people who offered resistance were eliminated by his regime. Later he was also the instigator of the war in South Ossetia by order of Soros, but the Russians ended this war in only 3 days.
It took years before Saakashvili was removed from office but eventually he succeeded. Saakashvili moved on to Ukraine to prepare his next assignment for Soros.
Among the people directly associated with the coup in Ukraine are an American military officer who was the main contact for the coup forces named Christopher Brian Boyenger ( probably a pseudonym ) and Andriy Parubiy, the top of the Ukrainian Nazi group since 1991.
Now follows the interview that an Italian reporter, Gian Micalessin, had with 3 of the Maidan shooters.
Well, now. What conclusion can we draw from these confessions? The names have not yet been mentioned, but they do play a very important role in this whole.
EU Guy Verhofstadt and fellow Nazi Hans van Baalen, from the same political party as Mark Rutte de VVD.
Our so-called democratic leaders of the EU knew this and were part of the coup. In other words.
The Western political bodies of both the Americans and the EU are criminals of the worst kind and get away with it. Simple by pointing the finger at Russia over and over again.
Our news supply didn't and still doesn't make any effort to get the truth out, in fact, they go along with the story of the coup perpetrators and are therefore partly guilty of mass murder.
All these people, politicians, bodies like the EU and NATO, people who now tax us on the basis of complete nonsense investigations into CO2, are criminals and have no right to dictate the laws and/or impose taxes on us. If you think they're doing this for us, forget it.
These revelations show what kind of monsters our politicians and leaders really are.
One man knew about the coup in advance and reported it during a speech. People who apparently already knew about the plans disrupted his speech.
It took a while but now the truth is finally known.
It will undoubtedly take some time until the truth about other attacks will also become known, such as the attack on the MH-17.
Again, according to the radar images that the Russians released the day after the event, there were Georgian fighter jets that took the MH-17 out of the air. Not strange that Soros is persona non grata in Russia. In the west, the man still runs the doors flat at politicians and connected bodies.
I hope this news will also reach our western news channels but have strong doubts about this because bringing this news now is a confession of mass murder by politics and media!
Now that we know more about politics and their plans in 2020, organ donation has been made compulsory by politicians on the initiative of the Demons Party D66, provided that this is not explicitly changed in the Dutch administration.
Knowing that 71% of Pedophilia in the Netherlands plays in silence, and the Adrenochrome use, it is not surprising that the suspicion is justified, that the passengers of the MH17 with many children on board, have become victims of the unscrupulous Satanists of Dutch Cabal politics.
It is simply too many coincidences that come to light and show the interconnectedness.
A GESARA without the removal of the European Cabal is simply not possible.
The 29th of May is the birthday of JFK, where the Q clock expires.
Let's hope that the Cabal will be removed all over the planet to free humanity from evil.
If the Rumour is true, that as of June 1st the Swift payment system expires, the Cabal will lose its money and power all over the world in one fell swoop.
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If you wish to write and/or publish an article on Operation Disclosure all you need to do is send your entry to UniversalOm432Hz@gmail.com applying these following rules.
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Our mission at Operation Disclosure is to bring you important news events and raw intel from various sources focused on exposing the Deep State/Cabal and their downfall. We are also focused on disclosing our lost ancient origins and extraterrestrial contact.
Disclaimer: All articles, videos, and images posted on Operation Disclosure were submitted by readers and/or handpicked by the site itself for informational and/or entertainment purposes. All statements, claims, views and opinions that appear on this site are always presented as unverified and should be discerned by the reader. We do not endorse any opinions expressed on this website and we do not support, represent or guarantee the completeness, truthfulness, accuracy, or reliability of any content posted on this website.
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