Operation Disclosure | By Rinus Verhagen, Contributor May 2, 2020 When your family sleeps and hangs in the Matrix. Dear children an...
Operation Disclosure | By Rinus Verhagen, Contributor
May 2, 2020
When your family sleeps and hangs in the Matrix.
Dear children and Husband.
With a clear conscience, I can say that I've looked after you as well as I could.
Raised, nourished, comforted, washed and ironed for you, in short to be a mother and a good life partner for you, and to create a convivial atmosphere.
I did this out of love and respect for you and life.
I have done my best to give you the chance to live a good independent life in love and harmony.
You are not my property, but free beings with your own responsibility, for yourself and your environment.
I look back at all my efforts and am satisfied with my task and results to the extent that I have been able to help you.
Have the realization that I too am a human being who wants to live and does not want to be lived or dictated to fill in an ideal image as you would like to see it.
Respect and living together is not a one-way street, it is giving and taking in life, and in a family in good harmony.
I grant you your own opinion without having to share it.
For myself, I want to be able to think for myself and not be forced into your opinion like a slave.
I don't think we need to train or program each other to meet each other's expectations.
Anyone who has a conviction of their own reality, and it may differ from one another.
Can't you force them to go back into the limelight, to level themselves away from someone else's misplaced EGO?
It's called suppression, and no one has earned it.
Bear in mind that a perception of one does not have to be the absolute right of the other.
Watching a television show, Tele Vision is programmed to give you a mind setting as the government with MSM wants you to think.
This is the key to enslaving you into a docile system.
Once you see this there is no way back to acceptance, once you are aware of the real reality.

Recognize the stakes, being sick is Big Business for Psychopaths.
No one can be forced to adhere to a false belief against their better judgment.
Moments in life leave an impression through the experience and information that everyone has to process and judge for themselves.
This forms the Paradigm of what we think is where we live.
If you are not satisfied with the government-imposed Paradigm and feel trapped in a false mirrored reality, you will see the injustice you are resisting.
When a politician says you have to jump off a bridge, you realize that this is nonsense.
If you hear a false lie, you are not going to follow it, because then you are convinced that it is harmful to you.
Anyone who thinks they live in a democracy is very naive.
You are allowed to vote on false promises, if they have your vote, it's not called democracy anymore, but parliamentary democracy for the benefit of those in power.
We are only allowed to pay the bill for their crimes against us.
Everything I've written here is an opinion, my opinion of my perception that determines our future.
No one can live the life of another, therefore no one wants to be lived.
With politics it's just a little different, we're chasing after false rats who don't serve our interests.
Here we stand on a split in our existence, it becomes reality as Red PIL, or the easy lie as Blue PIL.
I took the liberty of taking the Red Pill, then I can't get into the Blue Pill anymore.
Dear Mama.
With respect among each other without ruining each other's lives
The above story is a form of common sense.
False reality in practice.
Nothing can stop what's going on right now.
End the imposed Lock Down full of lies with the aim of being seduced in a fascist dictatorship by Satanists supporters of politics.
Keep in mind what is to come, Germany and the rest of Europe will be liberated, this can also be seen in the Video below.
(Could not be embedded)
What if you can't explain a story, what kind of virus is this?
There will be a temporary transitional government, which will restore sovereignty and remove the criminals.
Again, we see that the information we get through the government is false.
The good thing is everyone's seeing it now.
Europe will be rid of the Cabal around 8 and 9 May 2020.
Countries will become sovereign again, the EU will no longer have a right to exist.
Traitors or low IQ accomplices of enforcers and police will face difficult times if they think they can still enforce the coercion of a corrupt government.
Europe, once again, belongs to the Europeans, therefore it will take longer before all Islam is removed from Europe, and the population can heal the wounds of the dictatorship of the past 75 years that the Nazis have inflicted on us.
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