Source: What Does It Mean | By Sorcha Faal April 30, 2020 Russia Warns Of Crushing Nuclear Response After Bioweapon Attack On Trump C...
Source: What Does It Mean | By Sorcha Faal
April 30, 2020
Russia Warns Of Crushing Nuclear Response After Bioweapon Attack On Trump Confirmed
A fearfully worded new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting the latest grave developments occurring in the “Coronavirus Pandemic War”, says the just released Ministry of Defense (MoD) assessment of current Comprehensive National Power (CNP) alignments conducted with the United Service Institution of India (USI), conclusively confirms the findings of Major General Shashi Asthana that an “Undeclared World War III” now exists between the United States and Communist China, and to which “the coronavirus outbreak has added a new dimension”.
A “new dimension” being troublingly confirmed with the shock revelation that China stole the coronavirus treatment drug Remdesivir from US pharmaceutical giant Gilead this past January and tried to patent it so they could make money off the pandemic—as well as American military forces being directly targeted with the coronavirus—that include US Marine forces whose bases in the United States are being attacked—but even more concerning are the US Navy warships being attacked—such as the guided-missile destroyer USS Kidd that was inexplicably attacked by the coronavirus a month after it had left port—and the nuclear armed aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt that has begun a new investigation as to how it was attacked by the coronavirus.
While watching American military strength being crippled by the coronavirus, Communist China has unleashed a withering attack on the United States—accusing the US of “lying through its teeth” about the coronavirus, saying the Americans “should mind their business”, and firing an accusation declaring that “American leaders have failed their own people and the world”.
All which President Donald Trump responded to by ordering US intelligence agencies to begin an immediate and massive investigation of both Communist China and the World Health Organization—and in acknowledging the reality that he’s under a bioweapon attack, saw President Trump stating “China will do anything they can to have me lose this race”—and in signalling his response to this bioweapon attack designed to throw him from power, saw President Trump declaring “I can do a lot”.
A declaration of intent President Trump is backing up by placing low-yield nuclear weapons on American submarines as the US prepares for war—and while doing sees anti-Trump rogue forces in the Pentagon itself pushing “Russia more dangerous than ISIS fear porn”—that, in turn, prompted Russia to warn that any US attempt to use a low-yield nuclear weapon against a Russian target would set off a massive and crushing nuclear response. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]
According to this report, the strategic global military assessment consultations held between Defense Minister General of the Army Sergei Shoigu and Major General Shashi Asthana focused on the concept of Comprehensive National Power—a concept developed by several Chinese scholars and academic institutions in an attempt to assess and rank the Comprehensive National Power of China vis-à-vis other major powers—the findings of which Major General Asthana has just released in his white paper titled “Coronavirus Outbreak Has Added A New Dimension To Undeclared World War III” that, in part, states and warns:
The COVID-19 outbreak has demonstrated the potential of a virus as a weapon of mass destruction.
It has added a new dimension to alter the global strategic balance and triggered another chain of events for global strategic dominance, besides unprecedented human sufferings.
Considering the destructive capability of major world powers, a declared World War between combat forces may not occur as it will be devastating for all. The ‘Force’ for application potential will be measured in terms of Comprehensive National Power (CNP) of the world powers.
It includes economy, military strength (including nuclear capability), strategic posturing, foreign policy/diplomacy, governance, Human Development Index (HDI), technological capability, knowledge information, geography, natural resources, national will and leadership.
Out of all the components of CNP, economic power is the over-riding component dictating the rest. The dimensions of war have grown globally from erstwhile conventional wars under nuclear hangover (barring nuclear strike on Japan) to the aggressive trade war, military posturing, arms race (including Chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear arsenal), with political bouts interspersed with few offensive actions involving conventional forces.
The application of economic power had resulted in an intense trade war between the two largest economies - the US and China.
In Indo-Pacific, the conventional and nuclear-armed combat forces of the US and China are continuing strategic posturing, deterrence and messaging to all stakeholders. China used combat forces to occupy and develop features in the South China Sea.
The recent US-Iran confrontation after the killing of Major General Qasem Soleimani saw active use of conventional force and brought both countries close to war.
If all cases of use of conventional forces are linked, then two opposing alliances covering worldwide conflicts appear on the scene, the first one being US-Israel-Saudi Arabia-South Korea-Japan and the other one being China-Russia-North Korea-Iran-Syria, with other countries seeming to be doing the strategic balancing.
The space warfare has taken a dangerous turn with each side taking preparatory actions to destroy each other’s space assets. The use of elements like misinformation campaign, election meddling, cyberwar, hacking of economic and crucial military network, perception management, is already in progress.
Diplomatic pressures, economic and technological threats, nuclear blackmailing, proxy wars by nations amount to use of force/CNP to achieve strategic objectives.
The number of casualties suffered in ongoing conflicts surpasses the total casualties and refugees of both the earlier world wars put together.
The global strategic situation has graduated to conflicts, the capture of South China Sea, innumerable deaths and economic destruction; hence calling it cold war will be an understatement.
The global situation even before COVID-19 had every element of a World War, except that the dimension, instruments and modalities have changed, and the war has not been ‘formally declared’; hence it may not be wrong to call it an ‘undeclared World War III’.
The outbreak of COVID-19 has put humanity to one of the biggest risks of this century. It exposed the vulnerability of strongest nations, triggered by a possible biological weapon (accidentally or otherwise).
While the global powers were busy strengthening other elements of CNP, it exposed the consequences of any possible biological weapon to the world adding a new dimension in ongoing undeclared World War III.
Wuhan being the initial epicentre, the trends in early 2020 suggested a sheer drop in CNP of China with a combined effect of US-China trade war, failing BRI and COVID-19.
The last week of March 2020 onwards saw the epicentres of COVID-19 shifting westwards with the US, Europe and UK emerging to be worst affected.
China, having declared victory over the pandemic, was quick to put back its manufacturing sector in place, trying to boost a ‘COVID-19 economy’ by creating a ‘Health Silk Road’ and re-activating most needed supply chain of medical equipment and medicines, as an attempt to earn maximum profit out of the pandemic, besides attempting to repair its global image.
COVID-19 has exposed some vulnerabilities of the US and created huge trust deficit for China globally; hence the idea of everyone accepting one/two countries as superpowers or global leader may be outdated in future.
The new paradigm will be unlike earlier World Wars, all countries will not be at war, because all of them may not agree to common narratives of key players.
And hence, some countries would be at hot war, some in military posturing stage, and some using other dimensions and instruments of war, simultaneously.
Being least in the world able to understand the catastrophically dangerous totality of this ongoing “Undeclared World War III”, this report notes, are the peoples of one of this global conflicts largest combatants, the United States—the vast majority of whom still exist in a mental fairytale world believing that their greatest threat is a disease, while they remain oblivious to the real threat of nuclear bombs and missiles raining down upon them—a most peculiar mind set whose insane contradictions abound around these peoples by the score—best exampled by socialist Democrat Party leader Governor Gavin Newsom ordering all parks and beaches in California to be closed at the exact same time the World Health Organization is hailing lock-down free Sweden as the model the world should be following—but for anyone trying to understand what Governor Newsom is really doing, they need only look at the $1 billion secretive contract he just gave a Communist Chinese car company to make masks.
Likewise, this report concludes, these fairytale believing American people fail to see the contradiction in former First Lady Michelle Obama giving a public service warning to all residents of Washington D.C. to stay indoors at the exact same time her husband former President Barack Obama went golfing—or have even noticed that CNN stopped reporting news and began publishing Communist Chinese propaganda—which makes it understandable why one top former US Army military officer is now warning his fellow citizens, who still don’t realize they’re in war: “If You Are Still Wondering How Death Camps Happen Just Take a Look Around You”.
April 30, 2020 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.
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